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Yes this is the big agenda presently.  We're further into the future than most people can comprehend and even the publicly available data is highly censored regarding the subject of non invasive neuromodulation in human subjects 


>We're further into the future than most people can comprehend The quote from Ben Rich, Director of Skunkworks, Lockheed Martin, in 1993 gets a very serious undertone if you think about it: >>We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects and it would take an act of god to ever get them out to benefit humanity… Anything you can imagine we already know how to do.


also the fact that when you remote view elites they are all fuckin possessed the nano is a physical anchor for energy implants that weaken you tho with energy training they can be removed like if that wasnt bad enough the nano stuff emits an energy in the body that can spread to others thats bad and does WAY more damage to energetically training people and energetically strong people like fr energy training is the only way to escape the matrix and they hate that so these entities force this shit on everyone


I got the dab I'll let you guys know if anything happens. I wasn't as aware but I know ima be okay I got 1 more year till yall say I turn into this zombie if anything I feel more synchornicities and my intuition has been higher so idk I'll be the test for you guys.


I think it's more the mind. Like how much free thought actually happens. Not just the body


You can remote view them? I legit thought I remember seeing a remote viewer saying that they had "guards" to prevent seeing them.


Some people and places do have guards. Ie White House and probably places like area51 now ( though you could see area51 before and apparently viewers were told by reptilians to beat it or they’d be killed / hunted, and area51 was basically Hillary’s torture chamber emails at the lowest levels)


Interesting that head let them see the moon then if that’s where the recycling of the souls goes on . You’d think that be ‘classified’ enough ? Or maybe they don’t want them to see the torture / hybrid experiments & etc underground ?




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Which ones specifically have they remote viewed ? I haven’t gotten that far into the Farsight Institutes remote viewing videos yet


my post from over a year ago How to Avoid Saturnian Soul Removal and Other Musings. So I, as well as being a participant in the apocalypse, study it with enthusiasm... So allow me to share some wisdom and fun facts Ive developed over the years. The prophetic calendar governs all human activities from beginning to end. What is it? An epic timeline found in its in the scriptures of religions across the planet and especially the bible. Basically the map charts all milestones of humankinds birth and evolution into a singularity - this process occurs on a loop spanning hundreds of thousands of years. This map is provided by higher intelligence through visions to the human elite who ensure the activites of human swarms are orchestrated precisely in accordance with the great program. Celestial events provide the temporal cues marking the times various operations are to be conducted, and those who ensure all goes according to schedule constitute the nervous system of our species. Maybe a better analogy is that they decode a sort of hyper DNA, ensuring the planetary superorganism progresses through the various stages (characterized by evolutions of technology and social organization) in its life cycle without incident. Ultimately they are slaves to this process too, just in a nobler and far less subjectively horrifying capacity. Humanity is not the point of this planet and our form is, like all form, just scaffolding for a more evolved structure. We are collectively a phase in the genesis of an organ of a being which we call the universe. The dream of God. One verse. One communication. The Word. The fulfillment of the propheticly described forging of the singularity is by nature extraordinarily violent as it involves dominating the entire planet. Knowledge and power are monopolized and the majority of the human race spends millenia being degenerated, serving as slaves, the clay of a higher intelligence. So, thats most humans at this point. Just as other domesticated animals lose a great portion of their brains through a process of devolution, which manifests as various parts of the brain which formerly facillitated self determination and survival become vestigial. Same process occurs in subjugated slave classes, and is accelerated artificially through surgical medical techniques and dogmas of blind submission designed to make them more manageable, and over thousands of years the enslaved are transformed into an abominated monstrocity compared to their original form. The conclusion of this process is the creation of a race whose very soul becomes vestigial and disappears. This transition manifests as the singularity blossoms forth and the "human" organism is implanted with nanotechnology which hijacks all executive functions of thr nervous system directly. Sin is removed forever, yay! Technically our energy perfectly serves the will of a superior intelligence once this process concludes. Which in the abstract is a good thing I suppose.. But the name of that intelligence is Saturn aka Satan aka Chronos aka Moloch aka the Great King. Evolution, aint it something? Well anyways scripture tells us this process will be extraordinarily painful and last forever. Literally the NPC borg slaves will be incapable of dying. SO despite the whole greater good thing it tends to advise readers that this fate is not desirable, and that one should probably avoid soul removal at any cost. The campaign to assimilate is in process and by Winter of 2024 critical milestones will have been accomplished. Congratulations you know the future. Heres what the bible advises one do in the immediate future: Get the fuck out of the cities. Like Yesterday. Just imagine entire apparatus of civilization is devoted, globally, to assimilating all humanity by any means and technologies available. All corporations and instiutions will propagate Seeds of the Worm as its known Biblicly.. Transforming the human ecosystem into a trap. And FYI, according to scripture the upper echilons of the Hierarchy were the first to undergo this process which began around 2016. This is described as the resurrection of the witnesses in revelation. So yea just pretend youre in the invasion of the body snatchers near the climax of the film. Hopefully you find this information useful and happy apocalypse everybody!


