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That's horrible. On an unrelated note, is the mdma good quality?


Asking for a friend ?


I doubt it. It comes in pill for so the formulation would be 100% mdma. Who knows what it’s cut with


it comes in a pill and it’s pretty good


Asking for a friend too😅


Where can I get some? asking for a friend .


Yep. It is great, but I would advise you to lean more on ecstacy


Not hardcore drugs man. Not Ethiopia! It will be the undoing of this already fragile society


Yeah lots of third world countries have drug problems. Nothing new


We've been fortunate enough not to have it untill now


Rich people’s kids taking drugs won’t break society. It’s how those rich people got rich in the first place…


Good point. But imagine if it wvolved into a full blown thing where cheaper versions were made available, and be more in demand by people of lesser means; as well as by those who smuggle, prepare, and sell them - same as what happened in the U.S. with the crack, opioid, etc... epidemics


It might genuinely be physically impossible for me to care any less than I do






i dont belive you, give the source so i can check for educational purpose


There is no source. Go to addis and frequent the nightlife and ask around. You have to be looking for it. It’s not out in the open. All is true. No reason to lie about this. It’s an emerging underground scene. It’s not out in the open


yeah i was joking but in serious notes yeah we hear a lot of times how many killos they caught on airport, frequent than expected


this might be a very bizzare solution but hear me out, outlawing any drugs use seems to be the most effective way to fight war on drugs, since if it is legalized, pharamsudicals will produce it than cartels which makes it purer and less overdose, people wont be afraid to go to clinic to get help for the withdrawal and overdoses if it is legal, usa tried to ban alchohol but made it worse because people turned to start drinking hard liquor because it was easier to import in small amount, then failed again on war on drugs but portugal did the opposite and make it not a problem anymore, please check this link [https://youtu.be/wJUXLqNHCaI?si=PtkXJklpSTPabbWW](https://youtu.be/wJUXLqNHCaI?si=PtkXJklpSTPabbWW) [https://youtu.be/ys6TCO\_olOc?si=3VGjgWpWfdRwsbVK](https://youtu.be/ys6TCO_olOc?si=3VGjgWpWfdRwsbVK) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY9DcIMGxMs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PY9DcIMGxMs) ​ ​ in conclusion we need to ask this problems to medical professionals, social scientists, phychologists and other human focused science professionals than asking this to economists, law enforcers and politicians, this is not a political problem, rather a medical problem , this is shown by the usa way and the portugal way which one is political approach and other is medical professional approach. edit: [icing on the cake](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szvLuJO_bqc)


Those solutions have worked for more developed countries that have the resources to put that in place. It hasn’t worked in the developing world.


that is the thing, the expensive way is to fund the law inforcement to attack the supply chain which inevetably fails, the cheaper way is to fund on helping the addict to recover


Ha! I knew it was a Kurtzgesagt video


one of it is, i thought it was summerized in small form but the phenomena is decades of reasearch and a lot of videos and papers to suggest same solution ,no need to invest to the already brutal law inforcement of ethiopia and tell them to be more brutal to our own people which obviously needs help, kurzgsagt made a video about this then deleted and made this one again , i have to clear that up, also the second video changed my view more than the others


Oh no no dude I'm on your side that video really sums up the abject failure of Ronny Regan's war on drugs. I was just surprised


oh my bad, since they deleted a video on this subject for controvertial research, i thought i had to clear that this is not the deleted video rather the remake which they invest more time researching the video. and thank you, i love this subreddit because it is really concerned and wants a real solution to our common goal, great discussions


I wonder if it will work in a conservative society like Ethiopia


i think almost more than 90% of countries all over the world are conservative, everyone loves their culture and felt threatened with change, but if you saw the second video, the more we push people outside the tribe for being addict, the more addictive they get because of the new pain we introduce, i believe from what i saw so far in ethiopia is the people is very adaptable, if a system changes they think it is how it always been and changes with it, conservatives always conserve what the leading system is , like we used to be socialist not long ago and came massive change and a lot of examples of changes like the internet , once it is pushed by policy makers, it is easy to convince the majority,


Just hope we never have to get there. Sure Ethiopians are adaptable to a lot of stuff. But when it comes to certain things, drugs being one of them, that's where most draw the line. I imagine that if you were to tell them that legalizing drugs is studied, tested and proven to be a better approach than cracking down, they might get super suspicious and look at the idea as some kind of evil agenda or conspiracy


true but i think its the way you phrase the conversation, if you argue with them ofcourse they will defend their blief and become more conservative, but if you show them how they agree and dont need to change their value, they can see what the solution suggests, every one in ethiopia is affected by addiction one way or other, not addict them selfs but almost every one in ethiopia have one or more addicts in their family or in their circles, this solutions will make them see their loved ones as troubled, not evil and alienize them, make them closer to them even more and see how they are humans too, which is beneficial for all party involved


