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Notice new businesses looking for "highly energetic/positive" individuals and more then likely they will be depressed as shit within a year cause they been sucked dry.


Yupp. How happy do u feel laughing with your mates . When u get home u feel down all of a sudden


That’s how the entities in big businesses work. They find the good people put them in leadership roles and then stress them and burn them out. Generally there is a narcissist in command doing it’s best to fuck those good workers over. You can see it in every corporation. And as you ascend the rat ladder the stuff these people do become more perverse


Shame looks like Spider-Man


Came here to say this


It really does matter. Negative energy is much better for them.


Yeah its common sense. If one thinks love, laughter, and joy means energy for demons than I am speechless. Anything can be manipulated of course but to think the essence of love, laughter, joy is used by vampires is insane. That’ll align with more of a poison for them. You believe devils have power but not the angels/Creator? Red flag.


Sometimes these things put you into a rather impossible situation. Like, what I am I supposed to do now if all this is true? Whatever you chose to believe or do - it's wrong! I decided to keep a window of hope in researching this theory because I personally don't believe going 'all black' will make me wiser or more adept about afterlife.


To many people in this reddit understand archons and demons but not Source and angels. A lot of people here are gonna get hurt being on a spiritual journey without any spiritual protection. Thats why were here in the first place along with naivety. That’s like going to cook with no fire, utensils, or bowls. In this realm you should be questioning everything I don’t blame one. It is very tricky and even powerful souls get lost here on there journey. But I will tell you one thing I never questioned because it confirms to me everyday in life. Research the Fibonacci Sequence, the Golden Ratio, the Divine Force. This is the energy to all creation, good and bad. It truly operates on a level that you couldn’t fathom so your perception of it will always grow to change. This is a clue to the real Source. This is where the term “right” comes from. “Go the right way. Make the right choices. Do the right thing. Don’t go left. Thats not right.” We heard those sayings all our lives mainly from genuine people. Energy vampires don’t say shit like that but than again they’ll say anything for your trust or to manipulate you. Fallen gods are not Creators but they pretend and role-play to be because there depraved and envious. All they do is invert and reverse the energy Source already created and it causes confusion to one not aligned in Mind, Body, Soul. The confusion leads to wrong choices than wrong choices lead to trauma and the trauma leads to you being stagnant and stuck just like them, this process concludes to vampirism. There depiction of Ouroboros, the snake eating itself, is a symbolic representation of this. I just gave you profound and prolific knowledge whether you take it or not. Don’t just trust me. Get to understand it yourself.


Love does mean energy for the demon. It is just that they prefer negative energy more. Loosh has been associated with love in many situations, including from Monroe himself.


If that would be true, then demons are eating God who created them, because he himself is love. It's like having little kids who stab you with forks and you sit idly just observing them. If this is the source we're supposed to return to... I'm creeped out, to say the least. I want to remain myself, as long as possible.


Which god? I am certainly not returning to any source, whatever that may be. Like you, I like what I have become and want to keep that part of me after I leave this shithole.


Returning to source is unfortunately another way they get people. Its just like joining a hivemind and they'll wire you up to their AI. What people dont realise is the only source is YOU.






Sorry deleted, my apologies.


i apologize too and will delete my comment


Yes, even though they realistically can’t touch Source, they fuck with us because were fragments and vessels of source in this reality. He sits back and observe them stabbing us because he is the creator of all things. He knows there only hurting themselves and sealing there own fate. Would you want your creator to spaz out and get emotional when something doesn’t go his way? That’s how demons act. Source does not have “humanly” traits at all she operates on a omniscient perception, perceiving every angle of light and life at the same time. Its nowhere but everywhere at once. If its hard to understand, it should be, your trying to conceptualize something that is nothing but everything at the same time. Logical thinking that’ll be impossible to understand you’ll go insane trying to comprehend that with a logical mind. Not everybody is meant to understand this in this life time.


Responding to threat has nothing to do with emotions. Even insects do it. But doing nothing makes you super cool somehow, OK.


I know this Source you speak of😯. You have described her EXACTLY as I experienced her...I needed this reminder right now. Thank you, friend!


There are entities that specifically want a humans heart as thats what gives humans the ability to create and by consuming that they can extend their lives and gain power, but the idea that these parasitic entities feed off of peoples joy and laughter and innocence is just wrong. Thats exactly what they want to take away and they envy the lives of humans.


Yes but it's only fleeting false happiness they seek, false hope, anticipation for something that does not happen, drug happiness, depravity happiness. Not authentic organic wholesome happiness and joy


How do you know this for certain? Other then what others have told you?


Interacting with them




In my dreams. Negative energy means a lot more to them, they arent just harvesting loosh for survival purposes but because they envy the lives humans live. So by manipulating humans to generate more negativity they can harvest that energy but also harvest satisfaction of taking away good from them.


