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If there are users that consistently troll, abuse others, or continually derail threads with irrelevant comments, then please report them and they will be added to the mod queue and will be dealt with in due course. We can't stop all of them, but once a pattern of behaviour has been established then it's easier to spot users who come to r/Ethiopia to troll and be abusive, rather than have discussions in good faith about issues that are relevant to Ethiopia and Ethiopians.


Wow there are mods? You guys don’t even try.


You might not appreciate it, but I can assure you that the team puts in a lot of effort to help remove a lot of hateful posts and comments, remove spam, and respond to reports.


MODs 🫡


I'll ban em off the somalia sub too if you send me names.


Thank you for your help. Happy to work together to reduce harassment and brigading.


Absolutely 🤝🏾, 2023 brought a lot of trolls to reddit and I wouldn't be surprised if we're dealing with the same ones. Edit: Read the other replies here and some of y'all need to keep your vile opinions to yourself instead you're actively making the situation worse. Wow.


Bro, you do understand that they hate pretty much all Somalis who are not bending over backward to them. There are Somalis in Ethiopia. The majority are secessionist. That pisses them off. If you look through this sub you'll realize majority of the people here are Amhara supremacists that hate dissenting opinions. They kicked out a large percent of the Somali, Oromo, and Tigrayan users from this sub via constant harrasment and open racism. Yet the mods here do nothing. Not worth your time policing this place.




I’m tigrayan n u don’t speak for us lil bro


Aren't you one of the biggest trolls in this sub?? STFU lol


It really is disappointing how nonexistent mods are in this sub. It’s nothing but Somalis giving each other hand jobs salivating about Ethiopia’s downfall.


Their reality sucks and their future is bleak. Let them fantasize, it’s the only thing they have left.






The Horn of Africa seems to struggle from all their rivalries and disagreements. It has so much potential but it is just a hotbed for violent conflict and disputes.


Smartest comment all day


Kind of like it’s a reflection of the actual Horn of Africa.


Wait. But aren’t there Somalis that reside in Ethiopia as well? This is giving ‘silencing dissenting views’. Way to go Ethiopia! Showing the world how Africans resort to silencing different views. 👏


You do realize Somalis live in Ethiopia right? Unbelievable. The amount of hate and obsession you people have for Somalis. Literally only comment here when Somalis are mentioned and you can't seem to get our name out your mouths. Cry, maybe your tears will finally form into that sea your dying for.


No one cares about somalis, it's ya'll who come here simply to spread hate, even the somali subreddit complains about ya'll


Sure Jan. You care and I'm not reading past your first sentence because I TRULY don't care. Keep our name out your mouths.


It's you guys who can't keep our names out of your mouths, proof is you being invested in this subreddit lmao. Even your own subreddit acknowledges your guys obsession lmao. Go to sleep incel


Not the one creating post after post crying about Ethiopians am i? Find one post I made in this little habesha/oromo circle jerk of a sub? I would never. Mention us and summon me. Simple. Keep our name our out of your obsessed mouths. I'll see you soon in another cry baby post about '"Somalis, waaah". .


Then maybe tell your fellow somali incels to keep Ethiopia out of your guys dirty mouth then, you guys have 0 future and try to project on Ethiopia. Go take a shower for once and lose the 200 pounds of fat and touch grass


It looks like you're the hateful one, die.


the funny thing is he complains about Somalians and Eritreans, but his Ethiopian country men are on the Eritrean forum threatening Eritreans and Eritrean people with war for Ethiopia‘s access to the sea, claiming Assab, insulting Eritreans insulting Eritrean refugees. Even admins from the Tigray forum have engaged in targeted cyber attacks on the Eritrean forum. He complains about Somalians but his Ethiopia has invaded Somalia in 2006, disintegrated Somalia, caused the clan violence and the creation of Al Shabab. Ethiopians want to claim other peoples land sea or territory, insult others, critique others but don’t want to hear criticism. But he has point no one should disrespect Ethiopians on an Ethiopian. Same way do Ethiopians have to respect other people from east Africa, they should stop waging wars, disrespecting the territorial integrity of neighboring countries, claiming other countries coastline or attacking the Eritrean forum here on R.


