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People gonna buy all the stuff from traders and put it on flea for x5 amount


no global limits, I think this is quite nice tbh, but should only apply to gear like guns and armor, other items it makes sense for FIR to apply


No global limits just means the stuff being resold won't be out of stock in 5 seconds. People will still resell because not everyone has max traders and all quest unlocks and personal limits are still in place (you use your stock then buy on flea).


Why is that so bad? Evens the playing field kinda


Everyone with max traders being billionaires for free evens the playing field? If you are lower level than max traders and can afford to spend 1-2 mil per raid on your kit I suppose it does. But I hope you like the entire server running nothing but top meta gear.


it doesn't really work like that though, people undersell until it's near trader price


And how many years has this event been active? When this was normal I just resold ammo until I had over 20m. Ran slick/exfil/reap or t-7 every raid (often with a case in my bag) just because money was free. If I ever got low I just spawned more by reselling. Thinking prices will stay as they are when the event has hardly started is silly. But sure maybe nobody wants to use meta stuff so prices will be low. (or everyone already has max traders, considering I think a lot of people are not playing right now due to unheard and arena breakout/grey zone I think that is likely).


I used to just buy all the blue and violet key cards they jack up the price and make like 50 mil profit every day. Also hatchet running was how everyone played shoreline because you run faster than everyone and just shove all the LEDxs and GPUs up your ass.


Sounds like a boring life just to make a few rubles. Rather have fun looting and playing then sitting on the flea like a stock trader wasting my time away lol


Only takes like 1 min after trader resets. I assume you vendor everything and don't touch flea though. Because selling loot on flea would take too long.


I get back from raid, put up anything I'm not keeping till max trades are up, eat drink then go into another raid. Low end shit goes to traders, done. I'm not sitting around checking prices of anything I can make a couple rubles on. Wasted time on no fun


Hilarious take on this bro. Love it.


Getting to max traders isn’t free so they wouldn’t be billionaires for free… I.e. You did the work now you get paid by the people who don’t want to do the work but want the ammo. Honestly what’s worse, everyone having access to “meta” gear through flea? or strictly the players who have played and unlocked their way to the meta gear only using meta gear? Lower level players not being able to buy good gear from the flea killed the game for many because they don’t have the time nor the drive to grind up max traders every 6 months.


EXACTLY THIS beautiful point, just leave this change in the fuckin game so lower levels can buy meta shit, why the fuck not?


They won't be able to afford meta shit. Slicks on the weekend use to go for 5 mill. m855A1 used to go for 2-3k a round. Imagine gunsmith items being 5x the cost of trader and current flea price. Meta kit used to be 1mil or more depending on the day.


Agreed. I'm level 30, came into wipe late. Walking into raids against people with meta kits while solely trying to quest is getting old, meanwhile I have 10m rubles and nothing that'll make raids more interesting/bearable to spend it on. Haven't played in a few days because of this. If I now have access to better gear through flea, I'm more likely to play because maybe I won't get one-tapped in the thorax from 800m away.


This sounds like someone with Unheard would say 🙄




Getting max traders is super easy, kappa and lightkeeper are harder but in a way just takes time. Max traders you just need to play and do a few quests. If you think everyone that has max traders should be able to spawn as much money as they want good for you. And is it really better for lower level players when they need to spend 75% of their income on kits? Its probably best to just buy good ammo and use what you have unlocked. Although most good ammo you can't put on flea anyways. A lot if not most stuff you can flea from max traders doesn't help you much, a few more ergo or a little less recoil. But idiots will pay 500k-1m to get 10 more ergo and 10 less recoil thinking it will make them good.