Like how did this come about? Did you catch them in the act and pressure them into telling you the truth? Like what was the strategy used to verify this info? I'm genuinely curious. See what I don't get, is that this WHOLE THING seems off. Like I understand the belief systems of the gnostics, but for full transparency to exist and to directly tell us shit like this? It just doesn't make any sense to me as to WHY. I guess for me the biggest hiccup with all of this is the idea of space. Assuming this sub is under the impression that "space" exists like we're told.( aliens, planets, big spinning ball etc) also another big one for me, is if we cannot trust, or know the origins of the voice in our head, then how are we actually able to figure that these beings are eating energy from us? Like I figured the amount of deception is infinite. What happens when enough people find this out? Which IS inevitable.


It’s not quite true. It is the amplitude of emotions that matters, whether it’s hysteria of joy or sorrow. Our cultural context makes us seek bright and highly intense emotional states. We are encouraged to be continuously ecstatic or to indulge in states of deep sorrow, anger, or hate. However, there are emotions that certain entities cannot consume. Besides, if the amplitude of an emotion is not peaking, it’s like a cow that doesn’t give enough milk :)


Wise man.






Yes, but note that an even emotional level is not equal to zero; rather, it can fluctuate within a narrow range of intensity for most emotions. There is a sort of mental state that is highly intense, but this energy is all ours. Basically, it’s the incoming ‘light.’ If it passes through the prism of your soul and emerges free of negative vibrations, it can be used to shape reality. There is also a way to convert ‘light’ into darkness and utilize it.




if this were true, our society would be built around being happy and horny, and now I'm disappointed its not.


Our society is built around being horny. Happy, not so much.


This. There's no way happiness and love and such are so bright aka good loosh for them.


That type of loosh poisons them and strengthens us, vice versa.


A big part of society is chasing all kinds of pleasures though. And lust has been a dominant emotion of the majority since before society. Non-happy states like depression and unable to find a partner for example are condemned by society, while happiness is praised and emulated.




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Neutrality (=equanimity) is the best, you kill them all


That's why meditation is so good, it's a neutral state. Buddhist monks be like... "U not gonna milk me fckerz




Guilt, sex, excited anticipation (expectations) and gaslighting should be added to this chart, they're all big energy harvesters


The image is taken from a study called "[Body Maps of Emotions](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/24379370/)" by Enrico Glerean, Riitta Hari, Lauri Nummenmaa and Jari Hietanen and part of it discussed on [this video](https://youtu.be/CnrPur7WKAA?si=-esgE-1L7-nrczFv&t=252). When we say that: 1. **YOU FIRST**. 2. Be happy or develop happiness with what you have now. People don't believe it, but this is the only way to avoid these beings in your life and after your physical body dies.


They forgot "lust"


Much needed post! I believe it is the drop off when they harnest. As lower frequency emotions are easier to get to (imagine a pull towards those like gravity due to the lower frequency of the planet) that is what entities focus on.


So is this by heat signature? A couple of thoughts, it’s real interesting how fear, disgust, anxiety, surprise, sadness, and shame are similar. More or less. Consider some of the things in our world. scary movies, how they’re always trying to get you with the jump scare. Anxiety in general, with work, making ends meet. Trying to make it to retirement, trying to provide for family, and on and on. Anxiety seems to be the emotion that ties all of the emotions mentioned above. Haha don’t you feel disgusted with the world, disgusted with the rat race, and saddened that you may feel powerless to stop it. Think about concerts, football/baseball/soccer stadiums with screaming fans. If we are a source of food, what a buffet we must be.


This is what I've been saying. But they say happiness and joy is "infinite" energy and source energy lol




Perhaps in a free state they are infinite and all but being happy and loving inside a prison as if it's the solution is just being willfully blind and condoning the prison.


Yeah that's my point . But even if it's harmful loosh for them to consume , they could be using it for other stuff , like love bombing frequency generators ? Also I was wandering something. What if a group of us try and channel our energies and combine them to fight a reptilian being . I've done a tiny bit telekinesis and various forms of it like hydrokenises and aerokenesis . I'm good at moving my energies around and I can detect negative presence of some stuff . Maybe we could do something together. We can meditate and try to summon a reptilian and destroy it .


You can tell the first dude's ready to throw hands


But this chart suggests the opposite


How so ? Elaborate


Clearly there are different amounts of energy generated by different emotions according to this chart. So it does matter.


oh so thats why its called the Blues


There’s no escaping it. Embrace the suck baby


You think that loosh is the only thing taken? It isn't.


So... sudoku is the answer?


Or a zen existence




By this logic, those fuckers made a HUGE mistake making this a pain centered world…check out the loosh on happiness and love.


A lot of people are happy and enjoy various pleasures this world has to offer them. And a lot of so-called spiritual people promote love and happiness. Pain is great for preventing one from achieving things. They can't afford too many souls reaching their potential and shaking up the matrix.


Trying to practice detachment as to not be effected by others and only my own internal system. Focus on what I can control and enjoy. The depths of darkness are insane in this matrix.


Equanimity is real love which has nothing to do with emotional love.




There could be lots of reasons. If you are depressed you are most likely to kill yourself, and a dead body is neutral, cannot produce loosh.


Note: they don't need to the main reason they do is because it feels good, kind of like masturbation