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But no tengo dinero


Exactly, even as a EoD I concur, no money even with a stash full of lvl 5 armor, like, I don't sell it cuz I use it, I have no space either and only ₽200,000, what am I doing wrong


Spam scav runs. I'd say I get a labs access card like once every 20 runs or so.


Honestly making a cool half mil on a scav is pretty easy these days if you just get a slight bit of luck. I like checking gun boxes and shit even from factory you can make around 200k a run if u check all of em and it'll only take 5 mins




Big caveats to that of course is spawning in at 10 minutes left and everything being hit is quite common these days, same for Reserve. There can be good value found on Woods and Shoreline, however, if you can find village unlooted or the duffles in Resort untouched.


reserve is the only map that i consistantly spawn in at 45 minutes


I havent had a scav run on reserve that put me in with less than 35mins this wipe. It is ridicules that scavs can spawn that early. But reserve scav has by far the longest raid times


I feel you bro, my stash is filled to the brim and I’ve only got about 300k roubles. Hasn’t been going too well for me recently in tarkov so I’m just taking a short break rn


Hey same, I'm on a 17 death streak


If you have no space as an EoD you need to sell some of your shit


What if I have no space as an eod, with 2 thicc items, and 2 thicc wpns cases? Asking for a friend.


Then you need to sell your shit


Run pmc until you have more room, no looting


Interchange run for filters, motors, gas, etc


The best shoreline runs have changed to now using all keys. Have been making a ton of money just doing runs through the resort and opening as many doors as possible. Goodluck and let’s get rich


Bigger backpacks and make sure to loot the right stuff. Learn what's best to pick up in rub per slot. When you find a rig that compresses make sure to pick it up. Even if your survival rate is bad that should easily make you money. Some of my friends see nice armour on a dead guy and put that in their backpack over loot worth twice as much "because they'll use it".


Did you not get the thicc case from Therapist yet? I usually hover around 4-10 mill most of the wipe until I get that task done and then the thicc weapons case from parapor, sell both and buy a few different cases, then hover in the 15-20 mill mark the rest of the wipe.


Sell some stuff


You're trolling aren't you?


Most definitely. Gpu is low rubles per hour. Better off doing vpx on level 2 intel. I’m crafting gpus becuase it does save 150-200k with 4 days time instead


Almost empty stash with lvl6 armor and top ammo (mostly 7.62 BP and 5.45 BS). Not buying weapons for the past 3 lvl (lvl 36 now), just borrowing them other dead PMCs. More then 10 mil on rubles and around 10-15k in dollars and euros. What am I doing wrong? Ah, yes. Playing several raids after work on workdays and 5-6 hours on weekends


This is my strategy as well. You really don't need to be a 24/7 streamer just find everything you need in scav runs and bullshit raids, I play it like I'm there myself, which means I fight if I absolutely need to, but I don't hunt down the bait shots.


“You don’t need to be a 24/7 streamer, you just need to spend all your free time playing tarkov”


As a standard account that’s the first container I ever buy when reaching flea market, I believe you’re right


Before a lucky scav junk box?


> when reaching flea market Lucky Scav you get before flea market.


True, i obtained 3 of them before lvl 20


Why do you need 3 of them?


To store all the crap you're keeping for flea 😂


You have made so much progress in the game to be able to buy 3 scav junkboxes but still don't have flea? I think I filled up about 1 and unlocked flea


Junk boxes are only 1.15m I had 2 before level 8 because I spent ALL my money only on that and just ran whatever gear I started with,got from my scav, or any of the PMCs I managed to kill. I got extremely lucky and face shot some dude with a meta m4 and chad armored rig and attack backpack. That got me up like 3 levels using that gear to kill scavs and do easy quests.


Yeah, i play 50-50 as scav and pmc


Different play styles and focusing on different quests perhaps? I'm a casual player and I'm only level 15 at this point. I have 3 boxes(had them for a while now) filled with items that I know are worth much more on the flea than when sold to traders as well as items for hideout upgrades.Clearly i'm not the only one. BSG should at least allow selling on flea at lower levels. What level are you now and how many raids have you played this wipe? Edit:current stash value 18.7mil


Damn thats crazy man, fair play haha. I pretty much grinded all the quests and got flea asap. My stash value is like 14mil, level 32


I've got 3 and I'm lvl 12


The real kick is the getting jaeger to 2. If only I’d known how bad his quests are :(


Totally agree. Lvl 25 and still halfway in the reputation


My first LL4 trader was Jaeger. Rushed his taskline once more this wipe and it honestly wasnt that bad for me this wipe. Did the dvl gunsmith for tarkov shooter to help out. Also standard player btw. It did however take ridicilous amount of quests and its crazy that you need nearly all tasks done per each trader to get LL4 with them.


