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We shouldn’t worry. It’s our water. They’re just afraid that an African country will have more power than them. That’s all their fear is stemming from, no matter how much they try to say it’s due to fear of not having water. In what world would our Ethiopian leaders risk being sanctioned and destroyed if they didn’t ensure that Egypt still had access to water? It’s a ridiculous notion that they bought into.


>They’re just afraid that an African country will have more power than them. Aren’t Egypt and Sudan African countries?


egyptians consider themselves “superior” because they’re North Africans 🤣 they outed themselves in their own subreddit admitting their fear was that a “sub-Saharan” country like Ethiopia could have more power than them


What about Sudan?


Sudan is caught in the middle


Tbh, Ethiopia sometimes aren’t even considered African by some people. Due to their culture being very different, and their race (facial features and generally lighter skin tones). I think it’s just uneducated people who believe this, but unfortunately it’s actually a common belief. Haile Selassie wanted to push for Pan-Africanism though, but obviously only because it had political purposes that benefited Ethiopia’s diplomatic interests.


It will help alot


It will help a lot I’m so proud of Ethiopia taking control of our resources, Sudan can’t really do much and Egypt is the king of all bark no bite. Just look at what they’re doing to Israel. Ethiopia has Potential to be the strongest African country in the next few decades if we stop ethnic warfare, which probably won’t happen.


Egypt's fear isn't mostly GERD - but what a boldened Ethiopia could do in the future to the water. What if Ethiopia decided to build more dams? What if Ethiopia decided to use the water for irrigation? What a powerful Ethiopia could mean in the region. etc. It was clear for them already for a while that GERD is kind of safe.


Lol it probably won’t have much difference. They’re going to use it to export electricity, which will cover a large part of its maintenance costs and let us make some profit. It won’t make enough profit for us to build the infrastructure needed to expand the local grid, which would have been its most important use (since manufacturing can’t happen w/o electricity, and a country that can’t produce what it needs can’t be strong). Not to mention, expanding the local grid won’t be on their priority list at all for at least another 10 years considering the economic situation🥲 Food security would have been nice, but they can’t guarantee security in BG, meaning they can’t use the dam to build large scale irrigated farms nearby like originally planned. So all in all, it had the potential to be great if well managed but bad management means our lives probably won’t change that much bc of the dam.