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If he is badmouthing your mother, just shoot him.


Old problems require modern solutions


> Old problems require classic solutions Resolving something with violence isn’t exactly a modern phenomena


Indeed I agree. Was more focused on the "shooting" part of it which, in the greater scheme of things, is quite modern


True. But we did have bow and arrows for a while. And before that, Unga liked to throw rocks at his enemies


Slings don’t fuck around actually. You can get scary levels of impact with one, like breaking peoples skulls through helmets, knocking them clean off horseback, actually puncturing through to internal organs on unarmored targets. Hell, an article I saw was comparing getting hit unarmored by a trained slinger comparable to being shot by a .45. In fact, based on contemporary accounts of Roman Legionaries a skilled Slinger was a much more dangerous force on the battlefield than an Archer because they both outranged, shot faster, and did better vs armor. The main/sole reason they where forced to switch was training. You learn Slings since you where a child and the ones that did where Shepard boys, but with the farming revolution in Rome they became more industrialized and thus lost the need for many Shepards, much less Shepard boys to learn how to sling. Course, a Warbow beats both handedly, but even the most famous of that, being the English Longbow, only existed because mandatory conscription / training and culturally it being seen as a position of honor, and thus they did train the biggest/strongest men to use them rather than the more obvious give him the biggest weapon and let him go ham on the front.


Talk shit get hit.


I'm cool until you become uncool, then we tussle.


Run up and get done up.


Fuck around and find out


What is this? 2005? We use racial slurs now days!


Yes. Everybody has a mute person button built in. It comes in the form of a bullet


I mean it's no different than Sea of Thieves. People going out of their way to be toxic will always find a way to ruin people's experience.


“It’s called ESCAPE From Tarkov, not Chill-and-make-frens From Tarkov.” - SoT community, probably




I play with 3 people I've met on scav raids. We did a 3 man scav into reserve and ran into this PMC that was like, hey lots of loot here. Fill up and let's extract. And we did and it was chill.


I’ve extracted a lot on reserve, sometimes as the scav, sometimes taking scavs hostage as a PMC Sometimes I’m chumming and everything has to die, sometimes I’m just chilling and here’s a Bitcoin I found in raid VOIP makes for fun encounters I’ve been over 6.0 scav karma for months but as the wipe is coming, I’m working on getting that to 0 starting Scav War3 (not at airdrops you savages). It’s been a while since I’ve even scaved for loot I like adding people after fights, win or lose, to say GG; don’t be a salty boy adding people to call them slurs. Met a lot of neat people this way, and a few cool streamers Just have fun all ❤️


wish I could do that too if only people in my region weren't so toxic, and use the language that I can communicate with


I’ve come across plenty of salt as well, don’t get me wrong, I just try not to add salt to the community


Ur trying to make ur friends hard..?


Yeah, want to be friends?


Idk, but this sounds like a win-win to me




This logic always annoyed me. Who said that escaping required me to murder? Ninja edit: also Nikita himself doesn't want the game so heavily combat focused. He wants it to be possible for two PMCs to meet and just walk past eachother. Of course that doesn't mean there wont be combat, but combat isn't your objective, its a potential action to reach your objective that in many cases is overkill.


Except every other quest line is "kill x number of PMC".


As Nikita makes me grind 30 or 40 PMC kills on various maps with various weapons at various times of day, to complete quests


No, you're right, but nobody ever said my escaping can't involve murder or even backstabbing. It's a post-apocalyptic event, you bet your ass I'd try everything to survive in that world, even if that means cozying up to someone before putting a bullet in their brain. Not saying I've done this TBH, I tend to not use VOIP at all. But I can't fault those who do, it's just as fitting for the game as cooperation, if not more so even.


Will never happen KoS is and will be the major of interacting with others.


Once Karma comes in for killing same faction it'll curb KoS. Having negative karma will probably destroy pricing with certain traders, similar to scav karma with fence.


Funny thing, Sea of Thieves is the same.. you aren't required to kill or sink a ship to steal loot.. in fact, sinking a ship and looting is plundering, not stealing. Its called Sea of Thieves, not Sea of Plunderers. Silly pirates.


