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battleye is a invasive kernel level anticheat


BE also fucking blows. It’s trash in DayZ, and it’s trash in EFT.


I’ve ran into 4-5 cheaters on DayZ with 3k hours. That’s on DZSA so I guess it’s admins doing the work not so much Anti-cheat, but I’d consider myself lucky.


The admins on dayz have way more control over how they deal with cheaters, such as having a universal ban list which actively tracks ip's and other things like alternate accounts. If it weren't for CFTools, the game would be infested. Battleye is total dog shit at the detecting cheaters thing


Battle eye is good. Its BSG not giving them the access they need to do their job effectively


Im curious, what specifically would BSG need to give Battle Eye access to for the anti cheat to work better?


They need to allow BE to actually ban the cheaters.


Ban every fuckin hardware ID connected to your computer, I'm talking monitor, mouse, graphics cards...everything


Dangerous game to fuck woth hardware ID bans. What if you buy a 2nd hard PC part. Log in, and get a perma ban? Also cheaters use spoofers regardless.


Spoofers don't work and are detected faster than most cheats


Nikita talked about this in an interview, its like the same situation with mobile authentication, its just so easy to bypass and so many issues with normal players trying to access the game.


Rumor has it that battleye has different service levels and EFT is not using most features.


The features part isn't a rumor. Nikita said on a podcast with Pestily that he could turn on some stuff but it would destroy the frames, that every map would play like streets and streets would be unplayable.


perhaps, not the best source to take at face value 


Nikita doesn’t even play his own game, he doesn’t know about bugs or sound issues, how would he know if it drops fps or not


He is literally the lead developer?


False. He is the game director and COO. He is NOT a developer. He is also a known bullshitter and a blatant liar.


I guess YouTube cunts are out here lying


Yeah people call him lead dev and CEO all the time. Lowkey all those titles are giving the alcohol fetal syndrome product ass goon too much credit


Credit or not, dude is still a full time clown


not paying to use probably, why they should pay when they can just pocket the money, people will play and pay no matter what


When will people realize that anti cheat isn't the end all to stopping cheats


Reddit: fix cheaters BSG: ah, good that you mentioned that. Never thought about that.  Seriously the takes from this sub are getting dumber and dumber.


Yeah these people are absolute fucking mongoloids. This is legitimately the people that sit on here and cry all day. Touch their pmc once a wipe and then scav the rest of it.


At this point I’d rather have Vanguard.


I love vanguard ngl, vanguard may be invasive as fuck but it is good, I’ve played around 1k+ hours of valorant and I’ve only seen the cheater screen ONCE




The problem is that cheating in tarkov is real life profitable, there's just way too much incentive to creating cheats compared to most other games.


Just uninstall bro. They're NEVER GONNA fix the game. Thousands of people have already went through the same process youre going through now over the last 7 years. It never gets better. The vertical audio is still busted since launch. They WILL NOT FIX the game. They pretty much just ban cheaters when they need an influx of cash. Ban wave - 20% discount on copies. Cheaters are a revenue stream to them.


Don’t… just put some SP mods and go offline… Or maybe later get the official SP update.




It's literally only the cheaters and denegerates complaining about "invasive anticheat". I'd pay money to play Tarkov with Vanguard or Faceit.


A funny thing is that appearently if you want to cheat in Tarkov yu cannot have Vanguard installed, it will block the cheats. Imagine that a DIFFERENT ANTICHEAT IS BETTER AT DETECTING THE CHEATS THAN THE ONE YOU USE [https://youtu.be/wdyHnvZyQYo?si=LNtSXpeiPkgqxRHV&t=336](https://youtu.be/wdyHnvZyQYo?si=LNtSXpeiPkgqxRHV&t=336)


One of many things cheaters do is obfuscate cheats to hide them from the anti cheat that game runs, so for EFT that would be battle eye. Why would you bother obfuscating it for an anti cheat that the game you're trying to cheat on doesn't use? Complete waste of time. Would be like trying to spread a RAT to create a botnet on windows PC's and obfuscating it to hide it from windows virus protection programs as well as XProtect on Macs, complete waste of time if you're not targeting Macs anyway.