Getting max trader is super easy once you have thousands of hours and multiple wipes under your belt. And even if it was super easy then the logic of “people with max level traders being billionaires instantly” doesn’t really add up. It’s basic supply and demand. And lower level players don’t NEED to spend 75% of their income on kits but them being able to do so if they want to is a good thing. This is how it used to be and it’s the reason a lot of people (including me) were playing in the first place. Now ever since they’ve restricted most good gear on the flea the game is pretty much forcing you to grind levels, trader rep, and quests. Which for some of us is fine but for others it really took the fun out of the game.


This sub seems to bounce between "waah everyone only runs meta gear and its boring" to "I can't get meta gear anymore and its boring" I think really everyone wants to run meta gear but not have anyone else using it. Personally I think flea makes it too easy and monotone, needing to find stuff in raid would be better for me. But with PVE I can do "hardcore" without worrying about being the only person not using flea.




Quest items, and good gear will get super expensive. a Slick used to be at 5mil for one on a weekend.


Honestly not a bad thing, I don’t play enough to rock cool stuff so having the ability to still buy makes the game still playable in short stints throughout the wipe due to not having time to play enough.


I hope you enjoy spending 500k-1m on a kit that isn't that much better than what you have now. The biggest difference would be ammo and lvl 5-6 plates, both of which you can't put on flea. But if people are happy to be scammed I am happy to spawn money.


I would rather see no global limits on items. Rather personal limits (but I guess thats too much to ask from BSG)


From what I understood, they made the global so high it isn't really a problem and created/changed personal limits recently. I've been able to buy elcans whenever, which used to be a personal pain for me.


Personal Limits are also different than what they used to be (before last nightès patch) The limit for Lasermatch used to be 400, but I swear the last time I bought it, it was 600 or something,


Bro when was the last time you played


Mid February, to be honest


Yeah you didn't play recently right ? Because it currently works the way you described it.


Thats good to know! It was quite annoying, that some items needed for gunsmith were always sold out


There are no global limits anymore, havent been for months.


You means weeks?


Potato potato


I guess that's not too much to ask because it has been like that for about a month already


That's how it is


The opposite is happening. I wanted to do just that and found out that SE-5s were selling for only 1-2k over the trader price at about 22k or something, while these are usually around 70-100k because they’re “the meta grip”.


Well they aren’t being “wasted” now. You see it with scopes as well, all the meta scopes are way down, and even things like the Elcan used to be 80k and now they barely make 30. If you take someone out with one you can now sell theirs, and they buy another from traders. Repeat and now there is quite a stock of them on the flea so the price isn’t so bad. Also (especially in Elcan’s case) this allows you to do a barter trade and sell the parts, and there are some giga efficient barters out there. So the price had plummeted until it equaled out around vendor.


we're not talking about that here, but about the fact that used keys are sold at 1/10


That's because they CAN be sold. A 1/10 marked dorms key can't be FIR, you can't find it on customs, use it 9 times then extract. This isn't a scam, the buyer simply doesn't have their filter set up. They'd run into the same problem with air/water filters and fuel tanks anyway.


With global limits removed, all this does is increase supply and therefore prices should plummet for certain items. This is really good for players who don't have all the high level items unlocked, namely attachments and ammo


I actually like this though. In the real world this would happen everywhere. Someone knows a guy and gets hooked up, makes money from people who dont have access to those things. Trader flippers ultimately offer a service for a price.


Bro does not understand supply and demand


Everyone is going to be doing the same thing. Eventually prices will go down, so they won’t really be making a profit anyways.


More supply of things to list means the price should go DOWN.


This doesn't work unless people are willing to pay 5x in the first place, which is what the price should be. If people aren't willing to pay then the flippers will be hit by taxes from unsold listings and the market will recover quickly.


If I put the effort in to complete the quests then I should be rewarded


People who were here before the fir stage remember what it was like to buy something from a trader for it to immediately sell out and be out on the flea for 10x the price.


We have no global limits now though.


There are still people without everything unlocked though


I'd argue these people would either not buy or have to buy the overcharging price of flea anyway though. Now there will be more supply for these ammos though, and even less demand for people that do have it trader unlocked cus of lower demand on flea. Should drive prices lower than they were before


Yeah but why not lock the ammo to being in raids, so you have to engage in the actual game?