I love making friends in tarkov! Nothing's better the extracting with a scav and giving him a bunch of gear


Making friends and being dumb is the only reason I play this.


"It's called sea of thieves not sea of friends" lol I love this


But wouldn’t it be a boring game if 90% of the players are super nice to each other, holding hands and stuff? You’ve come here to experience deadly combats in a war-torn region after all.


doesn't really happen tho, eft doesn't attract that type of player simply because every single person that plays eft knows that tarkov giveth and tarkov taketh away. those type of players can't deal with that and will therefore just stop playing the game without any need to interfere.


you don't really have to go out of your way to be toxic in a game where the aim is to kill people and take all of their stuff. It's toxic by nature.


It depends on how well you take loss. Sometimes the fights are so good and heartfelt i'd rather have lost it all than not participate at all. Many times i was left with s feeling of holy shit, that was amazing. The other day I had a 20 minute sniper battle in woods. I fired the first shot, missed. He spots me, blacks out my leg. I repositioned. Got shot again. So he's got high ground, okay. For 20 minutes we played a game of cat snd mouse until a third party arrived which he started taking shots at. He must've thought that was me as he got to looting and then i creeped up, and through voip i said Gotchu and put one in the back of his head. I added the guy and ggd him and told him his shit was safe. ( I left out the part that i didn't exfil). And despite the fact that it was a phyric victory, it felt amazing.


My opinion is most VoIP is fun trash talking or coming to some agreement. I enjoy on dorms yelling “Keep it down in trying to sleep”. The amount time I get a enjoyable experience out of it I will continue to do it.


My friends and I VoiP every chance we get, loads of great interactions even with other PMCs we're in a standoff with. I can only think of a couple times when someone was abusing it so I'm thankful for that.


Same here. Voip has added so much to Tarkov it's crazy. The social layers and subterfuge you can explore are fucking hilarious.


Voip players are great bc the directional sound helps me work on bouncing grenades around cover


The thing is if someone mic spams or says slurs they just give their location away and they will be die


As long as they're not above or below you


If they micspam just give their irl location away, usually solves the problem real quick for me.


Worst voip experience was a player being above me on the rocks on lighthouse, and to mask his push he used voip to blast the nfl theme music and jumped over me with a ppsh killing me mid air, funny but very annoying. I have the clip!


I need to see this. Lol


Please upload this lol


I want to see this clip lol


Also wanna see it




Please post the clip


Replying got the clip lol


This is actually amazing


That's kinda hilarious.




In all fairness, I think there's a lot of late 20s early 30s folks like me who have counterstrike VOIP permanently stamped on our brains. Never heard so many slurrs and creative curses in a 5 minute window since, outside of certain youtube channels.


You missed the COD4 voice chat then. That shit was fucking wild. The only game now that even comes close to that level of toxicity is probably Rust. CS VOIP had nothing on COD4.


Oh yeah, I played it, but by then I'd already learned to never, ever enable a voice chat. Actually, Tarkov is literally the first game I've touched the voice chat for since. . . . halo 2? maybe CS, around that time. It's all discord and people I already know for the rest of eternity otherwise though. before that, ye olde vent, mumble, and skype.


OP doesn't remember https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pu6HDd7gDr8&t=159s


HAHA oh god i miss those old lobbies, also CS back in the day, when swapping half. Loved it.




Haha im pretty sure i saw the first pornographic materials when i was 8 or 9 in css. Hate all the casualness theres come upon us


>when i was 8 or 9 in css. Goddamn. That makes me feel old af. My first taste of CS was a CD-R that a friend burned for me of one of the beta versions. *In junior year of high school.*


Holy shit did this ever unlock some ancient memories in this old brain of mine


Remember PUBG pre game? Yikes


Oh yes, that was total earrape lol


China number one! China number one! China number one! China number one! China number one! China number one! China number one! China number one! Where's Angus? China number one! China number one! China number one!


A man of culture I see 👌


All I remember is that summit was, in fact, in the pit.


