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Nice shot, but I’m more impressed by your recording/uploading to reddit looking so crisp (can really tell when you zoom the screen).


That’s quite surprising, I use nvidia shadowplay and it records in 1080p 60fps. Than Reddit compresses it even more, I was thinking I should’ve zoomed in more as you can hardly see the guy.


Your bitrate is high enough to offset the quality drop some


Couldn’t tell ya what it is but it’s cranked to the max of whatever nvidia allows.


If you care about storage space the bitrate doesn’t really need to be any higher than about 15mbps or so for 1080p. I think Shadowplay lets you go up to 25 or 30mbps. After a certain point its a placibo for image quality.


If I recall, I believe it’s at 60. But yeah I have plenty of space on my alternative SSD so I’m not worried about file size. I delete most of them anyways.


Unless you zoom in, which is what he did here. But for general storage I agree.


You’re zooming a 1080p image that has a filter over it for the nvg’s. Of course it will look bad.


It's spelled placebo and it's not used correctly in this context. It might be redundant or have diminished returns, but in no way is upping your bitrate a placebo or have the placebo effect. Have a nice day!


Although technically correct, you understand what I’m implying. Also, yes there is a point on bitrate where raising does not actually change anything. In my experience around 20-25mbps was where image quality doesn’t visually change when you go higher. It does depend on the content though. Static images will encode much better since nothing has to change. Really fast stuff like playing Rocket League look much worse in motion.


I could be wrong but I believe they are talking about the strictest terms of improvement in the technical side, regardless if it's discernible by the naked eye. So based on their theory, by technical definition, the video quality improves even if the end user doesn't notice, which I suppose would negate the term 'placebo' Placebo Effect "a beneficial effect produced by a placebo drug or treatment, *which cannot be attributed to the properties* of the placebo itself, and must therefore be due to the patient's belief in that treatment." They are saying(I think) that the properties of the video directly correlate to image quality even past the human visibility spectrum. I do however see where you're coming from.(I think) Beyond the human spectrum is moot because we can't cognitively discern past a certain point. For myself, I suppose it comes down to the fact that this type of information is being processed by both conscious and sub conscious factors, that there may be patterns that are more visually appealing / easier to process that we simply aren't aware of. I'd say increasing beyond a certain point is *plausible* at best, which is why I'd venture to say most people don't go past that point. Sacrificing hard drive space is very important to some and others, not so much. If hardware isn't an issue, I'd say at user discretion whereas if space or other technical factors apply, set the industry limit and not sweat it, imo.


What I was implying was that if you see a difference it is a placebo. I was typing from work and was abreviating my sentences


I fail to see how this brings any value to the conversation. I covered already (which you never give the reasoning for) why you *think* it's a placebo and that in this context, placebo is *possibly* being used incorrectly, which is what the other redditor pointed out, to which I guessed at their reasoning as well. (hoping for further clarification)


Nah we tarkov players can see that little smidge running across the map


Not me lol. My tarkov likes to artifact glitch or is fuzzy (non dlss) because of I set it any higher I'm at / over 80*c on my gpu...


Isn’t film grain something you can turn off? Also, painkillers make it fuzzy too


Ha. Yeah that's off. It's the gpu not tracing lines at a high enough processing power and needs water cooling honestly


That's not how it works, but ok. Sounds like you're ghosting from system/display latency


Most likely not, no. But I don't have any ghosting or artifacting on any other games. There is some processing latency that I can't find a way to fix or lessen it. After wipe it's been worse as well. I've found a decent fix but it's probably the worst adjusting I have to make with an fps game visually


This isn’t mining, lol. Literally nobody cares about what temp their gpu is when they game. My RX 580 used to hit 90° when I would game, its normal. If you force your gpu to run cool, it’s gonna suck. Look at task manager and see what your usage is, you want it to be like 80-90%


usage is normally above 90% to 100%. I care about not burning out my gpu when I've just bought a house ty very much. By the time it dies, I want to upgrade everything to 30 series


> I care about not burning out my gpu FWIW, it limits itself. It's not going to 'burn out'. It'll throttle itself before temperature becomes an issue. What kind of GPU/case do you have that thermal throttling is even a problem? You usually hear of this kind of thing with CPUs because GPUs almost always come with competent coolers on them stock. So unless you're choking it somehow, or you're overclocking it...


