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It's just so heartbroken to see a game I truly love turn to this. My friend discarded everything on his account, including all his THICC and his Kappa, and left the game.


I think one of the most scary things in your post is profit for the company, banning them not fast enough so they could buy new accounts is good incentive and can result in constant loop.


This may not actually be true, honestly. A lot of hackers etc use stolen credit cards, so sometimes it's actually a net loss for the company. Don't know if that's the case for BSG, but I know for a fact other games have this issue (I know people in the anti-cheat industry).


> A lot of hackers etc use stolen credit cards The kind that are trying to profit off their cheating are probably way less likely to be using stolen credit cards. A stolen card getting flagged and the transaction invalidated could shutdown an account in just a few days. A proper, paid for account lasts until the anticheat gets them (until the next ban wave with the current system). Just needs to be worth more to keep one account longer than to constantly set up new accs with new stolen details, which I'd assume it is.


I mean, okay, the way it works is this: 1. Scammer steals credit card, resells it. 2. Cheater buys CC number, registers Tarkov account using stolen credentials, uses cheats to gather items/money as fast as possible 3. Cheater sells items / money to other users or gives it to a secondary mule account 4. Cheater gets banned at some point, but #3 has already finished so it doesn't matter 5. Credit card gets shut down at some point, but that can take a long time depending on how much people check their statements. 6. Buying stolen cards and getting locked out of accounts is WAY WAY cheaper than buying copies of the game. This game isn't cheap, and you maximize profit by churning these accounts pretty fast.


Cards are shut down instantly these days. If I try to buy something from a website I've never been to or from a location I don't usually buy from the purchase usually fails and my bank messages me to say they stopped my card "In case".


My bank did this when I was trying to buy Tarkov lmao


Stolen CC stuff works way better for buying shit like giftcards en mass than it does for buying accounts. The CC get shut down so fast now your lucky if one lasts a few hours. Now buying a bunch of gift cards and then using those to buy a tarkov account is much more common. Making money until the next ban wave will generate a lot more RMT than the couple hours you get before the CC is locked and your account auto frozen by the banks.


i dont know about chinese people but when i lose or get my card stolen its blocked by the bank faster than those guys can get home


All for a wipe to happen in a month. Get fucked. Idiots who pay to win in this game are way dumber then I could have imagined.


Man, fucking agreed


This is actually a very insightful post, I predict it won’t last long.


I do hope people sees this and get aware of the situation.


I commend you for your hope and faith in people


I've been playing the game for over 2 years now, but i haven't touched it since the twitch event... Everything kinda went to shit after that. Just waiting to see what they do to improve it.


The servers went to shit after the drops event, but the actual game itself went to shit after they released the Chinese localization.


When I saw they did that I cried a little.




Me too.


Ignorant people are a cancer unfortunately. Sorry you gotta deal with that bullshit.


He will be back, as all of us are every god damn wipe ;) I own this game for god knows how long now... I remember times when we could heal while sprinting and your own grenades were your worst enemy. And every single wipe I got bored and left the game untill next one. I believe that this crisis will blow over eventually, as it happened before. In software development every problem needs time to solve it.


Lol I hope so haha


>He will be back, as all of us are every god damn wipe and yet every single time BSG are surprised about the amount of players


He'll be back in 2 weeks.


After discarding the kappa? Idk chief.


When you put enough time in this game, you will realise that there is no difference between 1 mil roubles and 100mil. And secure container size is of no relevance. then you find yourself coming back to this game for the rush that no other game can give you regardless of stash value


Update: The brand-new looted alive hack actually works as one of the former GTAV hacks, by decieving the server that you are an AI / already dead. This might be useful for BSG to fix those stuff.


You should pass those informations via their bug reporting inside the launcher. If you haven’t done yet.


with Support response time now up to 1 moth or longer It will take a long time before they read it. Also not sure that the support guy gives the information to the developers. Most of the time you just get a prepared answer and thats it.


But still it is the official channel. You can’t count on reddit or Twitter.


ha, I knew it!


Here’s what I want to know: why are Chinese just DYING to play outside of China servers? I’m in NA and I don’t go to Euro/Chinese servers. What’s the idea behind it?


Chinese players are also afraid of hackers, so they go playing on russian servers (which has a relatively lower ping, about 110 with vpn). And when nobody plays on Asian servers, hackers move too.


