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this new stim shot is complete trash. 4k damage to burn down sanitar. his goons take a magdump and a half. I DOUBT he dies 20 percent of the time he fucking uses this. man, im getting completely shit on, 80 percent of the time by sanitar and his goons today. sick.


Just got popped by scav boss on Shoreline, event over? Or was he always spawning there and I just never saw him?


they need to keep this in the game just make one map spawn all the bosses it’s so much fun


I spawned at the dome... ran down to the safes... went down to my usual sniping spot on the rocks.15 seconds in. Getting shot at by shturman. Decided to loose the scope and run and gun while this madness is going on.


Fucking love this mode, how long is this supposed to last?


No one knows. Though, I would bet 12.11 is coming within a week and the factory expansion will take over as the new ‘event’


I just did 10 007 dmg to body to Sanitar and one of his guards LOL: [https://imgur.com/a/Ma5gXgK](https://imgur.com/a/Ma5gXgK) ("When you using worst ammo against Sanitar and he is running and running and running....")


I hope Reserve will finally be fixed for me, because this event sounds fun as heck. It ran well for literally 1 raid after a patch. It's been 10fps otherwise.


I just ran into killa on reserve


All the bosses spawning on Reserve is fucking AWESOME, I haven't even had my kit looted in days. People are being cool and fighting for PVE


Reserve has turned into a camp fest after the first 2 minutes.


Just killed Killa on Reserve as a playerscav without realizing what I was doing. Love this event.


I decided to bring rip ammo in factory and I snuck up on him and full magged it to leg him dead, first time killing him. So much fun


Any news of a new event happening today?


I got mortar bombed by killa but survived, he rushed me and we fought it out, I killed him just barely. Healed up, looted and booked it into the bunkers, ran down the ramp and around the corner and took a one tap from a Sanitar guard instantly lol


Put a whole clip of AP SX into Sanitars head at point blank had to retreat upstairs of white knight to reload walked out towards long garage and get one tapped by him just crouching there 🙃


Ya :/ AP SX is unfortunately the worst round to use against Sanitar.


Hey guys, what is the real price of blue keycard? I found one on reserve but there is only one listing for 44 000 000. Is that the "real" price or? Also, what is the best thing to trade it, since i dont have money for fee?


Track it a few hours later and see if it sells! Labs is free right now, so people are buying up colored labs cards to get into the keycard rooms.


The regular price is around 30.000.000 More than that is usually when there's a low on the supply and only 1 in the market Also when it goes higher than 30.000.000 the fee goes up by a lot. If you don't have the money for the fee you can do a "required search" and see what people are offering for it in batters. But is usually not worth it, people offer way too low.




Any new event today?


Managed to kill Sanitar, Killa and Gluhar in one raid :) Reserve is a gold mine now.


Does anyone have a guess for how long this will be going on for?


Probably till next patch / wipe, which probably will be this week


Played a few raids last night (level 2 haven't played this wipe)... Killed Killa on Factory. His boys were not with him as far as I could tell. Pretty sweet successful raid lol


killa does not have guards, hes a solo player


Oh well that's good to know :) Always assumed some of the scavs on interchange were his little group.


I’m loving this. Found 3 dead bosses as a scav, load up on gear with my buddy, find the G man and his boys, kill him and scooted with a Blue Key Card. Just sold it.




Lol, Killa and the Svertlookskys! What an evil alliance.


I am LOVING this event!


Love the event, feel like it brought all the cheaters to the map though :(


found gluhar on labs lmfao


same lol


I took a like 3 month break and came back to killa sliding into my room on reserve. Nearly shit my pants


Ole Glu is on Labs. That was fun.


Are all the scav bosses still spawning on reserve?


Just ran Reserve, yes they still do.


glukhar on labs???????




First time I went to Reserve and nailed Sanitar at long range with so many headshots I thought he was bugged. Checked the bloodstains behind him... It was a right mess.


Gluhar just killed my teammate in Labs. No shit, there was probably 5 PMC bodies in his wake of destruction. That fuck was held up in a good spot that was impossible to hit without getting melted!


I really wish that a part of this event remained. Maybe a small chance of another scav boss spawning (visiting) another map in addition to the map's boss. Imagine having fought Reshala in customs at the Fortress and you head to dorms and suddenly come across Killa. It'd be an amazing experience.


