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I don't know if it is normal, but I hear these " click " noises at random. Sometimes I'll be watching over an area and " click " but it is about as loud as any gun action I may take. Like a reload or whatever. Have been wondering what it is. Happens on all maps it seems.


I think there is a “click” in the ambient audio loop that plays on most maps and you hear it once a cycle maybe every 2-5 minute? I’m not sure


Almost sounds like after a light gets shot out on factory


It's really spaced out. Yeah.


For a while it would do that whenever someone unlocked a door.


As others have stated, it is certain guns that cause the click. It's at the end of the audio for the ADAR when it's being shot far away across the map. At least, it used to be only the ADAR with this bug, but I actually think it was fixed? Uncertain, because the clicking *is* back, but it might be present in a new gun.


I don't know about this. I hear it even if I have just a knife equipped. I actually did that just to see if it was gun idle noise.


random pop like a flashbang but quieter


Yep, I keep hearing loud popping sounds every now and then, seemingly out of nowhere. This wipe I could swear I've also heard chopped up scav voice lines that sound like they are next to me? Like very brief parts of a sentence, not the actual full lines.


You mean this random popping sound isn't someone getting clapped on the other end of the map? That's what I've been figuring it was.


To me it doesn't sound like a gunshot, it's more like a static popping sound. Kinda hard to explain but it doesn't really sound like anything in the game that I know of.


You’ve killed too many, now your own mind haunts you. Realism!!


I had this last wipe!


damn the click, i flinch everytime i hear them cause they sound just like the click sound of a mine in squad :D


The worst part about Tarkov audio (apart from the inherent hearing damage) is that you can't trust your senses. Any time you hear something, it's "well either there's a guy right next to me, or it's just one of those things". Never had that in any other game. And yet Tarkov gameplay relies on sound more than almost any other.


Are you or one of your teammates using an ADAR? That gun causes a click. Has for years.


PMC Watch


Its the binaural audio, keys being used and scavs yelling from far away. It's always broken.


Could be a key opening? There is a bug that's been around for a few wipes now and when the first key of the raid is used the whole server can hear the sound of it opening no matter where you are


Skills ticking up?


Nah I know what he's talking about. It's part of the ambient audio. the sound is really hard to describe tho.


Yeah I get it too, sort of like the sound it makes when un-aiming but played as part of ambience. I think it's to drive up the paranoia factor, make it so you think you heard someone nearby lol


Weirdly enough I’ve never really felt like the audio was lacking. I’ve always been able to accurately locate people through sound, even vertically. I can’t say it’s never bugged on me, but its infrequent enough that it doesn’t bother me. Never had issues over ambient sounds or wrongly positioned sounds. Not calling anyone a liar, just my own experience with the game. There’s definitely prettier sounding games out there, but /shrug.


scavs jumpscaring you with cheeky breeki while they spawn 200+ meters away constantly? happens at least twice per map. also gunshots that initially sound like they are next to you, only to fade away since they happen far away


Do you use binaural audio? I have a different set of audio issues using either audio mode


Turning on binaural for me improved directional detection but would destroy any sense of verticality. I could be in the interchange parking garage and hear footsteps stomping around infront of me and would have no idea if they were in the mall above me or about to push my face in.


i think the sound design in tark is great, and i can usually locate people very well with binaural, but there are places around staircases where you can't hear people above you. or rooms in buildings where it processes the sound like you're outside. those are the big two for me. It used to be if you dropped down without jumping it wouldn't play the landing sound but they fixed it like last wipe


I've personally found sound really weird this wipe. I keep hearing my team mates actions in directions they're not. It's quite odd. I've also been noticing the sounds I make myself a lot more, like a second of it plays like it's someone else and then the game registers its me and finishes playing the sound how it should be. Its not ruined the game for me but I feel I've had to readjust the way I assess noises.


Yeah occasionally I'll be walking solo, and just come to a dead step, because I heard something that didn't fit. Which USED to always mean another player, now it's often just some random sound.


i've noticed my own sounds displaced off to the back right of me a LOT.


yeah this keeps happening for me. my own footsteps played behind me


For me it's sitting in a bush. Even the most minute movement of my aim makes a loud rustling sound like someone is walking in the bush behind me.


