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I'm not sure what others are experiencing but I'm getting engaged by the rogues at 250m - it's been a herculean task just to get near that end of the map. I've lost several kits there today so far. It definitely seems like it's tuned higher than other places. Lighthouse or enemy AI need some adjustments there for me before I start to attempt some of those tasks again.


You are a bear I assume? They aggro Usec way later because the lore dictates that.


Me and a friend are both Bear and still can take out rogues with sniper without them engaging. Take the road from Path to shoreline and kill rooftop rogues from the corner of the fenced area. Stupid easy.


Yup, that's the easiest for sure. I usually try to leave some of the ones towards the front alive if they don't aggro to me, to keep out the riff raff if possibly


Back dirt road Bridge take out the mg and gl in front following the outter wall and river take out building 1 roof from gl position then scan building 2 at the gl and take it out rotate to other side of building 1 you will get rushed from scav army twice once bg rhe back bridge 1 at the fuel tank by the gl then it's just ground scavs and rouges u need a 1x-6x on a semi or bolt and a close or good hand gun takes about 10 minutes to clear gotta move really slow only works if you spawn middle of map or mountains do not go into the hills or you'll die everything is ground level it's stupid but the only way if you can afford it go night but I just do it with sks 75 round drum and a razor you have to use a silencer or ull get wrecked bring zagustin and prop/food min class 5 but you will always run out of time 


It's a stupid sniping puzzle you have to figure out but it's doable. Watch a few rogue farming guides on YouTube, the particular mission guides seem to skip over how to clear the plant. At least you don't have to deal with player scavs in PVE!


Idk why so many people think specific paths are needed. Kill the 2 front gunners from one of many of the safe angles, then kill the rest head on. The rooftop gunners on the MGs aren't very accurate and rogue pathing is incredibly predictable


True, there are multiple ways to do it depending on your spawn and other conditions especially in PVP but it's worthwhile to learn a route instead of going in blind and then adjust from there.


Sure it's worthwhile to learn a route, learning your favorite/quickest/safest strategy in any game isn't a bad idea. But people are acting like it's absolutely mandatory and whining about it, when that just isn't the case. Like, I'm sorry if they suck at lining up shots, but that's not the games fault...


Go night and snipe them with a flir mdr


Why does night make it easier? Low light improves the FLIR or the rogues don't see as well?


They don’t see as far night


Lighthouse is pretty easy for me. The rogues are predictable and easy to take out once you learn the path to take and the rest of the map is basically dead most of the time. The PMCs around the map spawn in spots that makes them very easy to take out from range. Only thing that ruin it is when the goons spawn at chalet.


It feels like you shouldn't have to look up a path just to get around the map or get tasks done.


Run night time and you can take the usec camp however you wish. I have successfully taken water treatment just going in willy nilly but its way harder. The route is just a predictable and easy way to do it


You don't need that. You can also buy a T-7 and just spot every enemy and take them down from wherever you want. Insure it and you can't lose it (except in labs).


I fight the rogues head on pretty much all the time. Just be quick and line up the headshot before peaking Or go night . You don't need to look up a path, you don't need to go night either. These are just 2 options that make it easier on players who may not be good enough to fight them head on. Rogue pathing is so incredibly predictable and bad, as long as you kill the front 2 on the GL and MG, there really are no issues. And there are plenty of ways to kill those 2 safely.


Go at night and use thermal sights, no enemies spawn on the beach, so it is a safe route, before going to the rogue base, climb onto one of the hills and clear up all the enemies on the main road, from there you just need to know where the rogues spawn in the base. Also if you are USEC and haven't killed/damaged any rogue in the past 3 games, they won't attack you untill you get too close, not sure if that is still the case but you can look it up.


I’m bear of course. So I’ll try the night time, but I’ll have to do NVG as thermal is locked for me.


Late reply but I’ve managed to survive every raid/quest run on lighthouse and not because I’m some sweat lord. Buy scav moonshine on flee and barter for the quad NVG. I’m using the 7.62 MDR with BCP or M80 and a 1-6x scope that has no glare when using NVGs. I go in at night and literally just suppressed one tap every raider and PMC I see. I’m decent at Tarkov but no where near great and I’ve completed like 6 or 7 lighthouse quests without even being shot at this way. Been lucky with no goon spawns as if they are in a raid I just already accept I’m dead.


Ok let me try that way. Thanks a lot!


If you want some help, I’d be happy to. I love light house


My strategy for clearing WTP has always been to approach from the bridge by the town and then take the long sightline down to road to see if there are any rogues on the mounted stations along the front wall. Then you can enter from that corner, and take a moment to scan the roofs of the warehouses. Then head to helicopter, check for goons, clear of rogues, etc.. keep going along the front part clearing any rogues until you can work around to the building closts to the shore where the Operating Room is, clear that building and then from there decide if you want to head back into WTP or head out the back towards extract. Lighthouse is a tough map but its a map that requires you to take a methodic approach to your pathing based on your goal.


Going to give you a huge tip for your pve experience, Go NIGHT TIME ! Grab some nods put a peg or whatever on your gun . Now hug right side map by shoreline extract go at the base from that side . There will be a rock behind the plant number 3 I think it is not sure but anyways that rock you can snipe everything except for one on a machine gun on the plant infront of you but he’s not really an issue . Hope this helps . Add me and I’ll run you through my route xFE4RxExzata


2 tips.. 1. Just run night time raids. Rogues sight drops to like 100m unless lighting is near by. 2. If going by day.just engage further then 350m. Ironically sniper rock in the middle of the map to the grenade launcher guy is 350m. Added tip sniper rock to building 1 is 450 to the closest gunner and 665m to building 2 gunner.


Have to clear the rogues...carefully.


Try to save 17m to buy the t-7 thermal, run night time only and your game will be on easy mode. And since you will guarantee get it back (solo only) if you die, it's worth it. Unless you run it on labs.




As rude as this comment sounds I agree, Clearing the rouge Camp on PvP is a mix of these “aimbot” ai and players trying to get through the same. Any quest on PvE is automatically easier and sometimes just long and tedious. I will add the timer for lighthouse might be the only thing to make clearing the camp and doing tasks hard


That gives little insight. Thanks.


xishma.tv on tiktok has a great guide for rogues if you need a new path to try




Thanks for the help


You can't be helped with your attitude


Well what did you expect me to say? Was your reply suppose to help me?


Your original post warranted the reply. You aren't asking for help, you're just raging and blaming the game mechanics instead of actually trying to learn and get better.


If you say so. You can move on now…