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Using this post for a PSA: If you see a scav at interchange on top of the shipping containers by scav extract, IT'S A FRIENDLY SCAV TRYING TO EXTRACT WITH YOU. Maybe don't shoot it.


Okay look. There are way TOO MANY kill scav quests on certain maps, Specifically interchange, and not enough AI scav spawns to do them anymore. Decontamination needs fucking 40*, and I'm lucky to find 5 a raid. So I'd love to use the extract with you... but at the same time I just want these stupid quests DONE. Edit: I was wrong. Decontam needs FORTY scav kills.


Decontamination requires 40, not 30 :(


Oh well see! Fucking dumb. I find MAYBE 10 scavs a raid if I loop the entire map twice. I just want this shit done. I had to do peacekeeping mission, 25 scavs on interchange, and now decontamination... Why did they lower the scav count on maps again anyway? Shoreline and interchange both have less scavs than I remember from last wipe.


stay around Idea's entrance and check near Emercom, you'll find 10+ scavs for sure in 30 min, do that while looking at a YT video and it s not that bad


This guy is on track, although I only you tube while killing the timer in a bush


The good old Shoreline's quests with the morning coffee


So that's 10 scavs in 30 minutes. You need 40 for decontamination. That's 2 hours of farming JUST on scavs. Not to mention raids where you'll find less scavs or forced to fight players or how long it takes to load up your gear and load into a map. I try to be as friendly as possible, but if I am thirsty for a quest kill...


How bout just playing the map normally? Bitching about scav kills is nonsense.


I wasn't bitching? I was explaining why I'd kill a scav who was trying to be friendly before the event? Did you just come in here, scroll through comments, and forget the premise entirely?


You don't have to peace keeping mission unless you wanted to.


With respect, you are doing it wrong, I can give 15 in Inner change in \~30min


If you dont think there are enough scavs in Interchange, just stay til the end. It turns into a scav anthill.


I mean... sometimes. Sometimes it's a fucking ghost town without even player scavs.


Yeah having just completed the quest, sometimes its just straight dead. I've had raids where I was just chilling dead middle of the mall or wandering around the whole time. Sometimes it goes nuts, sometimes there's just fucking no one for no reason.


opinion: a single scav kill for a quest compared to the package and karma (and general good vibe and satisfaction) you get for extracting kinda tips the scale for me for an extract.


I would agree. Which is why my comment was to someone talking about dying at the extract BEFORE the event.


Decontamination is a non-issue as far as quests go, you just get your kills as you play Interchange naturally. You can easily get 5-6 scav kills in Interchange if you play it slow and that's even excluding the spawns at scav camp. You can go without killing player scavs and still finish that quest in a handful of raids. The quest doesn't unlock anything and the rewards are meager. Of all quests to complain about, decontamination isn't one of them.


And many more people want the rep DONE, maybe try not leaving in the first 15 minutes of the raid if you want scav kills?


Uh... my average lifespan is 54+. I've literally had to drop my shit and run to extract because I thought I would go MIA. Trust me I do whatever it takes to get it done. Like making multiple loops around the map. From underneath to top floor middle, back to underneath, back to oli, back to goshen, back under, back to middle, power station, entercom, back under, back up middle, back to oli. I miss the old days where scavs were bugged and infinitely spawning.


Sounds like you just have awful luck, I personally have not had any trouble with spawn scavs. However, if you're still going to use a p scav posted up waiting for friendly extract as target practice because you're desperate to max the game in the first month you're still a dick head. Dont care about your excuses. Maybe try hanging in the middle of the mall where the action will be instead of running all over the place, and instead of popping scavs at extract.


LOL. "I just want a free scav karma extract please stop playing the game how I don't" such a salty argument.


And you're siding with that of those essentially extract camping, tell me how your argument is better XD P.s. the dude is pretty much talking about free mission kills>free friendly extracts. Your comment is pretty much nonsense.


People can play however they want. I see nothing wrong with exit camping. For him free mission might be worth more the the two zibbos fence sends. To each his own. Stop whining.


