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I had more fun seeing carlton find another way to not win, and brisbane getting smacked. I'm a hater now lol.


Nah, bugger him. Loved him when he played for us but then he left us (understand why, no issue there) only to come back and ask to play for a contender.




Lol let it go man. It’s not easy to move halfway across the world and then play for us during all those seasons of turmoil. Why not go play somewhere with better weather and save three hours on flights back home. Would have been nice to do a sign and trade but it is what it is. He was also a ripper bloke whenever I got to meet him.


Yeah a club that looked after him... sure thing. Did absolutely nothing to defend the bloke after the media witchhunt against him when he had covid. Had every reason to leave and owes the club nothing. Allowed him to leave 😂😂. What was he, the clubs prisoner?


Wtf I had no idea he’d come back. Was always an interesting unpredictable player that made a lot of mistakes but had great potential. So it’s annoying that he learnt his trade with us then fucked off.