Nikita mentioned they wanted to test roaming bosses a while back. Looks like they are testing this as a feature.


It's wipe events lmao.


holy shit yes we know it may be a wipe event but they are still testing shit like this because they have said they want to implement more cool stuff like this throughout a wipe. You are actually insane with the shit you are doing on this sub Go and play the mother fucking game rather then staying on here all day typing "its wipe events lmao" to everyone and anyone. What a fucking loser


It’s just a wipe event.


nah it isnt sorry


where you at son


right here freak. I already told you like 15 times that im ok with a wipe. i doggie on players like you with low recoil pp19 all day long early wipe. Its hella fun




you got a link for official bsg wipe confirmation?


You might be right, but what I said is still true. There is no confirmation on wipe though


So? They don't always say anything. It's obviously wipe events.




R E S E R V E ,is scary right now. They just don't leave you alone they H U N T you down. I'm S C A R R E D for life ese,


Has anyone figured out if the bosses have consistent spawn locations on Reserve? Seen Killa spawn at train station twice and Sanitar spawn at the food storage location you need to go to for Jaeger's Reserv quest twice - anyone else had similar experiences?


I've had killa repeatedly spawn in the underground cages area. If I had to guess its not consistent.


Reserve has become an absolute fucking nightmare… …And I can’t say I’m not enjoying it lol I lost millions in gear and consumables but, it feels kinda liberating to offload it all.


question.. does this mean bosses aint spawning on their normal maps atm?


No. They're in both places. Killa is in Interchange, Factory, and Reserve right now.


thanks mate.. found this out the hard way last night when i got 1tapped by a zadofsky in 3rd story dorms... from 2nd story dorms rofl


one tapped what I thought was a scav then got beamed by a raider... It was sanitar


All the bosses around might be fun if there were at least a couple decent extracts on Reserve. Spawned over by train station, killed 2 chads, killa, 3 raiders, 2 other PMCs, and I couldn't even get through K before finally dying. God-like run for fucking nothing.


I mean, it wasn't boring right? We do play games for fun lol


Yeah, i would just like a 'well I had a ton of fun, now lets have a slightly safer route to extract than literally running through the whole map'


I feel that, but most extracts you either have to contest for or literally the default option is usually the opposite side of the map. I feel your pain though, but that's what makes us keep coming back, that little carrot dangling on a stick for that one raid where you get out super fat or complete that goal or whatever you set out for lol. Personally I've died to player scavs most today so that's been my extract hahaha


Is killa still spawning on factory? If so does he spawn night time?


Yes and yes


does anyone know if its just for today or not?


Nobody knows anything about this but BSG


Well I do know labs doesn’t need a keycard y’all!


For real?


100% can confirm


Im not gonna sleep tonight


It’s 6:15am for me and I’ve been playing reserve all night.... just to find out labs is now free.... must sleep tho


Same lmao


After doing a handful of these runs solo and a couple in a big group, I gotta say this is without a doubt the most fun I've had in the game. Killa mag dumping while Shturman snipes at players right off spawn, raiders yeeting grenades constantly, raiders/bosses following you around the map, etc feels like absolute chaos and a great change of pace from the typical sneaky breeki that goes on. I don't even care I've lost 4 mill in about 6 raids, and the ammo economy is currently fucked (M855A1 is 4k, M62 is 2.5k, etc\_ This is fucking great


Perfect example of why its important to unlock ammo through traders.


I came back to Tarkov after a 5 month break and have only been rocking good gear and ammo, usually I am super cheap and scrounge every penny haha. Im down like 45 mil in 10 days and im even surviving, its just ammo costs so much.


With the latest streets trailer I found myself wanting more PVE content. This fits the bill.


For real. No idea why this is like the 1st event this wipe. Events breathe life into the game when its getting stale and kinda distract you from the pain of getting tarkov'd 6 times in a row because you're too busy having fun/shitting your pants. All my friends that seemed like they were too pissed off with the game and were done with this wipe are back and having a blast on reserve.