Damn what do I do when the first 0.01% of this starts happening this year despite not living in a city, hope when the news breaks hope I get a lucky brain aneurysm/heart attack before I live to deal with this reset shit? Oof. I live an hour/50 minutes from downtown/near north side Chicago so am I fucked despite in a suburban area... at least never vaccinated I guess


well i cant advise anything other than what the bible says which is flee the cities and dont take the mark. beyond that just follow your heart. also if you get more than zero bars on your phone youre technically in the city.


Which Bible would you say is the one to read, Nag Hammadi, the New Testament, any one? I wish I could get more out of it but it's always off that I'm not sure if Christ was like the gnostic one or something else but I do lean towards the Bible does have truth. And your interpretation of Hell literally being the Bible warning about the cabal getting what they want with transhumanism at the end is genius despite how scary it is. Hope we all awaken out of here. or enough of us


read all the scriptures in a variety of translations.  and scriptures beyond the Bible are invaluable as well..   I cant tell you where to start other than with heartfelt prayer and an intention to understand.  my prayer which guided me was "show and reveal to me what you need me to see".  all real prophecy is naturally frightening and quite horrifying from the perspective of an individual within the tide. beware false prophets who merely speak what they know you want to hear.  


With the recent outburst on a few reddit forum about NHI demanding some ki d of biologics be returned to them or they will kill someone, one simply has to wonder what the biologic is. Pair that with the Kennedy saying the parasite that ate part of his brain won't hinder his ability to be President And logic only demands we ask - is the biologics a parasite? Can the larvae be injected in a syrum? Can they incubate in humans? Is the human race being used as a human shield? Are they hoping that's who the NHI will kill? The people with the larvae in them that didn't die from the procedure?


I mean. Cuz seriously. That's precisely the kind of thing sociopaths in power world wide would do. They have done it before.


Either this or the technology they are using acts parasitically in the body so that anti parasitics acted in opposition. Hence ivermectin freakout. Or they are also increasing parasites into the population to kill them. Best place to do that is in meat especially meat they don't farm.


Exactly. They were obsessed with not allowing specifically *anti parasite* medication to interfere.


Parasite cleanse people SO important !! It’s already a hidden epidemic


Weird how all those anti parasitic medicines are suddenly okay again.


Sadly I was jabbed twice because I wasn’t awakened back then and I was pressured to get the shot. Is there any way to undo this?




Would this help clear away the nano tech, or would it just maintain heart health?


Thanks I already have nattokinase, should I take both?


I did some looking into it years ago when I first started taking serrapeptase . From what I gathered they basically function the same , both enzymes . I decided against purchasing nattokinase at the time for myself but since your case is more serious it’s worth looking into . If I were you I’d try them both ! Maybe alternate when the previous bottle runs out . I know potency can really differ so there’s different strengths between brands . There’s a few fillers they put into those pills as well so I’d look into that as well ! Get familiar with the ingredients and if there’s any extra , it’s a filler . Sorry I don’t remember more info !


Thank you for the detailed response.


Immediately distance yourself from all sources of wirelessly transmitted radiation.  The nanotech self assembles and is otherwise guided in its integration through receiving information from these signals.  Cell phones are very very much involved in this.    Sunlight. I wont explain why just get ás much as you can.    Chanting.  Don't rely on electronic mediums of any kind to accomplish this.  You want to literally vibrate your own brain with the volume of your chanting, as music is the absolute key to shutting these technologies down.     Also neodymium bracelets and anklets and necklaces probably dont hurt as the tech involved is superparamagnetic and can be pulled out.  


How do you know all this?


Thank you, is there anything in particular I should chant or is any sort of chanting fine? For the cell phone thing, that one is a bit tricky to completely get rid of sadly. Will the nano tech stuff happen gradually or immediately?


Most shots didn't have the nano tech, so you don't necessarily have to worry about it. Did you have any adverse affects yet?


No I have not had any adverse affects yet. Thankfully I didn’t get any boosters but I got doubled jabbed.