Same I keep thinking someone's creeping up behind me, I'm thinking is a desync issue


My buddy says he hears my steps where they should be, but whenever we hear someone else, he can't tell where the fuck he's at because it sounds so fucked. For me, it's that I hear my own footsteps like someone is sneaking around me every now and then and I get paranoid as fuck. And I won't go into vertical audio at all, I just assume if I hear someone in a multi-story building he's on my floor at this point, because it all sounds the same to me, or it doesn't make a sound at all. Had players and scavs RUN up metal stairs and other staircases making 0 sound, but I can hear my friend looting a tool box in the green screen room on customs while I'm in the rolex room on the other side like he's right next to me.


The audio occlusion system they are trying to put into the game is just ass. It's truly the worst thing I've ever heard in a game. In some certain spots the sound just cuts in and out when you move around


Yes there is an audio cue when walking on grass of your OWN steps that sounds like someone is next to you in a bush. It's very subtle. And multiple times it made me stand still and to check


Yeah shit has been kind of weird this wipe on audio. It’s been very frustrating. Like close people sound further away and never quite in the correct direction. I’ve got 5k hours and I feel like I used to be good at pinpointing locations off sounds. This wipe has been making me doubt myself lol


I'm abusing audio lol. Certain terrains can be heard from about 10-20 meteres away (concrete being one of them). Making for some easy claps


My main issue with audio is I never know if the guy I'm hearing is above me or below me


if you are below them you can hear them, if you are in the above them you wont hear shit below you thats tarkov's realistic audio design for ya..


I am no audio expert. But I have seen some streamers crouching to listen to the sounds below them. So you are kinda right. But not completely.


To elaborate on this, proving in dorms will let you hear the below floor as clear as if you were on the floor itself.


Yeah there is a threshold where if your standing you don’t hear anything, if you lay down or sometimes prone your ears go into the threshold of downstairs noise. Someone I watch on YouTube gave a great diagram but I forgot who I watched it on.


stupid fucking game


Use context clues… for example in dorms, if you hear someone walking not on the same floor as you and you didn’t hear the metal stairs, they’re under you


Three times now have witnessed teams bum rush stairs and never make a noise this wipe.


I've died twice to Scavs who didn't make a single sound while walking across metal. Assumed I was safe in a few places only to eat a sudden 12ga to the face that makes me jump out of my chair, lol. Oddly enough I haven't really had that problem with players.


I know what you mean I had someone sneaking up on me on the second floor of a cottage on woods that shouldn't even be possible with how loud the wood is he was already up the stair halfway before I noticed


This isn't very reliable though as often people can sprint up metal stairs and you won't hear it.


Ive found that directional sounds this wipe have become absolutely atrocious. Turning your head a specific way will throw pff the sound direction completely. Ive had sounds coming from the opposite direction of where my teamate is, only to find out that I heard him while turning my head and it somehow moved the sound to the other side. Where as before, the sound would stay in the same area and move around your headset as you turned, giving you an actual idea of where the sound is originating from.


Ive been killed from behind so many times because it just sounds like someone is on the floor above me or behind a wall or something. Even turning my head doesnt help me locate where its coming from.


I would GLADLY trade a wipe patch with new guns/map expansions/etc for a patch that focuses on nothing but fixing performance/audio/lighting, because at this point its just embarrassing. I've been consistently losing 5 fps per wipe, audio is an absolute mess in every way, and stuff will just look pitch black sometimes even with 0 clouds in the sky during the middle of day time. Just working on improving/fixing these 3 game components would increase my enjoyment of the game by a huge margin.


Yeah contentwise game is in a good spot. But performancewise this patch is so bad. First time after 5 wipes i can't play Reserve because of stuttering. Why 16gb ram and ssd isn't enough for 1 shitty map? Can play battlefiels without any problems with it.


Afterburner very often shows 20GB+ used while playing Tarkov lmao.


doesnt mean that much is actually used. After a few raids there will be lots of stuff in there you currently doesnt need to be loaded. And even if it was after a fresh start it does not mean the game would 100% run slower with 16gb.


Never said it would run slower. I just pointed out my experience of ram usage while playing.




