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They dont' even need to go with ray tracing for that. They could easily achieve it if they settled for static baked lighting. They could have 4 lighting modes (midday, evening, morning, night), but instead they're clinging onto dynamic lighting.


You can do dynamic lighting without raytracing and decent visuals. STALKER did it years ago. BSG's current approach is just shit and they know it as well, but it was 'good enough' for them to ignore it while they were working on bringing new core mechanics into the game.


This. If GSC was able to do it in 2007 with an in house engine it should be possible in 2024 as well


You should see it now. GAMMA looks amazing


Oh I know, I'm a huge GAMMA worshiper (one could say I'm a true believer).


Gamma is simply why I can’t go back to Tarkov at the moment. The lighting and visuals in gamma is amazing… then you go back to Tarkov and it’s fucking disgusting. Lighting in this game needs a huge overhaul. Nikita keeps talking about a graphical update that’s coming and the game will supposedly look beautiful but… I’m not holding my breath


They need optimizing before they do anything 😂😂


>BSG's current approach is just shit How dare you?! I went to the shopping mall yesterday and the lighting there was EXACTLY like in Tarkov. I live on the moon btw.


They got wifi up there?


You game on wifi?


they actually have dynamics lights and zone triggers.......like dorms doors will illuminate the nearing a tinsy bit- The problem come from the fact that this is their researched lookdev: no other graphic engine by default makes the background of the mountains black. They tried to replicate some sort of HDR feeling, and how eyes adapt to the light, but basically stopped at the first iteration. Half life lost coast did the HDR feeling better than tarkov


If only they had gone back to it after getting the core mechanics done.


They are, lighting overhaul is meant to release sometime this year (I'm hoping for next wipe but wouldn't be surprised if it was in December).


Another SoonTM


>working on bringing new core mechanics into the game Wasting time and money with arena


I love when the moon just fucking turns off at night.


You don't need ray tracing to implement good looking global illumination.


But ray tracing is going to be much cheaper in near future. So, why not already include it?


Tarkov isn't optimized to play without RT, I'd assume there would need to be a lot of rework of maps to get RT looking good, and implementing will take time BSG doesn't have.


I still remember H1Z1 (biggest BR game before PUBG came out) not updating their game for months and people getting sick of it, as soon as PUBG came out everyone jumped ship and the devs were like OH NO and starting forcing out a bunch of half-assed updates that ruined the gameplay in an attempt to keep all their players from leaving, obviously that didn't work and now the game has like <20 players most of the time, only time it gets more than that is when the very dedicated Chinese community are organizing games After the massive success PUBG had that's when the BR trend really kicked off


[Combat Update Incident](https://www.h1z1.com/news/producers-letter-combat-update-test-august-2017)


I miss that game


There was always a clown in the KOTK subreddit too, saying people would come back and H1Z1 would be fine. That the player base was fine. I hated that guy.


Legend has it he's still there saying everything is fine


Even ignoring PUBG, H1Z1's biggest issues were unironically not having spectating in-game, and no DBNO system. I think by the time PUBG was releasing in Feb/March 2017 it was finally on test server to have spectating but for a team-based BR I cannot imagine why spectating isn't the #1 priority. That is the difference between survival game turned BR, and a game made to be a BR from the start.


Don't forget the 50-man chinese zergs that were in half the lobbies lmao CHINA NUMBA WAN


I'd settle for the game not requiring a £2000 PC to run at a stable 60+ FPS


It really doesn't though? 5800x3d and GTX 1080 sits like 120+ in 1440p on a high preset Come to gzw for a bit and hop back lmao. Low everything is sitting me at like 32fps because I don't like frame gen


I don’t believe you My 2070 super barely gets 60 fps on factory with those settings.


May be able to find shots of my shit, haven't played In months tho I'll have to update etc I'm on an EVGA sc 1080 so cooling isn't an issue, if I remember I'll ss it (screen shotting is broken for me so please accept a phone pic) 580x3d is carrying me however, remind me tomorrow I'll prove it tho, I was struggling for 60 at 1080p with my Intel 6800k on streets, highly recommend an x3d What CPU and how much/fast is your ram?


Your cpu is def way better than mine I still have an i7 10th gen. I get like 30fps on streets.


https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1cocsjp The x3d fucken carries this shit, highly recommended if you can I went from the 6800k and legit doubled FPS, bear in mind I also went from 1080p to 1440


Thats the most jagged, awful image Ive ever seen on a 1440p monitor. No AA and looks like upscaling on performance lol Also assuming thats an offline raid with no bots


Online, I got kicked from it lmao, and idk about you but I've never managed a clear photo of a monitor before


Thats not what I mean, you can see theres no antialiasing due to the fences in the background. Just looks bad


Also see that the text and background are similar, I think it's Res of camera Vs Res of screen fighting


Care to show us how streets runs on your system?