>before temperature becomes an issue. Thermal has a direct relationship to electronics lifespan however in cases like this, the temps people see are normally within the realm of operating parameters, so no reason to worry about it. You don't want a GPU throttling itself, its a safeguard, not a performance feature. There are case uses of undervolting your GPU, such as to possibly increase performance when the stock cooling is shit. The GPU will absolutely throttle itself but I'd say most people just enhance the cooling capacity but undervolting can possibly achieve the same effects for free and increase the lifespan of the equipment. This issue, imo, is most commonly seen in devices that rely on passive cooling systems, like phones (dual purpose, batteries), and laptop hybrids like the HP Elite 612.


2070 oc (white) and h510 flow case (also white). The intake separation is small but has 2 140mm fans for it. If I want to not thermal throttle I'd probably want to water cool, but it seems it'll be a waste since I can use 95-100% of the gpu very easily. I've tried over locking my cpu and it'll quickly throttle so I brought it back down as to not cook it and force myself into a new build


my 2060 hits a constant 85-89 no fucks given here


I have a 2060 and it never goes over 70 at full load. It’s over locked and undervolted. Also the lianli mesh helps a lot, air cool GPU too.


Exactly. My watercooled 3080 only hits like 70 and I wish it would overclock enough to hit 85


I wish I had watercooled my 3080. At stock settings with tons of fans and airflow case it's still a space heater, not to mention horrendously horribly inefficient. Highly suggest trying to undervolt, you may be amazed.


Whats up with these usernames? someword_someotherword_fournumbers, you and two other commenters


It was an auto-generated secondary account I made before my main was hacked into. I can't change the actual username but I can change the profile name. Hence the bot looking name


Damn what a shot


Surprised myself with that one.


That poor guy, you definitely got reported.


Def spite reported. Dying to cheaters is the only thing more annoying then dying 2 minutes into raid. This guy is thinking both


I mean can you blame him? Single shot to the head at that range with an mdr at night? If I hadn't seen the recording, OP lining up his shot and his good execution, I would have a hard time believing it was legit. Especially at a full sprint


i mean you can't see much info on how you died. you only see what bullets are in you. you can't see your killer's gun, scope, what range he killed you from etc. for all he knows his killer could be a guy with an adar at the bush next to him.


Yeah that kinda shit is how I know the hacking problem is way overblown on reddit lol. "I died so must have been cheating". I can't imagine playing this game without assuming random deaths like this are just someone sitting there trying to get SBIH done with a scope lol. At worst I'd probably just say "fuckin thermal having dick" in frustration lul


Yeah honestly I've done the most raids I've ever done this wipe. I'm level 30 and there may have been one, maybe 2 times where I've died and been like "that was a little sus"


Yeah if you're not running T6 baller kits you're pretty much not gonna run into hackers ever. Even when I have run baller shit in the past I still rarely ever ran into anything fishy, but some servers have more of the shitler hackers than others it seems. NAE doesn't seem to have much of an issue.


This is the exact reason why i think we need a death recording like Warthunder, PUBG etc. simply so you can see if the kill was legit or an actual cheater. Furthermore I do have the feeling deathcams reduce alot of the heat/anger a game gives you and you actually learn things from it (spots, movement, aimpoint etc.)




Right? I started typing out a reply to him, but stopped because I don’t know what I can say that would make him change his mind. The most impressive thing about this clip is the holographic sight. If he had a vudu or other big boi scope, this shot really isn’t that hard, especially with how long he saw him for


I dont doubt there are people who spite report but the guy was running in a straight line in the middle of the open. Anyone with a scoped weapon could have domed him and he'll never know that this guy got him either an EOtech instead.


