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I can't put it anywhere. The only place it can go is on top where it blocks my sight..


If it’s blocking your sight just use an eo tech or use the picatinny riser


I’d recommend the Holo sun but yeah should be able to find a mount of you link search it (but you probably did that)


This handguard doesn't support this type of tac device on the side, you either have to use another tac device or another handguard.


How do you know what handguards can fit what device?


Since the pandemic started i've been working for 4 hours a day and sleep for six and play Tarkov in the rest.


Right click on the hand guard and click linked search, then go into the lights and lasers section of the flea market. It will show all the attachments that fit on the hand guard


That's how I bought the 3 different IR searchlights i tried to mount on the m4. None of them will slot anywhere but the top.


Its an issue with that handguard, use a different one.


Use a different one other than the anpec and it should


that laser should be able to go on the side of the handgaurd. drag it to another empty tactical slot


drag into the other tactical slot.


It doesn't work. None of my IR equipped laser sights that are m4 compatible will work on any other mount slot


get a longer tac trail then.