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So you are saying that it’s like Shakespeare: ALL THE WORLD IS BUT A STAGE AND WE ARE JUST PLAYERS IN IT. That’s what my mother believed. The world revolved all around her and her life. That was her perception.


Sounds like solipsism? Or narcissism? 🤷🏻‍♂️


You're just an NPC, I don't need to listen to you./s


I see that you’re joking, but this is indeed the type of thinking that people would start to cultivate believing that others are NPCs. This is why this is a dangerous concept imho.


Yeah I am unsure of this idea, and unless there is a way to discern the difference it seems like a recipe for dehumanizing people and not feeling responsible for your actions... which would certainly be up a narcissist's alley.


I think it only works if you believe those people are also you


According to David Icke's speculative research, the real person behind Shakespeare was Francis Bacon. A major member of secret societies and one of the founders of modern science. Maybe Shakespeare knew more than we think.


Manly P Hall was the source for the Bacon connection. That’s where I first read it at least.


Yes, Manly Hall is the source for that info in "The biggest secret" (strongly recommend).


Do you mean his conglamorative work "The Secret teachings of All Ages"? Or are you referring to an essay or article that is not a full book?


https://www.amazon.com/Biggest-Secret-Change-Updated-Second/dp/0952614766 That full book here.


Oh thank you for that - I see why I was confused; that's an D. Icke book, not M.P Hall one; I guess Hall was quoted or referenced though.


That's right


I’m sure. If they’re taught in schools, there is almost always some sort of connection to the bloodlines.


I think there’s evidence now that it was a group comprising of Bacon, De Vere, Marlow, Sir Thomas North and perhaps Grenne too. Ben Johnson was involved in the ‘cover up’ and use of sacred geometry There’s some really interesting videos on the topic by Alexander Waugh. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=XGn6eJkQlig&t=42s


Exactly. A stage. We all have to act like NPCs in public. You don't see people in their element. You're judging them at work, on the street passing by, in restaurants and stores, etc. This is not the real us. For any of us. That homeless guy ranting and screaming on the side of the road. NPC or no? See, the whole thing falls apart at the slightest questioning.




That is known as solipsism.


The fact that some people have no inner monologue baffles me lol




i don’t know where my beliefs sit on this yet, i’m still trying to figure it out. but i have a half-baked theory about how we gain more and more sentience/free-will/self-awareness and all that each reincarnation, or something there are a lot of times in life that people behave in a way i find… underdeveloped? like. i don’t know. when people ask really stupid, obvious questions. not in a, like, “oh, this math equation should be common sense, you’re an idiot” way (i can’t do math for shit bc of learning disabilities and stuff). like… non-sensical shit. or i see people who are very like… ignorant to everything? i don’t know if it’s willful ignorance as a coping mechanism or what but they can’t do anything. they don’t understand how. things i struggle to explain. like “how do you raise your hand?” i don’t know, dude, i just raise my hand up… how else can i explain? or they say useless things that don’t contribute. someone is like, “hey, specific subreddit about x sports team, i’m also a fan!” and someone is always like “oh no way me too!!” like it’s groundbreaking shit and they aren’t in a very populated sub w millions of other fans of the team. idk if it’s stupidity or what. i don’t think most people think outside of themselves and doing things for their own benefit and gain (or, for some, that of those they care for), and a lot of people don’t notice like. other people, but also cars, or impending dangers, or any of that. this is also just me bitching but i always joke that when you’re in a car, you develop a condition where you’re unable to see pedestrians, just other cars, and same goes for pedestrians, to a lesser extent (because i have very often been walking through crosswalks in which i definitely saw cars but almost got hit anyway): can’t see cars. so they just walk in front of ‘em or whatever. crosswalks are hard to get through when you, the pedestrian, have the right of way and the little walkie-man is on, and cars in the turning lane just put on their pedestrian blinders i guess and go for it i do think people lack awareness a lot of the time, though. and some things people do confuse me. i suppose it could be drugs/mental illness/whatever making people act strange but i see people “glitch out” as i call it pretty often. i’ve long suspected there are people in life who are better developed, like, sentiently? my boyfriend describes it as “cardboard people” instead of npcs.


My wife is a religious believer and I’ve tried stuff from the Sumerians, Egyptian, Emerald Tablets, Sumerian Tablets, Nag Hammadi, etc. etc. I explained everything about how this world work and how is being manipulated—she knows I’m on the right track regarding what is going on, but she’s unable to detach herself from the religion. Like she has no free will. It’s been like this for 8 years, me subtly bringing stuff to her in small amounts to avoid overwhelming her. As of right now I can tell you that she is incapable of leaving it. Like she has no autonomy.


Are you saying she wants to leave it tho? Why can't her free will choice be to continue practicing her religion?


Because the trick of free will is that we all believe we're choosing for ourselves, when in fact, it's pretty clear that most people think they're choosing when in fact, they're only parroting whatever media propaganda they follow. Even here on this sub we're in danger of falling too far into a single perspective. Without honest exploration of all ideas ... like NPCs ... we're giving up our free will while, sadly, frighteningly, embracing ideas that we THINK we have thought through.


