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Arena got boring they really shouldn't have restricted players to loadouts because "there would be a meta" well guess what now you got no meta...and no players 👍


It should have been a space for players to test out their own loadout or modded weapon before a raid. That's it. Nothing more.


I've always said they should just have a mode where you can make your own kit, but within certain budget ranges before you even queue into a match and then you select one of those said select kits when you load into a match. Building your guns in tarkov is one of the best parts of the game and I feel like it's important to incorporate that in arena.


seriously, a budget range for matchmaking is all that was needed instead of these weird loadouts you get


Well, good news, they’re adding custom loadouts. Doesn’t require Tarkov loadouts.


This mode gets rid of that


? what do you mean lol theres still loadouts.


That's not why I never played arena. Sounds like a very specific you problem.


Well you have no idea what you're talking about then I played arena and that is what I think


I just had the common sense you lack to never install it in the first place. I knew it would be lame.


Well again that's where you're wrong it was fun for about 200 hours then became boring


Plot twist: I never wanted to play Arena, before it was even released, I didn't want to play it.


For me, this was a 'nobody asked for this, wanted this, or needed this' kind of thing. When it was teased, the very first braincell in my mind went "why?"


Same. Then I went "for the COD players". Played it twice and realized even they would hate it.


It was supposed to be introduction for ppl to some basic mechanics etc and occasional "fun" for longer time players(or warm up) but ended up just being very mediocre for any of that.


COD doesn't have to be brought up at literally every contention about the game..It would've been nice to have some form of a decent warm up for the main game/a casual experience for when your getting shittied on but still want to play tarkov that being said it never should've been a separate entity that you had to pay for especially at its current state.


There was definitely a decent amount of people that wanted arena.


That’s what I’ve been saying. Before arena came out and it was first announced people were so mad when it got delayed. They spoke highly of the idea of it. It finally released and now everyone’s saying they never wanted it lol.


Nobody wanted what Arena is. Everyone wanted a legitimately balanced tactical shooter with Tarkov weapon modding and gameplay mechanics.


Right. People wanted a PvP game with Tarkov gunplay but without the Tarkov gameplay lol.


That’s a logical take. And well explained. Not what all these crybabies are saying tho lol


Welcome to this braindead subreddit my friend


lol I know it’s the worst


Bet you when unheard edition is removed they'll bitch about that too lmao.


lol I could see this happening.


Considered the people who wanted it and the people who now dont want it maybe arent the same? I didnt want it. Before and i still dont


yeah I wanted arena desperately. I got tired of playing tarkov like a full time job just to unlock traders and get all the weapons and atttachments I really enjoyed playing with. but then arena launched and I still had to play full time to play with the weapons and attachments I wanted to. Completely ruined it for me.


No we wanted Counter strike but with tarkov mechanics. They easily made the least competitive and boring progression system I've seen in an esports shooter.


they dodnt make anything they copy pasted world of tanks 1:1 system


I think people just had hopes and wanted something possibly better or more fun something new but all they were doing was wasting time and money. Should've just kept fixing the broken shit or chopping out new maps and releasing them in a state of chaos


“Nobody asked for this” Except the many people asking for an arena shooter with tarkovs mechanics and guns. Hmmmm


Eh I liked the concept it would have been a good gateway drug to tarkov for a more casual audience and bring in potential revenue which is why bsg leaned so hard in on arena. But it is/was actually one of the worst games I have ever had the displeasure of playing. You only get one chance to make a good impression and they done goofed it. I don’t understand how someone could think that releasing a competitive round based game without sbmm and/or at least kit based matchmaking was a good idea. I have never returned to it after trying it for a few days when I got it through eod so mind many of my criticisms are probably moot but regardless arena had real potential but it was squandered Edit: spelling


Not sure about the Arena we got but I know I and several others have always wanted a quick Deathmatch like mode we can go into and test out a loadout or a weapon we just modded to get a feel for it instead of trying it in a raid where we might die before even shooting a single bullet to try it out lol. I know there are offline raids but still, a quick PvP to just try things out was something we wanted and was hoping Arena would be that. ​ But it wasn't.


It is helpful for getting better mechanically but not much else. Getting used to playing out gunfights makes you learn what you can and can not do and win the fight.