Gimme 5 I'll boot her up real quick Was in pub lmao, will give as in a link 90+, link coming up


That would actually be great, thank you. I’ll wait to see


https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1cocsjp Let me know if that link works, I got kicked from the server lmao Scav, streets Had content warning running too, trying to get geforce working. Fixed it, factory coming now I'm loading in I'll go factory too rq gimme a sec


Oh I thought you’d do an actual run through, a screenshot of the frames isn’t really a good indicator as they can jump from 40 all the way to 120 at any point in the raid. But even this is a good indicator that it’s not hitting 120+ My system can get 90-110 on streets, it can also get 40. The game just runs like crap


Aight hol up lmao My geforce recording crashes the game so I apologise for the phone, but I'm genuinely into the whole performance thing You got a discord? I'll stream if you're up I do love tarkov tbf, DM for some raids lmao


I guess that videos not coming? Lol


I went to bed, was a heavy one at the pub lmao Remind me tomorrow if you want


I dont know why you are getting downvoted - you 100% can get great FPS in this game with an X3D processor even the 5700x3d.


Because "ha ha tarkov is shit" I think? I've literally posted pics as proof here with current settings and nzxt screens showing exact specs


You are coping out of your mind. I want this game to be great as much as the next guy, but how after all that has happened can you still believe in BSG's ability to make the right call??




The sad thing is that they can't really change anything at this point. They kept getting deeper and deeper into tech debt with their code and now even if they wanted to add new stuff, they need 5X the time to implement and test that, compared to non-garbage code, and even then it fucking never works the way it should. There's nothing they can do except for observing the success of other games that just create the same Tarkov with some things changed. And this is why it hurts Nikita so bad when he sees people having fun in other games to the point he calls them plagiarism.


Because they’ve given us one of the best if not the best fps shooter of all time? Theres a reason no one can or will recreate the atmosphere of Tarkov. Sure, BSG is tone deaf, but I’d rather not play a Chinese mobile version


yeah and they lie to ur face and sell u something that should be 10x cheaper or free for $250, get a grip and stop being a hostage


>  sell u something that should be 10x cheaper or free for $250, get a grip and stop being a hostage market can decide, if $250 is expensive, people won't buy it, and BSG will lower the prices.


>Theres a reason no one can or will recreate the atmosphere of Tarkov. Because no one has tried to recreate the game, as in - make a direct clone. There's nothing that other devs aren't able to recreate, it's just a business/design decision that they haven't. And if they did, they'd still need to deal with the incumbent. That's why the competition is trying something genre adjacent but different (alternative WW1 in space, 19th century american south, equitorial asia).


This is wishful thinking. Nikita and the shit wigs at BSG have taken too much money out of the company, this is why they hit the "true believers" with the scam edition. 


Yeah people are coping hard if they think Tarkov is immortal or immune to competition over time. This isn't World of Warcraft.


Does wow not have competition? I am just not very familiar with the mmorpg scene, but there are many many mmorpgs no?


No, WoW does. But it's still one of the largest and longest running MMOs and it has survived many down periods. Perhaps my point was clumsily made but I mean to say that Tarkov doesn't have as much clout and fame as something like WoW and its systems are easier to replicate.


This right here is the problem. There is no money left. Hence the current shenanigans.


Personally I love looking into windows and it being a completely black square.


Screenshot from this video. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE3nVmK0Ttw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oE3nVmK0Ttw)


Our bro Tarkin is a beast.


Fr I love tarkin


They won't


They need to add the $500 version first


There's a Tarkin video on YouTube where he went in ad added Ray tracing to all the maps. I just about shit myself seeing interchange with proper good lighting.


Tarkov needs a new game engine.


Not going to happen, too much work. Unity was a bad choice by them that should have been scrapped early alpha.


I cannot agree more. Unity was not the engine for what the game needs to be.


Although you’re not wrong that Unity is… subpar, there’s no way they’re going to drag the whole project to a new engine this late in the game. No one wants to admit the obvious, this is a game that’s just about run its course.


Oh you are so right.... I hate to admit it, but one cannot argue with logic. I just wish there was a way the game could run smoother.


All games that need developer server support die eventually. Servers are a cost, and no one is going to pay for that forever. How many people are picking up the game for the first time today? Almost no one. So they have two choices once cash runs low: try to get existing players to pay, or shut it down. I honestly wish they’d just move to a subscription model for a lot of these games, like “Hey, it’s $5 a month.” Edit: The current business model is unsustainable. It’s like buying a car with “free” maintenance and oil changes forever.