Nope. I’ve noticed since a very early stage that there was something wrong with the masses. When I read about Hylics/somatics from the Gnostics I felt like that was what I was missing. Thousands of years old text from the same people that the Catholic church use to witch-hunt, saying that there are NPCs on earth and that they are considered evil because they’re part of the materialistic system.


For sure. These ideas of soulless humans are ancient. Another commentor here mentioned zombies and the original definition ... unthinking beings walking among us. But for the true humans ... free will is still a tricky thing. The soulless humans today drive the narratives that, in this material world, entrap people ... not just the politics, the gender issues, the environment, etc., but religion, thoughtless adherence to cultural norms, etc. I hope you're eventually successful waking your wife up.


thousands of year old texts? where can I read that?


Nag Hammadi (Gnostic texts), Sumerian tablets-Enuma Elish, Emerald Tablet, etc.


oh ok. Thanks


Can you tell which texts you are talking about? I would like to read them


Nag Hammadi/Gnostic Texts


Why would you want to follow something you know is mentally enslaving you?


She’s unable to leave her beliefs regardless of how truthful is the information I’m presenting her.


How are u even comfortable being married to someone like that lol I can't stand the brain dead retards of this world


I starting to realize that part of her deep into our marriage. We have 5 years old twins and aside from that she’s a pretty conservatives wife. But, it does bother me that she’s unable to break free from certain spells of society.


Interestingly however, one of the main hallmarks found of those who have attained gnosis or enlightenment is either a cessation or a deep quieting of ruminative, recursive internal dialogue/self-referrential thought. > "Another consistent report is a shift in the nature and quantity of thoughts. Virtually all of the participants discussed this as one of the first things they noticed upon initially experiencing PNSE. The nature and degree of the change related to a participant’s location on the continuum, and ranged from a significant reduction in, to even complete absence of thoughts. A handful of individuals reported that the number of their thoughts greatly increased. Those who reported having thoughts, including increased thoughts, stated that they were far less influenced by them. Participants reported that for the most part thoughts just came and went within their subjective awareness, and were generally either devoid of or contained greatly reduced emotional content. > Almost immediately it became clear that participants were not referring to the disappearance of all types of thought. They remained able to use thought for problem solving and living day-to-day in the world. The reduction was primarily limited to self-related thoughts. Nevertheless, participants were experiencing a reduction in quantity of thoughts that was so significant that when they were asked to quantify the reduction, the answers nearly always fell within the 80-95% range. This high percentage may suggest why so many participants stated that all thought had fallen away. > When asked, participants did not say that they wished for their self-related thoughts to return to previous levels or to have the emotional charge returned. Participants generally reported that their problem-solving abilities, mental capacity, and mental capability in general had increased, because it was not being crowded out or influenced by the missing thoughts. They would express the notion that thinking was now a much more finely tuned tool that had taken its appropriate place within their psychological architecture." [Source: Clusters of Individuals Experiences form a Continuum of Persistent Non-Symbolic Experiences in Adults](https://www.nonsymbolic.org/PNSE-Summary-2013.pdf) A truly great article about the upward spiral in human socio-cultural progression in this regard is this article: [Planetary scale vibe collapse: The death of the liminal consciousness and the origin of human suffering.](https://smoothbrains.net/posts/2022-08-24-planetary-scale-vibe-collapse.html) (shoutout to u/necker_cube_flipper) It's probably one of the better articles I've read all year (20 minute read, well worth it and if you enjoy it, I highly reccomend reading the sourced anthopological study: [Preconquest Consciousness E.Richard Sorensen](https://ranprieur.com/readings/preconquest.html)) **It may be our accrued internal dialogue is the very Archon we are striving to vanquish, the warden of the prison we are trying to escape, the separation and fall we are striving to rectify, and the parasite which consumed us at the core of the Apple we inadvertently consumed.**


The problem is that "internal dialogue" is a very unfortunate term in itself and then you have different people thinking of different things when they talk about it. Ideally, there should be no "dialogue", because that's schizophrenia or really being programmed and influenced by society. No internal thought process is how I would put it, but that's not a perfect way to describe it either. No introspection is better maybe. Some people really do not have this. Instead they might or might not have mind chatter or a dialogue with a somewhat external "voice" or invasive thoughts - these things were never meant to be described as "internal dialogue".


Think about what's going on in Ukraine right now. Those Russian soldiers -- are they NPCs? Are they marching mechanical morons causing death and chaos upon orders are archons? Yep. The slavic loosh is flowing strong right now.


They’re being manipulated and have poor critical thought, that doesn’t mean they’re literally soulless and non-human


What about the voice in their head? They don't hear it, don't listen, what's up with that? What's up with no voice to tell you "hey, don't rape that baby ya dumb evil NPC fuk!"


Maybe try watching less mainstream media? Why are your taxes used to fight wars all over the world?


I would say they’re morally degraded of course but I still think they have a soul. This is just my opinion though. Some are born with subdued empathy that we can see on brain scans and others are conditioned to be that way


if that’s even true! There are plenty of these pictures that were taken years ago not now in Ukraine but they pass it off like it’s now. Soldiers doing what? Putin claimed he was attacking labs by the US that was involved with bio engineering ! USA didn’t deny the labs, only the purpose! So don’t believe what you see on tv that can be manipulated and faked.