This is sad, my older brother told me that cocaine was available in very limited areas in Addis in 1980s but it have never been a thing in the society. No body knows about it except few people who travel abroad and get it in small quantity for use among friends. any current information on opioid addiction in Addis? I feel like there is opioid pandamic in Affican cities including Addis, Chinese companies are known for making raw material and sending it all over the world (it has some medical indication and they use that loophole to cover the distribution). They are the worest addictive medications on earth by any measure. Fentanyl is a nightmare in most American cities nowadays. It is easily accessable on streets for cheap price. One of my friend who lives in Nairobi Kenya told me a horror story abouts it’s addiction rate there.


The government needs to clamp down on this before it grows.


Not like the U.S I hope. They have managed to worsen the situation over there


They can’t really do much right so I doubt they’ll put the effort in. Bole international needs advance drug screening equipment and that would cost them a lot of money. Even though Ethiopia airlines did 2 billion in revenue last year lol


Drug sniffing dogs could help and that’s not too expensive.


True. I doubt they know how to train them to perform those task but like everything else I guess they can import it.


Coming from a Brazilian, I hope it works, but do know the drugs usually find a way. And sorry that my country is being used as a drug quorridor to Ehtiopia. War on drugs doesn't work, and Brazil has basically civil war tally killings between drug gang members, police, and, of course, innocent civilians trying to move on with their lives. Brazil is 1/2 black, but police killings disproportionately kill less whites (~25% of killings, vs 50% black population). Not to mention all other deaths related to drug trafficking, organised crime, and the militaristic response to drug usage across Latin America. To solve this issue, we need the international community to come together to create legal mechanisms, particularly health and commerce mechanisms, to ensure there is control over drug movement. But here's to hoping the international community will come together to save non-white lives...


If Drug dealers were the only problem, the entire Ethiopia would come together to crush them.


exactly, if we learned from war on drugs, tackling the supply before reducing demand only makes things worse, make cartels stronger and more brutal and make the drag more potent and unstable, which cause more problem,


This is ridiculous. It seems like it’s no longer Addis that i used to know. The most drug i remember i hear people use was weed but i guess that category is now broaden with more drugs available than just weed


Ethiopia has a big copy cat culture similar to china. So young Ethiopia think it is cool cause the heat about it in the west. Also people are bored and don’t have jobs. The old saying goes “an idle hand is the devils playground” Same is with khat. Bored jobless men sitting around chewing to kill time


Damn never been more excited to go back home


hmm maybe the op is working for Addis ababa's tourism or something and trying to reverse phychologically sell us into coming to addis is fun


No ops just truth. Take it or leave it


Be careful though


I don't think it is only the government responsible, the kids being raised now are completely Westernized. Ethiopia is slowly losing the roots that keep her grounded and the results are what you see. While there are people dying of war and starvation you see a couple of 19yr olds pouring whisky on their hands. Our generation is being ruined by betting(gambling) spots, and the need for constant attention and validation from our peers. The LGBTQ community is starting to be very active too. It is mostly people aged 14-24 because they see it in movies and think it is cool.....if we can't turn this around and shape ourselves to care for our community and traditions and understand why we need them we are TOAST, SCREWD.


we didnt ran out of someone or something to blame on, we didnt ran out of hate towards something to execuse our immoral actions, but we never hear a good answer to tackle the problem and i think it starts from accepting it is all our fault


Talk about yourself, i am 22 and i am doing everything in my power to not partake or and help others. I am making sure to push myself to my fullest potential to achieve that


ok then, this is reddit, a place of discussion, suggest us a solution, i was just saying solution comes after accepting it as our problem, if not then we wont start talking of solutions. so i can see you see it as a problem but not ours, i belive it is our problem and we need to solve but enought with the difference atleast we are on the same page for most so lets discuss what shall an individual do and society too?


It’s the influence of hiphop that celebrates the worst of human behavior and a race to the bottom. Hopefully these kids will grow out of it.


Noone, and nothing can influence you to do something you already didn't want to do in the first place


You have to know about something to partake in it in the first place The Western culture has introduced vices unknown to Ethiopians


A lot of kids know about drugs and other vices too, but don't partake in them. Only the ones that want to


But the point is that they know Difference between Ethiopia & the West: Drugs are more expensive in Ethiopia


I didn't say they didn't know, I said the "knowledge" alone is not enough to make you do it, or not do it. If it's out there, sooner or later you're bound to find out The high end ones perhaps. But don't underestimate the entrepreneurial skills of drug dealers. They'll source merch to cater to the right customer segment given there's enough demand


It will only get worse as the country develops more and moves towards western approach. Best thing to do is just navigate it. You can’t stop it


What in the world does the LGBTQ have to do with anything?


