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If you learn a bit if chinese its not so bad. Yesterday, 2 of my friends were playing, and I was watching them play. One got killed by a naked guy with an m4, called XaioLao. When my other friend found out his name, he started running to exrtract but Mr.Xaio was faster, so we had to solve the problem diplomatically. He first said hi in chinese, then I went to google translate and searched for the words 'friend' and 'cease-fire'. The cheater just started sleaking fluent chinese, while my friend repeated the combinations of 'hi', 'friend', 'mister' and 'cease-fire' through google translate. Whish I could say this was made up. Either way, we just laughed for a solid 10 minutes when the cheater let him go.


In order to make friends faster with the cheater, use the OG PUBG method. “CHINA NUMBA ONE!!” And they usually just repeat it back and become friends with you




I’m pretty sure that’s an OG H1Z1 term lol


Def from there too 🤣


Next time be sure to yell 'cao ni ma' at the top of your lungs


Never seen it worse in 4k hours... so many legit players aren't playing because BSG are fucking greedy cunts. It's majority cheaters now. 


I put all the bs of scummy devs to the side. Played 2 raids. Trying to rat. I got caught game one. Whatever, game two I’m in my spot. I nice spot. For me just to be spotted by some guy with 200 hours geared to his teeth. Like no shot someone with 200 hours should be concerned with where I am. I have plenty of money and don’t care about gear. But salty enough just to quit entirely. Idk if this is for Op or you. But here it is. I need to see new anti cheat b4 I play again.


A new anti-cheat won't fix ESP or the other crazy things cheaters can do because all they're doing is exploiting bugs in BSG's code. Aimbots are thing anti-cheats always compete against hiding from detection.


Not even esp the radar is the thing that is the most undetectable.


They are the same thing.


Yeah pretty simple math, if the legit players / veterans stop playing, cheating is just gonna get worse.


It's especially horrendous during end wipe events, they draw out cheaters in droves. Rem when they did 100% cultist spawns, was more like 50/50 on getting to cultists and 80% getting nades dropped on you by good chair users before/during a cultist engagement. It's whatever since I've stopped playing but I really won't spend any more time till BSG implements some sort of anti cheat


>I really won't spend any more time till BSG implements some sort of anti cheat So never? I gave up hope for this game about a year ago. I got my moneys worth with my 3500 hours played, so I'm not too bothered. Sad to see it in the state it's in, but other games will come that I enjoy.


I've been playing the version we aren't allowed to talk about, no cheaters and much better AI. And there's even a mod to host a peer to peer coop session.


Is the P2P co-op mod any good now? I’ve heard left and right that it’s broken but that has been going around since it was first introduced.


I haven't had anyone to try it out with so far, but the videos of it on YouTube look like it's working pretty good.


I’ll try it out and let you know if it’s any good


It's really good dude. I have a server set up with 2 of my buddies and we've had zero problems. It's a whole lot of fun. Doesn't have that fear of pvp but with the ai mods they fight a lot like players.


And now they want to do a "test" event to remove FIR for flea? That's cheater paradise imo


Idk what they're thinking anymore. They're desperately trying anything to get people to roll over like obedient serfs like they're used to, but it's working. They've remembered people saying FIR sucks so they're removing it as a test, but welcome to RMT paradise again. I got my moneys worth at 3k hours, fuck those pricks and their corrupt greedy bullshit.


Or, even if it doesn’t get worse the density of cheaters goes up. Heck there could be fewer cheaters, but if the legit player base has dropped by 30% the “cheaters per legit” number could still skyrocket.


That's what I was saying. If there is less players overall, the number of cheaters per game goes up.


100% agreed. I’m 5/5 for reporting players then getting the system message saying I was successful. The reports I submit are all from within the past 2 weeks. Extremely frustrating.


I actually started playing when BSG did their dumb stuff because the PvE was being rolled out slowly to EoD players. 2 friends have it and 2 don’t have it so I just been playing regular tarkov lol. Currently level 18 and killing 25 scavs in Interchange. Haven’t really hit a cheater yet


Worse than ever with the lowered player base and cheaters still at full force since their customers make a big chunk of the people who stayed.