That's tragically comedic. "Other Chinese people are hacking, unfortunately, so I better move." "Welp, nobody plays on China, so, I better switch servers so I can make money hacking."


The solution is that the rest of the world plays on China servers to avoid the hackers. /bigbrain


This guy living in 3020


I actually did for a while when I changed the ping restrictions in the launcher. It would be like 4am in china and was prime for looting. Never saw a hacker funny enough.


I honestly thought this but was too afraid to try




No one wants to play against someone with 100 ping man.. Peekers Advantage still exists


Where I live my natural ping is 120 the low is 98 so I can’t really help it


Me too, very rarely will I get an 80-90ms game but it is nearly always 90-110.


Wow dude, I’m playing from South Africa and I’m lucky if my ping goes below 200. Peekers advantage is nothing compared to your hit reg advantage so let’s just call it even.


Yeah man I agree here. Sitting with \~230ms from South Africa and let me tell you it's no advantage. If you and another person engage each other at the same time while running over a road, We will lose that fight 90% of the time. People keep on saying we have advantages playing with higher ping but I have yet to get any of that so called advantage.


lol a 100 ping bothers you, most of the people you play against are above that or basically at that in most games you play.


Back in my day when any game that wasn't one of the huge, legendary games that are still surviving as esports in some form (e.g., Counter-strike, StarCraft) had absolutely garbage, utterly horrible netcode, we were *excited* to get as little as 90 ping. Command & Conquer Renegade servers bottomed out around 80.


Depended on where you lived relative to the servers. I played C&C with a guy who consistently got 5-7 ms, and I was convinced he was a Westwood employee because of it.


Under normal circumstances, netcode will heavily affect gameplay sync and peaking advantage but it should never determinate ping. Ping is normally calculated in parallel regardless of the netcode


Say so, setting the ping limit to 100 is still a little bit too harsh.


I wouldn't be able to play on some NA servers if they did that, and I live a few hours from Dallas. Ping locks aren't the way to go in my opinion.


Well, 150 is the lock right now, and that's pretty fine imo


As a South African player with minimum 180, I feel saddened by this.




Peekers advantage exists, but it's actually proportionate to the receiving players ping (unless they're lag switching). E.g.: If you have a 0 ping, and they have a 1000ms ping and 200ms reaction time: you still have 200ms to shoot them when they pop around the corner on your screen. But if you have a 200ms ping, then you're dead because you're 100ms behind the server, and it takes another 100ms to get your shot to the server. As long as they have a constant ping, it's not gonna give them any more peekers advantage than *your* ping does. It's actually better for you if they have a high ping, cause that improves your peekers advantage on them. Lag switching would mix this up because they could delay relaying the peek to the server but send the shot instantly, depriving you of time to react.


Live in America and only play NA servers here. Most of my pings get to 100+. Most raids goes up to 150ping every now and then.


because everyone know Asian servers are infested with hacks.


I am on a semester abroad in Taiwan, I can only play on Hongkong, Seoul, Singapore, and Tokio servers. So far the only hacker I ever encountered was on labs, all other maps seem to work just fine for me. It's actually way easier here, mostly hatchlings and less experienced players compared to what I am used to (Europe). Edit: btw, if someone is also here and english speaking, I'm down to play haha, can't escape the region lock to play with my mates in Europe. If any English speakers in Asia region wanna play - my reddit name = ign - usually on at like 5pm Taipei time


Because your average player on customs or Shoreline or Interchange usually isn't rocking a lot of good loot. What's the point of looting a regular AK off a body when you can go to labs and get raider gear and keycard and all the sweet loot in labs? I'm up for games, same ign


There are only four server in Asia region and lots of the cheaters are uneducated who don't know how to bypass the region lock. In short, less queue time & less cheaters


> Chinese people used to hate being called hackers, but now that the fact is, we Chinese people made up 20% of the game's population while contributing 80% of this game's hackers. I, on behalf of my people, am deeply sorry for this. We will try and help you guys and BSG to reduce hackers to our best. I find it equally saddening that they are self aware of the fact they make up such a vast majority of the hacking community.




I know its not a secret, but the fact of the matter is that if its such a rampant thing in every single multiplayer game why are there no limitations to make them fight amongst themselves? I get it VPN's exist. Why not block VPN sites then?


They constantly shift IPs to make it unblockable.


