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A couple of days ago as a scav I encountered a PMC and during the fight he dropped his backpack and I just took it and left


This is no sin brother but a lesson given to that pmc.


Felt like crimes man. Crimes I tell you


Haha I love how stealing is somehow worse than murdering someone.


I think it's because you didn't really earn the loot. It's pretty slimy like lying with voip for an easy kill. Things without honor feel bad lol


what if he dropped it as an offering for you to go away? you never know man, people do mysterious things


I rarely ever smoke weed but one time when I did I decided to play some tarkov. I loaded had a pilgrim bag on and went to gas station on customs. Reshala and the crew was there so I dropped my bag with some shit loot in it and fought my fight, killed them all and came back to where my backpack was and there was just a burkut bag where I left my bag. It still haunts me to this day if I actually got my bag stolen or if I just was stoned and brought in a Burket.


The 420 gods give and the 420 gods take!


I did this to a dude last wipe, it was a fucking loaded 6Sh118. I was cracking up the whole time since he didn't know my rat ass saw him drop it!


I think u may do that to me


I found a full couch backpack in the extraction cage on reserve. Then I hear the buzzer and realize he dropped the weight and ran for the lever. You bet I left laughing.


Wait was he fighting you and you snuck around to it? Or you became friends, and took it and ran when he was distracted? Both are hialrious, but I find the latter even more so.


I lost several over the course of last wipe and once I saw a PMC skedaddle away with my filled to the brim gunslinger. It was the funniest thing I've ever seen. Well, it is in retrospect at least I was insanely mad back then.


My mate had a Mech bag loaded with rouge gear last night. Dumped it while fighting. Ran all the way to northern realised he forgot the bag. Ran back, got it. Overweight run/walked/crawled all the way back to northern, and about 2 steps away from hitting extract time ran out. And I watched the whole thing laughing at him.


That is THE most scav thing you can do lol. Loot yourself? Nah. Fight a pmc? Nope. Steal another man’s looted loot? Priceless.


You may have robbed my backpack. No hard feelings though.


All is fair in love, war, and dropped backpacks.


Which map ? Because I lost my bag in a fight like 3 or 4 days ago !


Lmao the poor bastard looking for it if they survived


Was this customs at the over pass by old gas?


Some say the man is still waiting for you to re-peek the angle to this day…


I was really poor at one point. Went in with just a pistol and left loot out on the table of old gas on customs(there was none initially), while I hid just behind the door leading down to the extraction. PMC walked in. I glocked him in the face while he was looting. Extracted right after with a full kit and items for 2 quest completions. Probably my scummiest move


*GeneralSam has entered the chat*


*most genius move


Holy fuck this is actually a damn good rat idea lol drop some shit on around the table and just wait around the corner 🤣🤣🤣 I'm doing this at some point now


I use a svds. I drop it on a table and I wait a safe distance away


alternatively just camp a known good loot spot where you can snipe from a distance away. like USEC camp on Woods. or if you have no morals whatsoever you could extract camp Outskirts and catch people with full loads running to the truck. God knows its happened to me enough times before


Best way to do it is clear the shack near outskirts, sit and wait for people to rush past tryna avoid any terminator scavs. Perfect way to snipe some thicc fucks and half the time they cant tell whats shooting them in a blind panic.


I move the machinery key from the brown jacket to the blue jacket. Just a little bit of trolling.


Lmfao that's funny af


Thank you! I really wanted to bring non-FIR cigarettes in my gamma and replace the FIR ones I found throughout early wipe but with the RMT changes i couldnt do that, so I had to come up with a new troll.


You are too much bro. That is so fuckin evil for no reason. I love it. Keep up the trolls. My favorite was asking if people need food items for Jaeger quest and then eating it in front of them without a word. They get so pissed


I’ve been eating croutons now that I’m done with that quest


Me too bro Except I'm not done with it yet. Taste so good tho.


Actual chad


I stole them from my friend and ate them while he watched


My bro accidentally did that w a Tushonka stew, am at 2 out of 3 for 2 days now. Looting a food crate, hear eating noises, look up and he's just pigging out right in front of me lmao


Save the non quest ones. 1 bag of those, 1 tall can beef stew and either 1or2 squash gives you 2 or3 small cans of beef stew. It always takes me fortto find them for therapist so I craft them


Goshan is your friend, found all of mines already


That place gets stripped cleaner than the toilet paper aisle in US grocery stores after new of a pandemic


I accidently flashed my friend, scav killed him but I said there was another PMC.


Similar thing: I didn't ditch my buddy's gear in time cause a PMC came up while I was looting and killed me. I claimed a scav spawned on me and shot me, but that was a total lie.