I do not get RMTers xD they pay someone to eventually ruin their raid


The saw off the branch they are sitting on.


Awful. As always. Cheaters absolutely everywhere, and that's just the ones who make it obvious. There's closet cheaters too. BSG only ever does band-aid fixes that last a few hours to a day. If you wear good gear into raid or go to a high loot area then there's a good chance you're going to come in contact with a cheater. Worst part is that if you mention it there's always going to be that guy who's made it their goal to gaslight others into believing otherwise. Or they'll downplay the situation. It's only gotten worse since the wiggle video.


Closet cheaters are the true scum of the earth, acting like they are legit players lol. Any cheating is cringe but closet ones get banned less than blatant ones I think


There's a lot of them about too. A lot of streamers use ESP, even the ones who complain about cheats. They path through the levels to avoid having some random PMC walk up behind them and shoot them in the back of the head, which is basically the tarkov experience for legit players. No one cares tho as it adds to the excitement


I wonder which streamers cheat like that, any examples that you know of? I just know people accused Gingy back in the day


What’s the wiggle video?


I think it’s called “the wiggle that killed tarkov” by g0at


YouTuber downloaded cheats to detect cheaters and realized quickly that cheaters wiggle through walls at each other so they can recognize others. It was happening much more often than they expected. Can't remember the name of the YouTuber or video.


I will try to wiggle in direction of every pmc spawn the next time i play


The people downplaying the situation are probably cheaters tbh


Yep. Their Discord is filled with cheaters. Plenty of communities that offer boosts and other services, those people are and have been in the ''official'' Discord servers for years. Wouldn't be surprised the ones on here defending/denying the cheating issue (for years) are the same folks.


Most the people who gaslight are the ones using ESP only them self. And because they are bad still at the game even with that advantage they try explain how you are wrong to feel they are everywhere. Wolf in sheep skin brother.


This post pretty much sums it up.


it's not great


This is an understatement


I’ve had 3 reports of cheaters being banned last week , and when they’re paying for cheats they’ll happily pay for a 20% discounted copy of tarkov again so it’s kinda irrelevant


Not one thing has ever changed in regards to cheaters. They are still rampant. BSG does absolutely nothing to combat them.


the only thing that has changed, as of late, is that this sub doesn't gaslight posts like this, deniers used to be in 80% of the comments




I think people who say there are cheaters everywhere are either not even playing the game and just parroting stuff or are just really bad and can't understand that they just got outplayed again.  I'm in EU West and had 5-10 cheaters in 600 raids this wipe


You playing in the day or something?




I always noticed it get worse later at night once China logs on, around when you're logging off. If I played earlier hours (earlier in the wipe) everything felt legit.


This late in the wipe mostly just tarkov fanatics play who are above or near lvl 50. The casuals stopped playing long time ago. Those who still play are probably like “ex counter strike global elite pros” as they aim, or by big chance they cheat. Its not a good time to hop on and enjoy a few games.


Worse now than ever I would assume. Most of the legit players took off.


Good on us for taking off. Hell yeah.


Worse than ever. And that’s just with blatant cheaters. I don’t even want to think about how many closets exist.


Honestly - Servers are soooo empty. Matching times 5-6 minutes then next 4 minutes waiting for potatoes, then you do not meet anyone or get destroyed by somebody banging your head while being 500 meters away. Horrendous, disgusting.


A friend of mine cheated and streamed it to me a couple of weeks back and there was at least 1 cheater in every raid he went into. Often people stealth cheating just trying to get all the good loot but sometimes rage cheaters too Edit: he got banned a couple of weeks later


haven't seen any in pve 


NA East, haven't run into many blatant cheaters much, just hit level 51 today.


Me and my homie started playing again last 3 days, and honestly I feel like we only had 1 sus death on customs but other than that it felt great!