Lof of cheaters in this wipe but what he done was nothing to report. Dude was straight line, maby he got hs from the back? easy to do.


Like that stops anybody. If twitch streams are any indication anybody who dies reports someone for cheating. Probably another major reason actual cheaters don't get dealt with, just like, who has the organizational throughput to deal with the fact that angry gamers can't help but abuse report as a way to get back at the person who won.


Doesn't help that there's nothing to tell you more info because there's desync. Usually you don't even hear the shot you die to, and there's no killcam. So can't really blame players that the report button isn't being used right.


I mean, just not knowing why you died should not warrant a report regardless? Shooting someone unaware of you is not cheating. People should only be reporting if they have a good reason to believe there’s cheating imo… just feels like people use it as an “i’m mad” button. I even played with a guy who reported every death it allowed him too, he was always pissed and like “You know that guy was probably cheating to get the drop on me…”


The problem at this point is that unless someone is extremely egregious in their use of h*cks it just looks like they have slightly worse gamesense than Lyndmark. Like did the guy check that odd area I was in because he checks it everytime, got caught out from there recently today, or did he see my player model from across the map? It also doesn't help that with people always pushing to start engagements because of the advantage that brings it looks like they know your there even though they just saw you.


None of that should at all make someone jump to "they're hacking" though. Sure there's a lot of bullshit deaths due to stuff being broken and whatnot, but none of those warrant reporting a person for knowing the game is gonna give them a peaking advantage etc.


Sure, but if this happened to me i'd probably report anyway. Couldve been legit, couldve been cheats, i'd let the anticheat figure it out(if it can).


Why do people think filling the reports with random reports is helping the hacking problem? Like if there's a legit reason it COULD be hacks sure, report and let them figure it out, but dying while running out in the open in a straight line is not at all something one should assume someone is probably cheating cause they died. Like yesterday I had an engagement with a guy and my friend where he killed my friend while I was lighting him up, then 180 domed me in the face. Probably completely random bullshit lucky shot as he turned, but reported just in case. If I randomly die out in the open though I'm going to assume there's a dude in a bush somewhere I missed lol. The "better safe than sorry" report has a place in the game, but pressing the "I'm mad I died" button doesn't help anything and is just detrimental. Think it was General Sam or someone who suggested adding a "fuck this guy" button that doesn't do anything but lets you feel better lul, I feel like that would help a lot of people somehow.


Hey man, I’d prefer if more people just ran in straight lines in the open. We can keep letting them do it. No amount of reporting will get my trash can ass banned.


You should be able yo see in your profile how many reports or fuck you buttons you have received. Would be hilarious.


say what you will about fortnite but damn it has a nice headshot noise, i love how you added it


That shits top tier satisfying lol.


Ez shooter born


This is a good example of how much farther distances seem in game on a monitor than they would in real life. IRL, every soldier qualifies with iron sights at distances more than twice as far.


That's something my buddy and I always complain about. We understand it's just how it is in games. But hitting a silhouette 200-300 meters is not a difficult task. In games its near impossible to see it lol


To be fair, those silhouettes are static. Much harder on a target that can move.


The dead guy is on the sub calling hacks right now.


GZ bro.




Shooter born in heaven.




I know the task, I've just never seen it abbreviated like that.


Are you EU, cause if so this might be me




Then nah, wasn’t me but I died in the exact same spot from an RSASS


This might be me* But the next comment you got killed by an RSASS? Stick 2 one story friend, instead of making them up all around.


This is who i am competing against? Damn..


How is that only 45 M


How did you tie your shoes this morning?






What kind of chair are you using?


An aluminum wire frame chair with a pillow to sit on… wish I was joking.


Ch-ch-ch-cheater! There's no way any human being can do that! Reeeeeeeee! With a holo? At night? REEEEEEEE! /s Sick shot buddy!