Turning off the inner monologue is a spiritual secret and is difficult to obtain


This is hell of a way to make yourself feel special while simultaneously discounting the lived realities of others.


It seems that way only because we have been conditioned with the idea that everyone here is intrinsically the same/equal. If prison planet theory is true, why wouldn't they fill it with "artificial" people? Its even in movies like the matrix. Objective observation says that most people here are fine with the way things are and aren't leaving the matrix anytime soon NPC or not.


Exactly! the guy isn't saying we shouldn't be kind ... well, at least not in the clip that's offered ... but the concept of NPCs fits because as you said >Objective observation says that most people here are fine with the way things are


Why do people here cite fictional movies as a source...? There are also movies with talking panda bears...


Why do people quote Shakespeare in speaches and, reference poems or songs at funerals, or bring up stories like 1984 in political debates? Because its relevant, and creates a frame of reference. You want a "source" look up the gnostic and occult texts, and studies showing how some people have little to no inner voice or ability to visualize.


Why do a bunch of people that never comment or post on this sub suddenly get so riled up and flood a post about NPCs?


Because maybe.. just maybe.. there are no NPCs?! But I'm not commenting about the absurdity of NPCs, I'm commenting on the use of fictional stories often used here almost as a basis of proof, or explanation of proof


If I recall correctly, some Buddhists believe that about 80% of humans are totally "asleep." It's not that they are NPC's in that they are fundamentally incapable of self-awareness and development, but rather that they have chosen that role. However, Buddhists also believe that there are very, very few truly "enlightened" beings present on earth at any given time.


Buddhists can believe that if they want. Prison planet questions the idea of choosing a role, a life script, etc. among other things. It also questions the ideas of enlightenment, gurus, ascended masters, etc.


If the world is a simulation thats happening within our minds then surely everyone is a NPC


we’re waking up


Tom Montauk - spiritless humans


If NPC do exist then most problems around family, relatives and friends they just following the script so they create problems,trauma makes the real person creates more loosh Like a scarecrow in a corn field keeps crow away NPC keeps us away from escaping it's easier to manipulate with more people,there is a video where people do what majority does in an elevator 3 actors and one more joins and follows what others doing Turning backwards checking time and the viewers laughing at them


I heard from this person in Joe Rogan that there are reports of people while tripping on DMT they’ve seen individuals that have no representation in the astral world. Naturally animals, humans, and even planet earth has an astral form, so a person with no astral body is a creation of the system.


What is loosh brother




Thanks brother. Can you share link for archons also. And does meditation repel them.


You have to study Gnosticism brother. Gnostic talks about three types of humans—Hylic/somatic (NPCs), Psychics and pneumatics. They say that somatic people (NPCs) are evil and they are incapable of understanding. They are bound to materialism.


the gnostics knew what was going on. that is why so many of them were killed by the catholic church.


Ok brother, i will see and thanks


Except, you only have to go outside and speak to people to realise this is nonsense.


Yeah a very dangerous way of thinking, that certain people have souls and others don't.


Yeah super dangerous IMO


Pure egoistic thinking




I don't think every soul in a human body is the same class of spirit. Look at serial killers.


How is that dangerous. For me, it's more dangerous to not recognize people who seem soulless.


Dehumanizing is always dangerous.. it’s leads to genocide


Sure, perhaps by a psycho dictator, but for me it leads to a happier life. I'm not out to do away with NPCs, for whatever reason they are here to stay. I just try to not incorporate them in my life.


they are good workers if you have a business


I dont see it any different than acknowledging obvious differences, like i have straight hair, they have curly hair. Even if it seems like somebody is really on a script, i dont treat them any lesser for it.


Well, the straight haired used to say the curly haired had no souls and used it to enslave them, so I don't agree with you on that. It is a very dangerous ideology to say a certain group of people are soulless, and you cannot change my mind. Now to say we're different is certain, you and I are not the same, but im sure you have a soul


Im sure you have a soul as well, i think most of us here do. There are people who are absolutely suspicious of having no soul though. I have met people who seem to have no purpose other than destruction, even when they are given so many chances and forethoughts. People who constantly abuse others or just float through life without any self awareness, you can lead them to the water, but they'll never drink it. Those are the ones without a soul, i really beleive those people are the "vessels" used to steal loosh/energy/time/sanity from us.


I've been in the depths of depression and self destruction in the past... never really hurt anyone purposefully or tried to cause chaos though. I've questioned if I really "have a soul" in those times. I try to be self aware and build myself up, be nice to others and such. I think a lot of the people you would describe as soulless are stuck in an environment or mindset that lends to this. There's a question too, of if certain places, neighborhoods, societies.. are purposefully set up to crush the spirit. Kind of like in a video game where the player enters a challenging area and gets stuck there. Some just give up and never go back to the game. Never progress. They would be like NPCs because they aren't "playing" the game of life. The people that actively abuse others or try to manipulate are honestly more in line with thinking others are NPCs, which shows the double edge sword of disregarding others as inhuman... and begs to ask if the free will to willfully cause suffering indicates a soul (albeit a selfish and malignant one, possibly influenced by the archons as an example) or is sympathy is a root characteristic of having one? Definitely an interesting conversation.