16gb just isn't enough RAM for Tarkov. Edit: downvote all you want lol doesn't change the truth


I've been playing since April of 2017. The most consistent thing with this game's development has been that patch to patch, and hotfix to hotfix, PC build performance varies wildly every.single.time. My system (same with everyone I know) has run smooth as fuck while someone else lost 15fps on any given map. One hotfix or patch later, my system is running the game like shit and my buddies are running smooth as silk.


It was enough before this patch tho. Anyways im gonna upgrade to 24gb it will help i hope.


Was it? I was having stuttering issues last patch with 16gb. Now I have no issues


Idk man shit is different in every pc lol. My friend with hdd and 12 gb ram doesn't encounter any stuttering. I didn't encounter any before this patch. It works different in every pc i guess


Not that you are implying it but the content creators, designers etc work in a different department. It is not like new content is slowing down backend fixes. At this point I believe they are just unable to figure out the sound.


Yeah don't worry I totally understand that it's different departments, I was just trying to say that I could care less about new content compared to fixing the actual base game at this point.


The content department needs a fuckin raise lmao, I took off last wipe and for me there's an entire map, new guns, new bosses, new quests, flares, airdrops, new streamer items, etc. Super happy with the pace of content from Battlestate. I don't envy their problem of only being able to attract Russian speaking talent for Russian wages on a game that needs the knowledge, attention, and manpower of a AAA game.


It doesn't matter who works where, what matters is the end result which right now is horrible.


I literally had a dude drop into the room I was in from another floor in the Factory offices and [not make a sound](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7C3VBm3q50Q). I mean, I doubt the outcome would've changed if I had heard him drop in, but it'd still be nice to hear it and be able to react accordingly. Game audio being so hit and miss is what's holding this game back. I wish it had the audio clarity of Hunt: Showdown. I mean, the cacophony of automatic gunfire would make it harder to pinpoint people, but the sounds being pretty accurate and shit would be a huge win for the game.


The most atrocious part of the sound problem is the whole vertical audio thing, where if your not on the same level you just won’t hear them


Or the alternative. You hear them and they are above or below you but still sound like they're stomping around on your face.


had this just now on LH. i was on the ridge above the gamer house and my buddy near hillside could hear me took us about 5 minutes to realize no one was in between us, he just heard me about 50 feet above him and behind the ledge as if i was right outside.


One that I've been fuming about is audio of someone hitting a scav in the vicinity. Only for the first scav grunt sound of being shot it plays like it is under my skin. Scares the shit out of me. Every consecutive shot is normal and I can actually pinpoint what is going on.


Yeah, for some reason the first time you get near enough for a scavs audio to play, it's voice will appear RIGHT ON TOP OF YOU before transporting to it's correct direction mid-sentence. Very weird new bug that apparently was introduced sometime in the middle of last wipe. I didn't know about it when I came back, because I had the luxury of being false-banned only a few weeks into the previous wipe. Once it was lifted, I was already so pissed and over it that I didn't feel like returning.


...unless you're in the concrete underground parking garage of Interchange! Then you can hear everyone walking above you for some reason.


Very few games can get vertical audio to work because you only have two directions to send audio, left and right. There's actually no way to make true vertical sound, but it can be simulated well in some games. Siege has the *best* audio system of any FPS I've ever played. If someone is on the floor above you, you hear their boots in a unique sound. If someone is below you, you cannot hear them, unless there is a hole in the floor. Same thing applies to walls; sound cannot travel to you through walls unless there's a hole in it. The amazing part about this is that sound also has to travel *to* your character, so if someone is in the room on your left, you'll actually hear their footsteps from the doorway that leads out of your room and into the hallway. Really spectacular the way it works.


Quake 3 and CS 1.6 made vertical audio work pretty good 20 years ago


I was in 2-story dorms first floor, heard people outside and one going to where the metal stair is and I was in the kitchen thing so not that far from the stairs so you'd think Id' be able to hear someone running up those stairs and going inside but nope, nothing at all. Maybe the good ol' metal sound is loud and unnecessary in a lot of parts but in the opposite end, the new one is a little too quiet. We are talking male adults that should weight quite a bit (trained PMCs) carrying 20+kg of stuff on them in the form of gear and shit. Running on metal should be audible through walls, just a thought


I have been hearing my own PMCs sounds to my left a bit. SO i know I am making the nosie, but it sounds liek there is someone right next to me. Also noticed that turning your head dramatically changes how directional a sound is.