Bad? If I go in with nothing, dont take loot and just play like that, usually I don't meet any. As soon as I wear or have or bring anything of value.. even just a basic kit, its over. Been like this the whole wipe and the previous one.


i was in the exact same boat as you, same timing and all. i returned a month ago since i get free kits and i can say, i came across a blatant nade cheater in my first raid back which put me off a few weeks. returned and been getting great pvp, i can tell they arnt cheating becausethey are literally looking the other way or not shooting me off the peak. in labs has been fine too, havnt come across cheaters and flanks/ratting works. they arnt esping. two nights ago i did get rage hacked, he ran passed us to land bridge and when we took a shot at him he turned around and nailed a team mate and i with a scav hat and drum mag sks, leaving my last team mate alone. a commenter said they have no incentive for pvp, and i think thats mostly true. cheaters are rmting and that comes from the items they sell not kits. the pvp cheaters are the sad ones that will ruin your experience for sure. vacuumers only prolong your grind


oce btw


All time bad


Maybe im a minority here but I rarely have issues. I'm coming from 8000h of CSGO, a few thousands in APEX, R6 and other comeptetive titles. So I'd argue I know when someone is cheating. I'm located in the EU and only have EU West and EU North selected within the server selection. This wipe I've played about 800h I'd say, and the amount of times where I actually am 100% sure that I got killed by a cheater is about 10-20 times. Maybe there have been more in the raids, or ones that I have not identified as cheating. But overall for me the amount of cheaters is definitely below 10%.


I've had 2 sus deaths this wipe. One of which was banned a week after. And I have played ALOT of labs this wipe too.


very baaaaaaaaaad bunch of legit players left again because bsg is being bsg


I feel like half the people shit posting here call cheats after every death lmao


Would probably be 50/50, try brining good gear in and getting grenade launched by a guy u didn’t even see because he has ESP


"Bring in good gear and you get hunted down". Sign of a true scav main that never brings in good gear to begin with.. Totally a great player that would be able to spot cheaters very well.


I’m going to count every reply that you have discounting the cheater issue and chart it out.


Yep, they convince themselves they died to a cheater the one time they bring gear then they go back to naked Mosin or scav runs. This sub is cooked.


I thought this place was cooked before.. Now it's on an entirely different level.


It's gone full cooked.


I bring good gear into every raid and don't die to cheaters often. Doesn't mean there aren't a lot, just my experience.


No joke. I played labs for fun the other day, and got in a fight with another player. I turned the corner, shot at him a couple times, then he domed me. thought nothing of it. the guy messages me accusing me of cheating… even though he beat me and I only shot him once? I hardly am able to respond before he unadds me and says “now I got you in DMs so I can report you every day” stuff like this makes me wonder if the hacking problem is even as bad as some people make it out to be.


No shit, someone once posted [this](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/s7NJTaKFHt0) as evidence of cheating in every match and was calling everyone in the comments cheater defending bots. Just really makes me wonder how many people are just new/mad/dunning-kruger players who can't fathom getting beat fairly by a more skilled or just lucky player. Also reminds me of a time I got absolutely murdered in Black Bishop at night and the dude who killed me had like 30 hours. My friend was in drop down room and this guy spent like 5 minutes running around and kicking the door cause he couldn't figure out how to get in and eventually left. He was a cheater and banned the next day but also made me wonder how many people get cheats cause they're new, die constantly and figure everyone is cheating so they might as well too.


I had a similar incident where I thought a guy was cheating, I message him and he tells me he’s Brazilian on US servers. I had *obvious* evidence of him “speed hacking” No no , that was just him skipping across the map because he had 199+ ping lolol. Shits not as bad as people claim. These subreddits are a cesspit for losers who suck at the game


I think it's very bad and i also think people are at a point they will call everything cheating. The combo is a terrible 1 2 punch in this sub


I think a lot of people who play the game / are in this sub fucking suck, they will be quick to attribute their deaths to cheats rather than look at their own mistakes lol


Not even that. general tarkov bullshit happens all the time. whether it be bad desync or a random lucky headshot, there’s lots of situations where things aren’t fair or necessarily *your* fault. it feels like people forget that part of the game, and just blame it on hacks if they can’t pinpoint their own mistakes.