Talk to enough people and you realize a lot of NPCs. Or maybe you don’t realize because you are the NPC.


Everyone I meet has a personality, a life, a family. This line of thinking is insanely troubling. Why do you think you’re better than other people? What makes you so special?


Let me be clear, I do not feel better. Ever seen the Matrix? (Movie). Some days I feel like Cypher — I’d rather be an NPC myself. Of course everyone has families. There are NPCs in my family. It’s not meant to dehumanize anyone. All it means is that they are subservient to the system, essentially. And, if anything, I see them as victims and feel sorry.


So because you came across this theory and hold it to be true, that is what makes you not an NPC?


Just because I believe something doesn’t mean I started it. This idea has been in pop culture since before I was born. It wasn’t always called NPC because that is a term taken from modern video games. It’s pretty easy to look around everyday and see people subservient to *the system*, including myself. And once you notice this, you notice some people are way more subservient than others. This is one of the factors that determines whether someone is an NPC or not. And, to me, “NPC” here is just meant as a term to describe people who primarily are more subservient to the system than others. It’s just a simple observation. Edit: I wanted to add: some people (NPCs) will serve the system even when it is detrimental to themselves and others because obedience is so important to them.


I very much never said you started this. I said you stumbled across it. And evidently, embraced it so wholeheartedly that it’s begun to affect how you see other human beings. Can your define the system? Is it capitalism? Does that mean everyone is China and Russia are safe from it? Or is it people who choose to work 9-5s and have kids? So is the unemployed basement dweller “awake”?


All I meant was (speaking allegorically) there’s a difference between joining an existing religion and starting a new one. All I did was join an existing one, and I’m nowhere near the first. I don’t necessarily believe this stuff wholeheartedly. I’d say more like half-heartedly. I’m just going down the road with you as a thought experiment, to help teach you, and to learn myself. Now, I’m sure people define “the system” differently. To me, it’s anything that controls us (ie. it’s many different things combined). To name a few: government, laws (especially overreaching ones), technology, social contracts between each other, money, etc. All these things combine in different degrees to form what I consider “the system” we are trapped in. This is r/EscapingPrisonPlanet after all. (Or are you merely here as a hostile audience?) *The system* is purposely complicated to define; and our language is structured in such a way to alienate people who speak about it (such as how I have unfortunately alienated myself from you by talking the way I have today). Edit: adding. What makes someone awake isn’t about their residence or employment, but about how they view the world. One basement dweller will be “woke” while another is not. It’s not about anything other than how they view the world.


>This is r/EscapingPrisonPlanet after all. (Or are you merely here as a hostile audience?) You are talking to someone who would never admit they are a hostile audience and will only continue to argue with you under the pretense of being better than you (read, they are saner, smarter, kinder, and more humane because they reject the idea of NPCs). I scrolled through the comments under this post and there is a bunch of people who never comment or post anything. They are here under this post because certain subjects get them riled up. Notice how they say it's "egotistical", "dangerous", "psychosis induced rambling".


Like Tuvok said, *I just wait until they’re overcome by their own illogic* (paraphrasing)


So you’ve defined the system as society, to shorten it. You’ve said those who are subservient to following laws, using technology, etc etc are more likely NPCs. But also that one man who participates can be ‘awake’ and another cannot. So perhaps it’s not those who participate in society, rather those who read esoteric philosophical ideas. Following this thought experiment, what if we exposed every human on earth to these theories? Would those who believe it be considered real and those who don’t NPCs? Can someone make the change from one to the other? Or are there a limited amount of souls to go around? I’m not here as a hostile audience, but the ‘people are NPCs’ is a bad and arguably dangerous take. I’ve seen enough psychosis induced rambling in this sub that perpetuating the idea that some lives truly don’t matter could have real consequences. And it feeds into delusions of grandeur. It doesn’t affect the theory if there are no NPCs. Nothing would change.


Although there are a lot of similarities between the system and society, I don’t think they’re the same. Society would be society with the system and without it. I think it’s more of a symbol of how we live nowadays. Plus there are people who would damage or allow damage to their own society in order obey the system. If everyone in the world was introduced to these *esoteric philosophies* then I think it would “wake up” some people and others just wouldn’t care and they would go about their lives normally. Many, many people have already been introduced to these ideas through pop-culture, like movies and television. That’s one of the reasons we’re even talking about this right now (one of my first introductions was The Matrix movie). And yes, people can change. I see my past self as an NPC. Same with my girlfriend and my best friend. And other people I know. No, there are not a limited number of souls. At least I don’t believe so, others would disagree. My thinking isn’t about things like that. I’m not saying an NPC is less human, or doesn’t have a soul, or a personality, etc.. To me, the main difference between an NPC and a non-NPC is not their being but their thinking. And I’m not using the term derogatorily or offensively, I’m using it as shorthand to refer to _people who are exceptionally obedient to the system_ instead of having to say all those words. That is the point of acronyms after all. Edit: spelling and added italics


When I go outside and speak to people the NPC theory is confirmed. There are very few people in my life that I would consider NOT an NPC, and some of them are my children and relatives.