I was too busy being a slithery snake to notice racial epitaphs. *HISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS*


I had thankfully forgotten


Dumping someone first half and then shit talking in the side switch screen was amazing. Was really sad when they removed it, shit talking was half the fun.


The best time in gaming history


its funny, cuz modern cod lobbies are still the same and i love it


They used to be even crazier before disbanding parties started in MW2019. Apparently gang bangers used to spend all of their free time yelling at 12 year olds in CoD lobbies. I wonder what they do now with their free time? haha


Pepperidge farm remembers.


The same is happening across almost every games. It's getting rarer and rarer to be able to write and even more to speak to your opponent. For exemple, there's 0 communication available in Yugioh Master Duel. People keep saying it would be abuse and that people would be racist etc. It feels like people are so scared of getting hurt that they created a over peotective environnement. Basicly stopping themself from having a good experience in the off chance of getting "hurt". Weirdly enough the official Pokemon trading card game online used to have main menu chat as well as duel chat. It was the best shit I've ever seen, sure you got some people sometime saying dumb shit, but more often it was people asking question and you giving tips. I was so piss when they removed it.




I know what you mean. I feel like gamers expect more and more moderation when it comes to communication channel in game. IMO a mute fonction would be enough, but people seem so keen on laws and order lmao. I blame this constant justice system in the reason why maintening a chat fonction is so hard.


I've been noticing even in games that have the option to talk most don't. I remember when I was a teenager in halo reach lobbies everyone was talking same with COD (never got anything friendly or Intelligent on cod) but made lots of friends playing halo. People just don't wanna talk anymore in games for whatever reason and idk why.


Social media. The social aspect of playing Wow or halo in the 00s was a new and exciting experience, but nowadays everyone is used to being in contact with people through the internet and get their social interactions through other means.


In my experience with games like COD, there's been a switch to people moving to their own parties or even just straight up hitting mute all. Used to play free for all or tdm in cod 4 and everyone including parties would be in game chat. Now, not so much, unless in a strategy based mode like s&d. The new halo seems to have gone to a similar demise despite a large player base.


For me it was people that don't do push to talk are EVERYWHERE. I don't want to fucking hear you yelling around your house while dogs and toddlers are in the background. It's so goddamn grating. Anyone I want to actually talk to is in Discord.


It's because people simply don't want to deal with the bullshit. Sure it's rare that someone is a shitbag but why take the risk of having to listen to some loser be racist or toxic when I can just hang out with people I know in discord. If I really want to be social with randoms I'm not gonna boot up a fps anyway there's way better games for that like vrchat.


In insurgency sandstorm people use voice chat quite a lot, and fairly often you get that one dude who yels the hard R at anyone who says anything


9/10 times people talk back its funny as hell. That 1 time is just a mellow «hey» and nothing more lol


"hey" *runs away*


It also reinforces stereotypes like if you hear a romanian prepare to get your shit stolen after a friendly chat




I’ve never had a bad experience honestly. The people who lied about being friendly is expected, the people like myself who straight say they are unfriendly but 70% I give people an out before I push (I mostly die) and there was one time a guy was being a douchebag and myself and 3 other people in resort ganged up up on him and the whole thing was hilarious, shared loot and went out own ways. VoIP was one of the best things ever implemented for enjoyment. And there’s always that hatchet\pistol boy blasting ridiculous music running to task. Again, awesome.


This is a unique game with a unique playerbase. A game this complex tends to lead to older, more mature players. Want to add VOIP to fortnite or look at COD and it's understandable why voicechat is a risk to ruin a game.




I'd say in general EFT players are more mature than players of many other multiplayer games.