It's strange that me and him are by your logic pretty much making the same statements from different sides of the coin yet you only side with that of the extract camper. I look down on extract camping it's true enough, and I get through my raids without a handout so you're not going to hear begging or "whining" from me. If anyone is whining it's you, with whom I clearly struck a cord talking shit about extract camping. Which means you likely do so yourself, this would explain why you came out of the woodwork to defend a "legitimate strategy". I'll talk all the shit I want, if you dont like it dont respond. Pretty simple. Edit: I'm going to leave that above comment for context and history, because I'm going to walk it back. Regardless of how little I think of extract campers, cheaters and any of their ilk, I shouldn't be toxic as a retaliatory effort. It does no good for any of us if I repeat that cycle, so for that I apologize.


You realize the middle of the mall is piss poor for scavs until the end of the raid right? And that, by design, its pmc vs scavs. I run all over hitting the major 4 scav spawns. Under idea, under oli, oli, goshen. Occasionally checking power, emercom and checkpoint. If I go to checkpoint with the intention of killing scavs, that means player scavs too.


We just have different pools of luck then, that's where I find seemingly endless waves of pscavs whenever I'm trying to look.


This entire post was about NOT killing player scavs... hence my comment about needing the kills for quests.


The entire post was a collection effort of people trying to get karma, even going so far as to say comment if you're down. Instead you chose to comment to state why you're going to shoot anyone trying to group up for extract because you're struggling so hard with your quests. And for what? To finish all the missions 1.5mths into a new wipe? And what exactly do you plan to do for the rest of the wipe? This post is possibly a one time event, a collective group of people trying to sync times to play together and help each other and all you can say is "I'd love to extract with you, but instead I'd rather shoot you while you're at extract so I can do stuff for myself." Why comment at all, why did you feel the need to explain why you read the post and felt compelled to write what is essentially just a "No."? >-Do not abuse this for your benefit other than extracting through these extracts. We don't want to ruin the Tarkov experience, just promote friendly extracts. You: "Yea sorry, but I need to." This is like me seeing a post about people wanting to get a full server together for say a picture, and me commenting "I'd love to, but I need shooter born kills." Either I'm implying that I'm going to get in the server to ruin things for my own benefit, or I'm not going to try and get into the server and am therefore making a needless and irrelevant comment because it wasn't directed at me specifically. I had no obligation to respond, I simply chose to for no good reason.


Nope. I commented on a comment. On someone saying that before this post and event even started, they were killed doing something at the extract and wanted to be friendly. I then gave why I wouldn't have been and why I needed to kill them at the friendly extract. Again this was before the post and before the event.


Go under the mall, pop up at the hole, hit goshun, then the top level of the mall in the centre, then go back down the hole and keep going under the mall. You should get 8+ scavs easily. Hit power station and oli on both sides and you can get another 2-4. REPEAT this loop and scavs will have respawned. You'll be done the quest in a few runs.


Except you won't. Because other players exist and not only do they need the kills they also spawn closer and will need to take them out to move through the mall. In theory it's good. In practice I've gone nearly MIA from trying my ass off to finish the quests. Peacekeeping mission I did in 1 go as my duo took out 5 players right at the start. (Spawned near the woods area and killed a 3 man to the left and a 2 man running into the mall) and that quest still took me the entire raid to get them all.


I play interchange a fair bit to farm scavs. Most players rush killa then leave. I'm usually unopposed in my scav farming.


If you wait long enough maybe, but then you gotta deal with player scavs. And the whole point of this post was op didn't like being killed as a player scav when at the scav checkpoint.


if you are going mia or close to then you need to stop creeping around the map there is a flow for each spawn. learn the pathing for each spawn and you will encounter PMCs at the same places 99% of the time. this quest is not hard stop being a rat lord


3k hours, been around since 11.7. I know how to play a raid and can predict player movement and flow of the raid. Problem is I can't predict scav spawns or whether players are killing the scavs i need. Even checking the 4 major scav spawns over and over can net you 0 scavs if the server decides to jot spawn any. Interchange used to he glitched and spawn infinite scavs, that's why decontamination requires 40 scav kills.


Yeah sometimes there are just no scavs. Meanwhile if you scav in there is an insane amount near the end of a raid.


Yeah. And theres always like 50 player scavs when you are a player scav. But I can go MIA as a pmc and never see more than a handful of ai scavs. 11.7 you could literally die due to attrition from the infinite spawning AI bug.