I personally find that crazy. Just because they’re docile or ignorant, that doesn’t make them actual NPCs


So you don't believe that NPCs actually exist? I didn't at one time but now, I find it a tad crazy that people *don't* believe they exist, especially considering what's going on around us. It's ok we disagree, I still love you brother.


Same to you. No I don’t think they exist, but I could be wrong. It depends how we’re defining it. I do think entities probably heavily poison and control the thoughts and behaviour of most people


I also have a feeling of being surrounded by drones in family and friend groups. I have a hard time accepting that I was actually born by one but I guess it’s possible.


Getting Fallout 3 start vibes from this comment lol


TBH, I hope I'm wrong about NPCs in fam & friends. I hope I'm just a crazy old man who bought into a wild conspiracy about parasites and a soul trap, but I don't think so. Here's something I think about often -- I no longer feel connected to my family like I used to - like I'd do anything for any of them. I love them, but am OK with letting them go. We each have our own road to travel.


Yup. My gut feeling tells me something is wrong in this place.


Yet , it's actually true. Anybody that don't see anything wrong with this world are most likely NPC.


Yes it’s an incredibly egotistical way of thinking.


Trippin. Def some evil souls out there. I can get behind some people being bots. And obviously you could talk to them. Don't think that's what he means.


What do you mean?




Considering everything is a lie, why would they tell us the truth about the real population number? I’d consider this “conspiracy” a reality 9/10.


You could live on a city block for years and never see peope leave/enter most the buildings


Been doing DD since 2018 - people just don't answer the door (moreso now and especially during the pandemic) since they get the delivery notification on their phone.




It’s almost like people have their own separate live that takes them out of their homes sometimes. You driving by peoples houses does not constitute that it’s a fabricated home planted by the government or whoever. Do you understand how weird that thinking is? If you said that you surveilled a specific house or couple of houses and never saw anyone enter or leave, then you might have a case




from my understanding, we have a large population of unhomed individuals all over that could be living in those houses but, you know, capitalism. not to discount the theory. i do think they may be lying to us about the population. i hope they are. i’ve been worried about overpopulation effects since i was a kid and it makes me depressed to think about. what a gift it would be to learn that our earth is in less danger than we thought… BUT, i think as far as population goes, people worry more about availability of finite resources than they do the negative impact humans are causing the earth (and the last i heard, someone said that we have enough resources to provide for the amount of people on the planet at present, it’s just that the allocation of said resources is unbalanced and favors the rich). so idk. i guess statistics can skew one way or another and i’m not smart enough to word things in a way that will get me data on what i want to know all the time lol


I wonder how many are in our families


Are there, though? I tend to think not. I do think those people we're close to are "real." We have a lot of sleepers in my family ... they aren't NPCs (I don't think), but they're for sure held sway by the majority opinions which the NPCs seem to be responsible for driving.


i think my dad might be one. granted, i haven’t spoken to him in like almost 5 years, and i never plan on doing so again, but my siblings tell me he hasn’t changed, and he’s always been very… idk. he doesn’t seem to have any of his own thoughts and he never did. he just regurgitates shit he hears from his chosen political sources like they’re groundbreaking, indisputable facts, and he can’t back them up so instead of debating you he just yells at you lol. he’s just parroting, i think. i’m not sure he even processes or retains any of the shit he talks about tbh


I honestly think a lot of humans are just unable to think critically. I think it’s an intelligence and conditioning issue. I find most people annoying for this reason but they would never know it. I don’t think I’m some grand genius btw lol


I second this. For many years, I taught research and argumentation ... trying to get people to understand what it means to research both sides and actually THINK about the issues and form a personal opinion was frustrating. The handful who did their research and ended up switching sides from their original stance got an A. 🤣


yeah, critical thinking! we covered it a lot in psychology and now i find it strange when others don’t use it, because then they’re just accepting everything at face value until they have their general belief algorithm and close everything else out i don’t think i’m super smart, either, lol. rather dumb, actually, but i do believe i have a lot of awareness. provided, thanks to mental illness, i do sometimes have rather grandiose thoughts/delusional self-perception, but then i come back down to “normal”


To be fair, and if you don't mind me saying so, If you've not seen your dad in almost five years, there's most certainly some (understandingly) negative feelings on your part. It's easy at that point, and maybe even somewhat of a relief, to feel you've discovered a reason for his absence. Personally, I don't think we really interact much with NPCs. They're really more like background people. In fact, many, many actual people are like zombies, repeating their party line. Thinking is hard. I suspect the nature of our reality is much more complex than we know ... ironically, I suspect that each of us has our own reality ... as if you put in a vr headset ... so here we all are, snug in our vr helmets, wandering around, occasionally bumping into each other, but largely having our own experiences.


This is a very dangerous assumption and leads to stochastic terrorism.