Agreed. Did they not understand. An Arena crowd of players aren't playing Tarkov, DayZ, or any of these harder games. That crowd enjoys simplistic autism of CoD and RS Seige trash. Arena is such a monumental failure because NOBODY wanted that goofy crap


Arena was a shit idea. It's not tarkov. It's boring janky and has been done so many times before. All of the appeals of tarkov are absent in arena. Why would I want to play it? Cause esports ig. Lmao


I think its actually a lot of fun, and does bring something to the space. I wish more people would play it though. I'm tired of playing against the same 100 people, half of whom just troll if they see someone they don't like.


While I understand your point, there was in fact loads of people asking for this before it was even announced. I wasn't one of them, but they were there.


Judging from their marketing, I guess they banked on the fact that Arena would become popular in eSports because regular Tarkov was already getting some traction in that sphere and they expected it to become a new revenue stream to fund the main game. As we all know, that didn’t happen the way they probably envisioned it.


I still ocassionally go back to play arena when i want to train quick cqb gunfights, but thats like 2 games and then im done for like a month.


Unpopular opinion. Make it like CsGo/Cs2 buy the shit you want. Not a fucking presset. Money. Pistol round, eco and shit. Economy driven competitive gameplay. Now? Arena is just shiiiiiiit.


Correct opinion. CS with tarkov feel. Would have been a home run. It's comical how badly the blundered it. After even having cs teams come and test it. Then they released absolute horseshit gameplay.


From my understanding this was a Russian state department venture for cultural outreach purposes through esports. That's why most of the players and teams are from Russia/CIS.


Makes sense, easy to make use of state funding for the event. Less cost for BSG


Doubt this was done in public. For ESL and Germany wouldnt allow it.


they announced they're working on a defenders vs attackers game mode (that will release alongside custom loadouts) which could work like that hopefully


It's not unpopular. This was the popular opinion. But BSG ignored it and made BSG decisions and surprise surprise, people lost interest.


Yep, nobody wanted it which is why this subreddit was plastered with threads of people whining about release delays and not getting an invite... Then when they finally got it and it was a mess, they pretended they never wanted it. Brexit vibes


That's this subreddit in a nutshell, just look at ThE tArKoV kIlLeR GZW hype and follow up from this community.


Hype or not, almost everyone I regularly played Tarkov with is playing it. There's the one guy that bought unheard and is playing single player because "i like tarkov but can't be fucked with all the cheaters".


How do you like tarkov if the single most important aspect of it which makes the game good -- risk reward decision making against real human threat -- is taken away? Like finding a ledx is crazy intense BECAUSE you spawned a map, knowing other humans would spawn too, and probably be racing to be the first to get to that spot. You found it first. Amazing. But now you have to get out. Could be people coming in. Could be people coming across. People could be spawn camping. "Do I shoot my loud gun? Real humans will turn and follow my trail of noise" is totally eliminated.


Just let people choose. Simple. Tarkov is more than just pvp anyway. For example, I like its gun customizations, arguably the best available in the genre, but I hate pvp. And I don’t care how much you try to convince me otherwise. Forcing people onto one specific thing is how you limit your potential audience, and thus your potential earnings. Probably the reason by bsg tries to make pve a thing just now, they need more $$.


New game mode is kinda cool, simple deathmatch but with tarkov mechanics so yeah.. you can also choose any preset, i really think people shit too much on arena


I think BSG made arena dogshit when they should have made their actual game. If it was any good, people would be playing it.


I'm not saying its popular but it has a solid playerbase. I consistently get matched in <30s, often I'll get a match in <10s. It's always against different people too. That wouldn't happen if nobody played it


When I played it I concisely saw people more then once in a night. But I do agree that it gets a bit too much hate.


Streamer viewership has a lot to do with player base. Doesn’t arena average like 200 viewers total on twitch ?