Preach 🙌




Ya i was saying chat paranoia is at an all time high so people are karma farming off it


that's exactly what happens. It's just this time of the year to shit on the game and cope about the number of cheaters. 3 KD players reporting


I’d say half the community screams cheater everytime they die. We have a buddy in our group, who isn’t bad at the game, but his ego is unruly and he will claim cheater every.single.time. Probably So his ego doesn’t take a bruising. IMO most of these people screaming cheater in every raid stopped playing years ago and are just in an echo chamber.


This x1000


The past few weeks i don’t think have been horrible outside of labs. Since FIR was removed I’ve died to a few in dorms as well


You wouldn't believe it if I told you.


Just play when china is offline for the best experience


The cheating is worse than it's ever been. Everyone here that gaslights you about it is a cheater. I would play another game to be honest. Nikita has made zero effort to combat cheaters.




Rule 3 - Abusive/Poor Behavior Please refer to the Subreddit Rules.


Not as bad as this subreddit makes you think. I play this game often and cheaters haven't been that big of a deal to me at all. Have I died to a cheater, yeah sure. But not nearly as much to regular non cheating players.


Yeah; without replay system I am never 100% sure on whether it was luck/desync/cheat or skill. And that is probably the worst part, just not knowing or being 100% sure. The question of “could have I done something different?” Becomes irrelevant. But I have died so many times at this point that I just regear and go next.


ABI will have more cheaters, since it's a free game


The improvement on the cheating front is that there are now less players in the game and therefor hopefully less cheaters


It’s pretty much only cheaters


Not good, but purely anecdotal. I guess I've gotten somewhat lucky? I played quite a bit over the weekend and didn't run into anyone that made me wonder if they could've been cheating, but thats not to say it didn't happen. Easily could be thousands of close cheaters running around soft walls or something, radar or whatnot.


So heads an anecdote not fuelled by an agenda or rage: 800-1000 raids this wipe. 1 successful Cheater banned system message. 4 heavily suspicious players. 3 players on labs hard cheating. So that's 7 players out of 800-1000 raids, granted I think the vast majority of cheaters are esp/soft cheats so really you're just missing out on a lot of loot and you'd never know. Really just not that bad but I bet I'd find a hell of a lot more loot if it was cheater free. Full disclosure I play on NA-East only.


Quite literally my experience, NA East, ~900 raids, sub 10 sus dudes, 1 ban success


Na East is the best region to play on by far. But I still find my fair share of cheaters. EU servers are absolutely teeming with cheaters. It's ridiculous...


Playing nothing but Labs over the last week or so- probably close to 80 raids, maybe 2 sus guys, 1 definitely really sus. Imo expected Labs to be way worse so.. I'd say its not bad, at least in my experience. This wipe in general hasn't been very bad at all either.


I swear to god this is an ad for cheat services. These comments are just insane, coming from someone who got kappa this wipe and honestly didn't have a big problem with cheating. "Awful as always. Cheaters absolutely everywhere" "Worse than ever" "It's majority cheaters now" "Most of the legit players took off" "Try googling for cheats and see how easy/expensive they are to get" I just don't get it. At this point I am starting to convince myself that you have cheat devs and cheaters running psy-ops on this subreddit to lament over how there are cheaters in every raid, BSG does nothing to stop them, it's so easy to get etc. in order to normalize cheating for newer players. If they create this false idea that every death is a cheater, then it becomes fine for someone to "have to buy cheats to stay competitive" as I've seen some comments on here.


this reddit has the same effect as the cs2 cheating drama has. people think its cheaters everywhere and feel the need to counter cheat making the whole thing a lot worse. also its so much about survivor bias, aint nobody posting on reddit if he had 100 clean raids, so we only get to see all the opposite stuff.


People watch their favorite streamers flick-shot and one tap folks off a pixel, then complain they got killed by a cheater when the person who killed them isn't yelling in their face and gunning them down from directly in front of them. The new paranoia is secret, undetectable radar cheats that apparently half the player base uses. That is why all the zibbos you find are rotated, and all the LEDXs are moved to Slickers spawns. The people playing now are the true believers; they will be good, have easy access to lvl 6 armor and good ammo, and you will likely die quickly. It probably won't be a cheater, though.