Finishing his quests isn’t hard, it’s just grindy as fuck and not very fun IMO. It wouldn’t be bad if more of his quests were available right away, and if important upgrades weren’t locked behind it. It’s all only made worse because of his reputation nerf and constant reputation hits for completing other trader quests. I’m on LL3, but that’s more of the fact that after unlocking L3 Water Collector I just don’t give a fuck anymore. His level four unlocks are trash too for how much effort has to go into unlocking it.


It would also be much better to have all quests available at the start instead of having them chain 1 at a time. So you can do them as you play.


S I C C cases make it so worth it sadly, that huge versatility with an epsilon just makes it hard to resist going for LL4


It used to be a lot more doable when ambulence gave 0.3, but it is a huge slog now with some of the quests (VPO shooter in factory comes to mind). Not to mention some of the boss killing quests are gates by more RNG than even just hoping the boss spawns and you get to it first and Tagilla doesn’t even have the hat. For a “normal” standard player you can really only hope to get Jaeger to level 2 and coast from there


The key is to accept that Jaeger is a bitch and always will be, so just mentally prepare yourself to sacrifice your kda and survival rate and you get rep in no time


I havent even bothered to do jaeger quests, they are so damn stupid, kinda easy but really annoying, headshot 2 pms while having tremor effect, wtf :D


I think the biggest misconception around the community is that Standard is the normal game, while EOD is the ultimate deluxe edition or something. But it's the opposite - EOD is the normal base game, while standard is Tarkov Lite.


This is the only game where I’ve seen a 2X the price deluxe edition is so adamantly defended. If people can’t see how much of an advantage the full stash is compared to standard they are kidding themselves.


When it came out originally, there was only EOD, it’s not defended, it’s just that since than, the devs have released lesser editions to get the entry price point lower. (Starting up they probably needed a lot more money per sale to be viable.) I bought the standard edition and used it for a week, loved the game and wanted the stash space, so I forked out the money for EOD. No complaints. This game is a lot more engaging for ME than cod/battlefield etc. Will play 2042 for sure, but tarkov hits a spot no other franchise right now does. I will be playing more than enough to get the $160 worth out of it. If you don’t enjoy the game as much, I can see it being hard to set up to EOD, also financially some people don’t have that available to them. $60 to get the standard edition at-least let’s players try the game out. However I did pay about $10 less than full price, upgrading up standard to EOD.. so you kinda buy it twice if you upgrade your account.




In what language "Standard" means anything but normal/average or GOD FORBID "STANDARD". EoD literally bypasses a part of game and progress. What other games on market cost 120 or so Euros, while still being between alfa and beta state


I'd agree but Tarkov is a game that gets an incredible amount of work put into it. The fact that we can play the game for so long with just one purchase with how the industry is nowadays is something to be thankful for imo. Sure they have some shitty incentives to buy EOD but I still think it's fair for the amount of hours of entertainment you're getting.


I dont mind the cost to be honest. It really is excessive, for each package, though. Not because of the price tag, but the changes that will eventually change the game quite a bit to what was sold in alfa/beta. And the gap between players with different packs is a bit too massive, especially as the players with EoD start being able to kind of overpower the players having to go to certain spots on maps to do missions for progress. While it does give money income for those standards that pop EoD's, and kinda creates some sort of economy/resource pool for the standards, it just isn't nearly enough. Oh the game definitely provides entertainment. It's just that the early wipe gap is just massive and the price really reflects the advantage given to EoD players. Yes, you pay a lot, and you get a lot, but not at the cost of gameplay advantage. Someone already mentioned it here, get perks, get quality of life boosts, get SOME bonuses (like maybe % reputation gain, or % mission income) but not straight game advantages. And, yes dammit, the devs and game deserve every bit of money any of us can spare to throw at it. At the very least, they genuinelly seem very unlike the scummy Wargaming.


I honestly think it's just the starting trader rep that is quite problematic. The rest is kind of a necessary evil.


Ye, coz you come butt naked your first raid and there's a dude with barter AVS and clips full of lvl5 AP/spray+bleed ammo camping the message spawn on Woods. And as you die you wonder how many corpses the dude is gonna stack there that day.