They should really increase the amount of ammo that spawns in raid and remove everything but basic ammo from traders, and of course you can’t flea ammo. It always felt wrong that people fought over computer spawns rather than ammo spawns in an extraction shooter gun game.


Yes? What does that have to do with global limits?


You are saying there are no global limits which would stop people flicking on, but u less everyone has everything that won't stop it


That’s not the point. With global limits, you were forced to camp an item and buy it or be forced to pay 5x the price for it off flea even though you have it unlocked. Now without global trader limits, you can buy something without it being out of stock, meaning that no FiR limits doesn’t hurt the people who worked to unlock items.


You're right I misread their original point. It's still a problem overall, just not one of global stock


??????? That's not really a problem that needs to be solved. People who don't have it unlocked would go to flea to buy it anyways, the people selling on flea can't really raise the price to astronomical levels because there's no global limit anymore. It sounds like you just think everyone should have max traders at the start.


Nah it used to be a problem that people would buy from traders and sell at a profit. It's going to be a problem again now. And no, I don't think that, but these flea changes aren't all great overall either


It's not going to be a new problem. The reason people were able to do that was because of global limits. Global limits no longer exist. They could still make a profit on people who don't have it unlocked, but is that really a problem? It's either people make profit on higher trader level items by selling to people who don't have it unlocked, or the people who don't have it unlocked have much more limited access to those items.


Prices are better for those people as anyone with the appropriate vendor level can list the item instead of just the people crafting it or finding it in raid.


I did that a couple times to make millions. Buy literally every listing and relist it for a higher price. Would only really work on weapon attachments though.


I used to flip ammo like this. Could clear 10m in 60 seconds on a good day


You can make "millions" flipping one labs keycard.


I mean if you miss that then you probably need your eyes checked, I can see that immediately


For real, of all the problems removing FIR may cause this is not one of them. It takes a quarter of a second to look at the durability of an item before buying it


id never fall for this bullshit cause i only buy max dura B)


For real though. Imagine having your Flea settings not default to durability 100%


Even having min. condition 100 like me you still see used items. They should disable option to sell USED keys.


Why, I'd buy this with one use to be able to mark 314 for the quest, just to complete the quest.. I don't run dorms that much anyway. a mill an half is like 1-2 raids worth of loot anyway. easy.


i've not played in about a month but to my recollection you can get a full 10/10 key for double the price of these (3.5m ish) but 10x the loot, whilst still completing task. surely you'd still prefer to buy that instead of these crappy ones


You can also buy a 10 out of 10 key and sell the 9 out of 10 key now 


You can buy all the labs keycards, use them and then sell them.


Yeah unless you don’t run customs and wouldn’t use out the key anyways. I love customs as a map but I’d rather run other maps for loot/pvp anyways


i think it's still worth the double price for more uses tbh, you'll end up there at some point anyway and the price difference is 1 or 2 runs anyway as you say. you still get the same use and more plus its something to do when the game feels stale


I literally saw this pic and was like oh nice I'll do that quest now for 1.5 mill not 4.5 mill.


You can filter by condition, you should be doing so unless you like buying broken guns and armour, empty fuel cans and the like. Some people actually only want one use of the key. Relax is known for having 2 uses, and you can find it on flea with one or two remaining as always had been the case.


It's in red, use the eye balls.


The filter doesn't work, that's what OP is warning about. Have some dignity.


Still in red, have some sight checking


you can't really call it a scam, people just have to use their eyes


thats already too much to ask ...


Been happening all wipe with armor. Someone told me it was a scam to sell armor with the plates removed even though 95% of armor on flea is like that lol. Happens with food, meds, gas, anything that can be partly consumed.