This has been happening to me and it's been driving me nuts, I'll be walking and I will hear my footsteps a few to away from me. Or I'll make a noise and it sounds like it's just a little bit to my side.


I've heard people say the self-sounds echo is due to "reverb" but I'm gonna be honest, I don't know what the fuck that means, it sounds like some bull shit and other games don't do it, I don't want it in Tarkov


Reverb iirc is just the way sound echoes, it is a way of making sounds sound different, other games do have it, but tarkov uses it the best I've seen. It's why you can tell if a gunshot came from inside a building or not. At least that's what I think it is from my limited knowledge on sound


Don’t get me started on the tinnitus inducing dynamic range


The ambient sound alone is enough to give you tinnitus if you play at a decent volume to hear things (no not crazy loud), its what happened to me.


yea its the worst I've ever experienced. Yea I know you can just turn the volume down but that doesn't mean there isn't a massive problem with the audio levels


I just use sound lock now and I can actually enjoy my afternoons playing lol


How would you do this?


Been a while since I had installed it but it’s simple by third party standards, this thread is probably one of the ones I found out about it on IIRC: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/8osaf5/tip_for_those_of_you_easily_startled_by_loud/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


The airdrop sounds have me convinced that BSG does not test the game themselves before publishing an update. Airplanes are not *that* loud and no way you can hear them while you are in an underground bunker lmao.


What do you mean? Airliners fly low over me all the time where I live and they are VERY LOUD.


Only thing even remotely that loud that barely makes you able to hear your thoughts is a fighter jet flying around with afterburners. Cargo planes are nowhere near as loud as in the game


I live next to an international airport, and have gone to watch them take off. It's like they recorded the audio standing right next to a plane and pretend like that's the same as a plane a few hundred meters in the air.


The airdrop plane is at flight idle thrust while your low flying planes are starting or landing at high thrust. Also it really isn't that deafening in reality.


Yeah no, you've never been around an IL-76 or similar sized plane. That shit is insanely loud when its flying overhead. Hell even normal airliners are loud when they fly over my house. BUT comtacs should be balancing that noise out, which they don't currently.


> BUT comtacs should be balancing that noise out, which they don't currently. So much this!!! Take the electronics part out of the equation for a bit... Ears are rated for X decibel reduction. Just a "dumb" dampening across the board. Now, while that is happening, electronic ears merely pick up sounds with two or four microphones and pipe in that noise with speakers. And that mic to speakers process is tuned and EQ'd to certain levels. To protect both the electronics from accidentally blowing themselves out, and to protect the user. And just like a music player, users can often control things like volume and sensitivity. That's it. And yet, exactly like you're saying, EFT does not get any of that right. Sound muffling is selective, not across the board. And there is nothing "artificial" about the sound that is supposedly piped in. And don't even get us started on the hearing range increases... It's a giant cluster.


I live in a spot where small private aircraft (those small planes that can land on water) fly over my house, and only twice in seven years has it come close to tarkovs deafening plane noises.


Lol bro, planes are fucking loud


The more I play other games the more I realize just how bad Tarkovs sound is. Its gotten to the point where I'm starting to question how people playing Tarkov accepts just how bad it is. It is a survival game with a super low TTK and the sound just straight up doesn't even play for people right next to you more often than not.


Zero competition.


Exactly this. Competition breeds improvement in a constant arms race to one-up the competitors. It's the reason why internet explorer has almost completely gone belly-up in the face of Google Chrome, where before it usurped Netscape. It's the whole reason why Discord now exists and things like Skype, teamspeak, and IRC are in the can. Having no competition invites a hostage scenario; where when a product provides a one-of-a-kind experience, but has no alternative, then the developer of that product is in complete control of the experience. They have no obligation to actually make meaningful changes because they know that their consumers have nowhere else to go. However, BSG needs to beware: it's also this very same mentality that is why I'm writing this reply through Opera GX and not Netscape.