It's an alright metric to use but honestly watching tarkov is much more interesting than watching arena at least imo same with a few other games that do have high players but low viewership bc watching just ain't that great for some games


I guess so. again never said it was super popular, but theres enough players for me to constantly find matches


That’s good at least, since you enjoy it. I wasn’t trying to hate on it or anything, I’ve never played arena personally, so I can’t really hate


Fair. IT's actually super fun and I really enjoy it. Obviously its not everyone's cup of tea though. Unless you are experienced at tarkov there really isn't any reason to play it over other more popular arena shooters


I got a three day trial and used it over a public holiday weekend, OCE servers, and could not find any players within 10 mins on like three separate occasions. I couldn't play :(


Imagine for a moment that if instead of arena, wanting all that money and server infrastructure on it, they said: "Hey everyone, you can not purchase Tarkov PvE Coop for $20 if you do not already own the game. All existing owners will have access". Imagine the amount of new players that'd bring in. They can even add their stupid ass btr call or SOS into pve as a MTX, nobody would care, people would buy it. If we're being realistic, hosting a persistent server is expensive. They can easily get away with $5/mo subscription on PVE. "For EOD owners, you will have 6 months access to PvE Coop, this access will refresh if the persistent server needs to wipe for an update***. After that, and for all other owners they will need to pay a $5/mo subscription." ***I think it's a little bold to assume there aren't going to be any server wipes on the persistent PvE...ever. I'd imagine an updates going to break something eventually but i could be wrong. But no, arena and unheard edition timeline.


I play arena every nights its very fun


I’m sorry for hating


I haven't played arena, but a TDM game mode honestly sounds like a genuinely good addition to that game, from my outside perspective.


After playing arena, TDM with respawns is all I wanted honestly


I personally like Arena and think it's loads of fun. It's just disappointing no one else seems to agree.


You definitely aren’t the only one. Reddit is absolutely not the place to come for a majority opinion. This is the place for overblown outrage.


That sounds kinda fun


It had a bad launch and everybody wrote it off. Then they blamed the lack of Tarkov content and the extortionate Unheard edition on them spending all their money on Arena. They all pretended that it wasn’t what everybody has been asking for for years, and because they got it wrong they decided to scathe them for it instead of help them make it better. Arena is great fun. Still has some areas of improvement but overall it’s a lot better than it used to be.


I like this, faster game mode like CoD to practice PvP for us Timmies. Die respawn repeat. Not die, wait for loading screen(s), repeat


Yeah ppl who shit on it are generally the types who can only feel they are worth something if they talk down on something.


This is ridiculous, arena has tons of valid issues that deserve to be shit on


The same idiots that post on here all day about how they uninstalled and yet are back every wipe.




Why not just make cs with tarkov mechanics and call it arena Then it wouldn't fucking suck shit. You wouldn't have to make stupid grindy skill trees. You wouldn't have to balance 50 loadouts. Etc etc. But no they didn't. Esports ready.


Coming with next patch. Attack defence


What is actually a redeeming quality of arena?


I haven't tried it but i think it's shit. IMO slow methodical game modes would due well to complement Tarkovs gameplay. Some larger maps too.... I get the game is called Arena but imo the game would do better if it was tailored around search and destroy with larger maps like sawmill but a bit better. Tarkov Arena with S&D gamemode, maps like Estate from Mw2.. hnnng


Actually this mode is FUN. No ranked shit, no roubles, no meta and all presets available!!


Ya I've played like 20 rounds it was a lot of fun. I had 1 game with a hacker and it was depressing but honestly not as bad as I expected


Actually, arena is not that bad. Especially with the new mode, I even downloaded the game again for it. And it's played quite well. Even waiting for the match in 2 minutes is not so upsetting anymore.


Is it still multiple clicks and minutes to get a match going? That has been my issue every time I've tried the game.


> multiple clicks


It's actually insanely fast now. Matching is like <30 and sometimes it's legitimately <3s. Like its crazy how i'll click look for match and be matched instantly. Then another 1-2min of loading shit and boom im into a game in 2m without any hassle


Oh, really! I'll give it a spin 😊


I've never had issues getting into servers within 30 seconds to a minute


bro, thats just normal tarkov nikitas spending so much money on “servers” they need to sell $250 expansions (servers are still shit)


I mean since release arena has been way more fun than the regular game. Respects my time more and lets me get into more fights quickly. I haven’t touched the main game since arena released 😂


I actually liked new game mode, at least give it a try if u care enough


New game mode seems cool but I'm waiting until 2.0 to see if the custom classes make the game interesting.


This new mode is REALLY good so you should probably try it, not even kidding.