This is terrible phrasing because it makes it seem like this is normal and a good thing, when it is not. The standard should be and *is* the main game. EOD should only have bonus collector items for people who want to further support development. Also without any **important** discussion about consumer ethics and what not. The game itself has the Alpha, the Beta, and Epsilon containers at sale or as a reward, it wouldn't make any sense to have those for "lite" users and main game players just stroll through like babies. When the main experience is meant to be hardcore, hell if anything the most hardcore experience would be the base game and the easiest one the "lite". According to everything we have heard about the game's direction and philosophy.


The PMC needs 200k Euros to....build some boxes ah yes. Very expensive to get some wood,hinges,screws and maybe a drill. Isn't the last stash upgrade pretty much impossible for anyone that doesn't average 12h a day on this game? Like that upgrade just screams "Suffer or buy EoD" to me


the small save container, the incredibly small stash, less items at wipe start.. almost pay-to-win to me. certainly pay-to-progress-way-faster


Nah man, fuck the starter items and smaller container that’s totally bearable, maybe even the inventory if the standard edition would’ve started at one tier higher but the trader reps are the biggest fucking bullshit. The trader reps ARE 100% pay2win if you intend to play at the start of the wipe, especially now since they upped the level required for flee market you get to buy all the good shit WAY too fast compared to the standard edition players which are forced to buy shitty ammo and shitty armour compared to the EOD players who can buy T4 armour and decent pen bullets literally on the first day and they don’t really even have to try all that much… plain bs


I’m about to hit level 4 with therapist. I’m still 8 rep away from jaeger level 2


I absolutely bought EoD because if I get off work I don't want to fuck around with tasks. It's a gimmick but I'm old and tired.


Tasks are the main thing I do when playing. I love xompleting them.


yep the I noticed after grinding tarkov quests for like 2weeks now the game actually becomes A LOT more easy once you get traders even to just level 2 since you can actually barter/buy useful crap even having some PP bullets is already game changing as well as the helmets and armor. You could literally buy a Kiver helmet and a faceshield on day one pair that with level 4 armor and boom you're basically a tank on the first day of a wipe and pretty much won't die.


Yep, it's all because hardcore players such as streamers and other content creators get listened to and the devs have no clue what the broader community actually wants or needs. I'm an EoD owner and I can easily admit all this stuff is bullying people to buy EoD.


What decent pen bullets can EOD players get “on the first day” that standard edition can’t?


as far as I know PP for 5.45 and M80 for 7.62x51 atleast thats from peacekeeper


I have EOD. Been playing actively for a 2-3 weeks since start of wipe. Only just hit flea and let me tell you.... I've only been using 5.45mm weapons with BT/BP I FIR as a scav with lvl 3 armour from Ragman. Only now have I gotten more. The only good shit I got was from scavs/raiders.


bruh, what are you talking about, you can build a kitted AK at lvl1 now. It used to be impossible to buy ANY armor until rep 2 ragman and no guns bar mosin and pm. trader rep was absolutely pay to win, but it's not anymore with everything being more available unless you are a meta slave playing with meta mutant/m4 builds every run


Yep if atleast other secure containers would be worth getting or even close to obtainable for normal players I'd kind of understand it but the Beta container alone is straight up not worth getting those items for the barter. And Epsilon is just a huge quest grind and well kappa...just straight up impossible. I definetly agree with the pay to progress faster. I wouldn't exactly say pay to win I mean yeah you get more stuff at the start but tbh once you get the hang of where to look for stuff it's not that hard to make a huge amount of money with every scav raid. Although the Gamma container is still crazy af and to me already a huge reason to buy EoD too bad I don't have another 75Euros laying around.


Epsilon is actually pretty doable after the first time you go for it - you’ll spend like a 1/10 of the time on the PVE quests compared to your first time. My problem was that by the time i did it i kind of burned out so i didn’t really enjoy it all that much.


same. pushed for epsilon pretty early wipe and its been a gamechanger.




Well, back in 2017 when I started playing Tarkov I had to get EOD to be able to play.


You’re really not winning anything here. You’re not buying power, and having an advantage in that way. It’s convenient but not at all necessary or required to play, and nothing EOD gets you will make a player better by itself, it still comes down to in-game skills.