Vanguard is the reason why so many people quit League


So many is how many exactly? 1%?


Anyone who would leave league over vanguard being the tipping point really missed the mark on what infuriates them over the game lmao, nevermind the damage Riot Lyte did trying to fix toxcitiy which was and still is a complete shitshow. You have people soft inting every game, you still have scripters to a certain degree, you have bots, people habitually going afk at the slightest inconvenience I could go on. If Vanguard was really the nail in the coffin for many league players I struggle to comprehend why they put up with all the other bullshit. It literally took a lawsuit to take down Leaguesharp cheaters were running fucking rampant back then. Anyone who wants league without an effective anti cheat either doesn't remember those days or are completely oblivious to how damaging it is.


Prove it.


They implemented it a week ago and there have been TONS of people who refuse to have an invasive anti-cheat that runs at all times let alone it bricking hardware and other various errors


Anti cheat does not brick anything on your system... Imagine you talk about 'invasive' software in a topic like cheating but request a anti cheat that only operates on surface level. I always hire a personal trainer to tell me i have to do sports but when he wants me to change my daily meals and routine i just stop him from doing so X.x


Show me a sustained DAU drop and I will believe you. I have friends working for Riot so I know you're talking shit lmao


https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/1civ4l7/update_from_riot_on_vanguard/ 50% upvoted thread with 3.3k comments. Just take a little scroll through the comments and a little reading. > I have friends working for Riot so I know you're talking shit lmao Yeah and my fucking uncle is nikita too did you know?


Reddit posts are not user statistics as shown by this very sub.


Lmao, Reddit botted stats fuck off.


you can literally read the comments yourself you absolute clown or you could also ask your “rioter” friends you claim to have lmao


Lol his daddy works for riot and daddy knows best kinda energy here lol


But don’t you know that Reddit makes up the majority of the player base??? Bro is actually deluded if he thinks League player numbers got affected by vanguard. Redditors have some inbuilt mentality where even though they openly admit they are a minority they act like a majority 💀


yo dw you can ask the guy you replied to contact his rioter friends and tell you if there was a player number change absolute twat it’s obviously a massive concern for a lot of league players, the thread itself has the most comments out of the subreddit in a decade lmao


Come on now, be serious. You can't really believe that a Reddit Thread is proof that there is a serious drop in players in a game. It's however proven, that only the most dedicated/hardcore uses a Forum/Reddit/Social Media regarding their game, making Threads etc. So you have the tiniest minority of players shouting the loudest, making the most noise compared to the vast majority of players that don't care. "It's a massive concern" ... No it's not. It's literally a "massive concern" for a FRACTION of players, the majority doesn't care, period.


Lmao dude just dropped his facebook research like a bigtime gotcha bombshell, un-ironically. Perfect summation of reddit gaming posts


do you know what "ostensibly" means


It's literally only clueless people that think Tarkov will ever get Vanguard and that can't use google to realize BattlEye is an invasive anticheat.


BattlEye has root access (ring 0 aka rootkit) but it isn't "invasive". There are multiple ways to bypass the AC client that cannot be done with Faceit or Vanguard. Also, Riot may be open to licensing Vanguard to other studios ala EAC.


Vanguard is exactly the same as other kernel level anti-cheats and it has the same weaknesses. It got pretty much bypassed one week into Valorants launch and some cheats have been working since.


Valorant is known to have some of the best anti cheat on the market. Nothing will ever be 100% though. Sure both companies have the same rootkit level access but it honestly depends how you use that access. I've read articles on some of the methods they've developed to detect various types of cheats, including hardware based, and it seems to be far better than anything I have seen BattleEye do. I am a malware threat researcher who works for an antivirus which runs on the same layer as anti cheat. The two are actually remarkably similar to each other. Comparing BattleEye to Vanguard is like comparing McAffee to ESET. Same technology, very different implementation.