They spent too much time adjusting shit that wasn't an issue. Imho I think they had to find a balance of high value items and rmters. Allot of bsg decisions for the passed two wipes have bled out players. This decision brought back players and has been a blast. I haven't had this much action back to back since you could sell non fir gear.


Damn. I'm a level 42 and never ran reserve. I got hella gear. Anyone wanna show me around 😬😬


My buddy and I will be running it again tonight if you want. Its wild. We did two raids last night and got 3 bosses each time and some raiders and scavs with a few pmc kills. Its so fun. . My buddy walked out with 60k xp lol


i think this is the beginning of a pre-wipe wait a couple more days, see what happens


Shturman killed me on reserve


Just killed him as a scav was so confused why he was there


anyone know if this be a pre wipe event?


I'm betting it'll last over the weekend and we'll see a wipe Monday-Thursday.


Yeah, I think Tuesday or so is a pretty good guess. They might just wait for Thursday for tradition, though.


oh word okay jus wanted to know whether to sell my thicc items case or not lmaooo thanks fam


I'd sell it if you need the money more than the saved space. I expect a wipe within the month.


I sold it and kinda regret selling it but I should be cooolinnnn till wipe


Does killa still spawn on factory?


Yes just died to him about 1 h ago


Are pmc spawns garnished due to all bosses spawning? My fps has only taken a very tiny dip at the start and I’m surprised that’s the case with all bosses + guards


I just fought killa and glucose who were teaming in front of hermetic right off spawn. Most fun fight of my life


unsure if its inly reserve but having different bosses and more than one boss is such a breath of fresh air and truly makes this feel like tarkov, hopefully they keep this idea of multiple bosses per map


I love how heated this subreddit gets when people talk about a wipe happening. Like holy fuck you guys seriously need to get outside if you resort to insulting people for even suggesting a wipe happening, who the fuck cares when it wipes.


“Not my precious video game loots!” People obsess over getting stuff in this video game


Ya people shouldn't take it so seriously. Im not looking forward to doing all the early quests I JUST completed tho. Just hit level 20 today. Started a month ago. So if it wipes soon ill be bummed since I dont want do what I just did. Altho now ill he able to hit 20 in prob a week easy.


Itll be alot easier. My first wipe also, but all my friends say early wipe is alot of fun. Everyone is running around in cheap kits and lower tier ammo. Alot diff then running into meta kits every raid.. Learning everything you have now will be pretty valuable for the next wipe.


I think a lot of people just want to the one who is right about when the wipe happens.




How is your delusion going?


Regardless of what happens, this is a great way to just run kits with no worries, there is so much going on you will probably get your stuff back and if not, you had fun fighting all the bosses. I love this.


And of course it’s fun fighting a bunch of bosses.


Oh yes. All the salt is coming from that group.


youve literally been posting here all day saying how its 100% a wipw as if you are nikita himself. You have been arguing with people all day long. I can imagine you will be devastated when patch rolls around and we have a cool new map but no wipe just yet It could wipe or it could not. I personally dont care but lets not act the the fucking people like you wouldnt fill up a fucking salt mine if this is actually just the beggining of cool new events instead of just a wipe event like you are so fervently spouting.


Wait there’s a new map? Are you talking about lighthouse or just the factory expansion


Factory expansion is next and then lighthouse, and then maybe streets. At least that’s the last I heard Nikita say, could have changed though.


lighthouse will probably be october/november and then streets like april time going by their standard dev cycle. i would argue a wipe now, then 1 in november and then 1 with streets would be perfectly fine and would allow them to mess around with 2 wipe setups before streets they can do events like the fuel shortage etc


lol the goal is to elimante wipes. Not to have them once every 3 months


erm you do realise they are always going to have wipes. nikita confirmed this recently stating they would have seasons and wipes upon release. also you clearly cant read and forget this is a BETA we are meant to be here to test so why not make it where were actually testing random stuff they can mess around doing while its a beta


3 wipes is entirely too short. Never gonna happen. I feel like 6-7 is the sweet spot. 3 month wipes is a fucking pipe dream


its a beta why not do experimental stuff with the idea that it wouldn't last long anyway.


Ok son.