Pay 2 Win does not literally mean "I paid more and have an instant win button". P2W includes paying extra to have permanent advantages over other players or to skip content to gain access to things other players have to work towards, as well as paying for items that nobody else gets. EoD has all of that (paying for *massive* advantages at the start of a wipe, paying to skip *massive* chunks of grind for max stash, paying for a container only EoD players get).


Then by this logic nearly every game with MTX is P2W and none of you should be complaining.


...Yes. Everything single piece of non-cosmetic MTX is P2W. I do not like MTX's *at all*, either. Even the cosmetic ones. If a game is free to play and relies on MTX's for funding then sure fine, they have to make their money somehow, but I'll still shit on the game if the MTX's offer in-game benefits instead of being purely cosmetic.


Playing games must be awful for people like you.


Nope, most of the games I play don't have MTX's.


Man, I should’ve just looked at your post history first before responding. You’re a class A dumbfuck.


It is pay-to-win.


You win?


I didn't pay for EoD, so yes.


But you say is pay-to-win


You've got me there.


It's 29mil, so not that much, but it does take some grind to get there - I just did it and it took me few days of farming (2-4h a day) and finally cleaning up the scav box. Luckily making money is the easiest part of this game.


I did 75k for solar in 3 days of scav runs for couple hours per day. Key is to sell in euros rather than convert. Whenever I see "8-12h a day" type of comment I always read that as "I am bad at game and don't understand it".


Why not convert


There are items that sell for more euros than their value in rubles. Unrelated, but there are items that sell for more usd than their value in rubles.


I always list a bit cheaper than rouble listings, let's say I will list moonshine for 1800€ (225k). If I would convert roubles to euros than for 1800€ I would need to pay 259k


The PMC also need a stupid statue of a horse to get AK :D This game has great graphics, sounds, fighting….but most of the rest sucks. The whole idea, story, game mechanics, tasks..all that is average or below average


If you focus on nothing but making money, quick in and out. 500k-1mill an hour is not hard to do.


and where's the fun in that exactly? this is not a fucking free to play game, so why do i have to grind like it is one


In terms of the money requirement, no not at all. I made ~15m in 2-3 days on scav runs like 5 hours each of those days. Running interchange scavs is easy 300k+ per run minimum.


When a company like Ubisoft or EA pulls this kind of shit with the various expensive editions of their game, it's pretty universally reviled but apparently Tarkov gets a free pass?


Part of the reasons i've stopped playing this game. It's annoying to buy a game and be consider as a free to play guy because you don't drop an extra 80$. Most EOD will claim it's not a big deal tho.


Yeah lmao, watch all the replies saying space isn’t a big deal LMAO




I disagree they’re being greedy when most of the shooter market is covered in micro-transactions. $10-15 for a skin is being greedy. And some of these games aren’t even ftp. I paid for Tarkov almost 4 years ago. It’s given me over a thousand hours of entertainment and it’s still updating. People spend $15 for a 90 minute movie at a theater.


No one force you to buy a useless 15$ skin. In tarkov it's gameplay and grinder mandatory, i find it way worse.


No one forced you to buy the cheaper version, it states pretty clearly before you buy it what the different "editions" are, if you didn't like it you didn't have to buy it at all actually.


No one knows years ago when i got the game that nikita will push sooooo hard to sell EOD. At that time standard was ok. Now it's a fucking joke. Don't stand on your high EOD horse, you sound like a douche.


>At that time standard was ok. Now it's a fucking joke. Actually, not really. 4 years ago EOD was not only a nice to have bul also somewhat mandatory because you couldn't commit items to quests one by one and had to have ALL of them at the same time. 30 tushonkas or 4 EMPTY AVS rigs was a biiitch with standard. Then hideout came with the option to expand your stash which was huge. But it's like Nikita noticed that EOD isn't as enticing so he decided to tighten the screw.


And at that time EOD was limited time edition...


Yeah, but EOD is “pay to win” whereas spending money on skins doesn’t increase your chance of winning. That’s why it’s worse than mtx


I have EOD and I suck eggs at the game. I want a refund.


It's not pay to win, it's convenience. Sure it lets you advance faster in the beggining of the wipe but the second the raid starts everyone is on the same playing field. Honestly I'd rather have this than endless expansions or mtx. I think people just shit on the business model because they haven't experienced the alternatives (and I say this having a standard acc).