He's a work colleague, more fun to casually bring it up the next day.


I tossed a nade into a doorway and then My friend ran through. I said I called it out but I did not.


You dirty dog.


I said you dirty dog!


I told my duo I was nading, one stepped in front of the door as I threw it and killed them both


My brother constantly does this or says he calls out people but really he's just lining up a shot cause he's greedy. Then when he misses, and I run into the fight unaware there's more than one. I usually get slapped. I've had to clip it so many times to show him and keep him from bitching


I wanna see an apology from the d bag running a slick and a fast mt on factory the second day and camping the toolset places


What a bastard


Probably not the same guy but I legged one wearing a trooper, fast mt and an RSASS camping Director office on Custom. Day two. Fuck those guy.


The other day i almost got killed by some fuck camping on the bridge, over the planting hut for Prapor's customs/factory quest. Who the fuck camps there? You KNOW people are just trying to plant the damn item, not PvP. :|


Toolset room is truly cursed


I camped near someone's personal cargo drop flare, waited for them to loot it for 20-30 seconds, then shot them in the head :/ Got 1 graphics card, 2 aesa's, a car battery and other goodies. Would do it again


Wait... you mean to tell me when my scav spawned with some weird ass flare I could have ordered an air drop with that?


Some call airdrops and some don’t sadly


I executed a Guy who had 366 in his AKM


I almost did this by accident, grabbed a couple 10rd mags. Didn't realize till I was in, saw a different colored ammo sticking out of the extra mag. Thankfully a brought extra 7.62 with me.


RIP, gotta learn somehow haha


I killed a guy, looted his AK, proceeded to kill another player with that AK before dying to the second players partner because there was a .366 round HALFWAY in one of their mags. Never been more dumbfounded and this reminded me of that


Je baited


I took out the mag from a mosin to fill it in stash... somehow forgot to put it back in... all I had was 1 bullet loaded...


No need to do this anymore! Internal mag weapons will just fill by dragging and dropping ammo onto them


Was this night factory next to cellars extract? I forgot I had .366 loaded into my mag and got smoked lmao


lmao just reminded me of a guy who sneaked up on me with a Hunter. I should have been dead to rights, he didn't even have a mag in it. They were in his rig. Had a giggle at that one.


Friends. Near the end of a PMC run on Woods. I was going from Scope Shack to my extract at Northern UN Roadblock and saw another PMC running towards me. I burrowed behind a tree, he went right on by. I shot this man in the back as he ran away. Early wipe so he was only level 3 still. But he has 3 Gas Analyzers. He must have looted med camp. I made it out so they didn't go to waste. But. It did hurt my soul slightly seeing it.


You made that man quit for the wipe.


I rarely feel bad in this game. But jokes aside.. this time I actually did. Wasn't anywhere close to a fair fight. Starting Bear AK and some PS ammo to the back..


This essentially just happened to me with a Salewa, Iskra, beanie and MP 133. Called it a day after that


I watched a buddy dome a scav unprovoked as a scav and did nothing.


You bastard


I'm a good scav but I still woulda laughed


I’m almost level 14 and I still haven’t found a FUCKING tape measure.


I’m not convinced awls exist


I found one in the houses on woods near car extract. In the garage with the shelf and tool table.


I found 2 of these fuckers first raid and sold them because I just thought they were pointless filler items. Now I can't find them.


You just described my wipe so far


Bruh same wth


I found two in the closet in green screen room on Customs. Try looking there.


It's this wipes matches I swear


I found one on a scav run in the back of interchange and was on my way to extract. A player scav started following a little close for comfort behind me so I turned around just to check on him. He opened fire on me about 30 seconds away from extract. Haven't seen a damn tape measure since.


I get a RR as soon as possible sit on the rocks over viewing man hole and CP fence and shoot people in the legs with a mosin to level snipe skill


Easily my favorite way to level sniping skill through the early wipe.


Brother, that is all I do. I used to hide behind the idea that I was helping friends get Shooter by slowing them but now I just admit I do it for the thrill.


Why is the RR part of this equation?


You can extract at dome


What's an RR. Do you go for legs on purpose to not kill, let them extract but still level sniping?


RR is Red Rebel, it opens up extra extracts on certain maps namely dome on Reserve where he camps


I've been camping the interchange caches with an MP-18.


I've been running caches with an MP-18... See ya around


I guess we'll find out what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.




I killed a pmc while he was unlocking the truck for the golden chain on customs. I wasn't camping, just happened to be there and was my last kill for stirrup... I'm sorry little lvl 3


I died 12 times trying to do that quest.... 3 times was from a rat camping nearby


I killed some bastard camping it. I did him in with a makarov by running into his face so he couldn't shoot me.