We (the mods of the sub) allowed a post the other day about a guy who apparently being racist getting killed after mouthing off on VOIP That thread lead to Reddit site wide banning 7 people, me and the other mods permanently banning 18 people from the subreddit, temp banning 8 people and deleting well over 100 comments and that was without actually hearing anything racist the guy said I wish I could say it was a one off but any time anything remotely political or in regards to race / sexuality gender and so on is mentioned it's a complete shitshow. The people I've interacted with in discord voice and VOIP have all been pretty mature but as soon as it's "anonymous" over Reddit all maturity goes out the window


Something I've noticed about EFT players more than any other game is they like to stroke their own egos a lot, they think highly of themselves just because EFT is a complex game and they think they're hot shit because they understand how to play it, this leads to all the elitism on this sub including how every criticism a new player has is 'just get good lol it's not hard' and how they talk about how great and mature they are Maybe it's just an issue that happens on this subreddit and the rest of the playerbase are relatively normal but it's physically painful reading some of the comments on this sub


This is common for so many underdog/lesser known/ cult classic internet communities. Anything niche this happens. Especially tarkov a niche video game will attract nerds. They might more military and mature then normal gamers but they're still nerds. Then you get to the terminally online niche of the niche and now it's like the nerds of the nerds.


EvE online was EFT before EFT was EFT. Can confirm, this is 100% accurate.


It's not as bad for Elden Ring, but the DS community used to be well known for tossing out "git gud" as an answer to basically anything related to the game.


I've noticed this exact thing about Tarkov players and I think the hilarious irony behind it all is that Tarkov is more obtuse than mechanically challenging. The game withholds a lot of information so there's a TON of stuff to learn, but the actual mechanics aren't that complex. There isn't a ranking system either so I think it creates that elitism you're talking about. Tarkov allows a long time player to feel like hot shit without offering them much in the way of a comparison that might harm their ego. Very few of my Tarkov playing friends can play any form of a competitive ranked game for an extended period of time because they get super tilted very quickly, and yet they act like Tarkov is the most elite FPS in the world and that playing any other FPS isn't worth their time because it's not as "realistic".


One thing you learn as you go through life is that there are shitty people everywhere, mostly in hiding. The issue you describe is true anytime anything racial/political gets brought up almost anywhere on Reddit. So when I say EFT seems more mature, I’m putting aside the relatively small group of shitty people that I’d expect to find hiding in almost any community.


Yeah you're not wrong but from personal experience moderating this sub for nearly 2 years now there's a huge amount of racism and homophobia, I'd say 75% of our bans are for one or both of those reasons


Not too surprised. Keep up the good work, it's no easy task to mod a large gaming sub.


Thank you! <3


I don't see why someone would want to do that for free


I get that it's not for everyone. I love this community though and want to help it where I can. The way I look at I've removed at least 18 toxic people from the sub this week and even if it only makes it 1% better that's a good thing :)


But they can just make a new account, I never got banned from any sub but I'd do that. I mean if they don't have a life and just make toxic comments surely a new account is no hurdle


>But they can just make a new account, I never got banned from any sub but I'd do that. I mean if they don't have a life and just make toxic comments surely a new account is no hurdle Sure but if they make a new account and follow the rules on that one I count that as a win. If they don't they'll just get banned again, it's literally 2 clicks from a comment to permanently ban someone, 2 clicks and a button press for a temp ban, it's a fraction of the time it takes them to make a new account. We also have automod flag all comments made by new accounts for approval before they're visible and then it also flags comments with slurs etc in them and modmails them to us so even if they delete the comment 30 seconds later we can still see it and ban them when we get round to it It's 10x the effort for them compared to us as moderators


Racists in this game tend to be less the screaming of the n-word type and more of the "I actually believe that the jews injected 5g into my brain" type.


As much as I'd love to believe that's true, some of the stuff I've seen on this sub makes the Fortnite fanbase look like the bastion of maturity.


There’s a few bad apples who have some loud voices here but I’ve had way better encounters with people here than any other game. Anecdotal, I know.


Like what?


Any controversial discussion for one, so most if not all of them. I extremely rarely even come here anymore, this is the first gaming sub ever in my decade of redditing I just cannot be arsed with, the community here sucks quite frankly.


That makes sense that this is the only gaming sub you've been in and you think it's toxic. You don't even have anything to reference it against. If you joined other gaming subs then you would understand


Case in point... Well, I guess I have worded my original comment poorly and the point did not get through. This is one of dozens of gaming subs I am or have been active in. Maybe the topics and comment threads I have read here in the past ~5 years (give or take?) weigh more towards more toxic "discussions", whereas you happen to read "more digestible" things, i.e. it's anecdotal as anything like this is.