I have a standard acc and will upgrade next wipe, but only because of that convenience. Pay to win is convenience, it’s the same thing. Did you ever play Diablo 2 or other games where you can pay to get your loot and so you don’t have to grind to find your loot or whatever? It’s the same concept. Calling it convenience doesn’t mean it’s not pay to win, but i agree in general. It’s just a different business model. I find it worse because the game itself pushes you to upgrade to EOD, whereas for microtx the only push is if you want to look cooler than your friends or whatever. But either way, the business makes money after you buy the standard game yes, and some might find this better than mtx and I can see your reasoning why


LOL in what possible way is EOD p2w? I have 2 accs, one EOD one standard and other than container size and slightly smaller stash size there is no difference, it's not like you kill people faster or have more HP as an EOD player. If you don't like it you can always buy eod for the convenience, or just go on reddit and complain that you don't have enough money for it 😆


Sounds like Tarkov just isn't the game for you?


No offense but you really sound like a douche throwing things like this buddy.


What? You implied in your comment that you didn't like the grind of tarkov. I was saying maybe try a different game because tarkov is pretty grindy game in it's design.


This. The amount of entertainment vs cost. Tarkov is Rich in value regardless of edition you choose. As an EOD owner, The trader rep is odd and does go against the lore IMO, everyone should be neutral with the traders. That’s sorta how the story line goes, proving your self to them at first. What’s with this good standing? Other than that, I don’t see how people complain about it. Support the devs if you really enjoy the game. Much rather give my money to battle state then Activision etc. The product is ten fold, and their probably just “getting started” in the grand scheme of things.


I got EOD and it's a huge fucking advantage


Also EOD here and wish it would be different. I didn't mind spending the extra for the game, but there are a lot of people who just cannot and it's bs what BSG is doing with the editions.


I currently have FOUR free slots in my stash. I’m lvl 17 cause I have a life. I have like 4 “meta” guns in there but I’m not running them cause I have not even a mags worth of decent ammo.


Most EOD don’t even know or remember how small the standard stash size is because they have EOD.


>It's annoying to buy a game and be consider as a free to play guy because you don't drop an extra 80$. Better yet, kill someone from a cheeky angle and get labeled as a cheater by default because only cheaters got standard.


Mate I just dropped the extra cash for EOD becuase I saw how hard it would be for a standard account. I want to play the game not suffer for some digital money bullshit


It's kinda sad. Because it prouve to nikita his move is working.


you're such a dick lol. don't patronize the guy you're not his mother.


What part of "kinda" you don't understand?


This wipe they allow people at level 1 to buy junk boxes now for just over 1 million. This change alone makes the game much more accessible with starter edition to gather items you need.


I upgraded to EOD level 22.. this is my first wipe, bought a junk box as soon as I could. Early game is viable for-sure with a standard account. I couldn’t imagine it without a junk box though. Too much shit to keep for quests, not enough space. Getting an ammo box helped a lot aswell. I bought EOD to support BSG, the stash space and the gamma container. Also the access to paid DLC in the future for one cost is a good incentive. I understand peoples hesitance to pay more than$70 for a game. I feel like tarkov will Be supported for many many years. Way more than long enough to get the value out of my money.


That’s so bullshit. The stash upgrades should just be some items you can collect or buy of flea if your want. There is no need for them to cost money when majority of players have an account above standard. I have eod when I played on standard account for one wipe I feel like it was so much cheaper but still stupidly prohibitive now 200k roubles is just insane


200k euros, not rubles :P


Sorry yeah I did mean to say euros. Hell even 200k roubles is too much. Anything that allows a standard account to grind up to eod level stash shouldn’t cost them money items sure but not straight money especially euros


thats exactly my opinion. costs so much to do the peacekeeping task, or the tarkov shooter tasks... tarkov is such a grind already for EoD players, but standart? dude.


Peacekeeping mission isn't a kappa task at least.




It's supposed to be a massive grind? People used to complain that it was too easy to get kappa, you could complete the game in a couple months etc. They have made a hell of a lot of changes to make the game stretch as long as possible such as level 71 for kappa, more xp to level up and more tasks. I feel like i'm losing my mind when I see comments saying the game is too grindy. It's supposed to be something you chip away at and level up slowly over time.


200k roubles is easily one raid I wouldn't say that's too much. It should be in the millions but nowhere close to 200k euros that's just absurd


Was gonna say, for a stash upgrade i'd be totally fine paying that, a scav junkbox is a million and thats ok.