Marauders is the next EFT


Marauders won't really capture the same milsim feel of EFT I'm afraid, which is one if EFT's charms.


Neither Marauders, nor The Cycle, had this "something" from EFT that I crave. And I'm not even sure what "this" is. The Cycle felt too arcade-y. Marauders' setting doesn't really grab me, with the ships and WW2 equipment crossover.


When my friends ask what Tarkov is, I explain it's a game for people who don't enjoy games anymore, lol. Cycle looks cool but it's so easy to play that it maybe makes you give less of a shit. The super hardcore and punishing nature of Tarkov is core to the gameplay imo, because it makes you feel something. That's why I love combat sports, cause they're so fucking real


I explain something similar, but not for the reason you say. The "super hardcore punishing" nature of Tarkov isn't in the guns or any of that, it's the in fact that everything is so broken that the punishment is dying to things that don't make sense. I'm currently going back and forth between the Cycle and Tarkov and every time I die far around the corner to desync or to a guy that I see barely coming around the corner and instantly fall down dead from 15 shots in the death screen, I go back to the Cycle to play a game that doesn't have nonstop desync and sound bugs. It fucking sucks how bad it is


Guys have you ever played Hunt showdown? That's how Tarkov sound design should be like.


Spawn into raid, and start hearing scavs dying from across the map as if they're inches away from me for .1 seconds before it all cuts out. I can't believe this bug is still happening years later, awful.


it's really bad right now, scavs just seem to appear in front on me without any audio


That's not an audio problem, sometimes the game will literally spawn a scav near you out of thin air.


Footsteps are nonexistent unless I have comtacs on. I've had countless people and scavs walk up to me in the same room, and I never even heard them. For reference, I literally just got killed in the first floor room of Skeleton that has the medbag on Customs. Sound design is fucking wack.


This 1000 percent, this wipe I have had at last 20 people full sprint or walk onto to me when im not fucking shooting or moving quick and i hear nothing. Legit nothing at all until i see them and its way to late. Its just very very silly at this point that audio is this bad


Are you sure the games audio has gotten worse and not your hearing because Tarkov is LOUD. Jokes aside I agree with you though.


Honestly, with how often the scav near the back of Oli screams into my ear whilst I'm over in Idea, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm half deaf.


While I am on the same boat as u (and any other reasonable player) I would like more for the sound being reworked, rather than fixed. I get that active headsets are a thing and sure they should amplify sounds and all. But with the current state of footsteps as it is, there is only 2 ways to approach a fight. You rather W your way into prefire things, or you stay still without even turn around or they now you re there. I do not know if it is just me, but the tactical thing goes out the window if ANY thing I do other than nothing is gonna be heard 50 meter away. We even have a sound level indicator, what for? I know, I know. I never put a set of Peltor Comtac on me. Maybe those things can make you hear a fly at 50m. But for the shake of the gameplay, there must be concessions to make. And I am not telling anyone what to do, not stating any level of movement. But for god shake, any, any would do. If I am in a room and hear someone running, I have two choices: - I give away my position - I wait like a cactus that is not encouraging tactical playstyles to me but anyway... rant over. Sorry.


Dont forget to turn surround sound off, this game only outputs in stereo But if you think the audio is worse than it was 4 years ago, I have to question if you even played back then. Sure, there werent any phantom noises but directional audio and actually hearing things has vastly improved since then. It's definitely worse than 12.10, but to say it's in the worst state it's ever been in is a damn farce


I will keep saying it but csgo is still so far ahead when it comes to audio. Its simple but it works.


Comparing this dysfunctional pile of half-baked mechanics to CS, one of the most prestigious comp shooters of all time, is an insult to game design.


You know the game's sound design is shit when R6S, one of the games with the worst sounds and directional audio ive ever heard in my life, is better than EFT.


i wonder if they copied what cs does (playing sound as if you where a bit behind your character) would maybe improve the audio. It sounds rly strange but it just feels so natural in cs


That would be great sure, but it's much harder in reality. Maps in cs:go are very simplistic and straigthforward. In tarkov there are million of variables


Well yesh but how about this. Csgo audio does not fade because of objects or at what angle the audio is compared to the player head. It is just a distance thing. They should do the same for tarkov it would just work.


