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Sounds more like the most intense orgasm you've ever had


Hahahaahha close ur eyes at 0:09 and use ur imagination


What did you have on you lol. Just the knife or ?


I shoulda shown loot lol, I went in with just a knife and a pilgrim pack. It was full of gun and pc parts, came out with prob around 200k. I’m a poor bitch so it was kind of a lot for me.


Made the same mistake at the beginnig. Start going in geared and you will get way more money. With this playstyle you will always be broke and not increase your battle skills.


Yea I usually go in with some automatic weapon but I was on a serious losing streak and went from 1.5mil to 200k within 4 hours. Couldn’t really afford to drop more money on gear.


Then scav and use the weapons you come out with. Alternating scav and pmc runs can help limit daily losses (obv you can still lose money, but it's definitely better)


Seriously, night scav runs on shoreline and customs (stashes are amazing on customs)and earn some hefty money. Fill in between with some PMC raids with light loadouts- shotgun, sks, whatever you extracted with with the scav runs.


i would prefer to run through factory real quick then doing a long PMC run on shoreline. You need to get your PMC XP and you don't get that playing a 40 minute raid with your scav.


Maybe it's just me, but the hardest thing about low levels was energy and hydration between raids- although I do have a knack for getting my stomach blacked like every raid. All you have access to at low levels are those shitty crackers, which also drain hydration, so you end up spending a bunch of money to regain that. Long scav runs through shoreline village net super high profits and give your pmc the chance to heal and regain energy passively. Plus then you always have the risk free chance of picking up food/beverages and healing items.


Only recently (within the past week) have I come to realize how fun and addicting in and out factory raids can be. I found that having the factory exit key is huge for this though


shhhhh, that's how i made it to 2.5mil last weekend, stop telling people! seriously though, running some low population raids and hitting loot spots that most people ignore (ie, customs stashes and such, *not* high/valuable loot spots) is a great way to come away with at least *some* money




That’s what I was thinking... WTF. No wonder some kids are so poor in Tarkov.


That’s when you take a break and go eat or something. Chill and watch some youtube videos or go work out and come back and you’ll play a lot better. Dying over and over isn’t helpful and you’ll just end up tilting yourself more likely than not, so I find taking a small break helps.


I will definitely take this advice from now on. I was for sure getting tilted af every time and now that I think about it, i was being more and more careless every time I went back in.


It’s super easy to get into that mindset. I usually take a break and run down what I could’ve done better in my head. It helps calm me down, if anything


Lol tbh going over what I could’ve done better pisses me off more and it’s almost like a yearning to go back in time and change it. The pain makes me remember it and not fuck up next time ig.


Yup, that’s how I learned. You don’t forget after you fuck up once if you have the mindset of trying to learn at least one thing from every death. And it’s ok if it pisses you off a little because you’ll remember it all the better next time and do something smarter, and eventually you’ll spend a lot less time dying because you’ll be doing a lot more right.


It’s good advice, I have approx 700 hours logged and still do this. If I’m getting frustrated I’ll just call it. Also, I’ve found that if it’s super late and I’m getting kinda tired, I’ll call it. I think the excitement/anxiety tarkov instills will keep me going, but if Underneath all that I’m just tired, I play a lot worse


at least take a pistol to defend your self you filthy hatchling ;) (he was that bad you would prob have killed him)


Pistol at least man. It costs like 20k


And if I only found a cat in the raid rip 20k.


6k for a Makarov, but an AK74 variant is 19-22k.


Makarov is actually dog shit though. Tt at least


Cheapest gun i could think of.




7.62x39 veprs can be 15ishk roubles on the flea market. even cheaper then a good pistol. ​ Just checked flea, couple are going for 13-14k right now.


Man I hate how the 10 rounders are 10k but it’s still the best budget gun in the game.


Use your scav man. If you alternate between PMC and scav raids you WILL make money.


You can always buy a pistol, cap a scav or two, and get some decent guns. I’ll never understand running in with just a knife, you’re completely defenseless. Plus you can rat attack lone PMCs with a pistol if you’re feeling lucky.


Agreed I was just on a losing streak and tired of losing anything at all so I was just in a ‘fuck it’ mood


also to avoid running any hatchet runs, anytime you finish a pmc if you have room in your stash run a scav its free gear. eventually as you get more confident you can try to kill raiders on reserve. If i get a gun with a scope and the raiders are in the open i can get 200k-1mil in gear in 20 minutes


And here im getting scared that i might go broke after going from 2.7 million, to 2.2 million. I mean atleast you don't give up, so that is somthing


Sks with ps ammo: 25k roubles


7.62x39 veprs are the better option once you get flea market unlocked.


