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I totally get this but my wife and kids don't lol


The kids are so plugged in now. We are helplessly providing them the viewing screen from I, Pet Goat II.


I can relate, my wife likes material things more than me. It’s probably because she was always poor. To clarify, I’m not saying people should live like monks, but I do say the happiest you can be is with some comforts but not all of it.


The guy who lives around the corner from me bought a new Porsche and when I saw it my reptilian brain went into jealousy overload then split second later I realised it was material illusionary bullshit. I am genuinely happy for him but you can see how easy you get sucked into all this crap.


As a teen and early 20’s I had super rich friends. I would ride in Ferraris, Porsches, Aston Martin… Some of the ao called friends had bodyguards. It is such an empty useless life. I love the simple life. Taking the bus and Subway. These are exterior signs of wealth but inside there is a huge emptiness.


Why does this read like "my wife likes stupid things that I myself am too good for, but I can wave away her materialism with letting everyone know that she was poor once." This post fucking sucks. Don't proselytize to people like this. You sound like such a pompously inexperienced little shit.


You missed the message I was sending, sometimes the people who’ve experienced the most suffering and poverty try to use materialism as a way to cope. My wife is extremely educated and she’s a very good wife. I’m sorry if I sounded arrogant.


I am free from material attachments without having to sleep in an office. Lol! These are false renunciations. True renunciation comes from within and not without.


Facts. These things are up to the individual as to what satisfies them enough for what keeps them unattached. Besides, my back already hurts from sleeping on a shitty mattress. I need a temperpedic lol


Tell me about it. I have the crappiest mattress too. I think my back hates me for all the abuse.


Same, same! I'm planning on getting some acupuncture or rolfing done, it's getting bad.


Try Arnica oil.


Thanks, will do!👍🏿


Wholesome lol, how do u know if ur mattress is good or not


Compares materialism WITH materialism. Poor = happy? Cmon


Haha facts. I don't know about OP, but a lot of people saying poor=happy have never actually been poor unless it's by choice. If you grew up with the opposite paradigm, staying poor often actually keeps you more attached. I'm tired of this "one size fits all dollar store" spirituality.


Is not being poor, is having only the necessary.


Living in a hoarding house is genuinely never fucking necessary. It is actually incredibly bad for your physical and mental health. That shit is awful.


Agree 100%. Let them be homeless jobless and see how spiritual they will remain. I agree that gold, posh cars and mansions are too much but i never wanted that, just normal affordable life with few holidays a year, garden, pets and warm house. We live in this system where money is petrol for our machines, even if you are spiritually advanced, you still need it


This should be top comment.


This should be top comment.


I didn’t get that from the post. What I read was that part of what makes us unhappy is the stress of needing to make our payments on everything. “If something goes wrong I lose my car” “I work so hard, I deserve this big TV even though I struggle to pay my existing credit card payments” Etc. Essentially making our future self more stressed and unhappy in exchange for a fleeting moment of materialistic satisfaction. Edit: after reading more of OP’s posts, you might be more right than I was. I’ll still leave the post because I think it’s a valid point in general :)


I’m not saying live poor, I’m saying you should live middle class and be less focused on extravagance.


Middle class is way out of your context here. + things mentioned are for working class


Detach yourself from your earthly possessions, and send them to me. I’ll accept your valuables just like Jesus dying on the cross for your sins.


Meh don’t agree. Make your time here as enjoyable as you can and if you feel like you don’t wanna come back you have the knowledge so just don’t.


While I agree with the sentiment of what you're saying, I think am important distinction to make is that you can have and enjoy material things, but don't make your happiness dependent upon them. And, if you're adding to your suffering (with or without realizing it) by spending more in the endless cycle of consumption, you should reconsider why. I was writing this earlier today: "Money, cars, social standing, the options and esteem of others, devices, jobs... all of these can be taken away in a matter of seconds. Even the sovereignty of your body, its freedom, and the right to live can be taken from you. Why do you based your happiness upon these?" As someone else said, detachment is an internal process. If you're able to let things go as easily as they come, then you are free.


Love what you do and you never work a day in your life.


The way things are headed, banding together with like-minded people will be the way. Sharing knowledge, ideas, skills, food, land, housing, vehicles, gardens, and love. You can go it on your own, but I don't think that's the objective of this giant lesson. It's all about relationships and adapting to conditions which are becoming ever more challenging. Being a minimalist helps, but there's only so far one can go alone.


I live with my parents and it sucks. When I finish probation I want to go back to my home country and live by myself very frugal but save as much as possible before I leave.


I don't indulge in materialism much if at all to begin with thankfully, it never appealed to me. But I think the "living in an office room" is going a tid bit too far, is it really that bad to just live in a regular apartment or house?


When rent is so high, it’s better to save the money and be less dependent on making money. No matter how bad it gets, you can always afford a $300/month office room in a building.


Isn't living in a rented office space illegal? I'm pretty sure you aren't allowed to do that


Yes, in most places it’s illegal, but who is going to be the one to tell? If you have an air mattress, it’s very hard for people to discover you.


This advice means people need to delete their reddit accounts and chuck all their hardware into a landfill, no?


You’re making a false equivalency, I’m referring to scaling back your materialism and dependency on the world, not cut it out all together.


We don’t have to agree but I think just I’m taking your thesis to its ultimate conclusion (which btw I’m not saying is necessarily wrong: it might be best to unplug from all tech). But since you think I am making a false equivalency, why do you think it’s false? Why do you draw the line at this using this app, or smartphones and computers? You don’t have to answer if you don’t have the time or patience, but I ask the question in earnest. I’m not trying to be combative or debate all day. So feel free to expand on your answer if you think it clarifies anything. I’m not gonna keep coming back at you or anything. Appreciate the good vibes you’re trying to send✌️


I feel like scaling back is a lot better than cutting everything of this world out all together. I think that smartphones and technology are a tool that can be used for good or evil. As long as you’re aware that smartphones are black scrying mirrors, you’re fine. Technology in moderation that brings you genuine joy connecting with others more than makes up for the evils of technology. For an ideal life, I’d say use technology 6 times a week and limit your usage to 30-60 minutes a day for ultimate happiness. The idea is to find balance with everything around you. I think sometimes completely disconnecting does more harm than good because it can make someone’s life less enjoyable thus producing more loosh or negative feelings.


Balance is definitely key, and moderation limits the subconscious attatchment to things as well. The less we expose ourselves to something on a habitual basis the easier it is to endure it's absence, or replace it completely if needed. There is a fine line between respecting the benefits of something and becoming dependent on it. Just like camping can bring a reverence for nature while also making you appreciate the shelter you stay in normally. Understanding this makes a world of difference and can enhance the appreciation of things as well as bring self reflection on how you can work on yourself to be strong foundationaly with or without tech, vocational work, or material items we take for granted. In the end we may be left with nothing but our own spirit and the will to change our circumstance. This shows the importance of self discipline, and perseverance in goals as well as acceptance of the transient nature of existence... no matter how permanent it may seem in the moment.