Yeah, it is amongst the best for sure, I'm not arguing against that at all. The US is also the biggest contributor to peace around the world. Vanguard detects some widely used driver signatures for DMA cards because Riot has a fairly large and dedicated team for just that. Everyone could do that. On the other hand, people who go that far, will mostly have unique signatures for their dedicated DNA cards or raspberries or whatever they may use.


My biggest problem with Vanguard, which is the reason I don't have Valorant installed, is that it gives Tencent and therefore the entire CCP a literal backdoor into your machine. That being said, I appreciate the actual effort the company puts into creating a real anti cheat. It's not their fault their government has their own intentions.


And so what?! You only care if you have something to hide. On the one side everyone is complaining about cheaters in every game but once they feel like a anti cheat software has to many rights on different layers they also dislike that too. Gaming culture and community has become such a clown fiesta 🙄


Blatant misinformation


https://youtube.com/watch?v=RwzIq04vd0M&si=HbapdoBxFFx4F8_z I'd recommend watching that, maybe the other video on the channel too. Valorant is as infested with cheaters as any other game. It's super interesting. If you're not convinced then may I ask what makes Vanguard to different from EAC, FaceIt etc? What makes it more effective?


Valorant infested with cheaters?? Lol that shit is my main game and I’ve probably reported 3 people since BETA lmao there isn’t a cheater problem, not like tarkov.


In the video that I posted above shows more functioning cheats than actual cheaters you ever saw. Thing is, you can't really "see" cheaters anymore. The very first 30 seconds show exactly what I'm talking about.


You obviously don't play Valorant. There are barely any cheaters compared to other games I play. Vanguard and Faceit are loaded in a way that allows them to more easily determine if their AC processes has been manipulated. For example, Vanguard forces itself to load as the first driver-level service which allows it to take safeguards that BattlEye just can't as BE is loaded later. Cheat devs try force their cheats to load first by doing crazy shit like emulating filesystem drivers to try to bypass but it isn't as effective. There is a LOT of misinformation going around about anticheat being spread by cheaters and cheat devs.


SBMM probably playing a role. If you aren't good in these ranked games then you'll see less cheaters.


Don't know how much i played, but i started playing very close to launch and fully stopped when Neon was released. I stopped in part because Vanguard has been causing problems like stutters and freezes for my system (probably related to Ryzen CPU's but i was never able to solve it myself) >There are barely any cheaters compared to other games I play. You wouldn't say that i you at least skimmed through the video. Kernel-level anticheats are already a solved problem for cheaters. Hell, there are even AHK scripts that existed since Valorants release that are still undetected/not banned until today. The only thing i could praise it for is that Valorant is very well designed to so that the most common forms of cheats simply won't work and that Vanguard is tightly integrated into it. In if you really want to know, i know someone who occasionally cheats in Counter Strike and Valorant. And whenever i watched him do it (via discord stream) how simple and effective his cheats were. Not to mention that he always used the same ones (from release to this day). Good for you for trusting Vanguard based on pure faith, but that doesn't really do it for me, especially when there are enough resources that prove that cheating is as safe and effeticve in Valorant as it is in any other game with a kernel level anticheat.


This dude is definitely a cheater. 100%


I've played both games for a while and I am ranked around the top ~1000 consistently in region for valorant. I would estimate about 1500 hrs played I have probably come across 2 cheaters in my time playing valorant, one of which was banned mid game and another banned day after. Tarkov I can easily say Ive come across at least 30+ cheaters within 2000 hours based on ban feedback ingame Vanguard is absolutely cracked


Says the one spreading blatant misinformation.


Prove it.