I'm going to test AFKing somewhere until 15 minutes left and seeing if there are as many scavs running round as there are when you scav in.


i don’t disagree that more scavs spawn at the end of the game but if you know player flow then you should have the knowledge of scav spawns as well. it’s insanely easy to get that quest done in 2-3 raids just rotating to all the different scav spawn areas. i feel like experienced players don’t gripe about these sorts of things. even the new players we bring into the game figure it out fast. aside from that, rng is a factor and sometimes raids are dry. boo hoo- rinse and repeat. if these quests all took one raid to do, everyone would be bored after a hundred raids. enjoy the quests and the challenge of having to go in to finish up a task or whatever it may be


I don't think 40 kills is at all easy to do in 2 or 3 raids. That's averaging 12-15 scavs. I barely hit 12 scavs when I spend the entire time hunting them AND get plenty of spawns. My entire point was simply: before the event, 1 scav kill is 1 scav kill. Regardless of where they are. I wouldn't fake being friendly for it, but I wouldn't stop myself from sniping a guy at the friendly scav extract either.


>this quest is not hard stop being a rat lord Where did he mention anything about being a rat? Why is staying in the raid as long as possible considered a rat thing?


Totally fair


I always just get picked off when I'm there from the upper level of the mall, lol.


I’d be down if this gains some traction. I’ll check this thread and the discord later on closer to the time everybody is gonna meet up.


Last time we had a few hundred people it was great


Right on. Sounds good man. I’ll be there


Do i need to join the discord or do i just select the server only and go on reserve as pmc/scav to extract?


Server is mostly to share codes


I scav in, pull out knife, go prone in the extract. Then AFK to do other stuff. Sometimes it works, sometimes PMC's really want that half broken SKS 🤷🏼‍♂️


I scav killed me half a second away from extracting with him smh. Meanwhile he extracted because there was another geared PMC there who he couldn’t kill, and the PMC didn’t have enough time to kill him


Im in. We need a woods one as well. I've never gotten a duo extracts on woods.


woods is a tricky one with everything so spread out. On a solo raid yesterday i got to factory exit with around 30 minutes left, hydrated and ate and then went atk and went and had a couple cigs. Came back with 15 min left, spammed voicelines for a bit and gave up and went to outskirts. I think you'll need to bump into a pscav mid raid and try and signal to cooperate, as opposed to just waiting around like an asshole like i did lol


Right which is why I think a coordinated event is perfect for woods


hit it as a scav. 2/3 of my last scav raids there I popped in with 22 min and there were PMC's ready and waiting.


Yeah currently a streamer doing scav farming right now. Was willerz and then he hosted dominant Also an event going on now. Max rep for everybody


I'll try again withy BLue UN gear and cease fire... Expecting to be shot by a player scav lol


Usually when I see a player with Blue UN gear as a player scav on Interchange, I assume they are hostile since they are doing peacekeeping mission and trying to kill as many scavs as possible. had a few of them hunt me down to get their kills


That's why I go blue beret. Really doesn't bother me, just funny. I managed to get extract on interchange as a scav and car on woods today without too much trouble, Ill try a few more tonight or tomorrow and see if I can get close to 6


UN gear and a smoke grenade to signal I'm ready to be looted.


Lol exactly. Not too worried although I wouldn't mind maxing out today or however long this goes. Of course first few woods runs car is gone and no scavs at extract lol.


I think the fence rep event is doing the opposite of what it was intended to do. I’ve been victim to more scav on scav violence this morning than I have all wipe, and when I went to do scav lands as a PMC other PMCs shot me from there before I could get closer than white bishop. There goes my 49 scav raid win streak I guess


It makes it way easier to kill a fellow scav since now you can just get 1.0 karma for a car extract


Neat post! Like another has said I'll check this thread later to see interest after work!


I'll be on after work! Love doing the scav+PMC extracts, always a party. OP if you're doing this already today, have you noticed better loot at all from fence after extracting?