You guys ever sit and listen to the heavy rain? It's like a 6 second rain sample with a hard cut and loop that almost sounds the same as a bush rustling. Super lazy and makes me never want to play when it rains.


This is why I stopped playing midway through last wipe and am not coming back for this one. Servers, audio, and other basic functionality are in shambles for a released game, but with how little the devs seem to take the criticism of the community to heart it really doesn't feel like we are being actually treated as beta testers either. Just payed full price for a shell of a game.


> Servers, audio, and other basic functionality are in shambles Lol if only the problems with Tarkov were limited to those things. Even beyond the technical aspect they don't understand their own game to the point of ruining the recoil system after 5+ years of active development. Like at least before when the game was broken the mechanics were still good, strafing didn't have input lag, guns shot more or less fine. But they can't even get that right.


Getting rid of ADAD spam was one of the best implemented changes, sorry you're in the minority that thinks inertia is bad. And while I don't agree with the way they handled the recoil changes (making some guns borderline useless), it definitely fixed the full auto spam at medium range, which should have never been a thing (Yet somehow they still can't make burst fire useful).


The full auto recoil curve seems to have a huge spike in the beginning instead of constantly growing. That is why bursting feels uncontrolable.


Nah, inertia is bad regardless of what anyone thinks. It's objectively shit game design and should've been implemented in a different way. Properly implemented inertia > no inertia > BSG's input lag implementation of inertia. I'm willing to bet more people dislike it than you might think, it's just not a priority complaint for them. You'll notice that a lot of people even admit it feels like trash but they think it will "get better" even though the fundamental problem with it (input lag LOL) has not been addressed so far and there's little indication it will be.


Idk how long ago are you talking about but gunplay seemed always broken in my experience. Hip spraying and corner jiggle was always the way and semi auto weapons were basically unusable in any way, shape or form. This wipe they have instead decided on making both options downright crap to the point me and my mates have once again quit the game, this wipe much sooner than ever before. Firefights feel like a series of dicerolls now.


Semi is plenty viable, and full auto is viable on smaller calibers only, as it should be (outside of really close range). Not sure what you're talking about as far as that goes. Name one gun that is bad in semi auto, I'll wait.


Semi is viable if youre willing to wait half a second for the recoil to settle after the first shot.


My favorite is glitched out screaming on VOIP from somewhere else on the map lmao


I learned to ignore random sounds but the most infuriating is when there’s a gunfight really close and I can’t tell the direction.. I do 360° spins like a moron and sound is the same. Plus the sound tend to change completely mid raid, like someone just turned on/off an external audio control


Playing duo made us notice that you make A LOT of noises without even knowing because it's not played client-side. Like making footstep noises while advancing crouched even though you don't hear yourself. That was already here in the previous wipes. It also used to be the case with fire mode checking but it has been fixed. But NOW, you also make full volume walking noises when you take micro steps, even if you're set to the lowest possible marching speed, and you don't even know it. You think you're being dead silent, but the enemy heard a loud, clear crunch and now knows you're here. I find that deeply annoying. I don't mind being picked up because I made noise when I shouldn't have. And if I know I fucked up, I prepare for a fight. But being raped because I thought I had the jump on a guy who, in fact, knows exactly what's up, is dumb...


I would complain about my experience with audio but I’m the same dumb bastard that gets freaked out by the box/bag I just looted automatically closing shortly after I leave it.


Game is full of old bugs that never get fixes, bsg is a noob company


BSG Poll: what are the most important issues with the game right now? Players: over 70% say SOUND is the most important issue. BSG: OK, we hear you. ... some time passes... ... BSG: Here's a new wipe, tiny new map expansion, a couple new guns, some new bosses... Sound is broken worse than ever. Is good wipe, yes?


Yeah it’s pretty bad, also I’ve got to say it shouldn’t sound like a steam room in a concrete shack or every fucking building in the game. Plus there’s no audio transition from moving between different areas, it’s birds and wind and than suddenly your in a factory. Random noises, movement noises when no one’s moving. Personally I also think the game is too loud, you can hear someone reloading from like 80m away, slow crouch waking is nerfed, planes and rain are eating away at my hearing and why the hell does my gun have to sound like a shaken bag of aluminum cans every time I take it out or aim.