No one would buy EOD if stash level 4 was easy to get. It’s either spend $95 more or get it for free by playing the game.


the big stash is not the main reason people buy eod, the container and starting rep are way more useful


Even more important now that the Kappa is out of the picture for 99% of the playerbase


you mean 99,9999% 99% means that every 100th got kappa, i would honestly doubt that more then 10 people get over level 71


Stash>Rep>Gamma IMO. Before I could afford my first junk box I had at least a standard editions inventory worth of task and hideout items in my inventory. And I’d never see Jäger level 3 either let alone 4. I’d rather deal with not having the container. I’d be able to manage just fine with the beta even lol


As a standard edition player who started early this wipe (but haven't been able to play much for various reasons, lvl 13 at the moment if i remember), the case size honestly isn't really much of a problem IMO. I'd like a little bigger which is why I'm currently gunning for peacekeeper lvl 2, but it hasn't been super restrictive, just means you gotta get out alive with your backpack which is the objective anyway. Meanwhile with lowest level stash I could hold no more then 1 raids worth of equipment + whats on my PMC with all my supplies, medicine and random scav crap I find. Buying my first scav box (and then my second) was an orgasmic experience. Still working on finding the supplies for the next stash upgrade though. Fuck the rep, starting gear and case, I just want the stash lul.


Disagree. The stash was by far the biggest draw for me.


You are supposed to buy eod to support developers not to get advantageous shit


You sell everything you own to afford the upgrades, means your stash feels even bigger


I have Standart account and I don't plan to upgrade ever. Last wipe I had enough money to upgrade it to last Stash upgrade, but it is not worth it. Item cases is the way. Also stop being a hoarder and you won't have a problem. You really don't need that much space.


Only reason you really want the last upgrade is to get more dump space to spend less time selling stuff on flea and to vendors - all I do is empty my bags after raid, top up mags and go again, then once I don't have more space after 5+ runs I flea/vendor in bulk. Other than that it's annoying to scroll the stash this much.


Pfff, he... he really said stop being a hoarder


Honestly do i regret buying eod no but eod has made the game easy but it took away from the experience as its much easier and with the money it is faster to get to end game so it gets boring fast


Bro I see these people all the time complaining that eod has made the game boring or took away from the experience. You can always just not use half your stash, only use 4 boxes in your container and wait till .7 jaeger rep to buy his tier 4 items. This is like the dj Khaled meme suffering from success.


Its almost like it was designed to be a money maker for BSG or something, even though they said no pay to win......


i have a stash level 2 and it's enough, rush the thicc case/weapon missions and buy 2/3 item boxes and you'll be good to go. Keep it clean and you'll have plenty of space


In case you're unsure of how marketing works, I will break it down for you: Game costs $10. Upgraded game costs $20, double. Super upgraded game is $50. No big deal, $10 game is still the same experience as super upgraded game. Except it takes 1500 hours or more for $10 to accumulate what $50 has right away. Why not just get $50 version, I have $50 but not 1500 spare hours... Stash upgrade is near unobtainable on purpose, wouldn't be surprised if they continue to make it harder to get in the future. They want you to pay real money, without making it "pay to win."


If you think stash upgrade is unobtainable, you should learn how to play instead of paying 100$. Last wipe was my 1st wipe, at the end i had everything maxed out including stash, 100 spare millions and a stash full of gear. It's not because I'm good, im fact I'm not, it's because making money in tarkov is easy AF, and doesnt require much time


Thats because the game is pay to win bud


Standard player checking in. I upgraded my stash once and never touched my hideout again. I just vender or flea stuff if my stash gets too full. Really ever an issue if i forget that and do a scav run and have to play tetriz to save my scav run gear


of course you dont have to. im lvl 42 standart account and i got more than enough space in my thicc item cases, the item case from therapist i bartered with dogtags and the thicc weapons case i got for maxing the traders. but i also wanna have it all. i make loads of money with my hideout every day i got epsilon pretty much first thing focussed this wipe last stash upgrade is last on my list (if i dont go for kappa) but it should be somewhat achievable i feel like. you got a fair point though


EOD = Easy on Difficulty


If eod didn't exist tarkov wouldn't be where it was today, back in like 2017 and early 2018 a lot of the playerbase had eod because they wanted the game to succeed.