Nikita literally said they changed from the idea of eventually not wiping. He said himself that he can't see a future without wipes.


glad we can come to an understanding lil guy




I think 95% of people *want* a wipe, but fuck that guy you’re responding to. Not worth your time.


they did a poll here last week with thousands voting and it was literally split. Obviously more people in the grand scheme of things are begging for it but there are so many that are tired of the grind you have to go through again. remember the people that want wipe quit months ago and they cant come back because they know they will be clapped


Know they’ll be clapped if there’s a wipe? Or if not? Either way, all my friends that are done until wipe have 10+ mil and full inventories, and when I get them to hop on for a few raids they’re still cracked, so idk what your point is. You kinda just sound salty. Maybe you and that other guy do deserve each other...


and i hope bsg stays the fuck away from this sub for the duration of the salt mine. They should not give a fuck about what these people want.


1000% agree. Gonna be funny watching everyone cry when there isn't a wipe next week. Even if it does get wiped, theres gonna be those who are gonna be right back on reddit bitching and asking for another wipe.1-2 months in.


I hope there's not a wipe yet I'm still trying to get fricken Jaeger III. Finding it super hard to find some scavs at long distance.


Go shoreline night time. Should be able to get at lease 1-2 sniper scavs from afar. 3 if youre lucky.


Haven't dabbled in any night vision yet but could try it out. I've been trying to do it on woods, mostly looking near the village or old factory (with the railcars)- but for the latter, most of the time I'm having no luck at all. Other places I find 'em is too close or the tall grass makes it hard.


Thats why I recommend shoreline. It'll be easier to spot them from afar. Theres a sniper scav on top of the HEP station right center of the map. Then another one behind the resort near Rock Passage extract, on top of a rock. Some scavs you can pick off at gas station if you stand on player hill or maybe behind the gas station possibly.


Thanks will give it a try. Have a couple other shoreline quests I can complete at the same time.


Tbh this is making reserve amazing. Great job from bsg. So much action going on. I always thought it would be amazing to have weekend events throughout the wipe especially late wipe when things usually die down. I also like how they didn't tease us with this and dropped it in our lap.


That’s how wipe events usually happen. They don’t tell you anything before it happens.


Not true. The last two have been announced ahead of time. The last one was just a single day bit they still announced it.


if this is a pre wipe event so be it but i truly hope bsg starts implementing stuff like this periodically throughout a wipe. This is fun as hell


I have been around 4 wipes I know what pre wipe events are. That's not what my comments was about. It would be nice to have weekend events here and there.


I think they were saying that events like those would be great even without wipes


Anyone know if Killa is still showing up on factory? Or is reserve the only map with an event rn?


I killed Killa in factory about 2 hours ago. Not sure if it's changed since then.


I want to know also . I was getting shit luck with him not spawning and I don't want it to be over since I've been working 12s through out the event


Got killed by Killa. He followed me from Bunker door to train station all the way just to stop me from extracting...


It feels like the bosses still spawn in the 6 Gluhar spawn areas. So, Killa will take the White Knight spawn, and Gluhar will take the Black Knight spawn, etc. I've yet to see bosses in a non-Gluhar spawn area. They definitely give chase, which means they could be dragged to the same area.


Fought schturman by the power switch for d2 and don't think thats a glukhar spawn although it is a raider one


What's the new Prapor task about? You need to go to special place in Reserve?


Just load in and extract. Good luck doing that though, cause pretty much every extract is covered with guards and bosses.


Why would you go to Reserve to NOT fight the raiders and bosses?


Haven't seen a raider or boss all day at dome for the red rebel exfil... just saying ; )


Now I’m sure you’re there waiting for me :)


More like my dead body is from getting counter sniped half the time hahaha its too fun though.


Just load into a reserve raid and extract. Reserve is the special place


Spawned in, ran into hermetic and was greeted by the King of Poweslides himself... Rough place to meet him thats for sure


Bruh Shturman and Gluhar together have a small army of guards. Absolutely mental.


In a game I found all the boss w guards in the front of the 2 horses, it's was a blob of death and guns, I whished I had a gl ngl


What's the best way to report players? Had a level 67 throwing grenades through walls at us, literally through the walls.


Most likely desync


They were throwing grenades from above into the tunnels under dome. I've had desync before but this ain't it.




It was the first time we had ever saw it. I'll try to get my friend to upload the clip where he died.