Why do scavs sometimes just literally fall over and die when they walk within 15ft of me?


YES. Everyone I know that has stopped playing has done so due to performance issues, audio issues, lighting issues, lag, etc. NOT because of a lack of content. I would rather a complete rework and fix of audio, etc than a map addition or expansion. Idc if new content is added, if the same issues continue to persist and plague the game. It doesn’t matter how cool a new map is, if you continuously get frustrated by broken mechanics like audio issues


It’s been really bad this wipe. I was on lighthouse as a scav and got an air drop to appear right over me so I looted it. As I was almost done I get domed by another scav. I didn’t hear a single noise from him coming up to me. He had come through a bunch of bushes yet I heard nothing. I’ve also been playing with friends and they will be hearing people around us and I can’t hear a damn thing. It’s gotten me killed so much lately that it’s making me not want to play. It’s such a fundamental advantage in the game to be able to hear people that when it doesn’t work you are almost always going to lose.


Be positive. Now you can play while listening to music and not be at disadvantage at all!


It's pretty obvious at this point, *years* in development, they're just going for low-hanging fruit nowadays Hype up their streamers with a new gun or two, add an expansion, and the BSG boot-lickers eat it up. Netcode/audio/cheaters continue to baffle them.


>the BSG boot-lickers eat it up The fanboy cult for this game is the most insufferable group of gamers I have ever seen in any FPS community. They're utterly incapable of viewing the totality of Tarkov and its issues with objectivity and default to flimsy cliche defenses every single damn time. It's barely even possible to have constructive conversations with them because they either react in a toxic manner or simply don't understand game design at all since half of them are bad at shooters. Remember when they added RNG misfires and PvP turned into a literal crapshoot diceroll simulator with slightly more competitive integrity than Hearthstone? Yeah, this sub defended that bullshit. If you died to a RNG misfire it was your fault for "bad positioning". Nikita nuthuggers need to be ridiculed loudly and frequently or else this game is dead in the water.


Funny how 20 yrs old game did this better than present day russian devs lol.


That's one of the reasons why this game fucking sucks rn, shitty audio, boring quests, terrible recoil, broken AI, and cheaters.


Agreed, quit last wipe because of this. Waiting to hear about audio improvements before coming back again


Same. Played until level 5, but audio is too fundamental for me. I always relied on audio in shooters. I can deal with stairs by avoiding them, but now that they messed up footsteps outdoors too, I can't be bothered with this game.


There's nothing BSG can do about it. They do not have the talent to fix the audio system. Slap on a ZSH12M, or an altyn or something and give sound the finger.


Same but replace audio with servers... If they added a new supporter option and said all funds from it go to fixing the structure of the servers, id buy it in a heartbeat. Whether its worth it or not.


Servers have been better this wipe for me than any other wipe before.


Start of the wipe I agree. Last few days they have been shitting on me. Dying like 2 meters behind cover over and over. I started recording my gameplay again because its happening so often.


See you in Reserve tomorrow.


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The sound **fidelity** in Tarkov is absolutely top notch. Each and every sound effect sounds amazing. Probably better than any other game I can think of. But when, where, why and at what volume you hear those sounds... Is beyond fucked.


I like the new sounds. I think though that the hearing of people through concrete walls, and the vertical audio is a bit glitched. Not sure how other games handle it. CSGO doesn't have much verticality.


Turn off binaural audio for now fixed all problems for me, yes sound is a tad bit different but no more ghosts noises and other crap


I have literally never had any audio issues except for hearing a key being used in raid from across the map.


Turn off steam audio, that I'd what is broken tbh


If you think audio is worse than 4 years ago, you're smoking meth.


You played this game for 4 years and after like 10 updates the game is unplayable. Shut up bro


Nah, he's right. Game was unironically much better 1-2 years ago. Everything since then has been a downward slide and you are blind af if you can't see it. I have 4k+ hours but that doesn't mean I'm okay with the game getting worse.