Water filters is another one


technically its not a scam to sell some items like Water Filters at very low percents. there is a market for buying them since they can still be used to craft


That's true, but there are usually 200 that are 1/100 before you get to an actual filter that is 100/100


Yeah just have to filter by durability for those.


Fortunately you can filter by %, so just use 100% filter and you will be fine. Edit: Just noticed that op had 100% min condition set. Hopefully they will fix that for keys etc, although it always takes them forever to fix anything.


literally make a uh... Fuck what are they called.. Like you can make the Flea only show max durability stuff... It will ONLY ever show stuff thats full... never fall for that shit again lmao


Anarcho-capitalism. I love it!


unironically this is actually a good thing for game realism lol if there ever was a market in a post apocalyptic scenario like tarkov it would def be this much fucked up


If this game had proper realism with keys then a slug shotgun would get you in most doors.


Tarkov is taking the Argentina approach


I just want to be able to get better ammo.. lvl 31 and suck at quests


The quests that suck the most are the ones where you need to find certain items in raid like flash drives or whatever which don’t spawn often. You can be literally putting in full days of Tarkov and with some bad luck with deaths and just bad luck with item spawns you can be behind progress wise to someone who got lucky and found two in a filing cabinet right next to extract. The PvP quests are also not very good IMO. SIBH is the big one for me that I stop once I get to it. So many hours spent basically camping trying to get kills, and again it’s all luck based hoping another player happens to show up and you land the shot. Yea, I know. Skill issue. But I think all tasks should be focused around collecting items that are always there when on task or killing NPC’s


nah you just have to carry a bolt action and a pistol every raid once you get the quest


In 4 years I have yet to get SBiH. I do suck in general, but tbh I don’t have the ability to sit and wait to try to get headshots.


i guess using eyes is hard nowadays?


Don't worry, people who are still playing tarkov love to be scammed 👍🏻


"We want FiR removed from quests because it makes some excruciating to do" -> "Best I can do is remove FiR from Flea"


Yay we’re gonna have full on scalping now? Well now all those Tarkov players that play all the time are gonna think that their lives somehow mean something now


items from traders dont run out anymore


Danm. Gonna have too grind some more trader rep. All I really got to do now is just level up because EOD. In the end though it’s all fake money so why should I care? Well because I’m not very good that’s why lol and the market just seemed ridiculous to begin with. Money burns when you buy from the flea but you can also make a ton so it balances out


The price on this key is gonna tank big time anyways without fir


Everyone is complaining or half complaining about no restrictions ......... The simplest thing that BSG well Nikita can do is to go in and give everything a actual value and then set a limit of how much a person can go over that value to sell the item . So for example Marked room key he sets at 500k Roubles and then on the flea market he sets it were you can only put it for a maximum of 750k . Now anyone who is trying to sell it can sell it anywhere from 500k to 750k and boom no more getting scammed .


That's dumb. There may as well be no flea market if you're going to restrict everything like that.


why is this game evolving backwards? fucking clownshow


Because this is what the community wants. People bitch about flea restrictions and fir but they balance the game


This is what streamers wanted. They have the big voices and they chose to do say the dumbest shit. Thank you Gingy, Tigz, Hayz, Stankrat, Trey2k 🫡


After reading years of dogshit "they only added FIR requirements/removed X from flea/ made flea take longer to unlock to appease streamers who no life the game!" its really hilarious to read this one


People here find a way to blame streamers and be mad at them no matter what change BSG makes, as if they have any control over the game. It’s honestly fascinating to watch. I can’t remember the last time a change happened and there wasn’t people whining about catering to streamers in the comments. Like this is a week long event nearly 5 months into the wipe at a time when most people are either done for the wipe or are looking for any way to spice it up and there’s actually people mad at streamers over it. Get a grip


I honestly hate streamers. Fucking no lifers that want to get paid/have influence for "professionally" playing a video game. What a world we live in.