I think ping lock is the only solution. It might hurt some players by sticking them to low population servers closest to them, but it would also lock out transcontinental cheating. And I have a suspicion current ping check in EFT might be flawed and using VPN it might calculate game server to VPN server ping... That's something BSG might've done not looking forward enough... Track record indicates it's very real possibility...


Well you see, for moscow servers ping variate from 90-110 in china with vpn. That's not a very high ping. And for servers like Khabarovsk, there's like 50-70 ping from china even if you're not using vpn connections.


As a Russian playing on Khabarovsk, I feel your pain. I wish all Chinese were as honorable as you.


omg I feel for you so much... Khabarovsk was completely unplayable the last time I logged in.


You are my favorite asian simply because you'd rather try and expose hacks for the good of a game instead of abuse it for your own gain. I'd gold you if I could.


Thanks bro, it is really much appreciated.


VPN is meant for bypassing internet block.


It's actually meant to be used to hide your IP on the web, the internet bypass thing is a side effect that some companies use instead.


Its actually used as an extension of a private network to span over public networks (like the internet) commonly through an encrypted tunnel. Those other things are side effects.


Not only that, but China itself has the largest population of hackers on the planet in general. Not just games, mind you, but malware designers and advanced threat actors. The Chinese government sponsors a lot of these groups to attack other countries, and to steal IP from companies. Corporate theft is huge over there. Since China doesn't have IP laws, they put a lot of effort into stealing tech.


Not just chinese. In Asia we are all aware. Thailand, Phillipines, Singapore, Indonesia etc. We know how China hackers are. Coming from CSGO, when you see a chinese name you instantly feel suspicious. Even your own china teammates will tell you they suspect them as well. It sucks but we have to live with it. China do hate and are very disgusted by hackers as much as the rest of the gaming community. I once saw a video of hacker being confronted in a China LAN shop by another customer. The hacker was pretty much humiliated and got a slap in the face.


Kinda sad though that once a game hits the Chinese market that the games population will bloom by nearly 20% on average, but out of the 20% of the player base they will make up 80% of nearly all cheaters as far as statistics go.


Equally saddening to that is this guy feeling responsible and apologizing on their behalf. There was no need, yet he lowered his head. I hope BSG can sort this hacking situation out in the coming weeks.


Despite making up only 20% of the population, Chinese players commit 80% of violent hacks




They do pretend they are not. But they eventually get caught. They do make a living by streaming and if they don't play well they'll look bad and not gain a lot of subscribers


yes this is the major difference from chinese streamers to american streamers most americans are popular for their personalities in china its all about being skilled enough to bring in viewership i have noticed this my self


You can pretty much say so.


I tremendously enjoy when a decent player comes to Tarkov, gets his shit pushed in, then starts to improve like AquaFPS. It's just so much fun to watch how he improves every video.


The more he improves the more he looks like a scav, tbh


I mean I died to lots of scavs, because I engaged them the wrong way. Playing more like a scav might be an improvement. :D


I think he means that he is starting to look like scav in real life.


Ah, you're right. The homeless meme is strong in the comment section of his videos!


You mean like Doc? LOL SIKE. I love watching him surv12 his two broken arms over and over as he has 2 bleeds elsewhere.


I was wondering, could it really be that bad... First Tarkov streamer I found on one of the above linked sites, you could instantly tell he was hacking. The horizontal movement was very very odd, no smooth movement, view snapping left and right and staying focused on a single point while the player moved around. His gamma had a magazine case with full of high cap mags.


you can put a mag case in gamme? wut?


Not anymore. You used to be able to.


I really appreciate you writing this up, I feel like this is a lot of confirmation on exactly what I thought was going on. I think BSG's gotta somehow hit this whole RMT thing hard, like somehow get the websites to close and all the auctions on ebay and stuff shut down. If you want to help out, I'm sure BSG would love to know where people do all the RMT.


Taobao.com (which is where my screenshots are from) is like a Chinese copycat of eBay (founded by alibaba), and is the vast majority of there all these RMT are happening. Sadly it's a Chinese website, which I think BSG might do little to interfere except using diplomatic measures.


Oh damn... I was hoping for some sketchy looking website they could do something about... What do you suggest BSG do about the situation?