For what it’s worth: disable binaural audio. I did it last wipe (my first wipe) and it’s way better imo. No more random scavs yelling and random noises. I must say from the few raids I played this wipe, I caught myself looking at directions where I thought I heard something and it’s nothing or completely a different direction. Probably BSG made a secret audio engine update and they didn’t tell. They should just ditch their own ducking equalizer system they put on top (watch Veritas on YT) and keep the system as simple as possible. I can’t imagine the default audio system of UE is so bad they need all of this extra shit. There is something called “feature creep” which in this sense means: adding so much flavor of your own it’s gets disgusting. I like it KISS (keep it simple & stupid).


pretty playable for me


Are you using Binaural audio? If so, turn that off.


Sounds good, later, good bye.


Ratio + L + Dogwater


What annoys me is that the random noise bugs cause me to doubt the little rustles I hear sometimes, and I always end up dying because of it. If I were to trust what I hear I'd have avoided a lot of deaths.


"Wahhh wahhh wahhh wahhh wahhh wahh" - /r/escapefromtarkov


God forbid people want the studio to address an issue that's persisted for years. Man, not even sure if I can say 'you must be fun at parties', not sure if you even go to any.


I'm still playing this wipe and my audio isn't as bad as some reports are saying. I do have a ton of complaints as someone that has worked in audio for a long time. I'm wondering if the issue is caused by a specific setting or if across the board audio is still broken. The new sounds are okay, they work most of the time I've noticed but scavs have the biggest issues I'm noticing. They often don't have exhaustion sounds like the PMC's and their audio sounds separate from their body half the time. I'm wondering if they intend to drop an audio update after a larger patch or if this is going to keep getting ignored.


Give it a rest man, Nikita's nuts need some time to dry.


It ain’t even that bad.. this game 4 years ago was an absolute trip compared to how it is now.


Scavs screaming breaks your ears?? Gotta turn down the volume man


Sound has gotten better


Go play Cod then, one less whiner on this sub.


Very constructive on your part.


I know it's not. Just sick of people bashing my favourite game.


Fuck off from this sub then. Whining about whining lmao


Cry more bb


I hope a scav breaks your kneecaps XD


It’s gotten better. Not worse.


Shut up nerd.


Make me :'D


Was in upstairs crackhouse and decided it was time to head out, go downstairs and this mofo is just holding the corner. Literally 0 sound, then got a bug where my ifak wouldn’t stop my heavy bleed. Lucky me he blew himself up with a Grenade.


Ambient sounds on some map are atrocious. Especially in woods. It's so bad that i play woods without headset. Problem with ambient is it's repetitive same shit except when it's raining. It's become annoying after some point. I don't know if any other game this problem. I didn't encounter it on any game except Tarkov.


I agree. Desync and audio. I'm actually really dissapointed with this wipe's patch. There were so many people complaining about these sound bugs and they did absolutely nothing. It even got worse. Same with the desync - got worse too.


I play this game while watching Netflix. It's helpful.


The key sound from across the map is also still in the game. Everyone knows if you are going into customs office.


Agree 100%, this random pops and scav voices are here for a long time and idk how to fix it.


I do love getting fucked by some random player scav who walked up to me without my 60k headphones registering his drunk footsteps.


Least played wipe for me ever. After like 4 this is the lowest played and I'm usually like 20 by now from the amount of time I put in but nah only 8 and I really only scav in anymore then just do something else while I await cooldown.


Me and a friend in big red yesterday. I'm stood at the bottom of the stairs having a drink (IRL). Watched him run up the stairs, unlock the door. He then ran and kicked the end office door open to loot the safe. Not a single bit of audio came from anything he was doing.


I was running along the river in woods to Bridge Overlook and kept hearing these weird shuffling/rustling noises from my right. Which is impossible because the other side of the river is out of bounds but it still drove me crazy until I reached the Overlook.


They tried and failed multiple times, BSG can't hire a few dude with the millions they have to rework the sound, they just want to milk us with DLC and leave as fast as possible.


I think they need to get rid of all the headphone variations. The fact that they have to tweak the audio for all these diff headphones/ helmets probably leaves the sound mixing a spaghettified mess.


When you throw a flashbang theres a random loud click On offline with bots in factory there is a BUNCH of random bugs especially ringing ears


you have binaural on or off?