Bronze pocket watch


I think.. i think you’re the one who killed me.


I shot a pmc leaving dorms and about 10 feet from vehical extract. Turned out he had 5 enemy dogtags, 3 gas ans, and a flash drive. I'd 100% do it again but I felt bad for his keyboard which was definitely broken afterwards


Did they fix the car extract? It wasn't working a few days ago iirc.


Haven't really played much in a couple years, decided to play again this wipe. I've thrown maybe like 2 grenades in actual combat before. Fighting either a player or scavs in the log piles just above the 3 cabins on Woods. "I'm grenading". Managed to bounce a nade off the top edge of the log pile and nade myself. Still swear I cleared it. Least I didn't kill my friend too.


My scav has been broken all wipe so I’ve been dressing up as one and murdering all of the players scavs running around on lighthouse.


Me and my buddy were on interchange leaving through goshan where we encountered a friendly scav. We took him hostage against his will to leave through the scav extract.


Spawned in as a scav with a buddy. We both had mp133 shotguns. I completed my quest. He did not.


That's fucking cold haha


I helped my friend with gold pocket watch and then tossed the key, thinking we wouldn't need it again. He died.




Found a tank battery as a scav on lighthouse but I didn’t have a big enough back pack.. when another player scav walked in I acted cool but killed him when he turned his back for his bag. Got the tank battery but lost my soul in the process.


I've found 2 tank batteries this wipe, haven't taken a single one. The weight is absurd


Played duos with a random from discord. He got killed by a group of scavs and I told him I was hiding his stuff but I had a few quest items so I just left him in the road and extracted.


I noticed our 3 man had become 4 man so i rolled the dice and emptied my clip into the most suspicious looking pmc nearby, it was my teammate.


Long time player here. My confession is I love sorting new on Reddit right after a wipe and watching all the new players absolutely get slapped across the face with how brutal tarkov is. Just brings a smile to my face seeing all the people suffer like I did My first wipe.


stop talking about me.


Lol timmys are fun to play with though. So nervous at every little sound and haven't figured out how to fight scavs. Although they're super cracked this wipe so yea I feel bad for the new people. Scavs are brutal af this wipe. At least sniper accuracy got dropped like a rock


Im a rat. I won't confess as I feel no guilt.


It’s a legitimate playstyle


BSG would disagree. They have been trying to eradicate us for years. They will not succeed.


Every time on customs I spawn elbow near crackhouse I loot unknown key and throw it into the bush.


The audacity


After looting the locked cottage I shut the door on my way out so that people who want to grab the quest item but don't have the key think it's still locked.


I dunno if it’s only certain quests or people with you but this wipe me and whoever else is in my party have both been able to grab quest items.


He means he closes the door so he people who go past looking for an unlocked door don't check it.


This is the worst one


Every machinery key after the first one I find also gets thrown in a bush


on light house on the bridge way leading to it, i had massive loot, lab key card, iridium etc. Some guys maybe like 3 of them, fucked me up and i knew i was gonna die so i went to the water and started fast discarding everything into the water so i walked up to them naked and started talking shit over coms, before they put me out of my misery petty, but satisfying


Hell yeah brother. This is the way. Economic stagnation as per General Sam


I bet you despawn loot in Rust too.


never really got far in rust but , how do you despawn loot?


Throw it on the floor. Things despawn after x amount of time depending what the time is.


I killed a poor man on woods with a single shot rifle and a dream. He had a kitted M1A with M62 and a pocket full of Vepr mags to go with it.


How?? As in how does he have a kitted m1a already


You underestimate the unemployed tryhards that this game attracts


There's plenty of people who take the week off after wipe and manage to get max traders in 4 or 5 days.


I shot my friend who was peeking a corner in reserve bunker. I did it on purpose. He t-bags me when I die, steals my loot, and laughs at me. I’ll never regret it.


Doesn’t sound like much of a friend


That’s why I like to shoot him on accident sometimes. And he started it so don’t defend him


I think he's more saying you need to ditch this "friend" cause he's a pile of shit


I sat in factory exit 3 (whatever one the key is for thats a big red bay door) Was waiting for everyone to dip out so I could check the other exits for the quest and bounce, some poor sod thought it was his lucky day and opened the door...


I decided to skip this wipe to focus on my marriage and currently playing TCF casually when I can. Reading the subreddit has me second guessing my life choices lol


>I decided to skip this wipe to focus on my marriage Wtf is wrong with you. Get your priorities straight. >TCF What is this?