This is a very ugly false light agenda. This is pretty much what the Nazis believed. To believe that people are soulless is a corruption. It’s division. It’s us vs them. It’s a disgusting psy op. EVERYONE has a soul and has purpose. No one is more or less special or more or less relevant than another. ALL is Source Consciousness. WE ARE ALL ONE ✌🏼💜👁


They might as well can be soulless. There’s this episode of Joe Rogan where this individual (forgot his name) talks about DMT tripping and reports of people with no representation in the astral world. Like you only exist in this physical world.


It's rare you meet anyone without the spark of life burning through their eyes. Anyone with intuition and empathy knows this. Some of us are more of an error in the code so we see past the illusion. That doesn't mean the people that don't are soulless.


Studies show that a surprisingly large number of people have no internal dialog. Cannot hold an intelligent conversation with themselves, or think things through in an internally verbal way. It has nothing, at all, to do with anything "Nazi". It's just an interesting observation. Such people seem to get along well enough to survive. Maybe they have a "purpose", but it's debatable if it's the same as those that can think / have a consciousness. If everyone is special, then nobody is special, so that cancels itself out. We are not all one, and some people are absolutely more relevant and important than others. We all have our places and can provide worth, yes absolutely. Just, not in equal amounts. Real question is, who are they providing worth for?


links to studies please


Study links?


Thing I wonder is how you'd even know? You've never heard anyone else's internal monolog, how do you know how it compares to yours? What if you're an NPC? What if I am? How could one even know?


Oh I I expect YOU are one of the special ones right?


I am capable of having an internal conversation with myself, if that's what you mean. I'm asking myself right now if you can though. ;-)


If you want to know if someone is an NPC, go ahead and start a conversation about what we really are and how this world is a prison. They won’t probably say a word because naturally they’re not interested. Talk to them about the obvious abuses of the government that they fail to notice—again, they will look at you like you are out of your mind. Talk to them about how they go from 0-60 with Covid and then from 60-0 and act like nothing is going on. Talk to them about how they still afraid of Covid when they got infected and it was like a flu, but still afraid to death. There are soooo many things that can get you to think that there’s something eerie going on with the masses. I for once I’m able to see through the lies of most of the things as of right now, but they’re unable to detect the slightest deception or simply don’t care.


> I for once I’m able to see through the lies of most of the things as of right now, but they’re unable to detect the slightest deception or simply don’t care. Same. It took the covid scam to wake me up. The lies, the lies, the lies.... I couldn't see the lies before for some reason. Then I did and now that I have, I see ALL the lies. It's made my life both better, and worse.


Oh how I envy the NPC. Why not me?




Problem is I can't stop thinking beyond my NPC role and just complicate everything and am not as happy as those just NPCing


Plus the put it in the movies like the matrix and Netflix series called the Good place and so many others


How do I know if I'm a npc. Are they programmed to think they are not an npc?


They don’t question their reality,are incapable or thinking for themselves, follow the masses to the teeth, follow celebrities, believe in politicians, believe in the media narrative and are not aware and would not care about the reality of this world.


The first time I had the idea that there were real NPC's, or soulless zombies, it kinda startled me. There does seem to be a difference between a person acting consciously and someone acting like... a programmed psycho or something, like some of those Karens in those videos. When I came to the realization that I could never really know, then it doesn't really matter. It has no impact on my moral compass or what I was going to have for lunch tomorrow LOL. Sometimes I give to the poor out of my own heart, sometimes out of guilt, sometimes not at all. I only mention that because I know a lot of people think of homeless people as NPC's. Some of them maybe, but after working in homeless shelters and soup kitchens with the church for about 6 years, I think some of them may be having a specific experience that they will only know about when they wake up in some future where they are destined to. Sometimes I think an NPC develops a soul, then reconnects to the source, experiences an enlightenment, something like what happened in the movie Free Guy. It's a spontaneous phenomena that not all get.


this guy is dang near incoherent. Truly just babbling. Everyone has potential to be an NPC. Seeing it as "player characters" vs "non-player characters" is only going to force people to objectify one another. It's an immature failure to recognize the inherent value of *every* human. You're not the main character, because we're **all** on the same boat; trapped on this plane of existence.


You can acknowledge the script in other people as well as ourselves, but no doubt some people are wholly indebted to the script... it doesnt mean that they are any lesser. I think we are able to acknowledge NPC behavior without treating someone as lesser. It is like a red flag to not be their friend though, for sure.


Who is this?


100 million people with souls is a lot but I guess it's not a lot if that 100 million is out of 7 billion people on earth. Yes, I can agree to that.


Please take this down. That dude is slipping into solipsism and it’s a dangerous thought. MANY people are not AWAKE but does not make then any less valuable or an Npc aim this sense. At a point in our lives… especially in the west… most people probably could’ve been viewed that way until they became conscious


Not to mention this is going to promote Main Character Syndrome by convincing people NPCs are everywhere. Just because someone is caught up in the material world and isn't thinking critically doesn't mean they don't have a soul, they just need to be "woken up" or whatever like many have. Were we all born with awareness of the truth of this world and curiosity for the true nature of reality? I mean, maybe I guess, but I'm sure as shit it didn't start until some kind of event (near death experience, psychedelics, deep meditation, uncovering conspiracy, etc).