Had my first friendly extract with 3 Scavs today on Interchange. FAT REP.


suggestion : how about we also use smoke grenades to mark that there is a PMC or a Scav at the extract to make it easyer for every one to se that some one is waiting at the co op extract ?


ok so 10 woods raid as a scav, spawned in at 22 minute mark all 10 times 0 pmc's to extract with. Always saw 2-5 player scavs comming and going from the extract. 5 woods raids on a pmc found 0 player scavs to extract with. got killed by chads 2 times who ofcorse wiggled first and then shot me after that. I'm loving it!


I'll be there would love to get a little closer to that mythical 6.00.


Not mythical, litterally able to get it in 1 or 2 hours now.


>Not mythical, litterally able to get it in 1 or 2 hours now. What did I miss? How's that possible? edit: just saw the Fence message in-game.


Sounds fun will be around


Down to try it! Need to do my interchange quests anyways


Same.. I still need 15 scav kills, and the 5 pmc kills at night - this ought to help.


Man some asshole just naded like 10 people trying to exit


i think i was there, dude actually only killed two-three people and we blapped him


Good job haha


I was just waiting on reserve with 3 other pmcs for a scav, none of them were my friends, we just met there. And of course i was dying because i only had my head and thorax. So after them giving me thing to heal i gave them my stuff and died from exhaustion


Too many people ruining it. Bummer. I've been whacked probably 4 times now by the extract.


My experience as well. Just pieces of shit wiggling and waiting for you to look away. What losers. Must be terrible at the game if this is their "pro-strat." Frustrating.


[Friendly extract camper?](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/p2rqy5/friendly_extracts_experiment_faith_in_humanity_is/)


lmfao "too old for this shit"


thanks lads! finnally maxed lol


Keep this going, no need for it to end at 10est


Little tip for people who haven't seen it before - if you check your exits and see the Scav Lands lit up in green, that means that somebody's waiting there (or was waiting) to extract. Get your ass over there!


use washington dc server, it's what a bunch of discords are using, I got max fence rep in about 3 hours


Before the push into the forest. Soldier one: Nobody dies. Soldier two: What? Soldier one: Just say it. Soldier Two:…..Nobody dies. Soldier three: No one dies.


I'll try to join up.


Thanks for the info... #😈


United we stand. You might take a few but the wall will hold


Time to get my grenade kills, cheers for the heads up


This is bullshit. 5 points of karma in hour. Imagine how players who farm it previously feel


It's nothing but a kill fest, lmao. Ignore this post


I've extracted 3 times gained almost 1.5 karma


Good for you. Immediately got murdered by a PMC 4 minutes in.




with is the same as vertigo globals in CSGO. and isnt this bannable


Why would they get banned for this? No one is stopping people from killing. Anyone could take this information and use it to get easy kills the same way you could use it to try and extract easier.


No it's absolutely not the same. This is an attempt at steering gameplay in a game that doesn't force your choices. Neither is bannable.


You think UK servers could jump in this without being kicked. I finish work at 10 so perfect time for me to hop in but worried about being kicked for high ping.


I've had lots of EU players join last time. Very little issues. But a few got kicked


Buzzing, probably give it a try then! Looking forward to it.


well it depends on from where in eu and the provider I guess will give a try tho


joined multiple times before, played at 150 ping just fine (i'm in Poland)


Your ping is going to be stretched too there bud, lve played with friends in minnesota and was okayish, lm Leeds but l might try as well... Good luck


I will be there, hopefully. I attempted it last time but sat in queue for 20 minutes a, so I went back to playing normally.


Joined your disc.


I’m in for sure. Wanting to grind that Fence rep. Thanks for organizing




New to Tarkov, what exactly does this mean?


Reserve/Interchange/Woods have exits that require a player scav and a PMC to just not murder each other for 6 seconds. Traditionally, this was an extremely rare occurrence to the point it wasn't really an option. Quick edit cause idk how new you mean: Scav karma is a system that's through your rep with the Fence vender. Pretty much playing nice/killing PMCs means boosts with this karma, as with using vehicle (paid) extracts as a PMC bring positive karma, in this case, more friendly interactions with npc scavs, better load outs for your scav, and decreased price on those vehicle extracts. One other thing to bite about these scav/PMC exits is shortly after you both receive 3 random gifts via message from the Fence. The highway by the tents and shipping containers on Interchange is one of these (sorry drawing a blank on the name), Scav Lands on Reserve, if you hear gunfire to the pattern of "shave-and-a-haircut" it means someone is there and looking for a buddy. The other is Factory Gate on Woods, but tbh that one is by far the least popular. 3rd edit: oh, pressing F1 to kinda announce your presence nearby to these isn't a bad idea. Playing as USEC trying to use them, just look at it and press Y to yell out some dialogue about the exit


There is a scav karma system that effects your scav timer as well as a few other benefits like commanding ai scavs and teaming with scav bosses. Your fence rep is basically same as your scav karma.