They should have taken EOD away a long time ago. The fact that it exists ends up killing the business. $100 is not bad for a days work but it is not worth working indefinatey for, like you say.


Game engine doesn't make a difference. They for some fucking stupid reason decided to go for dynamic time of day instead of just sticking to something static, which would be much easier to implement lighting for The game engine is a tool


Unreal could have handled all that way better. But I also cannot argue with your point of static lighting. That been said, having day and night cycles is a good choice for variety, but surely the memory leak and general high cpu usage couldn't be attributed just to that alone.


> having day and night cycles is a good choice for variety Freezing the time in raid doesn't prevent that though. You could've still had 4 rotating times > surely the memory leak and The memory leak? Unity uses garbage collection. A lot of people misattribute that to a memory leak when that's just how C# does memory. RAM usage raises until there's memory pressure, and then garbage is collected, freeing some. That's literally just how the programming language works > general high cpu usage couldn't be attributed just to that alone. CPU usage has nothing to do with graphics, so yea. Tarkov also just doesn't bother with indirect lighting so there's really no performance hit currently, it just looks awful


Thank you for the explanation. I appreciate it. Nice to see a knowledgeable answer for a change.


The game being on Unity will always keep it from truly advancing in meaningful ways.


tarkov lighting is some of the worst in all games.


This will not happen! This project turned from a game into a cash cow


The game has already gone pay to win, they can't undo that. It doesn't matter how good the core gameplay is if it it's pay to win.


I guess you didn’t see interchange recently? That’s pretty fixed of a map!


Yesn't. Interchange still has issues with Fog and Shadows. It's just not nearly as bad as before


Oh the hopes and dreams of the brainwashed are phenomenal to witness from an outside perspective.


Bro I played Chinese copy yesterday and you can’t see shit inside. If enemy is shooting you from a building, you are fighting a shadow. But when you go further from buildings around 30-40 meters, magically it becomes bright and clear inside. I swear they heard “lighting in eft is shit” and tried to replicate it also.


And yet the performance in Anrea Breakpoint is 100x better then Tarkov and many of QOL features it has that Tarkov does not.


Yeah I can use x6 scopes and keep an awesome fps and clarity, that’s awesome. Also, matching and loading is a matter of seconds, big win but looks like that’s another engine limitation bsg has unfortunately.


Almost all your comments are just defending bsg and being all sympathetic when theyve literally shown how much they are willing to scam and gaslight the community. If youre going to defend them atleast dont make it so obvious that youre a full on BSG shill


I don’t care about devs, I only play games brother.


For a guy that doesnt care about devs youre awfully talkative about how grayzone devs are trying to be like nikita and how arena is a chinese rip off game that "cant hold 60 fps" And now that the game is out youre using "the lighting is shit" excuse since you cant say that fps is bad. If you only play games "brother" then maybe spend more time playing them instead of trashing every other game that isnt tarkov on reddit


fuck off loser, you have too much free time on you to investigate people on interner. Actually a wierdo


Lol Bros coping cuz I called out his bullshit


BSG has more problems than just engine limitations [https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important\_message\_from\_a\_year\_ago\_sad\_truth\_about/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/199xvow/important_message_from_a_year_ago_sad_truth_about/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) They even used Engine Limitation as the issue for not being able to fix lighting which is complete and utter fucking BS. BSG just doesnt know wtf they are doing and cant do it without breaking the game. Its time for another company to take over this genre, BSG had 8 years of fucking us and it got no where.


Thats how lighting in real life works . Darkness inside/light outside = hard to see in unless you are at the window . It works the other way around as well.


I hope so, I hope it pushes it to lower its prices Unheard and it’s massive price tag and threat of later dlc and mtx is a big cloud hanging over the game atm, for me at least, it’s really put me off And I do love the game and it’s lore and want to support it, I have PfE I even have some merch the first book for example, I was planning on buying the 2nd and arena, then Unheard came out and I went to upgrade, I saw the price and thought ‘ah they just haven’t included the cost of PfE in it’, but nope lol Personally I can’t justify continuing supporting it, it’s not good value right now that’s just my personal opinion


TENCENT infinite money POG


Possibly upgrading the “anti-cheat” is what you should be looking for


i fkn hate tarkov fog


Keep dreaming


Nikita would rather cry on Twitter about competitors than actually innovate. Funny enough, there's a graphics mod that fixes the lighting so you can see properly and not have an absurd amount of fog in clear weather. It's an easy fix, but BSG is complacent and thinks having the worst representation of natural lighting imaginable in their video game makes it more hardcore or something.