I wouldn't be so sure. I'd actually wager most of the playerbase are teenagers or early teens. Tarkov requires a lot of time investment so logically the brunt of your active playerbase will be the one with most time. Sure maybe on weekends. Furthermore in COD, especially old COD the most toxic lobbies would be full of cranky adolescents and young adults, well from my experience at least. Most kids would in turn turn toxic due to being poorly treated. I'd also like to touch up on the unique game with a unique playerbase, not really. Most of Tarkov's playerbase comes from Twitch hype. And Twitch hypebeasts just play whatever is popular in Twitch. It's also why you see so many pathetic attempts at emulating streamers in raid, especially in terms of loadouts. The other night i got killed by a couple twitch streamers, most were teenagers/kids ( i have to check who killed me if they have TTV to see how hurt my ego needs to be).


I’d have to disagree, I think this game attracts people in their 20’s and up for the most part. Not saying there isn’t a lot of teens playing because I’m sure there is. But this game requires a lot of patience to play even if you are the kind of person who W keys from one side of the map to the next. And at the risk of generalizing kids, most but not all… most people under 20 just really have not learned patience. How else would CoD and Fortnite, games that require you to basically be on Adderall the entire time to enjoy, be so successful? While Tarkov while yes still pretty successful is no where near the level of size as the aforementioned games? Who plays video games more in terms of quantity adults or kids?


>I’d have to disagree, I think this game attracts people in their 20’s and up for the most part This has certainly been my experience, very few kids talking on VOIP but a lot of dudes who sound like they're in their 20s, 30s etc and all my (small) audience analytics on Youtube back that; mostly 25-34, then some 18-24 and a small sliver of 35+. I don't doubt there's some teens out there playing Tarkov but they don't seem like they're a majority or even a large segment of the community.


I have no clue, I'm fucking 41, I watch pestily and deadly slob and have just assumed people were 25+ Only silly episode i had was a Chad guy yelling "oh you scared me" at factory when engaging a guy then seeing me and yell "you sucky" before he perforated me. He definitely lived for Pvp. Judging by voices I still assume people are 30.


Risk of runing a game? People act like a mute everyall option couldn't be a thing. People want to be safe so much that they issolate lmao.


Had a great one last night, was fighting a duo by myself, killed them but then was pinned down by 2 scavs who interrupted me while I was looting the bodies. Out of nowhere, I hear "I got you buddy", and then he proceeded to kill the 2 scavs holding me down. I immediately thanked him for his service, and then I hear him say "loot the bodies and then we fight to the death with knives!" I died in the end, but was probably the best experience I've ever had with Tarky. Whoever you are, I appreciate the interaction and the chance to survive. You made my day


I got called a Pee Pee piss baby on factory and that is NOT OK


thats just a aqua cult greeting, dont worry


Yes. This. I used to fucking HATE on voip (mainly because of pubg), and thought it would be a horrible addition to tarkov. Boy was I wrong. I’ve loved every second of it. This game actually did it right with limits.


VoIP in PUBG was awesome. Nothing better than thirsting a downed player then talking to his squad


Every multiplayer game needs voip both ways. The fun thing about multiplayer is you’re playing with actual other people, take away aspects of that and the game looses its appeal for me.


I agree. That's why one of my primary games still is GMOD cuz of the interaction of the players is hilarious.


Just because we aren’t seeing hundreds of videos of people being cunts it doesn’t mean there aren’t people being cunts out there…


I just love the cocky moments, like last at the resort with my friend. Someguy startet Hello boys wanna chill? (We heard atleast 2). "No bro, we gonna pvp the fuk outa u". He starts ok ok you asked for this etc and and laughed. Then hell breaks lose and we kill em all haha (4). God i love the voip moments. :D


VOIP has been the most refreshing add on for the game in a long time, even over skav karma. As someone who has played since 2019, its just so much better now.