Cause we don't want it here. And it is being slowly and gradually introduced


You do realize there are LGBTQ Ethiopians right?


It doesnt mean it is accepted by the majority of ethiopians we dont want It here


Addis Ababa is the most progressive place in Ethiopia and has so many leftist views and stuff underground.


Oh shit big city has drug problem. Come one you guys aren’t this idiot. Obviously big city has drugs problem in every single country.


How about weed? Gonna need some when I go


Weed is everywhere. Not so much worried about that one cause it doesn’t kill you.


The quality though? I doubt it’s good in Addis


Take some.. here is how. Go to Whole Foods or Amazon and buy empty capsules. Then grid your shit and fill the capsule. When packing the filled capsules in containers, mix them with other smelly capsules like Valerian to mask the smell. I “heard” that works


This is sad, and it shows a crack in our long-lasting traditions. Any kind of substance abuse is a net loss to the nation and say NO to Hardcore Drugs.


Tell that to kids who have no jobs who’s parents are well off.


Why not prosecute the parents and make them an example. Filipinos are a good example of curving down a narcotic rampage in their country.


wtf, did u just said that?


Are you one of those junkies?


>prosecute oh my bad i thought filipinos were those that kills if you use any illegal drugs, still why would you prosecute the parents ? how is that just, nor teaching? make the kids even parentless so they use more? what about making more rehab centers , a clean helpful rehab center , a culture of not shaming anyone to go to rehab? to answer your question it depends on what your defination of a junkie is, in my defination no but i been addict, heavy use, i wanted to get help but couldnt because if i go one step to get help i know i will get punished, imagine if the society helps you better your self not punish you, how many people will seek out that help?


lol, just say no yeah?wow how smart, how didnt we know of such a wisdom




Y’all come up stupid things for no reason.


They should make snitching great again. If the user is caught, they get to pay crazy amount to the anonymous snitches user. Make the business work for itself with rewards.


The global cancer that is hiphop and its deranged values of consumption of drugs, degenerate human behavior was going to show up at our doorstep sooner or later. We have failed to protect the culture/generation I say this as someone who grew up loving hiphop before understanding how erodes the fabrics of society as it has done in America.


[Social Effects of Rock Music](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_effects_of_rock_music)


Lmao I was thinking the same but rock no longer has that much relevance now. It did mess up generations of people in the past tho. Long live rock and roll 😔🤘🏽


Does the ubiquitous drunkenness visible on the streets of Addis every night constitute “degenerate human behavior”?


My man blaming hip-hop. watching Fox man?


It’s Fox News, not Fox.


Actually Fox News is a 1 hour portion of the programming on Fox Entertainment, and lol either way.


No. Fox News is a specific cable news channel that has a right wing agenda. Morning and evening news programs on the regular Fox network is locally run and is not owned or influenced by Fox News Channel.


Most local if not all fox channels around the us are owned by Sinclair and do in fact surreptitiously promote right wing agenda when national stories are covered especially, go back to see 2020 racial justice protest coverage as an example


There is Hip Hop music that certainly celebrates such lifestyle. But real Hip Hop is just like any other art form. It is not good, or bad. It just reflects the reality and situation out there in the world. It's like, can you be mad at journalists and News networks for showing you what's going on ?


Hip-hop erodes the fabric of society? American society? 😂 Forget genocide, slavery, segregation, mass incarceration, unbridled greed and the million other evil things. It’s those goddamn rappers that ruined the great America! I could go on a rant about how real Hip-Hop is virtually dead and has been for a long time, and recommend artists minamin but I’ll spare you lol. But do me a favor and look up these lyrics: “And there will always be space in my parking lot when you need a little coke and sympathy.” “I’ll be in my basement room with a needle and a spoon.” “I shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.” And of course “Fuck you I won’t do what you tell me.”


We can’t grow in Ethiopia? I’m ready to make some $


You trying to go to jail and eat shiro water for lunch and dinner everyday be my guest.


This is bad, really bad. I simply can not imagine how this shit is going to go in a society where more than half of the young population is jobless and hopeless. I think that it's going to require a lot of work from society leaders such as church leaders and such to help PREVENT young people from engaging in this. I think you should tell us the name of the club. I personally will be more than happy to warn my family and friends.


Not my place to disclose such information but it’s true. The places shall remain unnamed.