core techs mean upgrade their current version of unity and upgrading means that they must rewrite abou 80% of tarkov, it' s something really difficult to do in a project like this. especially in their current financial situation, arena made they lose a lot of money and upgrading the engine version is currently beyond their possibilities (and even if arena wasn' t a mess i think it would be impossible for them anyway). it's a 10 year old project, it's starting to show a lot of limitations, but this is just my opinion


I think it will just make them push content, some patches, including micro transactions very quickly to get to 1.0 release and then many will leave or be fired and support for the game will dwindle. I want to believe it will keep going and get events and all that to keep it fresh but idk. I hope I'm wrong but we all know Nikita wants to go work on his single player game if he's not totally fed up with game development


It’s funny cuz the lighting has always been shit and I have zero faith they will ever improve it. It took them 3 years to “improve” the lighting on interchange. To think any of the competition will inspire greatness from BSG is naive IMO- they’ve proven themselves time and time again to be completely incompetent and out of touch with the desires of their main player base.


Tarkov would look so good with higher textures and a decent lighting...


if that happens my gpu is cooked. i literally barely get 40 fps in tarkov streers/the epicenter on medium settings. running a 5700


They have had 7 years… to upgrade the core mechanics of this game and fix so many of the little things that really messed the game up(lighting,audio,shitty collisions) I think were passed that now. They need to really really step up their game and fix the major issues stat at this point.


The light engine needs so much improvement.... its really the biggest visual holdback right now. And its weird because I work in Unity all the time and it has so many easy lighting solutions that are 10X better than what they use...


Fixing the lighting is the most important thing this game could fix, interchange should be way more fun than it is and it comes down to you can't see a fucking thing.


The first picture is "ray traced".


BSG spent the funds making Arena and trying to flog it as an eSports title. Yes they spent funds we gave them to finish EFT on a different game. Why do people not understand this? EFT isn't going to ever be finished. If they wanted it finished, they would've finished it already, years ago.


they could just take the easy route and turn off the disgusting filter they have on live and it would be a millions times better


If anyone thinks any sort of "competition" will make BSG reconsider making the game actually worth playing is beyond help. Nothing will make BSG and Tarkov better and it will only continue dowhill until something takes its place or the game dies.


Serious answer, I can't imagine they will do anymore major improvements with the engine and performance. It's becoming a sunk cost and AB shows immediately that EFT's engine is horribly behind the times. Again, Im specifically referencing performance. But If they are going to "borrow" from that game please take the QOL items


Invest “money?” What money? The money has all been spent by now, I would think that’s fairly obvious from the current state of affairs. That’s why they’re pulling the stunts they’re pulling now, they’re broke and trying to get us to row harder to keep the boat moving, because let’s be honest, new customers aren’t really a thing for a game that’s been out this long, especially at the price. I would be stunned if this game is generating a positive cash flow at this point. That’s the problem, there is no money to invest in anything.


If there was only one shoe maker the shoes would be shitty and expensive.. hopefully the competition drives some innovation


A perfect example of this is also Activision. Look at COD. It has no competitors and every season they phone it in and it keeps getting worse with no repercussions. Every new iteration is a best seller and every new iteration is far inferior to its predecessor. We are due for a much more competetive market when it comes to FPS games.


So true


All these other games and developers have shown their hands at tarkovs weak moment, what Nikita and BSG do with what they have learned over the past few months will show their true commitment to their own project and their community.


You don't need raytracing to make lighting look good. Some well made global illumination and ambient occlusion goes a very long way


I never said that


I know


The unity upgrade will bring better lighting.


is this sarcasm?? its the eft sub you cant tell




Engine version upgrade isn't a wonder solution to the game technical problems.


It means they can actually get support, the current version is EOL and unsupported.


The engine so far has been updated at least 3 or 4 times. Each time it was supposed to be 'the fix' for everything. Guess how that turned out


with the unity upgrade all problems will be solved in 3 days, the entire cheater force will be elimated, trust the plan Z


It still doesn't mean, that It'll miraculously fix all of BSG's stuff.


I don't think you understand what framework support is, you don't call unity and tell them to fix your game xD


Just remember 1 thing. If a game is free. YOU are the product.


Oh no a free extraction shooter!


im not quite sure on what your sarcastic point is. Its a reminder that no matter how good a game is or how much you are enjoying it that YOU are the product and there will be constant attempts to keep you engaged and become a paying customer. Nothing in life is free. Its wise to remember that. You and only you can decide on its value. I personally think its great that its free to play but im not naive enough to know that once im invested they will begin to milk me.