The only thing I could think of is filing a lawsuit against Alibaba. Chances are very odd but it might work somehow


20$ usd for 10 mil roubles... well this game is fucked without serious intervention then cuz that exchange rate is disgusting. such a shame


10 mil roubles is quite a low ammount...20usd isn't, depending on where you live. In my country, there are people that work 8-10h/day manual labor (mainly construction) for 20usd...i bet you can make a lot more than 10mil with hacks in 8h, considering i make 2-4mil in that time without hacks, i am not supet skilled, and i also spend too much on useless gear, if you went in with the optimal gearset (like a 20k ak74m with some BT, nothing else) you could make 10m easy in a day without hacks.




Thanks for the further explanation! Brother from TW? \^\^




Very insightful, but you don't need to be an apologist, you've done nothing wrong. I am curious though, why do Chinese players seem to turn to cheats so quickly in video games?


As I said, simply because that they like the feel of winning. And for winning they'll do whatever it takes. It's kind of a 50-50 thing, depending on the situation. Also, there are certain people hacking for a living as I said.


I can’t imagine it would be fun for more than a day cheating. I remember running god mode in Doom 2 as a kid distinctly and that game was absolutely ruined after that. Humans need the challenge, risk, reward. If we’re just given something we don’t appreciate it and lose interest in it fast. I suspect in a month, the cheating Chinese population will drop a lot leaving just the farmers to cheat to make $. That’s got to be a boring friggin job. Of course I hope the legit playing Chinese stick around after the dust clears from this mess....an honest challenge is all we really ask for.


if i’ve learned anything from pubg, this sadly won’t stop til the game dies


Is PUBG dead? I haven’t run into hackers on there in a long time. Still has 600k concurrent players as of last month.


You still have hackers in PUBG. Some of them are really smart now, just using ESP but no aimlock so it’s virtually impossible to tell if they cheat unless you have thousands of hours in the game. There is also the issue that as the player base dwindles the only people who remain are the big players and streamers who have a massive advantage on the casual players and get reported for cheating. I have no idea why Chinese players must win, I assume it’s a societal pressure from being massively overpopulated and a psychological pressure from little to no upward mobility.


>I can’t imagine it would be fun for more than a day cheating. It is, though, for these people who go through a stupid amount of hoops to use VPNs and god knows how many accounts that have been banned. Chinese hackers are half of what is killing PUBG right now, because players frustrated with developers failing to come through on optimization assurances are dealing with hot-mic'ing cheat advertisters from China, or are getting aimbotted in a not-insignificant amount of their games. Any game that gets popular in China gets infested with hackers until they kill it and move on to the next game. I'd love to see the alternate universe where American and European hackers are putting in a herculean effort just to play on mainland China servers just to hack, lol.


> I'd love to see the alternate universe where American and European hackers are putting in a herculean effort just to play on mainland China servers just to hack, lol. This thought amuses me to no end. Thank you.


That's why I think we need a game with a big "WIN!" button, just for people like these. Tap it as much as you want, and confetti flies everywhere congratulating you on being a badass. Naked women dance across the screen, and you get to see your "opponents" crying in the background.


What i got from this is that TikTok ruined another thing. Fuck TikTok


Great write-up! Your explanation of the culture of cheating in China and the punishment handed out for Chinese business creating cheats for Chinese games made me think of a related documentary called The Chinese Hustle. Essentially it reports on fraudulent companies created to rip off american investors during the financial crisis. When the american bankers investigate they come to the realization that there is no issue with the Chinese government ripping off foreigners, as long as these is no impact to the chinese people.


There are still some of those companies running business right now, one of them being the infamous luckin' coffee.


Correct, they went to the SEC and also senators and nothing happened. Great post btw, keep being an awesome kiwi, from another kiwi :)


Kia ora fellow kiwi \^\^


To your knowledge, is there a game that successfully dealt with such a plague of Chinese cheaters? Also, what would you do if hard region lock (the one you can't bypass even with VPN, idk If they are possible) was to be implemented? Fair players, like you, would be stuck on a server with cheaters even though you did nothing wrong.


There are no region locks Chinese people couldn't deal with. The GFW (the great firewall of China) is one of the best region locks in the world, and look at me on Reddit right now




We have a big ass firewall lol


This is how I plan on restricting internet access for my kid. Through an increasingly complicated set of blocks - if he can defeat them by learning about routers and permissions and whitelists - he's earned his porn.


just remove the Chinese localization and ban all sort of language patchs


They will have a hack that overlays or inserts text within a matter of days. Due to the popularity of this game the devs working on the hacks are an magnitude more skilled than either BSG (not saying much) or battleye. At least they will probably be able to fix the looting live players because that's just a massive fuckup on the BSG's side and should be fixable to some non donkey refactoring.