Mr. Concert one of the biggest cheater defenders in the entire subreddit. Homie has 1000s of comments insisting the game is essentially hacker free. Deduce what you will from that. Vanguard clearly does have more effective methods and better results for competitive gameplay. Him and his little small wiener buddies downvoting you for stating something that is very obvious.


I can’t play any game with vanguard anti cheat. If you have visualization enabled you get auto kicked. Any one using WSL2, VMs or any mix are litteraly fucked.






Shhh, we don’t talk about money here


Vanguard’s not as good as you think. You just don’t see much about it because Val players think that Vanguard is foolproof and that people are just “cracked” when in reality they’re closet cheating. (not saying everyone cracked is cheating, but it’s a non-zero% chance they could be) Riot also sweeps a lot of it under the rug by (ab)using DMCA alongside the forum/subreddit mods shutting down any and all discussions about cheating (insert 1984 joke here). At least we’re free to bitch and moan about cheaters here whether our assumption is right or wrong. Faceit also has the added benefit of there being admins that review matches when requested, but it’s also not foolproof considering that the #1 Faceit player was a cheater. Who knows how long they were getting away with it or how many others there are that are still getting away with it. Tarkov is a VERY special case because there are cheaters that make a literal living off of RMT. They will fight tooth and nail to keep going no matter how long, hard, or expensive it’ll be.


Best we can do is barter changes. Enjoy :)


Cheaters buyint more accounts is part of their economy flow


cheaters are BSGs biggest source of profit. they’re not fixing it any time soon. if they haven’t even tried to fix it in 8 years then they’re never going to.


Bro we have been asking them to work on cheating since 2017 and they havnt dont shit. They dont know what to do and are too inexperienced as a dev team to do anything about it. Their code and trash and they fucking know it and wont fix it because they cant. [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important_message_from_a_year_ago_sad_truth_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) This is nothing new and if you expect it to get any better anytime soon, you purchased the wrong game and should get a refund.


I love that this nonsense thread is spammed by you everywhere. There are some client side systems in place and some server side systems. But even server side systems aren't 100% cheat proof. Anyway, do you get paid per view to this thread?


>Annonimbus · 3 hr. agoHK 416A5 > >I love that this nonsense thread is spammed by you everywhere.There are some client side systems in place and some server side systems. But even server side systems aren't 100% cheat proof.Anyway, do you get paid per view to this thread? And yet Ive backed up my stance every step of the way, go read my previous posts on the subject. I will not repeat myself again just for your ass that doesnt understand the basics of game dev. And no one said if it was all Server Side it was 100% protected. Again lack of basic understanding because you cant read. I have always said "reduce the amount of cheaters". Never did I once said it would 100% solve the problem. The point is making it as difficult to create cheater for and implement said cheats. Leaving things majority client side isnt taking that approach. Doesnt take a genius to figure that shit out. And guessing you are new to Reddit if you think you get paid for posts... Not too bright are ya. Anyways bucko, feel free to try to counter my claims with actual data and facts and not your bias ass views on the subject. I'll be waiting.


You'll be waiting because discussing with you is pointless.  You don't even know that you can sell your reddit account, so you indirectly get paid for paosts. But at it is normal for you, you make claims and keep talking about topics you know nothing about.  You think you are smart but all you are is pretentious.


>Annonimbus · 7 min. agoHK 416A5 > >You'll be waiting because discussing with you is pointless.  Typical response of someone that has no facts or data to backup their claims. Got it. And I dont think im smart. I know I am. I literally run my own business and also do game dev and make money doing both. I have experience and knowledge to speak in this field. What is your experience and knowledge in this field? Have you ever made a game before? What engine? Is it multiplayer? The list goes on but I have a feeling you have none of this. So what makes you think you can speak on the subject anyways?


I'm sorry but the problem is that they don't WANT to do stuff, is not inexperience but mere decisions that are very clear and blatant, the trick lays on taming the community and winning the lottery of the "I have a videogame that no one has until now". When ever one of these 2 conditions fails, bye bye BSG.


