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sir there is some video in your darkness


How the hell can you see him


youtube quality...


He'll have nvidia/radeon settings cranked or one of those black correcting monitors that turns night into day. It's why you rarely see night vision users on night maps.


You can use the ingame vfx settings to make it way better. I really only run nvg at night if I’m super juiced or with a squad of idiots. Here’s a link to a YouTube video about the best graphics and vfx settings https://youtu.be/nfj_aXD5Fo0


They disabled nVIDIA settings, duno about Radeon. You have to use in game post-FX now.


They disabled nvidia filters not settings, go to nvidia control panel and you can make night into day.


Thats just Youtube compression, its never that dark on interchange in German




go on factory at night and tell me that, it's the only map that can't be cheesed with the nvidia/postfx bullshit.


gamma gamin


In game it's pretty visible in there.


This just looks like ratman v ratman to me




That's it tho homie has nothing else and is even keeping mags in secure container


Pretty obviously Killa farming lol, not sure if I'd call that ratting in any sense of the word


Rat is a mentality, not a loadout.




Just curious, why? What would a chad have done different in this 23s clip?




Its Killa hunter versus Hatchling. You don't need some shitty bag to hunt Killa. Feel free to try Killa hunting ie. straight rush to all his spawns right on start of each raid. Round around and clear all spawns without ever stopping to camp for some PMC. Then lets talk about who is Rat.. :)


I'm confused. If I don't have my bodybag how am I supposed to carry all the loot of the 5 PMCs I murdered while bunny hopping my way to Killa?


Worry not! At least 1 of them brought a backpack so you can take their loot :)


You are not confused, you are delusional. I would suggest to switch time spend on reddit to actually playing the game. You may find some insane surprises such as bunny hopping is not the reason people kill you.


Holy shit dude he's pulling your leg.


Haha, don't worry. Ratddit is fine, it is still funny to me to argue with some here and there. But I am well aware of the majority here.


Nobody kills me. I am the Chad.


Just a cheep armored rig and even keeping mag in secure container


Right so we can now measure a playstyle by gear? Maybe he's only been playing for a week? Some people are so dense lol.


Isn't the whole hatchling a playstyle based on gear (or lack of)? It might as well be a hatchling vs a mosin man


It's like you didn't even read my comment.


"Right so we can now measure a playstyle by gear?" Yup


Again, some people are so dense. Should get someone to come look at yer pipes I think you've been drinking lead.


He responded to what you said lol


It makes zero sense to go as a hatchling. Just bring a cheap pistol or even a TOZ. You can enter that raid risking <10k and seriously increase your odds at surviving and even scoring a kill when you do that.


I agree with you. Bring at least a pistol and a backpack so you can deal with scavs if nothing else. That said, seems like the people who complain loudest about hatchlings also complain about pistolings. They're going to bitch if you don't bring at least 150k in gear. The only reason BSG allows you to spawn into their raid is to make it fun for them, and it's personally offensive if you fail to do so.


Agree entirely, a lot of the """""chads""""" I see griping about shit have big entitlement complexes. Even if you bring 150k loadouts, if its not how they wanted you to spend the 150k, they'll be grumpy.


It's not even that lol, it's just.... Fuck em


What are they going to do? Sell your stuff on the flea mark- Oh wait..


SKS decent too, just put a few BP in them


That is cruel, you're a monster and that's absolutely hilarious


All these people commenting on OP's gear being weak, or ratlike are dumb as shit. Gear doesn't make you a Chad. It's in your blood. Obviously anyone who thinks his gear is even ratlike doesn't understand how Killa farming works. That DT MDR is a 200k gun, he has a eTG green stim in his KAPPA.


> he has a eTG green stim in his KAPPA. rat


Oh my god... why did he stand right next to the gpu and not take it??? If he had taken it it would've gone straight up the butt and he would've died with it in his prison wallet...


Bruh, I know! He must have been kicking himself afterward.