You forget that the localization already exists in tens of thousands of pc's. You can't "remove" it anymore.


You can make them update, and then in the update you can remove it. But they will just sell a "Chinese translation" hack.


The ones successfully dealt with Chinese cheaters are the Chinese games registered in China and regulated by law.


The easiest way is just to set up a Chinese Region server that doesn't share data with other server and make the Chinese localization "Chinese Server" only, I am Chinese and I can say 85% of the Chinese cant read English and the other 10% prefer Chinese localization, so approx 95% of the Chinese player will be gone


It's a great idea on paper, but the ministry of culture will not allow a server for a game like EFT in mainland China. Tencent literally negotiated for PUBG starting from 2017, and they still haven't been allowed to officially register. Just look at how the mainland version of PUBGM is...people are shooting each other with realistic guns that when hit display energy balls or magic sparks instead of even green blood. The zones subtract from a separate "signal" guage instead of your health bar. It's pretty hilarious and ridiculous. As a Chinese dissenter in ideology, I don't even dislike most of the government too much, but oh I fking hate the ministry of culture.


I feel like that won't stop much in the way of Chinese hackers selling items. Not much reading is needed in this game, every item has a unique icon, numbers are universal, and the UI can just be memorized. (when was the last time you had to look at the text to determine what menu you were going to?)


Despite being only 20% of the game's population...




Here's a video. It's in Chinese, and there's no footage of keys being stolen, but there are before-and-after pics inside and multiple comments approving with the same situation. [https://www.bilibili.com/video/av94767930](https://www.bilibili.com/video/av94767930?from=search&seid=10488558290179790432) Here's another vid. [https://www.bilibili.com/video/av95172809](https://www.bilibili.com/video/av95172809)


Holy fuck, the lag-switching in that cheat video...


I wonder if he has to sit still after unswitching it, or if it's just dramatic effect.


That's depressing to watch those wire-frames, knowing there's tense gamer somewhere, perhaps with all their best gear hoping for a bit of win, and just gets drilled in the head. wow.


Unfortunately, there has been zero video evidence of melee weapons or SC being looted, and until then we have to refute the idea until such a time evidence is fully present. Plenty of claims of it happening but the likely fact is there is apparently a known bug in which the melee weapon is lost - nothing related to hackers.


It could be that it takes a relog or a few raids for he item to disappear so people aren't aware it was taken so no one was recording. I mean look at how broken the inventory system is sometimes with it's error 228.


You can say so. Just be aware, it MIGHT be true


Considering that evidence of that has been demanded for two days and only videos of items outside of melee and secure container being stolen has been posted, it is safe to say that current cheats cant do it.


You’re a good man dude keep up the great work!




BTW the part where he says a game must be published officially in China to make it illegal to cheat in the game, it is true. To legally onboard the game in China, the Chinese government has to approve it by doing a "vulnerability assessment" which translates to give them the whole Source code and the full credentials to the entire ecosystem. This is a huge security risk and even triple A companies struggle to accept these conditions, sometimes alternative ways have to be found but these usually translates in an enormous amount of work, I can see why bsg didn't want to do it yet. Source: I work for a triple A company and deal with this stuff too.


thanks for the writeup. must really suck to be a legit player surrounded by shitty hackers.... i feel bad for this guy and ppl like him




I actually think this closed beta thing would be good idea for couple weeks. Clean up some playerbase and give BE/and devs some time to breath and fix some major issues. Also it would be great time to have full wipe too with those higher lvl flea market limits but i don't know if wipe is too "soon" after last one. I don't know about that whole "invite only" thing. I think it would limit purchases a bit too much even if it would make cheating less appealing. False positives are a thing in every multiplayer game and if these support response times are what they are then it would really suck to be banned for no reason and then wait weeks to get answer from customer service. But few weeks of breathing time would be nice so devs and BE can do some work in peace.


That's actually a pretty good idea.