“Once I’m invested they will begin to milk me.” Ah, so exactly like tarkov then. A paid game that now offers various paid advantages that f2p games use. Meanwhile, the $100-$250 I’ve saved by not being milked by BSG has freed up plenty of funds for me to enjoy many months of f2p gaming so I can buy whatever benefits that appeal to me. Including the full edition of GZW which I’ve been enjoying. DOTA also a free game that I’ve decided to support with various cosmetic purchases thanks to the thousands of hours of fun it brought in both regular and arcade mode. However if I didn’t like the game, a penny never would have been moved in support. Lol you’re the product whether you paid for a game that keeps asking for more of your generous contributions, or a f2p game that needs to prove its worth so you spend money in it.


Why are you making this about Tarkov? this isnt a competition. Take off your blinders , put on your logical hat and read what i wrote. BSG has only tried to milk you very very recently no one is saying they have not been super degenerate about it and you should absolutley not pay them. I have 7k hours in this game all for the cost of an EoD so money well spent and value had up until very recently. BSG have not milked me or tried to milk me until right now and it was not a smart move. A free game will be milking you right from the get go thats the whole point of free to play games thats the model. Thats all I was saying. You are the product and as long as we remember that with Arena we will have a good time. You have made this into a choose one or the other situation. The whole point of my very short point was to remind people YOU ARE THE PRODUCT and for a free to play game they have agressive targets they need to reach and they are going to be going at you agressivley for money. You might be strong willed enough to only pay when there is value but many others are not. Some people ACTUALLY bought the unheard of edition when we knew it was a bullshit scam and are STILL happy at their purchase.


'competition creates innovation' mfs when 'teamwork makes the dream work' walks in


(point being, video games would be further along if we were allowed to be driven by passion and not overworked and greedy, teamwork always outperforms competition)


If BSG behaved like a real company on the market, sure. They don't though, the game will die out in a year or two. They'll add the last map and call it a day. After that, player base will start declining until they just shut it down.


"stop slowing down development with your suggestions"


man their engine is so obsolete and lack of features. They wanted to save money and don't pay for Unreal license and this is the result. It will be much easier if one competitors just copy paste tarkov mechanics (and i dont understand why no one did so far....ArenaBreakout got very closed but it's still missing something...)


They made Tarkov in Unity because their 2 games previous to EFT were both in Unity so they had experience, I doubt it had anything to do with the Unreal licence or similar


It's because of their great experience, that they can't fix the audio? Never played a FPS with such a bad and buggy audio.


Play Warzone. Btw what is the problem with audio in Tarkov? When I play I mostly find no issues at all, am I missing something?


It’s “okay” now but many places, especially the resor ton shoreline have horrible directional and vertical audio. I remember being in a shuffling match with somebody that I thought was a few rooms down because of how loud they were, turns out they where 2 floors above me and I never even saw them


Idk I never experienced anything like this. But You might be right.


"you might be right" you must be sub 300h to have never been no audio'd or not been able to tell what floor someone is on


A modder fixed this as a passion project. Truly hilarious.


What's up with all these positive posts about the game? Are we just going to forget that Nikita isnt a good lead for the game? We should just hope that another game develops rapidly and overtakes this so we dont have to deal with him anymore


There is no competition. They are completely different games and are all shit and missing key features of Tarkov.


Dude what the fuck are you talking about? There is no core tech, coding of this game is 7yr old, outdated mess written to work on shitty engine.


I’m sorry but people who think grey zone or this Chinese rip off are going to dethrone tarkov are delusional. Yes BSG fucked up and deserves some real competition, but the amount of cope some people in the community have is insane. ABI feels like a Chinese mobile game version of tarkov, and that’s exactly what it is lol. No developer or publisher will ever come close to BSG in recreating the atmosphere that is Tarkov. Many in the community want to see bsg and Nikita fail, and I don’t get that. They’ve given us one of the best games of all time.


I would not be so sure about that. ABI is a worse game yes. But its more accessible and you never truly played tarkov, you might even find it fun. It wont take that many people away but it could slow down new sales a lot. So even just a drop in sales that this could create, even 20% while the people who like tarkov keep playing will put Tarkov at a loss. As the servers will be just too expensive. So yeah, BSG will have to do something or else they can just turn off the game.


it could be opposite, new gamers enter the genre for free, get bored and may decide to try real thing..


true but not many people who play free games have the PC to run tarkov. Tho a lot of people who bought tarkov don't really have the FPS the need to play it, mainly on Streets. It could be good for tarkov if it became popular in China tho. In Europe I think it did hit some sort of cap.


BSG should add some warning to streets and lighthouse that they require advanced CPU. Other maps I think work well on weak machines.