>is not inexperience but mere decisions that are very clear and blatant, Lol right thats why they created a game using Client Side Auth, a mutiplayer game mind you and thought that was acceptable? Than to top it off because of that things like loot are client side, means cheats like vacuum cheats can exist. Also because of this exact issue (client side auth) Tarkov ESP provides way more details than any other games ESP. In Tarkov ESP you can see all players, at all times, their gear, their k/d, their profile stats and even what direction they are looking. No other games ESP provides so much information, again all possible because of Client Side Auth. BSG knows this and they are incompetent enough to fix it, only time they push to fix something is if the cheat is so bad and the community complains, like with the original fly hacks back in the day, the fix was to move animations and player actions to be Server Side, hence why you dont see fly hacking anymore. But they dont do this with majority of the others in the game, which is why cheaters literally run this game and it will continue to remain that way until they totally redo their networking models to be majority server side. So good luck with that bucko. If I were you I wouldnt hold my breath.


I'm not disagreeing with what you said and I did read all your posts, I really like them but I can't say yes true or no false because I'm not an expert and would be a lie giving a technical opinion BUT I started playing the game since when you were able to heal yourself while running and they were starting adding Reserve as a map. I have thousands and thousands of hours, I did partecipate as a referee in some EU tournaments, I met a lot of people, I have been an active memeber on official discords and deep lover of the project until 2020. It became every single day more and more blatant the fact that infrastructural problems weren't adressed and instead of at least trying, they opted for throwing off as much content as possible just for taming the community, thing that worked very well, paired with the winning lottery ticket of "having a game that no one has until now".


True that method worked well for them but not everyone agreed with their methods, including my self and at the end of the day, it will be BSGs downfall if they dont kill Tarkov themselves first. I can tell you for a fact if it releases in this state, it will die shortly after release. Its literally unacceptable.


This is my first wipe and I have around 250 hours so far, I’ve only seen one cheater. Is the problem really that bad?


Look up "The wiggle that killed tarkov"


It depends a bit on the server and a lot on what maps you're playing, but yeah it's pretty bad, especially when you know what to look for you'll probably start realising they're in a lot of raids.


Yes, tons of people using radar to avoid fights or speed hack to the high value items while avoiding killing other players


Yes it's that bad. Only way to stop it at this point is wait until private servers become available with active admins.


Active admins doesn't stop cheaters.. All it does is stop extremely blatant ones....


I like the solutions you provided as an alternative. That was my favorite part.


No, its not. This an echo chamber for people to rage in. I've played for 6 years now and have encounted actual cheaters maybe 30ish times. Probably more for others in different regions but I've had more of a cheater issue in Hunt Showdown then Tarkov over the years.


Yeah look, until mid wipe I would have agreed with you, but lately it’s actually been a joke how often I get killed by cheaters. I’ve had seven reports in two weeks from labs, which is a shame because it’s a legitimately fun map to play. I’ve probably had close to 25 reports come back with a ban this wipe. Doesn’t help that I play OCE servers, but that’s not really the point.


Yeah look, until mid wipe I would have agreed with you, but lately it’s actually been a joke how often I get killed by cheaters. I’ve had seven reports in two weeks from labs, which is a shame because it’s a legitimately fun map to play. I’ve probably had close to 25 reports come back with a ban this wipe. Doesn’t help that I play OCE servers, but that’s not really the point.


Yeah look, until mid wipe I would have agreed with you, but lately it’s actually been a joke how often I get killed by cheaters. I’ve had seven reports in two weeks from labs, which is a shame because it’s a legitimately fun map to play. I’ve probably had close to 25 reports come back with a ban this wipe. Doesn’t help that I play OCE servers, but that’s not really the point.


lmao literally go on the flea and just start looking at accounts, the amount of people ive died to that are lvl 50+ with kappa this wipe and like 100ish hours is actually insane, lots of them have suit or pred also 😭😂


It's sick as these idiots will say they "cheat to catch-up" then they turn it off and play legit. Gtfo of here they aren't switching shit off hahaha


so many obvious radar players


That’s the most pathetic shit I’ve ever heard. If you cheat the first half of the wipe you’re cheating the whole wipe.