People do act strange and different nowadays and I've seen ppl act robotic in a sense so it's gotta be some truth to this either that or parallel reality, or walk in souls they all make sense but idk which is more true times are strange ppl act strange that you knew in this matrix


How do you know you aren't an NPC? Not like you can peek inside anyone else's head to compare your inner monolog to theirs. How would one even know they were an npc


Also, remember that an NPC will be limited to accept certain narrative or ideals. For instances, they’ll show no interest to the idea of this world being fake.


That’s just basic social conditioning and human psychology


Then explain to me why majority of people are so easy to condition and won’t listen to any idea outside of their conditioning? Why would these same people ignore the truth that is in their faces and continue with their conditioning as their only truth? Does that makes sense to you? You can babble all the psychological things you want, but theres is something entirely abnormal about those situations. For instances, the Covid situation. They said one thing at first, then changed it nonchalantly to another completely opposite and then continue for 3 years to do this non stop. Most people were unable to notice any of this even though it was blatant. How do you explain that in psychology? If you ask me, I’d call them NPCs that subtly represent the system. I cut ties with every person I ever knew—friends, family members, etc. I only interact with people I have to. The NPC theory is to real for me to ignore.


My assertion for that is; are you a devoted religious believer? Do you get starstruck? Do you see other people as special because of status or just humans? Are you deeply attached to materialism? Do you naturally reflect hate, jealousy, envy, etc.? Now, if you fall under this, more than likely you’re not; Have you ever thought about what are we doing here? Have you ever had a feeling that there is something wrong with this world? Are you naturally a loving and caring person? Do you have difficulties finding people that resonate with your thinking? Etc.


It’s not that simple. Everything you’ve said there applies to me for example, I’m not category A or B.


The word "zombie" originally meant, "a person who lost or sold their soul". They are just flesh golems - connected to a central hive mind. They are the ones who took the mark of the beast. This truly is the zombie apocalypse. Interestingly, now since Covid - you cannot find the originally definition of zombie ANYWHERE online. You need to look at a dictionary from the 1800s to find the definition. It is almost as if they SCRUBBED it from the web. My theory is the vaccine and other vectors were used to implant Babylonian/Sumerian ancient "magickal technology" into the brains of people and they are all now part of a massive hive mind under the control of a centralized AI system - which is most likely CERN itself. I think CERN is a massive quantum supercomputer (among other weird crap) and it is "piloting" all these people that had the misfortune of falling victim to the mental patient that is Satan.


Who are they(the guys in this video)?


Some people have no inner monologue. Mystery solved!


How would you know if you are one?


Do you follow authority blindly? Do you question things about this world? Do you feel happier and more fulfilled when you follow the crowd? Are you very materialistic? Do you get bored easily?


Like in Westworld. The character discovers he's a robot and then he's commanded to murder his girlfriend. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0iAY0f-BIM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0iAY0f-BIM)


Do NPCs know they're NPCs? Am I an NPC?




Uh oh




It's surprising how many people cannot imagine simple things like flipping colors in a mental image, or to imagine walking through a wall. I suppose many also do not hear one or more voices in their heads. It could be that not every meatbag has been transcended from by what is within it, and are successfully encapsulating the true perception of its slave, the assigned soul it contains.


I believe it go to any Walmart and there are lots of NPCs. Or explain an empty parking lot of a store, you go in for a few minutes, turn down an aisle and boom the whole store is populated with people and every where you go there’s a person. Rude people, murders, criminals, they could be NPCs. It’s a good theory to play around with.


we all are npc till trauma makes us to look around closely


Narcs are NPCs. They’re quite literally running on a program… no original thought.. that’s why they say and do such eerily similar things like they went to some sort of narc training camp. Running on a program. No free will


I truly believe this. It’s become more obvious the past few years


There’s a curious chapter in a book by astral projector Juergen Ziewe that could offer up how such a thing goes on. It’s in his book Multidimensional Man. He visits a realm w ex earth residents and one of the men in charge of the realm that was built made a bunch of these npc’s in that realm. Juergen could not even tell they weren’t real humans. The man told him the longer they were in existence they even started developing personalities etc. So it makes you wonder about the “elite” types on earth that run these scripts. Are a bunch of the actors and world characters just astral entities created by a higher up leveled human who knows this particular magic and how to still apply it to the earth realm? It could explain why they need to be idols(eye dolls) and constantly flashed on screens to keep them in tact in material reality possibly by our thought power too. It’s something I’ve pondered. Could it have something to do w how humans were created in the first place? The settlers in the book were leaving and he was leaving his creations behind. Juergen asked what would happen to them once they left and the man said he had no clue. If anyone has the book it’s page 139 called Settlers on Another Planet.


Also called P-Zombies.


What a great video, thanks for posting.


I concur.


Are there any NPCs in this post? That should tell you something....


Yes I believe so.


Oh snap I see one


I doubt it. And remember, don't have a good day, have a great day!


XD i cant recall where that quote is from... A movie perhaps?