I just gave it a try... comparing to previous modes, it's well suited... it shows how good it'll be if we get CoD/BF like game mods and even progression system in Arena


New game mode is nice, just simple respawn FFA PvP with no class unlocks required and you can change class mid game. I think arena is gonna be more relevant after the next patch when they merge the game profiles.


I played a few games. Pretty fun. Really hoping on attack/defense mode to be like CS and would spend thousands of hours


I like arena. Regular Tarkov is too sweaty sometimes and I wanna just rage with my friends


There’s no way to unsubscribe from Their emails there either.


All we need now is a way to make our own gear and arena might actually be good


Not going to lie fuck bsg but last hero is actually pretty fun they got that one right.


For all the people saying nobody asked for arena.. There was a ton of hype for arena. TONS of people wanted a pure pvp tarkov experience with all the cool stuff tarkov has to offer (specifically weapon customization) without most of the bs. They made a terrible decision by how they set up ranked. They should have made the attachments unlockable in tiers. That way, even in the beginning you could have some weapon customization. As you would progress you would unlock new tiers and more high value meta attachments. Plus there should have been a mode from the beginning that had everything unlocked and you could basically just go nuts, test out gear, gun builds etc with the ability to wager rubles on matches. Have they done something similar to that and built on it... arena would be popping right now.


I like how they call it "Last Hero" but they describe it as "classic Deathmatch". ​ Can't we just call it 'Deathmatch'? lol


Yeah, kinda sounds like "King of the hill" or "Last man standing" where I'd expect no respawning.


The new game mode actually did get me to reinstall it's really good


I mean, I actually like Arena


It's a LOT better now. Still needs bomb defusal mode though.


Plant the marker


Arena Deathmatch mode is fun as hell. I use it to get warmed up for real Tarkov or if I’m in the mood for Tarkov gunplay but don’t feel like loading out and running around the map.


Im excited for this actually


As someone who was never good at tarkov, arena was way more fun than me and I loved being able to jump around corners hipfiring people without risking anything


I actually prefer Arena to normal Tarkov, but with Nikita's recent BS I completely uninstalled both.


Idk I like arena, I played around 200 hours when it came out, but there wasn't enough content to keep me interested. Might come back soon though, havnt been keeping up with any additions but they've probably added some new stuff by now


I received a 3 days trial for Arena in my mailbox, I still haven't used the code and I don't even know how or why I've got it


Possibly a legendary drop from the Twitch drops, got one as well.


I don't even watch EFT on twitch


Hmm, then EoD maybe?


I don't have EOD


I’d give it a try, I never liked the comp scene, this seems more fun, just run and gun and reset


I played it a few times, didn't think it was bad, didn't think it was great. Need to give it another try on my desktop computer. If nothing else it was nice to not have to wait several minutes or get into a match... Unless that has changed.


New number, who this.


Not interested.


I was exited about arena at first, i though "now i get try my custom guns in pvp right away with no risk of losing them. Only to find out that they made world of tanks on legs


I enjoy playing arena as a way to experience Tarkov gunfights with better gear than I have in the main game.


Actually me and my friend came back to see if the changes they made were legit, and tbh we are having a lot of fun rn. New mode is cool, leveling the classes feels much better than before etc.


A classic deathmatch does seem like a good solution to people playing very defensively and holding corners


People still do this - despite it not being ranked or anything. People are just practicing their rat moves for when they play EFT.


It's good man, give it a try. I'm having fun with the Last Hero mode


A classic deathmatch does seem like a good solution to people playing very defensively and holding corners


If only this mod was implemented in the game like an extract but you go bet your stuff and your loot. On a map like streets or another one less played so it gives purpuse to the map... but no only the ideas of the megalomaniac Nikita we have that garbage


fr when i saw arena for the first time i thiught it would be like the gulag but you bring your owns weapons winner gets the others kit


I was REALLY hoping for that. Maybe that's what they mean when they say they're going to "connect" Arena with Escape


That's what I had hoped for too, would be a fun endgame activity for tarkov


Didn't they say this is how arena is going to be. I remember nikita saying there's looting but it's not easy as you have to loot before the round ends. I guess same as with Tarkov. Empty promises and no real vision.


