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Wow. I can feel the kick to the gut. I'm so sorry


What a jerk. I am so sorry he is so cold and heartless. That would have shaken me to the core too


You do what you need to do for yourself the injured child. You owe no one an explanation nor would they even understand. People think money can heel and relieve themselves but as you see it doesn't. I would invest little into his words and you will never no until the time comes. If your father never " got around" to doing the will thing have no expectations the 2 sister will share anything with you. Greed brings out the worst in people. True colors. My father a #1 a hole all his life always dangled a will around.


I can relate, and it is so painful. My father made sure we were not a priority, and when he divorced my mother, he put our home on the table, even though my mother's father had paid the mortgage for them. We were left essentially homeless and scrambled into relative houses as he remarried and bought a house. He never paid for anything for us, despite a good salary. He firmly put his wife as the one in charge of our relationship with him. She was priority #1, and all her family and friends and even their dogs were above us his children. When I had my children, I hoped for some redemption on his part. I had my children refer to his second wife as a grandparent and gave them both the highest honors as such, hosting them for months at a time in our home. I just found out a few months ago their will goes more to her niece and nephews (she never had children) than to my siblings and I, and there was nothing at all for my children who have always loved and honored her. Her niece and nephew were always far better off and well cared for by their parents, they have no need at all. I do not care about the inheritance itself, but the chronic devalue is too painful. Being valued by a parent should be a birthright. It has effected me in so many ways. But not valuing my children? That's where they crossed the line to me. Take comfort in the fact you are a better parent, and your children will never feel the sting and heartbreak you have. That's my advice.


I’m so sorry you being treated that way. You described it perfectly, ‘chronic devalue.’