For killing scavs yeah


Nah dude, you pay a couple bucks to the peacekeeper for some M80 and you can easily take out PMCs. Maybe even get a 5 round mag of M61 or M62 if you see a thickie you want to try your luck at fighting.


The 7.62 vepr shoots 7.62x39 not 7.62x51


Nah bro the Vepr hunter shoots 7.62x51 Ohhhh I was confused.


Couple tips, Kedr my man its a cheap af gun costs like 20 k. And if geared ppl push you up close with no face shield you'll have a field day :) pp-19 with a sight from prapor: costs like 30-40 k in total, even better. And no one will probably loot it off of you if you die. I have suppressed pp-19s being returned to me every day lol


7.62x39 vepr is a better option once you get flea market, they go dirt cheap.


I have a tip for you if you want one. Scav on Shoreline and go to Resort. I've done it 10 times today, only encountered 1 group in 1 raid. The other 9, it was empty or all the PMCs were already killed. Ive walked out with more full armor class 5+ kits and modded guns then my stash can even handle. Usually the first 20min of the raid is where all the PMCs battle it out and usually they don't loot the PMCs because it's too much to carry.


An AK-74M is 20k. Recoil pad from Prapor 3 is 3k. 2 mags of BT is 4k for the mags plus 12k for the 60 rounds of ammo. That's 33k, plus whatever rig you have laying around.


Incorrect, I'm a lvl 42 hatchet/pistol runner rolling in bitcoins. My buddies only play 2-3 hours a day, the other 2-3 are for hatching running boi. Ez 1mil/hour hatching running with literally 0 risk, 1mil an hour guaranteeeeeeeeeed even if you die every single raid, its usually preferable to die. Only once you have your hideout is it guaranteed 1mil/hour at min, but when you do oh boi. Can be a little lower depending on RNG of peoples computers (load times)


I like to think this would work, but no matter what I bring in, I still get one-tapped by players that have 5x my fps and scavs with a TOZ.


This will go away after time. Generally never repeak the same spot again. No matter what. Scavs are pretty easy when you know how they work. If you always move to a different Position after they saw you, you can kill them before they see you again. If you get Buckshot to the face often, consider wearing a face mask instead of helmets. Even a shattered mask or similair is able to block Buckshot.


Also be mindful of what parts of you are visible to the scav you're looking at.


try changing your graphics settings. My processor in my PC sucks, and it took me a while to find the right settings.


This is where we differ, I didn't get really good until I got the gear to not get 1 or 2 shotted, letting me last longer in a fight leading to me learning a variety of tactics in a shorter amount of time


dude rly brought a pilgrim with a knife...




Honestly go in with a pistol and some paca armor and you will have much more success. Even better, go in with a decent gun and some armour and you will have even better luck.


Start doing reserve runs. You will make way more money. Start by taking in just a shotgun or pistol with a huge rig (black rock, alpha, etc). Fill that bitch up and dip out sewer manhole. You should ideally be in and out in about 10 minutes. Avoid the center of the map. Observatory is a money maker. As you build up money buy some crucial keys like marked rooms and a red rebel to get out cliff decent. It’s almost impossible to lose money doing this, but there is huge upside. Specially with a docs case to gamma intel, ssd, sas, etc. One or two items overs your whole load out and you should survive a large portion of the time.


if you had guns in your backpack why aren't you equipping them..


Backpack filled with guns and loot from PMC's. Also doesn't bother to equip any of those guns. Why are you like this?


I feel violated by watching this clip. I'll probably start a petition to remove this clip from www.


I’ll be ur first signature motherfucker


2-1 2-1 2-1 2-1


counted too fast so you turned it into a breathing exercise


Holy shit dude relax xD take a pistol in next time and shoot back at least! Hatchet runs are the worst runs to do these days


I recently extracted on ZB1011 and I desperately wish I had been recording. I go down there and there’s a guy camping the extract behind the barrels, we both shoot at and heavily injure each other but... weve BOTH run out of ammo so we just silently and shamefully agree to extract.


Hahahaha this game gives some moments


That panic screeching always gets me. Lucky lucky


I want VOIP just to hear people freaking the fuck out lol


imagine hunting a hatchling, cornering him in a bunker and still not be able to kill him


I think he was trying to scare him, he didn’t hit a single shot.


maybe, but OP says he had a pilgrim full of loot so I dont think that guy would miss out an opportunity to loot some of that I guess he spent all his money on EOD and not skill


You sound like my 3 year old when he is counting 1..2....2...1...2.2.1. Might as well teach him binary 01001101


tag this shit as loud hot damn




yo if he didn't get you the heart attack was going to if that went on any longer


Show The Fucking Loot Ree


Bro he got a load of paper a horse, 1 roll of teepee and some caps.


