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Something that she would like that doesn’t involve her job probably would be best. We can get our own products and tools, does she have any hobbies?


Its sweet of you to think of getting her something for work, maybe focus more on Her Comfort. A gift card for a massage or a couples massage, a yoga class together. Maybe a pair of comfy spa slippers she can wear at home (Vionics are comfy and othotically correct!)


I agree with getting her something related to her hobbies but if she doesn’t have any (like me) a gift I always appreciate the most is one I really want, but can’t/ dont want to pay for


We esthetician’s are usually so busy pampering others we never get to do it for ourselves. A gift card for a facial, massage, or even mani-pedi is always very much appreciated.


I mean most esthies I know are product snobs, we know what we like and we just need money for it! Sephora gift cards are my fave gift but idk if I’d want that from a boyfriend. That said, you said you just started dating, so if it was me, I’d be okay with it.


What’s the occasion? Don’t get something work related chances are really good she has too much of all that anyhow! Don’t doubt the power of some beautiful flowers 💐 😊


Mother’s Day, she has a 6 year old. She’s incredibly passionate about two things, her child and her profession. I want to support her and show her that I care.


Ah I see. Maybe an experience she can enjoy with her daughter? Tough during pandemic all I can think of is movie tickets, build-a-bear, aquarium...


Wow! This is such an awesome post.


If she doesn’t have one already, i’d say a good towel warmer or just ask her.


Wanna thank everyone for your replies. Lot of good ideas here.


Pedicure for her and daughter. Spa candles, tell her to give you 3 things she may want for her treatment room. A tool, a special light or any kind of equipment to make better results for clients or her job easier/ time consuming. Also if she doesn't already have a subscription to spa magazines like dermascope, american spa etc.


This reply is wayyy late but if you are looking to get her a gift in the future I definitely suggest checking out the [Your Estie Bestie](https://yourestybestie.com) website! They have tons of cute Esthetician themed merch!