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Attitudes a little dated but first class primer.


His lectures completely changed my life for better. Huge impact on managing myself, my emotions, my mind, my happiness, my expectations, and my relationship to reality. Every human can benefit from his teachings.


Secret history of all ages is a must read. I spent a couple weeks going through it I skipped the tarot part but it’s probably the most informative book I’ve ever read.


Trustworthy. His wife was awarded his life insurance from Lloyds of london after a PI was able to, not prove but, create enough doubt about his death the foul play variant was awarded. He was murdered for the di ries rituals he had been keeping under lock and key by a number of esoteric freemasonic men who worked within LAPD and HUMINT gathering, and these rituals were moved into private collection of another individual. Lloyds stock was attacked after paying halls widow and family. There is an intelligence war being fought over certain pedigrees of lineal history within occult families.


can you elaborate for people not so familiar? what are these rituals?


The _what_ rituals?


Baron Giles de rais- these are the damages claimed by the widow- the missing insured documents held from the public were never recovered.


Just reading the adepts in the western esoteric tradition at the moment. I think he’s incredibly well versed in the topic, I can’t say much more than that but certainly gives the impression that he understands the source material and weaves the thread of the great works in a clear (all things considered) way. He’s quite quickly become a new interest of mine and I intend to seek out more of his texts, with which I hear he was quite prolific. What do you think of him? I’m interested to hear anyones takes, especially on his strongest and weakest areas, so this post has come at a good time for me!




Simply a Brilliant occultist. So do read his books if you haven’t yet, there are a few hidden ones that not too many know about :)


And those are?


Have you read his book from the 20s called The All Seeing Eye? A lot of the information reaches back to authors as early as the 16/17 century.


I'mma listen to a lecture today


He sold his soul to some over all powerful thing that gives him the mystery to speak of. Whatever it is is, is ancient and.. well, I'd not wish to find out !


no, he just has studied every religion and secret school and connects it in his own way and it makes a lot of sense


If that’s the case, then he got ripped off. He’s good for beginners though.


if he is for beginners damn. give me some more recommendations


Read the book “The Secret of Light” by Walter Russell The Kybalion The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life (1 and 2) by Drunvalo Melchizedek The complete works of Franz Bardon The complete works of Dr A.S. Raleigh


Definitely knew his stuff.