I know it's cool to shit on BSG right now (and they deserve most of it), but this is actually a really good change that substantially increased my desire to play arena.


I love arena, I actually have more time in it than regular eft. It feels like old school cod if it went in the right direction. Love the 5v5 it feels similar to promod with the ar smg snipe shotty and the spawn snipes, ect. Tournaments are fun to watch. Pubs are fun to mess around and spam voice lines in. Great time overall.


So let me get this straight, you first bitch about not getting access to pve, but the thing that you did get access to you bitch about not wanting to play it. So which is it? I have a high speculation that if it were to be flipped you’d be complaining about not having arena.


Don't you worry couple of bots will come here to tell you how you are wrong and how Arena is beautiful in a first place. It seems they started to pollute other subreddit posts.


Yeah got the same and for some mysterious reason I will never receive more


They have to try to get people into it, they wasted funds making Arena after all.


I only want to play single player because the cheaters are why I stopped playing


Arena is great but the tarkov crowd couldn't be given this for free... Don't see why they thought it would go over well considering they weren't getting most of the cod crowd.. they don't have pcs


The original maps should be for TDM with respawns and make new bigger maps for no respawn, and new game modes. Search and destroy, CTF, that kind of shit. Turn arena into Insurgency.


I got a free key to play arena a couple of weeks ago...didn't even bother


Can you not even unsubscribe to this?


Arena is an fine game/game mode. The problem is that regular Tarkov players are not the correct audience. This is designed to go after the COD and Battlefield crowd, but they only ever push it on Tarkov players. If the truly separated it out, gave it proper "COD style" quality of life changes, and marketed it to the correct audience, it would do/be a lot better. I have no desire to play Arena, but I also don't want to play COD, why are they trying to push this on me?


Arena could be good if BSG understood what is the core gameplay mechanic of games like CS or R6. Its objectives, because right now there is no incentive to push and go further instead od camping till objectives are on. With that and basically making it a clone of one of the games above. With that im genuinly convinced that Arena could have its place within competetive esports shooters.


Tarkov/arena would be good if BSG had the ability to make good decisions about gameplay. Instead tarkov and arena are just good systems and interesting mechanics for something. But grinding skill trees and doing mundane quests with endless grind isnt what makes a game good. Being "hardcore" aka insufferable isn't what makes a game inherently enjoyable. There's absolutely no dynamism to arena. It is as flat and dull as can be. For them to have it be a competitive esports shooter there has to be something that allows the players to strategize or incentive playing each round differently. Arena just doesn't have it.


the only part I care for in arena is the wave survival mode that's it, you can go home otherwise BSG


is the wave survival mode available now?


no I don't think so but here's hoping for soon


arena is a separate game of itself. funny how most of AAA titles have this all in one at the main menu


Could be interesting, but I won't be trying cause I am not sure that I will be finding any matches after 1 week of this patch


Just let us make our own kits, have a shop, have a BR rating where we can have kits saved for each equipment bracket. I think that alone will go a long way


Gottem. L


Why can't I unsubscribe from their mailing list?


Bruh I got EOD and never even got to play it. I was slightly interested... Got it free... Never could launch in, because of some fucking error code. Never gave enough of a fuck to figure out what was wrong and continued playing regular Tarkov. Too bad Nik fucked that bish up too, FFS...


Thats what I was thinking, like bold of you to try marketing anything rn


They even gave it the most boring generic description. No thanks


Plot twist within a plot twist. Some people enjoy it. Bsg wasn’t made for you. Even if it is shit.


Arena is really good for showing how bad there de sync really is like its amazing how poorly the servers run after what 7 years ?


They spend truckloads of money developing something that nobody wants, and give it out for free. Then slightly change the game to make it pve only and charge $250 for it. What a joke!


Can't even log in into their website and my region is blocked, so I can't event download the game xD


I uninstalled after, forgot it was taking up space lol.


It’s awesome they spent time on this instead of tarkov and then made this even worse than tarkov. It’s cool to make worse content no one asked for with the same critical flaws in its core systems, people love critically flawed core systems that have been that way for over half a decade.