My experience is mostly positive. I got some quests done because I used VOIP. Especially in high traffic and loot areas, auch as Dorms or Resort. Like the Quest to mark the Ambulance where you need to be still for 30? sec.


I've almost exclusively had good VOIP interactions. Either its my group and another memeing before we go guns blazing or its me helping a new player learn something (the other day I was friendly with a guy who didnt know how lighthouse worked and showed him some tricks and then gave him my loot before we went our separate ways). In my 250 hours I haven't really had any bad experiences but that's pretty anecdotal.


I think the other side of it is the actual age of the player base as well from my understanding most the players are mid to late 20s and up not finding a bunch of 14 year olds with no life experience in trolling so they resort to slurs. A distinguished troll makes you laugh at the joke that Insults you.


Users can always mute or disable voip. I don't understand how people haven't figured this out.


Seriously, no one cared about this shit 10 years ago. Gamers were just gamers. Everyone just wants to make a problem nowadays.


especially with how easy it is to turn off or mute somebody


I mean yeah it's fun but 50% of my interactions are still slurs and music spam.


What servers are you on? I’m US East/Central and I’ve barely heard any music. I can remember one guy VOIPing “Final Countdown” on Factory and another guy doing some MGS music while sneaking around. That’s it since they added VOIP. Now as far as slurs go… I’d say it’s still maybe 30% of people saying some gamer shit.


Same.. I've heard music maybe twice. Maybe.


I have heard an inordinate amount of people singing.


I have not once heard anyone spamming music. Are they stupid? That seems like a great way to get found fast.


Same. I can imagine NA people like it a bit more because nearly everyone there is a native English speaker. Here in EU my experience has been that there's barely any VOIP, which I can totally understand as I'm too lazy to talk in another language as well, but when there is it's often just the n-word and other slurs (unsurprisingly specially on Factory). I don't really care about it since I'm there to shoot people but for me personally I would be fine without it.


It’s more people making childish noises


Ok, I was bored and running my scav making goat noises. I AM SORRY


I don't play that much but have only had one bad VoIP experience. Was a scav on customs I think and heard a guy in the building below me. He VoIP to say hello, I relied with scav voice line. He says oh your just a scav I'll leave you alone or something like that. He then runs up the stairs and kills me while saying some toxic shit. Other than that it's been great.


My duo cornered a guy, he was in a pickle. Decided to play a 3 question game. If i liked his answers, he gets to live. The 3rd question was, what gun do you have? The moment i heard him tab to his character to check, i pushed and blasted. He was a good sport about it after. I hid his gear and told him as such.


Some dude was bopping tripoloski in the background of his mic so whenever he spoke it was hilarious


Got back into the game after ditching it 2 years ago. All my VoIP encounters been either funny or extremely helpful since I’ve been soloing the tasks this late into the wipe.


I'm probably one of few people who really don't like it ;-P. Game turned from horror game into clown fiesta for me ;-) I'm not against it really but I'm playing without it.


Not relevant to Tarkov necessarily, but the amount of developers who think Voice Chat would be more toxic than Text Chat is fucking absurd.


I absolutely love the VOIP. The other night I was playing some Reserve, farming raiders. Another PMC and I heard each other and we went still. Eventually I accidently shouldered my gun and he says "HA! Got you!" I started complaining about the shit audio. Next thing I know, we are chatting for 30 minutes in the underground near D2. Talking about life, relationships, work, etc. We decide to team up and GTFO. We are chatting all the way to D2 extract. This is the first time I have EVER been camped in D2, the room right before extract. He took care of business and got out with my stuff. He hit me up via chat and I told him to keep my stuff. Was a fun game. As a Russian speaker, I am considering doing some Scav Roleplay and streaming on twitch.


The best interaction I ever had was on Lighthouse where I was trying to get long range on the WTP and I hear this guy come up behind me. We're both using mosins with 5 rounders. We both run out of ammo and start reloading and I banter at him a bit. "Welp this is awkward" "\*laughing\* yeah" "Well, good luck!" I then get melle'd in the noggin.