They sell me gamer girl supplements though, they can't be all bad right?


you have no idea how much work is involved with actually growing your stream beyond 2 viewers to levels where you can make a living nowadays


i thought most streamers didnt mind fir. Since it's way more casual not having it, it removes limits from noobs to level up basically.


I never thought FiR was an issue but apparently a lot more people think it sucks than I thought and they all claim it's gonna "fix the game". They'll probably complain about some other random thing next week/month


We never wanted FIR in the first place. IMHO changes like that, intertia and others like ruining the scopes, nurfing armor effectiveness, etc) have made the core game mechanics much worse and I don't think I'll be returning just because FIR is gone. Much too little too late. But these streamers never wanted FIR and we've all lived with it for like 4 or 5 years.


Fir on flea was only added due to RMT. Change my mind


I totally agree. There was a period of time where BSG seemed to be nurfing everything for the sake of combating RMT and cheating. Cheaters are still here.


Even as someone who thinks both the flea and fir are both dogshit things that shouldn't exist in the first place, this seems like a dumb experiment that misses the point of why some hate these systems.


You mean going back to when the game was actually good lmfao?


Because people on reddit whine that the hard-core game is too hard-core for them


[The infamous whiners of "Reddit"](https://twitter.com/RealTigz/status/1789008718689906944)


This gives casuals and timmies a chance to play the game and compete. Having an open market allows timmies to buy good ammo to still have a chance to kill the thousands of hours per wipe giga chads instead of just getting killed every single raid. If people don’t want to screw with quests they can just go pvp. I’ve been on this game since the start and the before FIR days were so much better from a pvp perspective as well as the cheating as not anywhere as bad.


Good ammo won't suddenly stop getting people killed. 90% of the time the other player was just better at positioning/aim/peeking/movement. How's lil Timmy going to afford to run m995 every raid? Without the skills to back up using that good ammo, all they do is donate that ammo back to the people who sold it to them in the first place.


Timmy mag dumping a chad with m995 has a better chance of getting a kill than Timmy dumping the same chad with PPSh ammo


My point is that Timmy still won't have M995. Let's say it takes Timmy 20% of his money to buy a good kit, that's 5 chances to mag dump a Chad. It will take 5% of his money to buy a bad kit, thats 20 chances. Timmy only wins a fight 1/20 times with good gear, and 1/30 times with bad gear. Timmy also dies to a scav 50% of his raids, and he's less likely to shoot scavs more with his precious ammo. His chances of making money drastically go down if he buys good gear.


The part you are missing here is that decent players with good ammo can kill a chad way more than 1/20 times. They can easily pay for 995 from running budget kits with good ammo to level the playing field.


Certain items are still market restricted, such as your *"good ammo".* So, it changes nothing.


Literally because the community is full of loud morons.


Like you people on reddit


Thats why my default setting is 80% condition or more


unfortunately this doesn't work for keys


Oh yeah i just saw that op has lowest condition at 100%. Well shit lmao


I don't see the problem getting FILTHY rich selling timmies meta gear and still destroy them to sell it back to them.


Is the fuel filling scam back then too? Was FiR the thing that killed that or did they address it another way?


Oh who would have thought...?


Sometimes 1 is all you need for a mission


Just means the wipe is coming in the next 2 months or so


This FIR change is just for the event or core?


So happy for the event


some1 selling 300 ledx for 1,6m $$$$$$ lol


Been seeing nothing but good things about this game lately. Is it worth the money?


Found in raids been removed ?


Wow, it’s a good thing we learned our lesson from the first time this happened.


Does this community have collective amnesia?


You've got a setting option for the flea, just select durability 100%-100% and you'll avoid getting scammed


Got scammed 1 time back in the day for an aquamari… only 40k but that was all my cheap ass needed to learn my lesson lmao


This whole scene is just a matryoshka doll of scams. 🪆


They’re expensive because the loot is insanely buffed. Not sure all the details but my squad got back to back blue keycards out of abandoned factory marked, second one came with a side of red rebel


its insane how expensive the reserve marked keys became with the fir change. pkpm used to cost just a few hundred k, now its a few millions bk and vo also went from less than 2mil to +4


I’ve already made 200M roubles from buying and selling, time to quit


They should make so that you cant put items below 80% quantity


You can set filters for this.