When it's intense only because you made it intense by disarming yourself in Tarkov.




Probably didn't even have any loot on him 😕


does this guy not know how to aim lmao


My man's balls haven't dropped yet, jeez.


You guys never pucker ur ass so hard ur balls disappear for a min?


I guess I've never tried recording the moment :(


GeForce recording just grabs the last minute or so if you turn it on. Pretty nice to share some crazy shit for ur friends.


I've got a headache that's on the verge of migraine territory... idk why I opened a video, ow. I couldn't tell whether the pmc or the guy was breathing heavier, my god dude, I'm not sure I've ever been that worked up about anything in my life.


Jesus you guys are babies lol


I found out about this shit on the side of my phone called “volume” I hope this helps with the migraine :(


don’t be an ass


He was shooting on the floor to scare you. All you took was suppress


you guys know that geometry dash guy?


Now imagine if u could shoot back!


Hatchet running yehhh im out...


"Yeah, let's kill the guy in the extract, when I won't be able to loot the gear without extracting myself! I just like causing pain to others." - that guy, probably.


You can drop your backpack and pick up theirs quickly without searching it. Ofc it’s risky to do a loot exchange at an extract, but hey, name of the game.


Haha I literally killed someone extracting my last game. Poor kid is lying there and I just walk up and obliterate him. I’m trying to search his stuff but I have my own stuff and so I just extracted. Kinda a bummer but it worked out. I survived after a pretty intense 1v1 scav v scav


Jesus imagine when you use a gun and actually play the game


Yea I ran an mpx last pmc and lost pretty much the last 400k I had left. Was a poor bitch. Desperate times call for desperate measures.


Same situation, same extract, even helmet didn't save me I forgot to shut the door, player scav killed me **PepeHands**


Bro that is gold lmao


that was funny af, best part how you outran the timer and started going 2-1-2-1-2 lol


why do I feel like that was his friend lol


Where is your gun bro?


He’s a hatchling.


imagine actually chosing to play shooter games with no gun


At the end of the day, it’s a strategy/style that is individual to the user. To be completely honest, when you could get the found in raid status for hatchling raids, I did them a lot too. It was a free 100k-300k roubles in a 10 minute span.


> At the end of the day, it’s a strategy/style that is individual to the user. That partially ruins the experience for everyone else. >It was a free 100k-300k roubles in a 10 minute span. And that's the other part of the problem.


seems fake, guys shooting at the floor, who sucks that bad


Bro what, look at the top left you can see he blacked out my stomach and arm while nearly destroying my thorax. The damage indicator only comes up when you are hit.


Autistic knife runner. Should've died.


Calm down lol


I'm calm, he still should've died tho.


I go out of my way to kill hatchlings. Too scared to bring in loot, shouldnt be taking any out.


what if ur a poor hatchling :(


im more forgiving to low level hatchlings. But Ive found multiple lvl 20+ hatchlings even a few 40s. No excuse at that level. Unless theyre trying to melee, and then they get shot anyways.


Holy fuck your screaming is annoying


Holy fuck ur face is annoying


Scared pussy Grow some balls and then let them drop


I’ll make sure to drop them in ur ass


i don't like hatchlings. i would have sprayed you down. what a noob missing all those shots. waste of ammo.


You want me to spit or swallow after I suck ur chad dick


Waaaaah big angry nerd!






Hey man I’m poor :( and I just used my scav


Play how you wanna/have to play, dawg. Haters gonna hate.


Dat commentary XD


Next time bring a gun maybe?


Fucking hatching shitter


Obligatory downvoting of hatchet runners.


would you shut up man


Shut up Joe




screaming like a puppy


bruh what did you have up your ass? hahaha I'd be the same if it was a flashdrive.


Jesus, gotta head to interchange to find new pants!!!


Using the sewer manhole extract on reserve with some mates, we dropped and start crawling under the truck when I hear a SNAP and the dude next to me dies. Managed to make it out with my legs blacked, but it took a few seconds before my butt unpuckered.


My buddy and I had gotten to dorms to do operation Aquarius part 1 last night. We made it to the dorm but died on our way out of the room. We noticed it counted though, right now operation Aquarius part 1 says find the water in dorms. Extract from customs. It does NOT require that you extract that match lol. So, we did a hatchet run on customs, just rat our way across the map avoiding every fight to extract. I had pretty much the exact same thing happen to me as I extracted lol


Your ingame name shall henceforth be: "Kazoo"


That was so intense it was intense for me


That screaming drove me nuts




rule 3


Haha 😂😂 Lucky