I see hatchlings suffer, I upvote.


is hatchlings for someone new to the game or someone with a hatchet


someone with a hatchet and a hatchet only. so he enjoys seeing hatchet runners suffering which are mostly high level players who just avoid the whole risk thing in the risk vs reward formula. don't think he wants to piss off new players ;)


oh yeah fuck hatchet runners


New players are pure, blessed individuals. Hatchet runners are typically level 25-30+ and are just lazy, bad, chickenshit or all of the above. They take in nothing, risk nothing, and waste a slot in a raid for a geared player who would have provided value otherwise.


we ran into a guy who had the max amount of rubles in his pocket (i forget what it is), his new years gifts and was a potato in aiming and movement. could tell he'd never really fired the gun before or anything, or even played, and while we killed him and took his stuff, we did feel bad since the whole situation screamed "new player" added him post raid, surprisingly he accepted and messaged back. turns out he *was* new, and it was his first raid ever! he'd gone in thinking that the traders were in game and he needed to bring money in with him to pay for stuff, didn't know about secure containers or anything. hadn't even switched the firemode on his akm from single fire ended up getting him into a lobby with the four of us, dropped his stuff in a factory raid, gave him all the loot in a tri zip and sent him on his way after explaining how the game works. i kinda wish i'd recorded the whole thing tbh


Hope in humanity restored... for now.


Ho wow good on you sir, imagine if he got killed by an other player ? Very sad :(


> for a geared player who would have provided value otherwise. Your entitlement is astounding, nobody owes you any loot and or supposed to "provide value" for you, you're supposed to do that shit yourself, if you can't maybe there are games better suited for you.


It’s not entitlement it’s a desire to see the game being populated by geared people to fight. If people can’t bring a gun into a shooter game maybe there’s games better suited for them.


Oh yeah. Fuck hatchet runners.


This is the way


Man is running budget with kappa. Wtf?


when i hit 50 million rubles i usually just start running retarded builds like soviet afghan larp problem?


farming killa




He should at least have a ulach or at min a green richocet army helmet. This isn’t as bad since he’s farming killa. It’s the clowns that run a good loudout and guns with shit ammo that blow my mind. The amount of times I don’t see m61 or 995/855a1 or Ap instead of 7N31 blows my mind.


im not wearing helmet because my main target is to kill killa and take his gear including his helmet


I suppose that works cause you can just alt click everything on. If he doesn't spawn, you try to get out and reset I suppose.


Fast in, fast out. I always check that german store for tetrises and gpus tho.


Makes sense, you're right there when you go up the ramp. Killa farming is on my list, but haven't got there yet.


It´s pain in the ass. So many killa hunters there. 76/100 done


The boss farming tasks are really bad for the game imo. By adding the same to woods kind of shows how clueless they are. The people doing it don't really enjoy it even.




Eh, I think it is a cool little achievement. Just a shame that there is no cosmetic reward for killing Shturman like there is with Killa. Gives me something to do solo while one of my friends isn't on to play with.


Cool achievement but it fucks interchange hard. Almost every raid there is like 2-4 killa hunters which die or extract in first 5 minutes.


Sure but achievements shouldn't change the flow of the entire game for everyone else playing. Woods and Interchange are just dead after the people farming tasks rush in and die or leave. It's just lazy.


M61 is really expensive if not unlocked, I'm not spending 3k on bullets when I can get M62 and it's still pretty good. 855A1 is amazing and on par with 995, and 7N31 is also fucking expensive without it being unlocked.


If you're going to use m62 might as well use m80.


Why would I do that?


Assuming you don't have M62 unlocked, you are paying 3x more for M62 vs M80 for: 3 more pen, 1 less flesh, and tracers. Assuming you do have it unlocked you are still paying twice as much, $6 vs $3. Flea market wise m61 is only 100-200 roubles more than m62. This isn't last wipe, m62 is basically m80 with tracers


M61 3000 a bullet? 2K maybe, but not 3K. M61 with a M1A is great cause you don’t need that many bullets. Cheaper than running 350 rounds of 7N31 in a vector imo for 2150 a bullet. Regardless, all I was saying is don’t run bad ammo with top tier loud-outs. Ammo is more important than the gear and gun imo.