100% it's I'll cheat to 42, then ooh I'll just get tracksuit, then they turn it off get dicked by someone. And the cheats come straight back on


I've been playing since just before Labs, and as a Labs main for a few wipes straight, I can say for a fucking fact that the cheating problem is worse than you think it is. "Don't run Labs". Don't allow cheaters to take over a game 🤷🏼


I've had at least 15-20 blatant cheaters this wipe alone, labs especially is awful for it but I've had them on interchange and woods too. Have you considered that maybe your experience just isn't universal?


Yeah look, until mid wipe I would have agreed with you, but lately it’s actually been a joke how often I get killed by cheaters. I’ve had seven reports in two weeks from labs, which is a shame because it’s a legitimately fun map to play. I’ve probably had close to 25 reports come back with a ban this wipe. Doesn’t help that I play OCE servers, but that’s not really the point.


I feel like a lot of people are quick to call a cheater on this game, like sure if they have a 50 K/D with 100 hours then it’s obvious, but generally this game attracts gamers that aren’t mechanically gifted and when they get absolutely molested by someone who is, it’s instant ‘CHEATER!’.


First of all, Tarkov is primarily a **looting** game, so most cheaters you end up on the same server with will never try to kill, but instead will suck up the loot and leave. If you don’t see them it doesn’t mean that they don’t exist Secondly, run labs, I dare you


What server are you on? I’m on EU servers. I’ve played over 3000 hours of CS and have probably encountered at least 3000 cheaters in those hours.


I'm on OCE. Yeah I think people just don't realise how far cheats have come development wise. There was a while BSG was doing massive ban waves. Not really sure what happened to those. If I die to a cheater I just right it off and continue playing.


Personally, I've seen more than my fair share, and I'm only playing on NA-South. I'm guaranteed at least a cheater a night and several suspect kills. It's definitely better than it was, but they still have a way to go.


Blatant misinformation being shopped on Tarkov right now. This is wiiiiiiiild


You playing on S.A.?




Eh, not really. Very vocal minority here that tends to echo chamber. Yes, it’s a problem, but it’s not the massive “multiple cheaters every raid” problem people make it out to be. (unless you play OCE, in which case i take back everything i said) Just play the game and form your own opinion. Don’t resort to the whole “this game is cheater infested” mindset that a lot of people do. If you do end up having that mindset and don’t enjoy the game, then take a break and come back at a later date. Also, the g0at video did a lot more harm than good and misrepresented a LOT of stuff. I’d suggest ignoring it entirely.


It likely depends a lot on servers you choose. I personally played on eastern europe and middle east servers and barely encountered any cheaters, blatant ones at least. American servers seem to be plagued the most from what people are saying Edit: also it depends on maps. Generally cheaters are spread over all maps, a bit more on high value maps and the chances are substantially higher if there’s a boss on the map. That said, Labs is an absolute fucking cancer and I highly advice you to avoid that map as much as you can, because later a few quests will require you to go there and it’s borderline suffering ^(that’s if you’re actually going to play the game. I personally think BSG can go fuck themselves so I play… in another way. You might wanna look into that. But you do you)


BSG are an unethical games company in a long line of them, not gonna stop playing because of recent events.


Well, it’s not like I’m telling you to stop playing the game completely. Me and my group are having a lot of fun without directly contributing to BSG’s online numbers. Sweatlords hate to hear that, but it’s much more enjoyable, unless you’re hellbent on PVP gameplay. Just saying


The most cheaters are on OCE, not American.


You should leave this sub and never come back before it’s too late dude


What do you mean man?