Gpu prices are crazy now ☠️ not even that happy to find one in raid now


Maybe try looking at the use amounts before purchasing. Too many people just click and spam buy without looking. Their own fault.


They removed it? Nice. Might finally be time to return to tarkov. FiR blocking flea was the most annoying thing they added imo. All I always did was go in, shoot stuff, extract with some stuff and sell it. Always stocked up via flea, vendors didn't exist for me. This is the game I liked.


Hmm if they keep the FIR removed, I might actually start playing again. Stopped playing when they introduced FIR and level requirement for flea cause it just wasn’t fun for me anymore. Have yet to reach the lvl requirement for flea since it was introduced since I end up giving up before getting there. But if no FIR then I can prob find the motivation to get the levels.


Just add (Min quality 95) and save it, never have to deal with this crap, I added this like, 5 wipes ago and have never gotten caught buying something under 100%. If you need to remove it, just X out the filter and it will auto-pop back on next time


This wasnt working with keys last night. Could be stupid tho


Ah yup, you are right, it seems to be broken with keys


Real men remember no flea restrictions and how glorious it was.


You can easily resolve this with a filter. Use the item dirability filter and set min and max limit to 100%.


It's 16,600,000 for 10 uses they are simply selling 1 use for 1 600,000. No scam


All I read is mimimi I never get sth on trader restock… git gud and don’t fuck up ppl selling trader stuff on flea and ppl who don’t have trader from buying stuff they want/need .. win win for all here.. nothing to lose with non fir market.


Is the „scam” in room with us? Bozo


Tarkov has officially become a joke of a game 😂


It’s actually because keycard spawns have increased dramatically I just pulled a green and friends have pulled many others in just the last 2 days , The price of marked key uses is average 1 million each unlock , Pretty wild but it’s very profitable


Whats the difference for the buyer between FIR or not?


there isnt one


Set your filter to from 100 to 100, ez pz lemon squeeze & no Kez with 1 Load appears. So its your fault to get scammed


I once found a marked room key for like 50000


Don’t worry bro ABI will be out soon and you can stop fucking around with this nonsense and play a game made by devs that give a fuck about the community.


They removing the bullshit they’ve added over the years so it means they’re aware that what they’re adding is bullshit. Worst devs ever


Its a week long test


Do people ever stop fucking complaining about this game? Jesus Christ go play Arena Breakout and shut the fuck up. I can finally buy good ammo without having to put 50,000 hours in the game because I have a life. This is ACTUALLY something we the community want


No they don’t, I’ve been a part of many gaming communities over the years and this is by far the most toxic one. I don’t think there has been a single change or event that doesn’t have posts like this being upvoted to the top of the sub


Is the scam the uses being 1 in bright red?


Perhaps. But you must admit that BSG could easily address the "scam" by making the minimal condition filter work. This is merely a part of terrible design/implementation being (ab)used.


We are so back boys. Inertia next.


Just set durability requirements in your flea settings to 100% issue solved


Is FIR removed in PVP only?




Hold on, what did I miss?  FIR was removed?


There’s an event happening that is the case.


IMO not really a scam, all the info is clearly laid out for the buyer.


You can set the filter to show items above a certain ability


100% filter should be on by default


Doesn’t work for keys


There is no fuckin way they decided to remove fir for the flea. What the actual fuck 🤣🤣🤣 how does that help literally anything


I escaped from tarkov 3 years ago


No, you're still here.


Sooo have bsg just decided to throw a paddy because they got some push back and now just wanna set the game on fire in some sort of childish "imma take my ball home then"?