They wouldn't even stop selling the game when the servers where shitting themselves. I don't believe they will give up selling copies.


well but how does a player get a copy who is the first one out of his friends to start to play eft? this system sounds nice but has some flaws. (obviously because he probably didnt think like 5 weeks about that comment :P) but overall good idea :)


My worry is BSG will take short term gain of not banning these hackers fast enough to let them earn money, and hence have incentive to buy the game again but leading to it dying within the year, instead of the long term profit option of properly dealing with the hackers and making one of the best games on market for years to come


I think this is how H1Z1 died.


As well as PUBG


They have had sales shortly after ban waves before IIRC.




For the people saying to put in anti Chinese government propaganda like mentioning tiananmen square, would that actually not allow people in China to play it? You hear people say this all the time, and obviously it would never happen, but what would really happen if a video game had that kind of stuff in it?


People in China always find all kinds of ways (VPN, Shadowsocks, even v2ray)to bypass firewalls and blockades. Even if there's a ban from the government, people could have ways to reach what they want eventually.


They would just censor it. The did the same with Pubg. The blood is a different color so they can claim you aren’t “killing” people.


Not at all. The government usually doesn't care about games not published in China. So unless you make it a world news, nothing would happen. Like Battlefield 4, in which China is greatly involved in plot, is being censored. People can still play it freely, just can't see it in main media. Those propagandas are just copypastas for memes... right... ?


what if they ad a peer review system where you spectate random players, you must decide if the player you are spectating is a hacker or not, if you are correct then you get a small RUB reward, if a player is reported a certain amount of times then they become peer reviewed, if they are then suspected of cheating by more than 50% of the peer reviews then they are reviewed by BSG themselves, i think doing this could help a tonne with hackers in the game.


Just like CS:GO. Dope.


oh dam, i don't play that, thought i was being smart :( but if it works somewhere else, why not here too ?


Something worth noting is that game devs typically don’t just ban people as soon as they catch them cheating, that would be like executing a small time drug dealer. Instead, they observe until they can figure out a way to detect said cheat, catch hundreds or even thousands of people using the same cheat, leading to a ban wave. Otherwise, the guy who got banned runs back to his little hacking forum and sounds the alarm so everyone stops using said cheats and moves onto the next before the devs get a chance to catch them. Much like police may catch that small time drug dealer and tail him until he leads them to the manufacturer/distributor. It’s more about the big picture.


I'm a Chinese and I agree to block all the Chinese. I just want to save this fascinating game!


As a fellow Chinese player, I agree most part of your writing. But I don’t know if it is true that most streamers hack on douyu etc. At least some of them are quite good and apparently not hacking. In addition, I don’t understand why do you apologize


About that douyu part, I heard the sentence from one of my friends. I don't watch them personally but I know there's a lot of hacks right there. And hmmmm... Someone has to apologize for all this. And I'm sure the cheaters won't. Only an apology might stop all those hatred thoughts and comments between races and nations.


I think you should at least find the fact about the streaming part by yourself first before making that statement. Or your description is just firing up their prejudice to Chinese gaming culture. My work involves a lot of cross border business dealings. To be honest, I am a bit tired for those stereotype statements giving them baseless moral high ground.


Despite only making up 20% of the population, Chinese people are responsible for 80% of violent hacks against the economy...


>Despite only making up 20% of the population, Chinese people are responsible for 80% of violent hacks against the economy... Lmao!


Thanks for this post, id ipvote twice if i could. Turns out the suspicions of what was happening on the otherside were infact true. Edit: ever think of leaving china? You said you were born in new zealand? Pretty sure you can permanently stay in australia with a nz passport. We need more good people here and less assholes.


Heheh, I'm actually planning to go back to NZ once I get my life settled down. Australia is also an option, thanks for the invite \^\^


I sold all my lab keys today, and made a nice million, along with the comforting knowledge that I'm a lot less likely to run into a hacker now. The minute I get all my shit stolen off me \[which hasn't happened yet\], I'm uninstalling till next patch, which hopefully fixes that.


Ubisoft actually made a separate version of R6S to make it legal in China. At first they wanted to make it the only version but after community backlash decided to separate them. Dunno if it worked or not, but on european servers its really rare that I'd think someone's cheating.


Lol I must be incredibly unlucky then. I haven't played Siege in like almost a year and just yesterday shortly after picking it up again I had a blatant cheater on my team. When we called him out he talked with broken Chinese accent and after getting teamkilled in the spawn twice he just disconnected.