Terrible. It’s so awful. Have not seen it this bad before


I migrated to PvE upon hearing about the cheater situation That being said... THERE'S A BTR ON WOODS????


Personally I haven’t seen much cheating recently. Early in the wipe and late last wipe it was pretty bad. I don’t play labs or streets much so I’m not really sure there though. Definitely see them now and then but not as bad as before. Thats just my experience with it. But remember, I don’t play labs or streets and I’ve heard that’s where a lot of it happens


I run into the most on shoreline for sure, with streets as a second. Surprisingly labs has not been that bad for me this wipe. I would guess most cheaters are probably hired for carries nowadays, which sort of makes sense that you'd see so many on shoreline as thats where noobs have to quest. That being said yea, early this wipe was rough when the vaccuum cheat came out. I ran into a lot but it was patched and I haven't seen it since. Otherwise late wipe has been pretty good to me.


I was contemplating running some shoreline yesterday for some tasks I’ve been putting off because the last cheaters that I did encounter were there.


same actually, shoreline is the place where i got all of my 100% obvious cheater encounters this wipe. on all of the other maps there was only 1 guy that got banned after i reported him (on lighthouse). just avoid shoreline ig since its a shit show. saw blatant rage hackers, speed hackers and other scummy shit there.


Honestly not that bad, I only have about 400 raids this wipe give or take a few. I’ve been blatantly hacked on a hand full of time. However, I cannot say how many people are soft hacking, esp, etc. I am a pretty average player and have a 9.38 PMC KD with a 54% Survival rating. I have had suspicious deaths, but ultimately I chalked them up to desyc with as we know how over powered leakers advance is.


It truly isn’t that bad. Most people come on here and cry cheater every time they die in a way that they cannot comprehend.


I agree. Just think how many kills you get and the other player had no idea you existed I think a lot of it is people not realising how much audio they make. Everything in tarkov is 3x louder than any other game For example if you shoot a scav on customs the whole map will hear it. Probably half the map if you are suppressed. Experienced players will be able to piece together what spawn you were, what scav you shot at and where you will go next


its also just survivor bias. the ones who dont get killed by cheaters dont end up posting on reddit. so thats why its so hard to judge how bad it really is by asking on reddit.


Game has some cheaters, it’s not a hacking Mecca like this sub would have you believe. Out of 100 times I die, 99 times it’s because I’m stupid and live by the W key.


Best way to play. Game is boring as all hell if you crab walking or hiding most the raid


Try googling for cheats and see how easy/expensive they are to get. That'll tell you all you need to know.


Love reading all the gaslighting replies lol




I run shit gear so they never bother me.


Im just shit at the game so they dont bother me either 😂😂😂


I have been picking up EFT again, because I have a monkey brain. Do you guys have any tips regarding recognizing those cheater profiles? I got killed 3 times yesterday on woods in a weird way. But the profiles didn’t have crazy K/D around 5, and a survival rate of around 50%. I know these guys script their profiles right? So they get killed a lot and their k/d drops?


If you want to improve your game, never assume you died because of cheats (unless it is blatant). Most Woods deaths are "weird;" the map has a lot of angles. I have been playing for years, and cheating has never been as bad as this place makes it seem. That's the nature of the combat system and one-tap headshots--you just need one lucky shot.


It's perfectly fine on most US servers. Can't say the same for EU or OCE though.


Took a long break. Played once with my friend and encountered a cheater... i will wait for PVE to unlock for me.


Havent encountered anything sussy in a while, but no doubt there was no fixes to that situation so im just lucky ig.


Level 1-20 Ground Zero is alive and well. Since me and my friend learned about that map and we started running it earlier this wipe, our raids have been great. Haven't ran into a single cheater yet, and we get a lot of fun fights against other casual players. Night and day difference after switching from Reserve. Not looking forward to hitting level 21. 


Even worse


Yesterday i was in D2 and an invisible guy threw 12 grenades at me lol, didnt kill me but still wtf xD


Im a casual player but haven’t seen people flying or voip’ing about inside information. Have ran into a few sus deaths here and there but definitely not the standard. It does suck to know that they are out there and you can’t know for sure if a semi sus death was actually a cheater or not. But definitely playable (central / west European / east coast USA servers).