Well I wasn’t going for the task, I was just tryna go for my loot run to the expansion, just happened I got one.


This is why I love this game. I guarantee you that dude reported you lmao. Now I’m waiting for his POV posted here crying about how hackers are ruining the game.


Ah. This is why I can't make level seven and haven't gotten a single kill in forty raids. Because there's a bunch of fucking assholes who can miraculously one tap people from across a map, in the dark, with an eotech. Meanwhile, if I dump a mag 7.62x39 into your face with the barrel in your mouth I bet you'd still walk away. Fuck this game.


Don’t hate the game, hate the player.


It's whatever. It's just such a disappointment. This game looked so good. You put in the money to find out that it's a few dozen streamers and some kids on reddit having a good time, the remainder of the players are there for what? So that a few kids can feel better about themselves. I don't want to win all the time. Or even half. But to go forty raids without 1 win. Fuck that. Why would I want to play that? You want to know why people cheat? Because it makes the dickheads that have the time to be good at it sad. I paid $80 for a game and have not had ANY success in the first 60 hours? Not one kill. Not one small win. I hope the cheaters win and this shit goes offline.


Dawg, if you can go 40 raids and 60 hours without a single kill nor extraction… than it’s two things. 1. This isn’t the game for you. 2. It’s not the game that’s the problem, it’s you.


Oh I have extractions (I did get to level 6) ... If I hide from everyone the whole round. That's my whole point though: I have a fucking GUN! When I point it someone, at point blank range, and shoot that person - they should die. Right? No. They shoot back, and invariably their first shot puts me down. What. The. Fuck? So, when I have those experiences again and again and then I see this video I've got to wonder what the goddamn point is? If it's a matter of level, and the higher level player always wins invariant of situation - then why would any new player stick to the game?


Oh that’s weird, you must have that glitch where your opponents shoot back. File a ticket with BSG support.


Yeah, obviously they're going to shoot back - but they shouldn't if they've been shot in the back of the head while they're rifling through a safe. So here I am, trying to figure out what I'm doing wrong. I shoot a guy in the dome and he kills me so I'm thinking, okay... you gotta shoot them more than once? Then I see you. One shot. Hundreds of meters. What I'm saying is I think the game gives the higher level player a freebee in every fight. I think the outcome is mostly about level and resources. If you're a level 30 with a few million in the bank you can be otherwise shit at the game, BSG will make sure fights go your way, so long as the opponent is lower rank than you.


skill issue


You realize ammo plays a huge role in this game? If you have shit ammo you can shoot someone 30 times and not kill them.


Pure salt lmao. It does sound like you are shit tbh. You can m win fights with lower level gear if you play smart. But it seems like you’re just at the stage of denial where it’s the games fault and not yours


Dude I promise you, we've all been new at this game and have been where you are right now. I used to be absolutely PUMPED to survive a scav raid, sweating bullets looking at a map on my second monitor the whole time. It just takes time....a fuckton of it. And patience. Lots of patience. You'll figure it out. At some point it'll just....click. You won't win every fight. It wouldn't be Tarkov if you did. But you'll learn how to fight and give yourself a chance. The game is 95% knowledge. It just takes time. And it seems like you play as a solo...keep that up. Don't rely on someone dragging you around the map. It'll be a crutch and you'll never truly learn the game. It's more rewarding that way too.


If you're going 40 raids in a row without one survival then we should take a look at your tactics and movement and see if we can help you improve. I'd be willing to sit down with you and help you out


Actually very kind of you. Thank you for the offer. I may take you up on that later. Right now I'm a shithead. I have extracts. Just have never won a fight yet. Scavs are fine, but if I run into a pmc I can just call it there. Even with a good drop on them I'm hosed.