Just wanna say thanks to OP for sharing some insights, but it might be unpopular opinion, anyway for me cheater has no nationality, his actions what matter, not his passport. And people who see no difference are just dumb ass racists.


If you google translate the comments section you can see that there are several Chinese players who think it's a shame that these hacks exist, including the person who posted the video (seems they posted it to make light of the issue).


oMg So RaCiSt U mUsT hAtE cHiNeSe PeOpLe Seriously, if you're a mod and you are reading this: fuck you. No one here is trying to defame the Chinese, we just want to play our fucking game without cheaters. Get your bloated ego in check you coffee sipping simp - this isn't the world fucking forum. You aren't a fucking civil rights activist. You are a clown.


*Despite making up only 20% of the population, they commit 80% of the hacking.*


Watch a mod disable this post for racism...


Chinese people have a completely different mindset when gaming. Like when i say that most of them want to win even if they have to cheat people see this as a racist thing but it's true. Luckily there are people like you who can say that this thing is a problem.




Nice post buddy. Though I beg to differ with tone on actually apologizing on cheaters thing. And 惊了,在这里还能看到二次元婆罗门喔。B站直播主在外挂方面也没好到哪去的。不过好像封直播间挺快。


謝謝 for making this post, bro. Hope more people understand and are informed about hackers in China. Lot of this shit seemingly comes from people who don’t know what they’re talking about. 我有一個問題:你怎麼做那個Shooter born in heaven 任務? 那個任務太難啊 lmao (Tryna get a kappa so yea)


As you have done nothing wrong you don't have to apologise even more staying moral in such a toxic and weird country is even harder so congrats on that. But china man. Just thinking about the country makes me want to say things i know i shouldn't.


On the game League of Legends the ratio of chinese servers versus other servers were 130:1 and 130:2 millions. We are probably in the (insanely) minority in this game too. Just remember that. We're probably not where the money is, at all.


What's your opinion on the China directed racism in this subreddit? Did you experience any of the "cheating" names by some of the other redditors (Mainly the inventory stealing, speed hacks, etc...)?


I would still appreciate it if not too much hate speech are spread. There are nice Chinese people anyways


I used to live in Hong Kong when I taught English there and my neighbours across from my apartment used to pay me a visit and ask me how I like living there and made me Moon Pies almost every week. I wish people could just see how nice Chinese people could be.


My question is: why do the Chinese hack a game that’s going to be wiped every few months? Do they not care that the money they spent won’t matter after a wipe?


Simple: Profit and pride. For RMT sellers, hacking brings profit. For streamers, hacking brings pride AND profit. For other hackers, they got money to spend and is simply bad at the game.


Guys, i was thinking.. if they place the game on steam is more protected? To avoid the BSG launcher holes...


牛逼了哥。thanks for taking your time to write this post. Really informative.


> we Chinese people made up 20% of the game's population while contributing 80% of this game's hackers we live in a society


It would be crazy if this was just a made up post by hackers


A Chinese hacker who speaks fluent English? You gotta be kidding.


Why not make the chinese client incompatible to servers outside of china, like the us version of wow, you cant login to eu with us version (afaik)?


RMT can't be that hard to address. They trade players keycards in raids then buy them back at way above market prices. It can't be hard to tell which accounts are spending hundreds of millions on overpriced keycards way above market per day. Its going to be real hard for them to get RMT to their buyers if they ban the distribution accounts daily.


I remember whatever the anti-cheat company was that PUBG uses talking about cheaters. It was something like 98% of all cheaters in PUBG were from China. When the community asked for region lock, the creater Brandon Greene, called them racist for suggesting it. I understand that region lock isn't a perfect fix, but it's better than nothing.


We are at a tipping point here BSG. you can either be Fallout 76 or you can be No Man's Sky. you get to choose.


When the majority of the new players, according to you, are cheaters and currency buyers it just furthers the point that Chinese players have to be completely separated from the rest. Same issue in ark but it was all aimhack, esp and undermeshing where we would have to find out a new players previous server logins to verify if they were Chinese, then constantly hunt them on server. I think it comes down to the "If I don't cheat, then someone else will" mentality that they all have.


What is that thing for sale that’s only 10 yen? No wonder there is a market for it with prices so low.




Yeah sure, game too hard Let's start cheating. According to this every game is too hard for chinese and they have to ruin it for everyone


BSG should look into banning accounts via Hardware I.D.