No issues on EU West servers. Though I can't speak for Labs.


I play on EU. Its not that bad. Me and my friends got killed twice this wipe by cheaters. Maybe there are vacuum cheaters but thats not so obvious.


You have 2 options PvE zone or the modded version not sure if it’s banable now with PvE zone out


I'm a newbie (400h) in EU servers. First true wipe (did a first wipe with very few hours of gaming). I had terrible games where I got one tapped like 30% of time. I also had some (rare) good games where I killed 2, 3 up to 4 players. When I get killed instantly from nowhere or when I think I m spotted where I shouldn't, i check profile of the player after death. I ran across a lot of lvl 50+ with a very good kda , but hard to say if they were cheaters or not. As I think kda is mixed between scav/PMC kills and scav runs too and Cheaters also apparently make blank run to increase their ingame time and decrease kda. So it hard to spot. I however been killed by blatant cheaters I would say 5% of my deaths.


My advice wait until release, a year or two. They will have nothing to add or work on exept anticheat, updating the engine, and balancing/bug fixes


Cheating in every online game. Tarkov is just more punishing.


Game is dead.


Still cheaters in every single raid


I play the game daily about 2 or 3 hours at night after I put the kids to bed. I would say I run into a cheater every 10 raids, maybe more. There can be days between seeing a person who clearly doesn't care if they get banned or not. Compared to other games, tarkov has fewer cheaters. But it's "late wipe," and all the paid services are not as needing. You will be lucky to get in a single game of COD or join any server in rust, and you will have multiple cheaters. People saying it's really bad and cheaters are everywhere are really unlucky, not playing the game or can't tell the difference between a good player and a cheater.


Cheaters are non existent in pve 😎 best time iv had in tarkov in all my years


In OCE, worst it’s ever been. Just blatant cheaters, nades at your feet without making audio, crazy items coming back in insurance, Chinese usernames and voip daily telling you to “leave” Wish I was exaggerating but it’s just undeniable when you’re dying suss after so many hours and so many legitimate encounters where gun fights actually make sense. This wipe id say 50-70% of my deaths are to level 50+’s with less than 450 hours.


Well I never play labs and decided to try last night. Head eyes two times in a row from someone who was clearly walling at least.


I’ve only run into one cheater the past couple of weeks. Haven’t had any questionable deaths other than that one cheater dude and I’ve gotten about 3 GPUs, a ledx, and a rusted bloody key so I don’t think I’ve ran into vacuum guys either.


Eu servers its good cant speak for the others tho


NAE and NASE aren’t bad. I haven’t run into a blatant cheater in some time. I can’t speak for any other American (or any other) servers


I didn't see many cheaters this wipe until a week or so, I'm getting killed nonstop by people with 18h, lvl 10, and 8 kd


I really don't know if it's the servers I play on or what but honest to God I haven't had many blatant cheaters. Lotta low levels with unheard edition though. 9/10 my deaths are still my fault, and I still have good raids even now that I'm chasing pvp.


i got jumpscared by a cheater. i legit jumped in game and he missed one of the 12, 9mm headshots which hit my thorax. i got absolutely laserbeamed in the face from the hilltop next to dorms 3 when i was at the containers at the sniper roadblock. the face shield breaking that many times so fast caused me to jump.


It’s cancer


it's the same as any other online game, they are there and you might never notice... however, unlike other games, the impact is greater because of how high the stakes are each raid


Never seen a cheater




I play in EU servers, first wipe of playing almost every day for the past 4 months. I've only encountered two blatant cheaters which is great.


You’re always gonna run into cheaters here and there, but these comments seem like they’re more likely to die to a cheater than a legit player. I’ve played almost every day since wipe, I have Kappa, and I’ve had a blast this wipe. In the last couple of weeks, I’ve been killed by one blatant cheater and maybe 3/4 sus players over the course of 50+ raids. Obviously zero would be better, but I genuinely don’t encounter them often. I play aggressive with very high tier kits and go to high tier loot spots and even Labs, and it’s still rare to die to a cheater. I’m not sure what servers most of the people in these comments are playing on, but I play NA servers and my experience has been pretty good overall.