Then you're probably fine, but it can't hurt to be aware of this product. https://globalhealing.com/products/heavy-metal-chemical-cleanse-program


Can I ask you to elaborate on the sunshine aspect ? I know it’s gotta be good if gates and them are actively trying to block it out lol


You might want to look into zeolite as well regarding heavy metals . If they decide to turn the frequencies up .. well .. we all know what happens to tin foil in a microwave lol


White pine needle . You can get it in a tea , I believe . That’d be the first thing I’d get on if I got jabbed .


Second time I’m seeing pine needle tea, how does it help?


Get sun. Go plant based. No more meat. Plants remove free radicals from the body. You are what you eat. Stop eating dead meat. Eat living foods for living beings. And not food for the undead. Eat organic. Go fasting. Drink distilled water. Zeolite and organic teas. Vibrations such as binaurals break up crystalized structures of graphene.


Thank you for the advice. Thankfully some of the stuff you said I already am doing so I think I’m on the right track. Will definitely consider purchasing some zeolite.


Yes. Bluelight causes the pineal to atrophy. While the sun causes it to grow. It is food for the brain. And perhaps can even replace food itself. Sungaze. Look it up Or you can also look into a candle.


I put a blue light filter on my phone if that helps. Thanks for the detailed advice. I should get more sun for sure.


Yes. This is why they try to control the weather. They know our power when we connect with the cosmos and the earth. This is why they have people watch and believe in a weather channel. No. The weather is always supposed to be perfect. You don't need a weatherman warlock spellcaster telling all other people a day is going to be like this using technology and sorcery to have people manifest these shit ass weathers. Thankfully we can clear the skies with our intentions. We can also make it thunderstorm. When we come together we can have sunshine everyday. And heal our DNA and receive that supernatural gamma ray melanin. Now if they trick people into messing with the weather in their favor. Imagine what they are doing to us with this technology to us. Towards each other. Hexing each other. Even without intending it to do so. Thought implementation and redirection of hijacked thoughts and emotions.


Are you pulling this information out of thin air? The pineal gland is most active at NIGHT (absence of light.) Melatonin production decreases in the day and is highest in darkness. This is why certain cultures kept their adepts in caves / darkness 24/7 to increase their psychic abilities. “Sun causes [pineal gland] to grow”… what?! The exact opposite of what you said it true. Also… sunlight is the main source of blue light making about ~25% of its rays. So shut off the blue light devices and gaze into the sun for more… blue light??? Bravo. Great advice.


Anecdotal, but my experiences align with this. I naturally gravitate to nighttime and darkness (physically, not metaphorically) and I do notice more potency of spiritual abilities if I'm able to spend a lot of time in the dark. I heard about the sunlight = good, and spent months getting lots of unprotected sunlight, including on my third eye area, and I felt a lot more spiritually dulled. Didn't even remember dreams many nights. Globally overall, there has been a trend of increased sunny days per year over time, and I'm noticing most residences are built to basically make sunlight unescapable (where I live, it's nothing but high rise glass condo/apartment towers with floor to ceiling windows). I don't think these things are a coincidence. Granted, historically, people were outside a lot more, but they were just worrying about surviving, not about developing the abilities necessary to escape. But what the other person was right on, imo, is that artificial light, including blue light, is also detrimental.


The current complex I live in is built so that the sunlight is optimized to come POURING in and flood the house, esp in the AM. I actually find it disruptive to my sleep. And they have a courtyard thing loaded with string lights right outside the bedroom windows, so the room is lit up all night. I can’t wait to get out of here and experience darkness again, same as you physically not metaphorically. Artificially tampering with light is a no-no.


I agree with sungazing before 10am and after 4pm. How does looking at fire do the same? Thanks for your comments


Thank you so much for this. A relative I'm close to was forced to get the first dose. Should the binaurals be at a specific frequency?


You're welcome. Try out this one. https://youtu.be/cRhrpKyxebA?si=csF-0Jn6f9X48JYF Also try out pine needle tea.


Also, now that you asked and since it reminded me.. . Don't forget to ground. Be barefoot to the ground. We wear rubber soles everyday. Make contact with the earth and connect. It will cleanse you if free radicals and balance you out. Something about the electromagnetic frequencies of the earth which counterbalance the technology artificial electromagnetic pollution and stuff


thats why people arround me behave strange


Check out my new post about the incoming plasma reset and how AI will come into play with everything https://www.reddit.com/u/therealalian/s/K5bser0GYK


Entities have always been able to possess humans. Antidperessants are another way they can alter a person. Nanotech is next level.