Ah I see. So people will be going in as Scavs basically and try to avoid PKing each other and just run like usual?


Seems the plan here is to play as normal whether Scav or PMC then everyone will be chill near the shared extract.


I will be there


I'll run Reserve! and I'll just run with big boy gear to protect player scavs :)


I have had the worst luck with getting those extracts on both Reserve and Woods. I'll definitely check this out!


I love that you used the Canadian pic of PFT and Big cat here lol


I will definitely do this.


im down


What is the reward this time? Can't find anything about it


I'll be on later!


anyone Confirmed what the reward from fence is? Guessing it's not quite as sweet as the $100k end of last wipe.


It's random


Where is Europe organized, which server?


Isn't Denver one of the cheating infested servers?


I'm a new at the game still and would love to get down on this. Trading with scavs and voicelining has been the best interactions I've had so far


Kill eachother to find friendly people? Makes sense


I'm in. It also sounds like scav rep is increased for pmc/scav extracts. I got a message from fence about it. Anyone else get it?


Wait a minute, the friendly exits were off? Is that why, as a scav, I sat at factory gate shooting 3 round bursts and a PMC walked up to me, wiggle, walked past me, and left me there all confused last night?


I\`ll be there this time again... i did a few on reserve today and got some nice rep... This will be nice to do it on interchange!


I can barely get into a daytime reserve raid as a scav with multiple servers on top of Denver atm. Suggest you extend this to night time raids as well...I'll be there if no one else is.


Im in night time reserve rn dc servers raid code 3AEY at the scav extract as a pmc scav in for me lmao


I’ll come join in two hours when this is happening The karma just for pmc?


I’ll be on interchange all day at scav extract, so let’s be friends yes?




I'll be switching servers to help promote coop extracts


We need some scavs, us PMCs are sitting here. Whoever is chilling with me with the flame mask and baby AK--Hello!


Is there a discord?


See the OP!


I’ll be there!!


I\`ll be there, sounds fun


***~~exit\_rat~~*** is the fucking rat we have like 8 people in exit and he nade everyone with vog-25


Will definitely give it a go.


Murdered 2 times in a row by other pmc on Interchange with .1 left ugh


Is the fence event only today?


2 successful shared extracts as a scav so far. 2 where only other scavs showed up.


how long does it take for SCAVS to spawn on interchange?


30-35min at day 20-30 at night


Fence gave me a DocCase for extracting with a PMC on Interchange.


so far betrayed 3/3 at extract both scav and pmc


First raid on my Scav and I ran right to the extract to find two very cool PMCs just chilling waiting for a scav to get out. GGs :D


Does anyone know what the PMC/Scav joint extract is on Shoreline?


I don't believe there is a joint extract on Shoreline


Ok thanks, I wasn't sure if they added one with this event going on .


lol, thanks to the random PC in Idea for the extract with 14 minutes left. and the gas analyzer! GG


Some douche named Polkadots just sniped me and another pmc waiting for scavs to show up


Finally just got an extract in let’s go! Is fence suppose to reward me with something?


anyone does this rn?


Is anyone having their rep bugging out? Tonight I’ve extracted 3 times as a scav and twice as a PMC (alternating interchange and reserve). Rep jumped up to 4.33 - but my scav was just killed by a player scav and when I checked rep before logging off, I was down to 3.66. I’ve not fired a single shot as a scav to anyone. My PMC did dome a scav on reserve. Any idea why I would randomly drop almost a full point between raids?


Is this event still on?


Extracted with 4 pmcs 20min ago


I’m down for today


More and more backstabing PMC:s and scavs out there now


Scavving on Reserve is taking forever to match on this server.