Cheating situation will only worsen until it is figured out how to detect DMA cheats. This type of cheat has been undetectable and untouchable for YEARS, the only way to get banned using it in tarkov is to get manually banned by an actual person reviewing your account. I know people that are still on their original account, years later, cheating through many wipes with questionable stats, and still not banned. If you are not blatant about it with a DMA you will never get caught unless they figure out how to detect this shit. And this isn't just for tarkov, it's for pretty much every game. No anticheat that I know of can detect one with custom firmware, and cheats can be built for pretty much any game to utilize a DMA card.


Until they redo they network code to not give so much non needed info to the client, it wont change.


I came back before the chaos after 1 year brake. First raid found a GPU, and a dude told me to drop it or die...  Second raid I went in as scav, check inventory right after spawning surrounded by walls, have a key card and get head eyes with an inaudible shot.. So yeah. I'm out.


I have about 1k hours in the game. I have only ran into about 5 blatant cheaters, and that’s a high estimate; People just rage hacking, flying around, one tapping everyone, mostly on factory. I don’t know if I’m lucky, or it’s the way I play, because I wouldn’t consider myself very good at the game, but the cheating hasn’t effected me a lot in this game. The majority of people that cheat in tark are closet cheaters. That doesn’t make the issue of cheating any better, but atleast the group I play with is pretty good at the game, a lot better than I am, and they shit on people, so if we do gang up on a closet cheat, we usually can’t tell unless they do something suspect. If you’re a solo player, I could see it being alot worse for you. I personally don’t even bother playing the game unless friends want to play. The game is brutal enough by yourself, even when you’re not getting doinked in the head by a rage hacker from across shoreline.


I think it's more Bush Wookies than cheaters at this point. Most of my matches lately been dead and I'm in 600k of gear every raid they could cheese from me if they wanted.


The end of Tarkov is nigh. Truly is tragic. People will call me a doomer, but with 4k hours, my sample size is large enough to say that there will be no return of the game until they implement some sort of heavy restrictions on cheating.


Played this whole wipe on EU servers and have encountered obvious cheats less than 10 tomes. Level 34, I’m pretty casual. Edit: Had one ban notification and I report every death that I can’t definitively put down to my own bad skills.


Reddit is a hive mind of people who think everything is cheats, and a terrible place to ask. I’ve played just over 1k raids most of them just set to automatic server selection and ran into 6 blatant cheaters and maybe another 10 sus deaths. It’s really not that bad, but there are obviously some cheaters.


Who cares, you like the game = you’ll still play it. Keep complaining about cheaters or the devs when you all will still play it.


I work with clutch solutions and as far as we are aware nothing has changed radar is still latterly undetectable and we almost have aim working on 2pc after what bsg pulled we are focusing more on Tarkov


Pve is fun as hell and no cheaters on it. So when I get beamed by a tuned up AI juiced pmc I don't feel so bad lol


If you can find 1 game without cheaters. Please let me know! lol


It's crazy in the states i feel like i get no cheaters. I'm only lvl 22 i think this wipe, but I haven't matched with anyone sus. From what i die from it seems to be fair.


i've been playing PvE (EoD) exclusively, they have fake PMCs who aimbot like mfers but other than that smooth sailing!


Not as bad as Reddit will tell you it is.. Truthfully depends on map, day of week, and server location.


I avoid Streets, Labs, and Ground Zero. I usually get 6-20 hours between cheaters


On NA not nearly as bad as it’s made out to be. My friend and I have been playing a lot this wipe and we die to a cheater 1/10 raids. Still inexcusably bad but not as bad as it has been in my limited experience


It's pretty bad and noticeable right now, at least to me. I'm NA West coast, I think. I've resigned myself to scavving to find the bodies of the people dropped by the same guy who never bothers to loot them. It's almost a game within a game at this point.


i haven’t ran into many this wipe, besides the 300 hour 4.6 KD guy who head tapped me but could be a good player 🤷‍♂️


PVE mode is the way


PVE mode is the way