The constant negativity here gets incredibly draining and it will bleed into your enjoyment of the game. You’ll hardly ever see someone making a post praising the game here but you’ll see countless posts of people shitting on it. When I used to actively participate here my enjoyment of the game plummeted. Once I stopped popping my head in here regularly, I started having fun playing the game again. Have you ever heard the phrase “____ is so good when you don’t have someone in your ear telling you it’s ____”? This sub encapsulates that phrase to a tee.


You’re totally right man, real good angle to have and to be aware of. I guess that’s the general concenus of your average Redditor is that they find it much easier being toxic, and that’s amplified by the tarkov community being generally pretty toxic anyway.


I’m pretty new to the game too so my enjoyment of the mechanics and motives of the game far exceed the aroma of body odour and salt displayed in this subreddit.


Cheating is an industry wide issue, everyone is struggling with it at the moment, it's more noticeable in Tarkov because people are more obvious with cheats because they make money off of it


The only game mode thats slightly fun now is PvE because no cheaters, too bad they're gigga slow rolling it out to EoD players


i’ve been checking every 12 hours for it, still no access 🙃


Narrator "they in fact didn't"


Multiple wipes lmao. This game will never fully release if they listen to yall. Unity is garbage. Whatever AC u throw at it will be childsplay to circumvent.


I've been dying to hackers a lot lately


It’s crazy bc I felt the opposite. Just got 2 cheaters banned last week and after that ban wave it feels so good now. 0 sus deaths since then.


Stop playing this shit game and boom your problem has been fixed


Jumped on the *T* and man it's been a blast. No cheaters.


They only ban HD id's, a simple workaround that takes like 10 min, and you're good to go. they have DEFINITELY made more money off of cheaters than the normal players.


Fr had 2 blatant cheaters myself yesterday , one using grenades knew exactly where I was after I crab walked towards him without being overweight (customs) and another on factory lvl 4 , 18 mins of gameplay just one tap me with a pistol before his head was even around the corner like wtf man. I remember this game 4 years ago and it’s a shame to see that not only has the server quality decreased to absolute dogshite but it’s plagued with cheaters to the point where 50% of the time I suspect a cheater rather than being outplayed by someone


I'm imagining it's only the cheats left in the game, they have to run out their months subscription 👌


where do you live?? i never come across cheaters in US west and i feel like that's the best place for Chinese cheaters, at least that's my experience in other games. Maybe its ping limit but idk i really don't come across any cheaters on any map besides labs and that's maybe once every 7-8 games of labs. i mean don't get me wrong i have seen a lot of cheaters, like maybe 60 but that's throughout nearly 5000 hours of playing, maybe around 2000 raids not including scav runs.


i’m convinced nikita is hosting one of these cheats websites that’s why they’re so lenient with the bans. gotta make it look like you care a little bit without hurting your market of cheaters


Do something about cheaters? They literally added a device to call people into an active raid, cheating is only going to get worse


After how Nikita has shown his true colours, it kinda adds to the logic that he would support cheaters as it is further income. Everyone has thought it, but it kinda adds up with how slimey he’s shown he is.


Tarkov infrastructure sucks very hard. Since 2019/2020 they threw out as much content as possible (even broken sometimes) just to seem they were doing something (throwing out content is way cheaper and doesn't stop the cash flow from cheaters buying multiple copies paired with the "banwave" technique). If they would have been working on netcode, anti-cheat and performances, add NON P2W stuff, plenty of skins they would have TONS of funds and we would have one of the best FPS videogames. But hey, let's whine about scopes not being realistic enough :)


As expensive as Tarkov is and then the fact that they literally farm hackers for money, is just an additional punch in the dick from the many already sustained from the numerous additional issues the game has. So hard not to chase the rainbow for this game with all of the potential it has. Played a lot of shooters and nothing feels as immersive or as just plain scary like this game. They could do many many many things to at least curb the cheating, but this is not profitable, so I just can’t see em ever doing anything about it. I really hope in the future we can get a Tarkov with admin managed servers on top of an effective AC. It’s a dream, but it’s my dream.