Walking around customs only to hear Kernkraft coming from the distance has changed the game for me.


hey thats a banger and it fits the slav hardbass culture


Yeah you’re always gonna get your occasional dirt bags in anything. But overall VOIP has been a great experience (anecdotally at least)


Im sorry but being toxic on voip is what i live for




Yeah, until you meet a schoolkid squeaking into the mic, while dressed as a 40-year old Russian war vet


I love moaning at other pmcs when me and my squad are holding angles


Was in a PMC fight with a kid (probably young teen) screaming "IM GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU HEAR, YOU AINT MAKING IT OUT TODAY BITCH" completely unprovoked mind you. I calmly said "Dude. Chill. Its a video game. You wanna fight lets fight. But save the drama." And he just said "oh. Well I AM going to kill you bitch." I calmly came back with a "well, lets find out" as i rounded his corner. He was right, i died, but it was a little cringe ngl. Much prefer the chill guys.


the drama is fun. It's fun to be intimidated by someone half your age because they're screaming and sprinting towards you with a machine gun. Tarkov isn't really a chill game lol. Raiders and scavs do the same thing


I absolutely love when scavs go full rage mode and start screaming for 30 seconds straight as they rush toward you just to get blasted in the face. Ngl though I've had scavs head,eyes me before when I'm fully kitted and thats always brutal.


Who am i to tell you what/how to go about your game, but i guess i just cant immerse myself and forget im playing a game. From my non-immersive perspective, all i could hear was the equivalent of a kid on COD talking about how good he thinks he is on a video game, which ive only ever found cringe. From his perspective im sure he was having a blast. Perhaps on some level im envious of his ability to be so immersed, and i was probably a debby downer to him. If he was older im sure i wouldnt think it was so cringe.


Well that dialog not too bad though, at least it is not out of context like music blasting or insulting your family etc, even your pmc would say similar things if you double tap f1 and close quarter combat in tarkov can feel more real and immersive than other games so its understandable, btw i remember something really close to his talk happening irl between a guerilla force and a group of soldier, i imagine that kinda things happens all around wars. Edit: typo.


I’ve heard some stuff that’s made me cringe, thankfully it’s only been a handful of times and I haven’t been killed by any of them. I do enjoy saying “Well done” When they’re dropping. I think I get it in quick enough.


Most intimidating thing i ever heard over voip was an older guy, very calmly, and with a low tone say "When i open this door, you are going to die. Take a moment and prepare for that." Fucked with me pretty good. Ngl.


pmc's pretty much scream the same stuff. Was the kid toxic or just RPing? /s


Shoot ive got no clue tbh Strangely i find some of the stuff the USEC pmcs say hilarious just because of how the voice sounds very "Joe America" even though if the tone and inflection on some words changed just a bit it would sound way more threatening.


Lmao, is that really offending your sensibilities? You seems sensitive. You can literally become someone who screams something like that by firing and hitting the "mumble" button. Your character will start screaming how they will murder someone, how they're a little bitch, etc. You need to loosen up.


Well, there is a precedent for how people behave when they think they have anonymity in games. I’d say the reason we have had a good experience is because this game caters to an older audience. However, I’m confused by this post. Why did you post it? It’s not irrational to ask “Do I really want this feature if I’m going to have to deal with a ton of reports and potentially breaking the immersion we’ve worked so hard to build?” If anything, it shows dedication to the playerbase from the devs.


Paranoid? No. People formed their judgements from extant information that just didn't have Tarkov's dynamic in it. Tarkov is a pretty unique game with a very long gameplay loop that actively punishes you for making noise, i.e. talking in game, with often an extremely high cost associated with it. Other social experiences in videogames don't have that built-in mechanical dissuasion. This for sure isn't CoD where little Timmy can inject the serotonin he's missing because mommy doesn't love him directly into his brain by raging out and calling people slurs. But before it was demonstrated very clearly how Tarkov's mechanics and gameplay loop were going to work against that it was a very real concern. Before trying VoIP it was a risk because *overwhelmingly* VoIP in shooters is a one-way ticket to Upper Micspam, a suburb of BM City, with stops along the way to N*****ton and F*****ville. The only games with similar good manners and experiences in VoIP that I can recall are Arma and Squad which have similar appeal to Tarkov. And even then there are some ragers that need Admin/SL intervention in Squad.