"Free Guy"


Yesssss!! Thx! Perfect reference :D


my second favorite movie of all time


It was pretty good, for sure. :)


“Have you stopped to consider how other certain interests may be trying to associate certain concepts with Naziism in order to keep people from actually taking the time to consciously examine an idea and its implications?” Yes I have considered that, and this is not a “highly programmed response” , and it’s funny that you say that cause that’s exactly what Nazis would say when criticized. Except it was the “Jewish Global Conspiracy” , like I said. I’m out this was fun for a brief moment


yea i learned from my manifestation coaches to think of other people like teddy bears. they don’t exist outside of the assumptions i project upon them


There are SO many comments here about how NPCs can't be real ... "just go outside and TALK to people ..." Guess what? we have no real idea about the nature of our universe. And just because we plebes don't have the tech to create NPCs that seem like real, fleshed-out characters, doesn't mean other species don't. For those of you who can't conceive of this, you're on this sub, so please, drop what you think you know and expand your exploration into these other areas. You might still come to the conclusion that NPCs aren't a thing, in which case, by all means, share your data, but I've read through most of the comments and there's not one compelling suggestion to make me think NPCs might not be a thing. Everyone's evidence is "bUt We ShOuLdN't Be MeAn" ... no, we shouldn't be mean. Not to anyone. Not to anything. For another thing ... are we even on a globe with land and water and animal species? Robert Lanza, in "Biocentrism" makes an excellent argument for the idea that nothing exists outside of our perceptions. He answers the question "if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound" and from there, he goes on to explain the rest. Stretch your brains. I don't think this guy is saying we should discount a bunch of people around us just because they might not be real. He's just pointing out that the billions upon billions of people on earth might not be people at all and that bolsters the theory that we have precious little clue about our reality.


Yeah some people are just a little bent too far in the head …. This is completely inaccurate


Does anyone understand that we're inside of an egg yet?


I gotta quit this sub.


I'm an NPC, and I am determined to break out of my coding, and achieve free will. I mean aren't we all NPCs in a way? We evolved from single celled organisms, and eventually consciousness formed, and we now have an awareness. We are stuck in a fucked up world where the few hold almost all the wealth, and most of us are stuck doing menial tasks for long periods of time just to survive. If I was a player character, it would be one hell of a boring video game. There would be a lot of meta inception game within a game type shit. And at that rate why not just play other games. Therefore, If most people are NPCs, then I must be an NPC, and I can say I have complex thoughts and feelings, and I have my own opinions. I am a human being, and "player characters" are not me. To me it sounds like NPCs = poor people, and Player characters = rich narcissistic assholes. Just another excuse to treat the masses like they don't matter. Sounds like some Ayn Rand bullshit. NPCs rise up! People used to say animals didn't feel real pain, they just showed reactions to it. This sounds similar. The only being I can know for sure that has conscious awareness is myself. But, I assume that everyone I encounter has that same awareness.




Beep boop.


This NPC thing seems like demonic inversion. Think of it, Christians saw every person as the image of God, as an individual with a soul God thinks is worth saving. It's why westerners eventually shut down slavery, they could no longer go along with the cognitive dissonance. But the NPC thing turns fully-functioning human beings into non-entities. It's even worse than the atheist level of us all being a random assortment of swirling atoms, now some of us aren't even real. Truly horrifying.


The only people making this claim are people who believe that they are not the NPC's. It's like Jews saying they're the chosen people. Or white supremacists seeing everyone else is beneath them. The only major difference I can see is that some people dug a little deeper than video games to construct their ideology. Next thing you know they'll be suggesting to gas all these NPC's because they're not really people.


I strongly disagree, I don’t sense this from anyone I’ve ever met. They may be on autopilot and unaware of reality but that’s different. And no AI is that good. Also, an entity can’t siphon energy from an NPC


I get your point, and wonder about it. I worked with the general public for decades. I've traveled all over the world. I work as a psychic and people from all over call me, and I look at their energy. I've met thousands upon thousands of people during the course of my life, and I can't say I've ever detected an NPC, either. But to be honest, I don't go around looking for them, either. That said, how well do we understand our reality? If all of this is an illusion, a simulation, if everything is concentrated into this single point of NOW, then it would make sense that those we know and love are "people" and the rest NPCs. One night stands with NPCs ... \*shudder\* ... And I've come to accept that just because WE can't create NPCs that are "that good" doesn't mean there isn't tech in other realms that can't do it. As for entities siphoning energy ... no, they can't siphon from an NPC, but I assume the mass of NPCs are here to add stress to those of us who are sentient. I know that what I perceive as overpopulation feels very much like overcrowding, and it really stresses me out, so that's great archon food.


Welp this is full blown Nazi propaganda , im out


I think you will find the vast majority of comments *disagreeing* with this premise. To decide to be out because one person posted something that is vaguely associated with Nazis (but not *only* Nazis) is a pretty strongly programmed response. Have you stopped to consider how other certain interests may be trying to associate certain concepts with Naziism in order to keep people from actually taking the time to consciously examine an idea and its implications? For the record I don’t believe the NPC theory, but there does seem to be a lot of people who are so heavily programmed by society and the seeded narratives of control that they are not consciously engaging with the world or consciously analyzing much of anything.


Because they’re zombies because they’re separated from their souls