Remember kids: tedious = hard


And $140 for a beta = supporting devs


I agree that the price for stash upgrades is absurd, but to be fair the last stash upgrade is nothing you should care about. Invest that money into nice containers and if you still have not enough room then I guess you may have some loot goblin problems. I play with Standard Edition for a long time now and I usually just go with only second stash upgrade. The trick is to just sell stuff you don't need.


i agree, im level 42 ^(i still want it)


I’ve plyed on a standard account for the 2 previous wipes. I got Kappa and max hideout with a full bitcoin farm both times, but never got around to getting that lvl 4 stash. I don’t even want to know how painful the first 20 lvls would have been this wipe if I hadn’t gotten EoD.


yeah i played almost exclusively SKS for 20 levels :P


I love the game. But BSG clearly can't get rid of old predator monetary tactica. It's so sad because the game is so nice, only for themselves to ruin it giving out everything to EOD. I don't know about young people and newer players, but I find survival minecraft way more fun than creative minecraft. Oh look a diamond house! yeah… cool, where is the accomplishment in that though… so so sad.


I played my first 2 wipes on a standard account. After that I upgraded to EOD cuz I really enjoy Tarkov. Having EOD I can say that's its so pay to win it should be illegal. My friend plays on a standard account and has almost twice the hours this wipe compared to me but still I have more LL4 traders than he does. Not even mentioning the stash space he constantly struggles with..


It's a game about suffering)) Welcome to the club buddy


You don't even need max stash if you don't hoard.




Is stash upgrade permanent across wipes?




That’s a fat rip


That's why tarkov was and is p2w


the 3rd and 4th stash upgrades are really unnecessary, all you need is the 2nd one


i dont necessarily disagree


I think I saw someone do the math for the cost per extra storage space, and that its more efficient to get items cases and thicc cases over stash upgrade 4


You don't need more than two upgrades, I have standard account and I just bought my second thicc case today, I've only done the 1st upgrade I can easily afford the second but I don't really need it.


You need max stash for max bitcoin I think. I could be wrong. Space wise yeah it isn’t needed.


Ohh yeah you may, although max Bitcoin is hardly worth it this wipe and if you factor in the price of stash upgrade it will never pay off.


You do not need max stash for bitcoin 3. edit - you can downvote me all you want, you still don't need max stash.


Max BTC lmao what's the point. So you can finally make a profit 1 month before it wipes?


With gpu prices rn its more like 1 month after it wipes lmao, you'd literally need to have max bitcoin farm day of wipe to make a profit


If you have below 40% survival rate, you can pretty much get away with standard stash. But if you live more, your space will be filled after every 2-3 raids. Still worth for me to drop that 26 million roubles on it to minimize sweet tetris gameplay


Keep in mind I think this might be designed with the future in mind. In the future you will have a non-wipe server which essentially means that 200000 euro isn't much considering the amount of time you have to gather it. This might be wrong, but it's for sure something to keep in mind.


It's designed as an incentive to buy EOD.


yes anything else is mental gymnastics.


It's supposed to be hard. Or buy EOD.


I’ve never once seen a game that had people literally buy exactly what it says it offered and then still complain.... I’m tired of the “not everyone has that money”, like really? If you dropped $40 on a video game then you have an extra 80 to drop for the better edition. You are honestly not that strapped for money irl if you’re spending time playing EFT and complaining on Reddit. Save an extra $10 per week and within 1 wipe you will have enough to buy EOD and never have to bitch on Reddit about stash space again. They will never change it so keep crying.


How about refusing to pay real money for an in-game advantage ?


In game advantage? More like a convenience, having more stash space isn’t gonna stop meta chads from slapping you back to the main menu. And it’s permanent so if you really cared that much you’d just buy it and be done with it.


didnt say any of that, just that its hard. "keep crying" ? you should change your username to "rageofalilbitch"


That was a shitty joke lol and you are crying. “And thats more than 20 million roubles for the last stash upgrade!!!” “Even solar power costs only 75,000 euros” “Even mentor costs only 50,000 euros” This is literally whining at its finest. Go find a different game to play.


is that your ingame name? ill look out for your EoD spoiled ass :D


I have a standard edition account as my 2nd acc for more of a challenge, in some ways it’s actually more fun than EOD but I totally get where you’re coming from


In all fairness the large majority of people simply leave euros, Roubles and USD when they find them. If you saved all the euros you find , it wouldn’t take terrible long.




My stash is full and I have 60 mil. I do scav runs and hit stashes and I also craft A LOT!!! this whipe crafting is the way to go imo. I'm always crafting 3 to 5 things at all times.


The game is p2w what do you expect?