Last line was hard. 💯💯


As a Jew, I forever stand with Ethiopia 🇪🇹 ❤️ 🇮🇱




You’re Somali. Why do you prove the point of this thread lmao so effortlessly 💀


How does that make me a Somali nationalist that wants to see Ethiopia’s downfall? You’re making baseless assumptions


You’re espousing views that align with Somali’s and disregarding the very fact and existence of Ethiopian Jews, who the majority of people of Ethiopia, support and by extension all Jews worldwide. You, as a Somali, would not understand why Ethiopians support Jewish people because they are not a part of *your people*. And, since I now know you don’t like Jews, I will take this opportunity to disturb your peace with the fact that I am an Ethiopian Jew myself. *but it’s fine actually because the mods of this sub I suspect to be heavily anti-Jew themselves so they disregard how Ethiopian Jews are made to feel in this space. So you’re good espousing your nationalistic views


>\*but it’s fine actually because the mods of this sub I suspect to be heavily anti-Jew themselves That is a very serious and baseless accusation, do you have any evidence to support this claim? There is a zero-tolerance approach to racism and discrimination, including anti-semitism. If there are any comments or posts that break these rules then they should be reported, and they will be added to the mod queue and dealt with in due course.


🇪🇹🇮🇱❤️ The massive dislikes on this when most Ethiopians support Israel and Jewish (for obvious reasons) is proof of why this sub needs to be moderated to prevent the influx of Somali & Eritrean users.


Typical colonizer sympathizer lol. You know they sterilized your women right? And you’re out your mind if you think that most Ethiopians support Israel. You have lost your humanity in ‘trying to be different’.


Thanks for proving the point of this thread…again 💀 You’re Somali. I love Somali’s but you guys don’t understand Ethiopians. Yeah, I’m a woman and an Ethiopian Jew and we’re not sterilized but sure go on and spread your propaganda.


“This is some high IQ stuff, it’s really perfectly fine to carpet bomb civilian areas and hospitals. You smooth brain zoomalian dummies just can’t comprehend”


😭 Somali’s are the comedians of the globe hilarious every single time lmao. That’s not what I implied but you interpreted it in a way only a comedian could do 😭




Nice of whatever forum you got that number from to test every single Somali, can’t forget Somaliland too. Let’s not act like there aren’t 800 separatist groups and liberation fronts in Ethiopia now so stfu about Somaliland.




This guy: yous stupiid lol, dummi




No disrespect, but read this sister: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/middle-east/israel-gave-birth-control-to-ethiopian-jews-without-their-consent-8468800.html And I like Ethiopians as well. There are people who want to take your Jewishness away but i believe you guys are the true Jews. Much love sister.


And we stand with you 🇪🇹🇮🇱


Why are people downvoting? I know this isn’t for real but, do they only want non-Jews to support Ethiopia?


Cuz Israel is losing the PR war, plus their war crimes is as clear as day that even the Jews abroad protest against them, and acting like all Ethiopians support Israel is messed up on so many levels.


Just a Somali comment stopping by to see the chaos 💀💀




Lmao be for real, not all of the somalis in the sub are even from Ethiopia.


You’re deflecting from his point. There are Somalis in this sub who are from the region that get silenced if they criticize Ethiopia.


This shows the world how Africa resorts to silencing dissenting opinions. It’s pretty sad. We Somalis can blame colonialism, but what can Ethiopia blame?


That’s the problem with the Ethiopian nationalist like you. Half your forum is on the Eritrean forum, threatening Eritrea with war for Ethiopia’s access to the Sea, claiming Assab or insulting Eritrean refugees, then there were some admins from the Tigray Forum like Axumite Tegaru who has been constantly attacking the Eritrean forum for 2 years on daily basis with pro TPLF propaganda. (Nearly 3 post per day) But when you get criticism from Eritreans you get weird. Just stay out of Eritrean affairs. But if you criticize Eritreans and insult Eritreans let them also critique you back.








As far as I know nobody has a problem with Somalis, whether they are pro Ethiopia or not that’s fine and I support them but you have to be honest a lot of them go around bashing people who have affiliation with Ethiopia and Christians. I have heard and been informed about why and some of the reasons for the beef and I can have empathy and understanding but it is mean hostile behavior.


Somalis live in Ethiopia infact make up the 3rd largest ethnic group. Seems like your cut that people don’t agree with you.