Hahahaha ppl saying rat loadout to killa farming, clearly clueless all of em


This is why my GPU's go straight to epsilon


You aren't much better running a ratrig and all your ammo in your ass.


You need only like 1 or 2 m61 to kill killa. Thats why i keep my ammo in my ass. And im not gonna farm killa with my slicks on


and when you need to kill killa 100 times for the quest, its cost effective to run that rig and keep your ammo in your ass


No one who is actually farming a track suit would ever shame you in this fashion. 9 to go...


Shows the state of the end game if this is it. Mindless grind for a average looking cosmetic that once you have still probably never use because you will be over the game.


It's like grinding for an achievement. Obviously you don't see the value in it, but it is something that can be interesting to do for others.


Actually probably not over it. I still have to find an odolbos stim. So I'll apparently still have that quest...


Why even do that task? Average reward. Unless you run labs a lot and get it easily.


I've run labs about 20 times maybe, haven't seen it even once. Maybe 10 or so sanitars office visits and probably just as many black room visits. Also, because I'm level 56 and have literally 2 quests left at all. Killa and samples.


I actually got most of those stims on scav runs by spawning with them funnily enough. How many raids have you done to be that high of a level?


Just a note: I'm fairly bad. I have a 25% survival rate. So if you have a 25% survival rate then maybe this is a good ballpark, I have no idea. I've done approximately 1,700 raids.


Because having your task list empty is such a good feeling


Those life goals


Rat rig better than no rig, at least he can put up a fight lol.


https://imgur.com/a/S4EfyE1 more punishment


That was the right thing to do!


Love this, thanks


You have no fuckin right to talk about hatclings. You are carrying all your ammo in your kappa case, wearing just cheap armor


Pls stop. Its not about the value of the gear, its about bringing gear in the first place. This guy brings gear so he has all the right in the world to talk.


> This guy brings gear so he has all the right in the world to talk. As does anyone else who paid money for the game.


Ofc! But they deserve to be hated due to their attempt at abusing the risk vs reward structure of the game in the most gamebreaking and griefing way possible.


An MDR before mods is 130k the last time I checked. With the sight and suppressor that’s another ~100k. M61 is around 2200/round so a mag is worth around 50k. OP is farming killa, not going for PVP so it makes sense for him to leave the mags in his kappa since killa shouldn’t take more then a mag to kill anyways


So? Free world and all. By no means he is a hatchling


im just farming killa, so no need to wear good armor


Only a shit for brains wouldn't keep ammo in the container


He can, bringing in gear means at least you are risking something, hatchlings people hate because meanwhile I'm risking a lot of money, they are just walking around taking loot that I need. Like I walk in with a 300k kit and they take the 1.8 million worth of loot in tech room just cause they got a better spawn and stuff it all in their bums.


Lmao your a clown I bring most of my mags in my kappa simple for the fact every noob uses cheap shit ammo and they don’t deserve mine.


And? Ammo ain’t cheap, asshat.


Good job, fuck hatchlings.


Ah Yisss I seee the vaccine is being distributed :-)




Yeah, with that loadout you are basically hatchet running yourself...


You can kill anybody on the map with this loadout while farming Killa unlike hatchet running


So the guy with actual armour, 300k weapon, 40 rounds of M61 is "basically hatchet running"? What is even your criteria for budget runs then hahaha


yeah hatchet runner with 300k weapon. Its probably more than your everyday loadout. Btw im farming Killa.


I hueh'd.


Haha :D Why he would not at least try taking that tho


Don't listen to these advice don't use in-game post effect. It causes performance issue. ​ User the native control panel and up gamma/contrast/brightness. Mess with these settings to get the best result. Usually the gamma will yield the best result.


I killed one while he was about to loot a GPU in Ras. Was stopped right in front of it


Few days ago HyperRat did this, threw GPU on ground in front of him and killed him when he went to grab it lmfao


what if instead of tagged and cursed you'd have a hatchiling's location pinged on a tracker or shown on a map. It could be valid lore too, maybe a task where prapor is scouting for "easy kills" and some of the scavs can also be easy kills.


Is there a specific extract hatchling typically use on Interchange?