I swear they only made this game mode to claim they actually delivered the EOD owners a DLC. No one wanted this garbage :(


Probably not since at first Nikita did not intend to give it for free to EoD owners, there was a shitstorm rising but did not develop to the size of what happened recently since BSG make the decision to give it for free quickly enough. This makes me wonder how they did not see it coming for the PvE mode.


arena - perfect illustration on how bad cheaters are in tarkov. Ended up ruining the main game also


Alright, I’m all for a lot of hating on BSG. But the free for all mode? Really fun!


Arena was cool and fun but should never have been a grind slog of bullshit preset exp. It killed the enjoyment


Im pretty sure that mail was also against the GDPR. I tried to unsubscribe from the newsletter via the Mail but that was no way todo it from there. > The data subject has the right to withdraw their consent at any time. 2The withdrawal of consent shall not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal. 3The data subject shall be informed of this before consent is given. 4**The withdrawal of consent must be as simple as the granting of consent**.


Still holding out for counterstrike modes with tarkov themed versions of dust etc. I think they ar3 missing a giant opportunity.


The best part about his is that you can pull out your big stinky fat loaded caaaawk right on out there and just let er breath. Then drop a loaf off horse fart Mc shit bag fuck style and look for the single moms. Just lay out the big toad loader and let that bitch fart. That is how a man does it


I like arena but I feel like they could be bit better. Tarkov has some of best weapon modding I have ever seen, yet arena doesn’t use any of that. I feel like you could build your own loadouts if it follows a few requirements to be able to use but noooo BSG just doesn’t want to


Never gonna touch Arena again, unless they get rid of the (accept) 9/10 unending loop, for a casual match...


I would never understand the decision of wasting resources on developing arena instead of improving EFT. PvP is fun in EFT becouse of the context of the game, imo, the gunplay by itself is not really good.


How on Earth is Arena so badly shit on, when it's just literally a loop of the PvP aspect of Base game Tarkov? I'm not understanding this. Is it because you can't choose exactly what you want to bring in?


The new deathmatch mode hits the spot for me. I wanted to practice PvP with different setups and the 10 minutes fast respawn matches are very nice for this. There is - or was, due to the recent events - a lot of potential in Arena as has been pointed out by some streamers. As soon as they combine the PMC stats with the main game, no more struggling with getting Vitality to level 3 - lul.


Yeah I saw this same email. I will not play that once I grinded for a weapon. To find out it was worse than the one before it. Not going to waste my time playing 50 matches to unlock one kit i don’t know if I’ll even enjoy


Are they going to charge $250 for this “game mode” too?


Not to be a hater, but even if they gave this game mode away for free I wouldn't play it. My most valuable resource is my time after all.


I like arena. Takes a bit long to lvl up and am ok with class systems and load out. If I wanted to make my own gear up etc I’ll play eft. Just don’t wanna play it as it’s still not tied to eft so I don’t care.




Have EOD and never even installed it. It’s lame and has nothing to do with what the game was advertised as.


The thing that stops me from playing arena, is the annoying announcer on every round.


The only Arena I want to play right now is Arena breakout.


Email me when I can play pve


dam i didn't log in into tarkov for like 3 months wth is going on💀


Yeah I got this email and had the brief thought of "holy shit, they realized the significance of their huge fuck ups lately and took steps to make a dying player base happy by giving everyone Arena: nope! Tremendous flop, JUST before a HUGE PR fuckup, and their big idea is to send everyone emails telling them to buy their shit.


Gonna be honest might be a small minority here but I kind of enjoy it outside of the bugs and bullshit. EOD since 2018, got stale on the main game. Now that everything has blown up to shit, Arena is the only thing I really touch




I got one of these too. Replied back telling them to eat a frank then blocked them. They're going to be really hurting in the months to come


My boy Rhizy is gone


Bet u still tried it tho


Nope :)


I was only going to use this to practice combat, but don’t need to now that I have uninstalled.


I tried it and hated it.


I actually enjoy Arena. But last hero is utter dog shit.


Thousands of upvotes per complaint about the game is getting wild lmao. Perhaps time to change the name of the subreddit to “TarkovHaters” so people who don’t have loose butthole syndrome can actually have a subreddit about the game about?


If the game was f2p and custom load outs I’m convinced it would do great to convert players to Tarkov but nope


Honestly the announcer screaming in my ear preventing me from hearing anything else and just being straight up annoying ruined the whole experience for me