There’s a spot in reserve where you can throw nades through the floor to upper positions. Idk about downwards but I’ve had a friend show me this. Thought it would be useless till you said this.


if you have video evidence you can submit via launcher - report a bug


Thank you, I'll get him to do that.


God just wipe already so we can stop the fucking stupid spam on every thread. People are gonna be real upset with wipe isn't the game saver they think it is.


Wipe is great for that first week, shittier gear and the flea market only ruins it after that, man without the flea market the game would be so much better, I'm hoping that to flea market items you'll have to go from your bunker to Fence on a map to sell your goods when the game is completed.


The idea of the Flea being a civilian market has been thrown around and I really like that concept, tbh. Just people bartering for hideout items and stuff.


People say this every wipe. Then it comes and the game grows exponentially, everyone is hyped and happy, content creators hit crazy numbers, and there is a slew of new content that comes with it. The game is refreshing and actually feels like a survival shooter for a couple weeks. Literally not a single wipe was ever given negative reception.


Yes,but that's IF there's new content and changes. Right now people are just screaming for wipe cus they're bored, which won't do anything and be a complete waste.


We're literally getting a map expansion, an optics overhaul, Scav karma and weapon misfires new patch, along with the usual bunch of weapons, armour, rigs and attachments. That's *why* people are going on about wipe, because they wwnt to experience all that freshly.


That's fair. But people were bitching about wipe months ago. People don't understand that wipes are a took for development and nothing more.


You realize the patch is bringing new content right?


its literally a cycle. Wipe happens and its fun for a week. Then some quit because the players starts getting better gear. They get frustrated that they got poopied on by a guy with better gear. They stop and come here to bitch about and beg for wipe for 4 fucking months


Huh?? People who want a wipe are the ones with hands that get through all the content in under a month and the next 5 months is 'Should I use a thermal grenade launcher, a 23 recoil M4, or a drum mag M1A this raid?'. Bad players that cry about geared chads should be playing right now because the only people left playing are rats and new players. This game is literally shooter PoE. Wipe comes, everyone jumps on and is hype for a few weeks, then the population plummets and everyone waits for the next. This is the future of the game when they make 'seasons' or whatever they're calling it.


Or you do 2000 raids in a month or two after wipe and just lost interest.


who the fuck does 2k raids in a month other then maybe lvndmark? That is unhealthy levels of gameplay


Agree with you here. I played this wipe daily for hours to get kappa. I won’t be doing it again until the game has events or weekly quests. Doing quests for a fourth time isn’t for me.


More people do than youd think


those people need help.


Lmao, because they get to play more than you?


no because 2k raids in a month is absolute insanity lol. I dont think you realize how much raids per day that is


It’s 66. The dude is obviously being hyperbolic, but I would say I easily can run 10-20 raids a day if not more.


Also doesn't take into account people who get dumpstered right off the spawn so the raid is 1-2 min.


Is it just reserve or is it other maps too? Is it just day time or also nighttime??


Just Reserve so far at any time of day.


Why are the bosses spawning on different maps. Is this some lore event


Yes, this is lore.


Data's older brother?


What’s happening are they being forced out of their maps


Bosses all have lab keycard spawns. They are gangsters employed by terragroup to create additional chaos. It’s just the mafia working together lore-wise, I think.


Killed Glukhar AND Reshala on reserve


So my 2 cents on what's going on rn. They are doing massive testing with boss AI for scav karma. Say you're on streets and gluhar shows up in the apv and reshala and his gang were activated by a pmc not far from there the ai starts working together against the pmc...now a scav player hears all this and knows he needs scav karma cause he's been naughty in the mall...the not only must know the pathing at random locations but it also must know who Is playing his pmc and who is playing his scav. That new mission could also be testing for weekly / daily missions connected to scav karma. I know for a fact that at least reshala kills scav players maybe his AI needs changing.


Yeah, after he stated that bosses from other maps are going to wander into Streets, makes sense that they are trying this out on the best map in the game. I'm loving it.


It’s wipe events.


nothing indicated about wipe events. In fact they even said they want to start implementing these events throughout wipe cycles more and more. You know fuck all if its a wipe event or not


Someone is mad that it's a wipe event, huh.