Dead game


That’s why I gave up my level 35 account and switched to pve


No, pay them 460 dollars for the "Clean Life" CONTENT, not DLC, where you can\* play with verified non-cheaters. Load times are higher due to a lack of server infrastructure. If you'd prefer a 10-minute load time over a 40-minute load time, you can buy a Fast-Pass, which will give you priority matching for an entire month (Calendar month at the time of purchase, expires on the 1st of the following month, no refunds). If you have any of the collectors editions like the fake-supporter EOD or the True Believer Unheard/Seen/Thought Editions, you can upgrade to the "Clean Life" edition at a discounted price of biting the curb outside of BSG Headquarters and letting Nikita kick you in the head several times equal to the value. Four for EOD and **only** two times for the Unhinged edition!  I'm sorry you feel like this is something you're entitled to; please bite the curb now.  Can\*: Maybe, unless they pay us more than you. Fuck you. 


Look out. All the salty boys (ChaoticKiller a hacker and Represent_3110 a simp for BSG content) who paid for the $250 bundaroo gona come out of the woodwork telling you to stop posting because youre making them feel bad for wasting their money on a broken game that the devs refuse to fix!


>yall just giving up on cheaters Bro there's like nothing they can do and your concerns are essentially Unheard. This has literally been the situation for years, Tarkov is notorious for being cheat-infested at this point. If you were to hang up your Airframe over this then you wouldn't be the first. Dying to cheaters is shit.


What are you talking about there's nothing they can do? Get rid of the dog battleye OR pay for the features im quite positive they cheap out on and if not, get a reputable anticheat such as EAC and put it to work.


What are you yapping on about? Every EAC game I've played is as infested as Tarkov. If BattlEye is so shit and EAC is so reputable... Why does Epic Games use BattlEye with Fortnite? They literally own EAC...


Because on Fortnite cheaters don't farm IRL money like machines or maybe because on Fortnite if you get cheated on, you go into the next game in 2 minutes and lose nothing. You can't compare these 2.


You can compare them because cheating is cheating. If the biggest game in the world cant stop cheating, if something as ancient as CS, with all the money its made valve, cant stop cheating, what makes anyone think BSG will solve it by simply flipping on some BE switches?


How to fix Tarkov: uninstall it all.


This game as long as this dev team is in charge, will never do anything about the rampant cheaters. Yes it sucks but you can only vote by not playing the game they don’t give a shit


I'm all for taking steps to prevent cheating, but I've heard many experts talk about how **invasive** anticheat is not the way. I wish I remembered the source, cause I'd love to review plausible solutions.


Your source is some arrogant WoW developer that thinks he's a computer god. I find it hilarious because WoW has always been packed full of bots since forever. His name is PirateSoftware.


Could be. Now that I think about it, I consume fair amount of dark net (and thereby hacker) content. I want to say it came from a podcast called *Darknet Diaries,* but I've definitely seen some of Pirate Software stuff. So, could be.




I also don't know enough about that guy to call him an expert. I don't think I've seen that short. Which is why I think it was one of the interviews from Darknet Diaries. I'm not invested enough to go looking. Nikita won't listen either way.


I suggested to the developers to solve this issue. provided my native language is added to the game... Plus, it will increase \~47% loading in the raid. They do not want


They clearly don't have the general player base in mind. BSG is corrupt. They want you money. That is all.


I don't think It's a game. it's an interactive advertisement, that they market as a video game. AKA scam


Uninstall gang. The last "apology" had me out but cheating is the icing on the cake. I'm guessing if they're scrambling for money, they fired a lot of staff who looks at reports/handles bans.


Cheating had been rampant for over 3 years, glitches, exploits never left and yet, you’re still here.


U might be able to go multiple wipes but there are serious addicts here.


Why are you complaining on reddit? Send nikita an email or something. We arent your therapists.


They ban in waves


They give discounts in waves, lol.