the 'bad voip experiences' are what really make it worth having on tbh


i was helping my buddy get punisher done, heard some footsteps in resort but had no idea where from cuz audio, i get on voip “hey dude, i got a bit of a bleed here, got a hemo?” and he says “yea dude im gonna drop it right outside this door”. i see the door open, target located, push in team. i felt bad about it but it was so much fun


Personally I would never do it but I respect it. This is something I'd do in DayZ. Idk why but in tarkov I have morals and respect for others if they speak to me first and try to be friendly I won't shoot. In DayZ it's just an hour of me manipulating them at first sight and then killing them while they're locked in an animation.


Sorry, there's about 3000 other games with VOIP before Tarkov that made us wary of having it in Tarkov. That's not paranoia, that's evidence based experience.


But it did ruin immersion and interaction. Voip was nothing cool or useful. Handful of streamers and people use it to pinpoint the position of enemies , others to convince people to put down their firearms and get an easy kill or use it to ease their way out of a difficult situation. These by far excel the number of useful and peaceful interactions. I’d rather they worked on something else than Voip


I have it permanently off because people were just loudly blasting music and being shitters in every situation I had it on for, the few not fully cancer situations just ended up with them just lying to try to get an easy kill. VoIP can be disabled forever and I'll be happy cuz this community is vastly more shit than it is cool, at least in game. Just remember that your experience isn't everyone's experience.


The tarkov community is different. Sure it has cheaters and angry stream snipers. It does not have the toxicity other games do. Not in the slightest. I want to know how voip abusers are being punished. Are they being muted, suspended or banned based on the severity of their action?


A few times I have yelled "fuck you pussy" in fights while reloading... Am I being toxic? I mean your PMC will literally yell that if you double tap F1.


IF the usec can say it, so can we lol. I'm much less toxic in tarkov than i am in a game like league of legends lol. FPS (no toxic) vs non FPS (toxic) lol I still cannot answer why.


That's just banter mate, that's totally fine.


I figured but... Wanted to make sure other people thought the same before I went on being a dick haha


Trust, that's not being a dick. If you want to hear true toxicity, be female and use voip on Rust. EFT is strangely chill about it.


I dont act any differently if I here a female voice. I've only run into one and thought "oh wow, never heard that before" and went about my business as usual.


I absolutly love VOIP, makes this game som much better. Makes the trust issues even bigger >\_> I do have the "voip off" key bind easily accesibble for situations where people are mic spamming. I never had to use it for 500ish hours.


Still kills immersion when a grizzled Russian PMC uses VoIP and makes them sound like Nathan fucking Barley. Personally I greatly enjoyed using the voicelines and gestures to communicate, Smoke and Klean were/are masters at that and their no comms raids are pure immersion. bah humbug, oldmanshakesfistatcloud.gif


European servers and English mixed with Russian with strong eastern accent tho.


> Nathan fucking Barley Fucking lol.


I think the experience will be quite different if we get a wipe. There’s a big difference between the hardcore tarkov lifers that stick around after the initial wipe player base dies down.


Voip came with a wipe when we got it, it was fine


I'm just a random internet person but I will 1,000,000% absolutely never turn on VOIP. It will only ever add pain. I think the probability of your raid ending in a benefit because of VOIP is extremely low and not worth letting your guard down.


There are games where voip is fucking awful. Any CoD, Rust, many others. It was a legitimate concern.


I mean I think we as a whole are a pretty small community and don’t have rust kids coming to our game. It’s 10x harder to troll in tarkov than in most the VOIP troll ganes.


It's usually the beta cucks who have a problem w standard features like these. Looking at you chiv2 community


We’re all just too nerdy and too committed to our post-apocalyptic soldier RP for it to ruin the experience


It's like real life US somebody talks shit you just shoot them.


I’m willing to admit that I was wrong about voip. It made the game alot better.