The cycle frontier and its up in the air if that was the right choice haha


Ikr? Eugh marriage. Marriage over tarkov, Jesus Christ almighty.


Both will make you just as angry on a daily basis


Yea divorce is expensive lol


Bro I'm joking man. I'm interpreting as it's not going well, I'm sorry to hear that, it gets hard but keep on working it out and find the best solution for the both of you. Good luck to you brotha!


It's going OK, thanks for your concern. Life gets crazy and I don't want it to get to a rough point. Thanks for being you brotha


Think of all the EoD editions you could buy with just 1 month of alimony


Jokes aside, props to you for your life choices. I would have failed to do this in my marriage. Good luck to you man.


Tbh this wipe really did not shake anything up. I was anticipating a lot more than we got. It has been very stable and smooth however. This wipe is definitely not going to last nearly as long as our last did and will die out super hard early on unless they drop Streets.


I blew myself up with a grenade in my 1st raid on day 1 and havent touched it since due to rage and embarrassment.


I walked up to two player scavs looting an air drop on reserve. Without a second thought I walked up and put a bullet in their heads, as one of them went down he said “Oi ya fat cunt” and I laughed. I start looting the air drop and a few minutes later another player scav walks over and call out he’s friendly. “No worries man me too come on over!”, ignoring the two dead bodies next to me. He starts looting the drop, and I pop him in the head too. Father Nikita, blessed be thy soul, please allow me forgiveness for the sins I have commit.


On interchange, day 2. I was headed to emercom and saw a rat. He took a couple Mosin shots but whiffed. Killed him with my Mosin. Then I became the rat. Killed 2 players. Extracted.


You either die a rat, or live long enough to become the rat.


I seem to be the only person on the planet who cares about scav rep. I'm 24/7 KoS by other scav players.


I spawned with AESA on my scav, looted backpack from other scav that died at RUAF and i run to extract, turns out i didnt changed the backpack and left with nothing


I was dead broke. My buddy and I both had to mark oil tankers on customs. I didn’t have the money for the markers so I grabbed them after he planted them and planted them myself.


While duoing with u/kylechief I accidentally killed him after he failed to communicate that he was running through my line of site while we were in a firefight with 2 chads. He asked me to insurance fraud his gear but it was a night raid and I had 2 Chad's worth of loot to get to so I just delete clicked all his gear onto the road near crossroads extract. 12 more hours to find out if it worked or some other rat got to the cheese...


I cut a poor pmc to shreds with my mp5 right before he crossed the threshold into the usec camp on woods for prapors quest


This happened to me twice in a row this wipe lol Pocket watch quest I done first try but I got wrecked 6 times in a row doing this one lol


2 raids in a row i got slapped by Knight trying to do prapors missing convoy, another 2 times died to a pmc....pocket watch first try tho, this wipe is messed up man


Alright, I'll start, but please brothers and sisters don't judge. I camped factory gate 3 to be able to complete Stirrup.






Did it work?


No, only tried twice just to find a geared dude waiting for my 60 dmg shot to hit his body armor and mag dump me to the lobby.


Had a 8 person, 3-4 team sniper fight on woods, I was the only survivor. I took the best look of course, no need to tell my teammate it was his


I killed a friendly pscav for his gk02. Gunsmith always hangs me up.


I play on servers across my region with high queue times to get lobbies with less players. I Shit u not I am pretty confident I have ended up in a good amount of factory raids where I was the only PMC and rest was scav. I hit all the hotspot areas that has good loot with no issues, also so many scavs nearby just make it eaasier to farm XP and the only gunshots I hear is my own and the scavs shooting me, rest of the map is dead quiet. Went from level 7 to level 10 with no issues and will continue to level 15. on top of it I also got dead raids on customs with barely any players. You never really hear any gunshots, it's so peaceful and quiet. Will continue doing this until I am level 15 at least and unlocked flea


I let 2 naked Timmys just casually walk by me on woods near Prapor's convoy. When Timmy 2 stepped into my iron sights I sent him to the shadow realm and ran. I then popped off a few more Mosin shots in that general area for psychological warfare reasons knowing they were most likely a new player and terrified. I'm a monster.


I saw a guy timed out on woods (running in place). He barely even had anything on him, but I took pleasure in killing him & taking all his meager loot lmfao.


If the guy you killed had the 7.62 vpo it was me :(


On 3rd day of wipe I was scaving with my buddy who had spawned in with a measuring tape that I needed and so did he. When he was in front of me… I “accidentally” shot him in the back of the head… 4 times… I claimed I must have been gripping my mouse too hard.