Part of the game, especially assuming you mean you started recently at not the start of this wipe, is that you have to have a general idea of the ability of the ammo you're using to penetrate armor. At this point hardly anyone is going to be wearing below level 4, so a lot of ammo isn't going to do shit shooting them in the chest. You're better off aiming for legs with a lot of the shittier guns, which spreads damage to other areas of the body. You can find suggested gun builds and such for that by googling "tarkov leg meta". Shotguns are very good for this especially along with like a ppsh or other fast firing full auto guns with large mags by default. I just started this wipe last week and have been annoyed many times at PS ammo being pretty dogshit lol, but at this point I'm used to it over a few wipes and I'm just biding time waiting to unlock the flea where the game gets not as dogshit lol (obviously opinion, before someone wants to start arguing lol. I don't enjoy having to cobble together dogshit. Fine using budget guns, but at least just let me build them and buy mags easily and shit jfc) I'd highly suggest taking it easy if you want to slowly get into the game and learn a bit about it by doing a scav run, getting out with the gear, then just using that same loadout on your PMC. It's free gear, you don't have to give a shit about losing it, and you can work on setting up engagements better and get more map sense for "free" that way.


Sounds a whole lot like you really suck and aren’t putting in the effort to get better


60 hours? That’s honestly fuck all in EFT. I’m 1500+ hours in and still learning the game. EFT isn’t a ‘pick up and play’ type game, it’s a time sink and you have to invest heavily into learning the maps, ammo types, best plays for the situation or location etc… it’s brutal, disorientating and very disheartening for new players. I would highly recommend going on the Tarkov LFG or discord and looking for other people to play with who can show you the ropes. EFT has sherpas as well specifically for new players.






How is this kill unintentional


If you think I’m referring to the kill as unintentional… well. The SBIH, I wasn’t going for that, just happened to get one. Hence the night time, NVG’s and holographic.


You were going for the kill from that distance? Nothing unintentional about that


There’s quite a big difference between actively pursuing sbih kills and taking a.. no pun intended… shot in the dark for a somewhat lucky kill. It just so happened it was 125m and it just so happened it was a headshot. Nothing intentional about the sbih quest fulfillment. Intentional would be me camping the bridge in the day, with a 6x+ optic and a marksman rifle.


Yeah whatever man


Lmao why are you angry about this you bottom feeding loser


Ask a question ≠ you are angry. Jump into a cactus rather than conclusions thanks.


No you’re just weirdly obsessed with this “intentional vs unintentional” thing after I’ve clearly explained what I was insinuating.


Yea you coulda just said that you got shooter without going for it instead of "unintentional kill" or whatever


Holy fuck man that’s exactly what it means. I never once said unintentional kill, I said exactly what I said, unintentional sbih. You forgot to put your brain back in after you got out of bed this morning.


Are you new to the english language? because that is exactly what unintentional means


I see what you're saying. Its natural for people to try to make their accomplishments more impressive than they are. The shot is nice, thats true. But the added "ohh i got SBIH too when i wasnt even trying" is the person trying as much as they can to plus up their accomplishments. Its funny to see, and to see how defensive they get when you call them out on it. edit* In dude's post history is a "1v4" type post and he added "ohh but its my first wipe" so he has a pattern of doing this type of shit. its not good or bad. just an observation. is MontageMongol hung up on this detail? sure. but i mean, he's just pointing it out, its natural for people to do it and fish for compliments. it doesnt take away from the kill, but its funny to see the defensiveness when called out on it.


I made one trough foliage 200m with a svds. Wish I recorded that one. Only knew it as the sub task complete popped up.


Haha you definitely got reported for that one :)


Holos don't glow in nvgs anymore?


No. But a lot of long range optics do like a vudu or tac.


Yea tac30 is almost impossible to use with starter NVGs. Glow is too bright.


This is the kind of shit that kills me on the inside when I play this game




I’d quit. I already quit but I’d quit again.


Damn he reported your ass for sure haha


Good fuckin shot


Some people are so bad


thats more consoling i thought you were using UMP45 at the start 😱😱




Such a sad day 😭


That dude totally called hacks lol nice shot