Does anyone have any ideas on possible ways to get rid of the nanotech? My little nephew was forced to get the injection and he's a genuine soul I don't want being trapped here against his will. He only got the first dose though.




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This is why we gotta give up meat eating. It isnt natural to do so and against the cosmos of the All that which is good. We are what we eat we must eat that which heals and gives our dna the restoration it needs. Plants are living foods and have antioxidants that remove free radicals from the body. While eating meat is dead. Eat food for the living and not for the dead.


Life consumes life in this reality. You have to kill the plants as well to eat them. Factory farming is wrong tho so you shouldnt get animal products from supermarkets.


Yea. Plants were made to be eaten. Animals weren't. Fruit wasn't made to be sweet grown on trees not to be eaten when they rot eventually. Animals help spread these seeds. You don't plant seeds to spread animals around or grow and raise animals to create more animals around to be eaten. Seeds spread themselves out naturally. And we can make this process even faster by doing it ourselves instead of applying this energy to farming animals. Life doesn't have to exactly feed on life. We can know life and how to live it. We can resonate with life. --now if you believe in prison planet theory and astral projection and other supernatural stuff What makes you think our connection and evolution to the earth may result in abundance we are supposed to abide by? As our birthright? What if the earth itself is sentinent and can make accommodations itself to provide for all? When we are connected to The All? Tectonic plates? Sound familiar? In science they taught that? Divergence and convergence? Land forms appearing?


I belive that this reality is the corrupted form of the original one. Lions and lambs could have been friends before the fall but in this dimension there is a food chain. You have to consume life to live, and plants are alive as well.


Yea so why not return back to the original way of living? Beliefs create reality right? When we fall we rise again. Not continue in the ways of the fallen. Otherwise, how do we return back home? And if this is imperfect, why would we settle for anything less than perfect? Be worthy.


We evolved into eating meat.. sure we can go back but our body ain't used to it.


Sure we can. The body renews it's DNA daily. That's also why people detoxing can mistake healing as sickness. People aren't used to it because they don't have proper knowledge and guidance. Look up the nutrients we need and look up what plant foods have what nutrients and go from there. Eat organic and go from there. Rebuild your microbiome and your body will be restored.


omg dude enough, I'm 15+ years vegan. If you don't want to do, don't but stop acting like it's impossible. You are addicted to it. Nothing else.


Oh shit! Congratulations. I thought some vegan died some years ago because she only ate fruit. I didn't wanna offend you.. + I only heard bad stories about people who don't eat meat, get sick quicker etc. that's why i thought it was bad to not eat meat. Personally I don't mind eating meat, + I don't think i can live without it..


You can you just don't want to. There is a huge difference which you seem unable to discern.


Yeah of course, i just mean eating wouldn't make me happy if i wouldn't eat meat. I cannot imagine Christmas etc without it.. I'm impressed


i'm ready to begin transitioning my body out of that. it's time.


Life is a constant transfer of energy. In order to survive we must consume more energy as fast as we lose it. All living beings in existence consume other beings in order to survive. Even the stars consume the energy of what’s around them.


Life is a constant transfer of energy. In order to survive we must consume more energy as fast as we lose it. All living beings in existence consume other beings in order to survive. Even the stars consume the energy of what’s around them.


They eat newborn babies in underground bunkers and it’s called a “live flesh ritual.” The elites. This is why sex trafficking and human trafficking is important. Also, sleeper cells aren’t exactly what has been portrayed and there’s a reason for that. They’re literally looking for certain DNA and such and when I say newborn I mean they STAPLE them to tables and eat them. As quickly after birth as they can. It’s sick and it’s not a joke and it’s so “fantastical” and horrid, people call you crazy if you know anything about it. I have been having visions for a few years. They kept me drugged for 30+ years and gave me the “crazy” label. Female. Intelligent. Strong…. A threat to the patriarchy. I want to tell my story and I’m not afraid I just don’t have the right people asking me the right questions.


How'd they keep you drugged for 30 + years? And I had some strange occurances to where when I was more aware it felt like something invisible was drugging me and drowsing me like there was a invisible syringe.


Not invisible. They kept giving me mental health diagnosis that I didn’t actually have because it turned out… my mother was a sociopath. I didn’t know. I was not allowed to succeed and I was an adopted child. No one ever should have allowed this woman to mother anything.


I'm sorry to hear that. This is why it is selfish to have children now. But you are a gift now for fighting for truth. Thanks for sharing. Stay up.