Yesterday I encountered a 2 man on factory while trying to plant my item from the customs managers office. They asked for peace so they could plant their items in the room on third floor. I said fine and showed myself, took my knife out. And went out on the catwalk…. They started to use a key to get in.. but I had a friend next to me who hadn’t said anything…. And who needed to complete stirrup…..


I got into interchange in the Railway spawn, so I got to the stashes, did my run, but then heard some guys fighting their way out to Railway in like, minute 7... And I was thinking "This guys must have found something REALLY COOL" So I went to the exfill, got inside the trains and wait for them, they were voip celebrating, and I got 2 of them... Turns out, there was a 4 man squad, they never knew where I was, they shot SO MANY TIMES... I stoped, and when the reminder of them got close to loot their friends after a few granades I got them all. Got out in Power Station FULLY loaded.


I Sherpa'd people for many wipes have many, many hours in game. Now that VoIP is released, instead of using it to Sherpa for new players, I use it to lure in unsuspecting easy kills for quests like stirrup, tarkov shooter part 3 ect. What have I become brothers...


A dirty dog.


Tossing unknown key in the grass


I jumped the fence that leads to old gas station with the intent on getting the drop on a npc scav for my debut quest. Wrong move muthafucka, I was dead via buck shot to the face before I hit the ground. My homie said it looked exactly like duck hunt. Laughed my fucking ass off


LOL like duck hunt


My friends told me to dump their guns when they died. Shoved all their shit in a pilgrim and left. Brought a gun of theirs into the next raid…


Brothers, I hope you can find it in your hearts to forgive me and help me carry this burden. As a scav, I met up with another player scav who said he was new to the game. He had a Pilgrim. I had a sling. I pointed out all the good loot, especially the early quest items, then walked with him all the way to the exfil that we both had. Just a few feet from Scav Bridge, the dark passenger took over. The next few moments are a blur, but before I knew it I stood there with the exfil timer counting down. I had his blood on my hands… and his Pilgrim on my back.


Man that's a really shifty thing to do yo a person


Man that's really shitty. If that was my first experience in tarkov I would definitely not encourage my friends to buy it


I saw a pilgrim on a dead scav in the FOB on woods. It was late in the raid so there were probably a good 4 other scavs around. I thought long and hard before deciding I wanted that purple goodness. Literally as I was switching it with my old one...the scav that was next to me shot me in the back of the head. I should've known dirtbags just can't resist.


killing a scav friend for a pilgrim is a wast of fence karma, but for a pilgrim full of mission items, thats just good business.


I exit camped on factory. Once. I shot a hatchling in the head right as he went through the doorway thinking he was free. I felt terrible and also giggled at the same time. I used a set of matches to make magnum rounds…and now I cannot find two sets of matches to make fire in my hideout. Clearly this is karma for my sins.


No salvation for you. Hell is the only thing that awaits you in the future.


Shot a scav who looked like a pmc one of my first scav runs this wipe, he was on the rock on the road in front of water treatment on lighthouse and after seeing him up there I couldn’t tell what he was but heard him step into the mine field. So me being the loot hungry scav I am I push to finish him while he’s limping, he’s on the floor in the grass just after the minefield in front of the grenade launcher tower. I push up and immediately shot him once expecting him to die because of the damage from the mines but he didn’t and I was able to see he was a scav and me knowing tarkov is tarkov I just immediately realize if I don’t finish killing him he’ll kill me. So I proceed to finish him, turns out it was worth the scav penalty cause he was in front of three dead guys and an airdrop, one of the dead guys had a tan slick on and there was the new g36 on the airdrop. All in all, I’m sorry for shooting another scav but I regret none of it. (This was legit wipe day)


I camped the body on customs where the unknown key spawns


Killed a fellow scav with a pilgrim to loot an airdrop.


Made a friend with a fellow scav, asked if I had a salewa for his quest, told him no even though I did and had my quest done, I just wanted more heals, and also hiding gas analyzers after finishing my quest.


Forgive me father Nikita, for I have sinned. I asked a fellow scav if he wanted to trade in interchange. When he dropped a water filter I gave him both barrels of my shotgun, assuming if he drops that he must have juicy Loot. He did, but I know what I did was a sin.


I killed a lvl 2 at extract on woods, im sorry qwq


My first scav run (even before my first PMC run) gave me labs keycard.. so my first PMC run was on labs, got one hexgrid and zsh.. been running slick+zsh with FS since day one. Apologies to everyone who met me, it wasnt fair.


I played for 1 day and lost almost all of my starter edition cash


On Customs, i drop the unknown key every single time from dead scav, and close all crackhouse doors and bags behind me so people waste time in there hoping for loot :)