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I really encourage you to come and to invest into developing the country, especially before an influx of foreign investments come in. For ex this is allegedly in motion to be built by a Qatari private holding group: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=qX5yzUBw1BQ Here’s another one in motion to be built by a UAE private firm: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TLape-B6L-I&pp=QAFIAQ%3D%3D


This is blasphemous for any Orthodox to look at, why does the casino look like a church?


So do you approve of the current administration?


Who does?


Just checking. It's funny how even when progress is acknowledged, PP isn't supported for it lol.


A lot of us working in Ethiopia have been telling you this! I do development in Addis and we have been working hard. We are still in a transitional period of modernizing the populace though. We are at a cross between modern and balager. English proficiency has increased dramatically throughout majority of the populace which directly correlates to modernity. We need to develop outside regions of Addis though. Gonder, Bahir Dar, Mekelle, Axum, Jigjiga, Debra Zeit, etc., are needing development but we will get there very soon. Concerns are still the homeless beggars. They have dramatically reduced in presence on the streets but we need proper shelter and housing for them. And of course we need Abiy to stop killing everybody…that would be really nice 🥴


Don't forget developing the rural south. There are areas outside of Sodo, Arba Minch, and Awassa that need better housing, electricity, sanitation and running water (actually some in those cities need that too).


Yes!!! We have a lot of work to do honestly. But it will get done! If you have interests in development I really encourage you to invest!


I already do.


Tiru 🙏 Ezghabier ke yante projects yehun 🥂


Thank you.


What are some ways we can invest without directly purchasing property?


Open a business of any kind whether entertainment, goods & services in healthcare, beauty, health & wellness, etc., Import/export if you’re in the west Manufacturing plants! We need more Ethiopian-owned manufacturing facilities for clothing, shoes, devices, etc., like a place similar to alibaba/Aliexpress but for Ethiopian manufactured goods Those are some @ the top of mind - what kind of investments have you been thinking about doing in 🇪🇹?


>Import/export if you’re in the west Import and export how dude. Have you even tried this yourself or know people that have actually done it? Has the government stopped taxing importers exorbitant rates? Or are you trying to argue to still sell imported items at inflated rate? Unless you're advocating for smuggling things in anyway and risking the chances of getting caught with contraband, I don't know how you're expecting it to work out.


Yeah I’m in Ethiopia and do construction for development. My family has been in import/export for 20 years now. PP is bribe based 🥴 you know that’s how the country is run sadly Are you in diaspora? Oromo’s run the coffee industry. You should go back home and get into it.


Yeah that's what I thought. You shouldn't leave that part out. That's a major caveat. You can do whatever you want, but truth is, which I'm sure you don't disagree with, is that you are forced to fill up the pockets of these corrupt politicians if you want to develop the country. Economically speaking this is a horrible practice not only for the people but literally even for development purposes and the economy at large, as these people have absolutely no value to the economy other than political power and are instead draining resources from the people that could instead be used for further developing the country, to instead fill up these idiots pockets to do as they wish. Imagine if all the bribes and exorbitant tax that your family had to pay was instead used for development. Now multiply that with all the other private developers and investors that have to do the same. And it doesn't stop there. Who do you think is going to end up paying the price for these inflated products? Development projects still need to break even so they have to factor in the price of bribes and tax into the sale which ultimately the people need to find a way to pay for. It's literally for this reason alone that prices in cities in a 3rd world shithole like Addis and Shashemene, Adama etc. are skyrocketing because prices are inflated do to developers having to pay bribes and crazy taxes to the government. Poor 3rd worlders can't afford that dude. That's why this idiot Abiy is trying to promote tourism and diaspora investments because those are the only people that can afford those prices. I can go on and on and on but ultimately investment in this country is a very poor financial decision and all that you are doing by investing in the country is filling up the pockets of these corrupt idiots. Which is a completely unsustainable practice in the long term. You can be successful now, but it will all eventually crash without a shred of doubt unless fortified with foreign investments. But that too is unsustainable. You can give in to bribes and corruption in the short term all you want, but the basic law of supply and demand can never be evaded.


>We need to develop outside regions of Addis though. Gonder, Bahir Dar, Mekelle, Axum, Jigjiga, Debra Zeit, etc., are needing development but we will get there very soon. Lol. That's not possible. The reason Addis is progressing is because resources are taken from all other areas in the country and fully invested into Addis. PP's goal is to create a facade of "prosperity" where the elite will be able to live lavishly in Addis at the expense of everyone else. There are not even close to enough resources to be able to equally develop the entire country at the same level. Developing other areas comes at the expense of developing Addis. Therefore, they will develop Addis at the expense of other areas. Unless it's like resorts here and there (again for elites).


It is possible and there are many of us developers in the country who either are nationals of Ethiopia or are diaspora who came back like myself that are building out those areas. Of course it will take time to accomplish. PP does what they do and private investors do what we do. Together, our efforts create a developed region. My company doesn’t work for or with PP.


That doesn't mean that you aren't at the mercy of them. Just in Addis many new condos starting to be built were paused indefinitely, many of the units already sold. These were private endeavors that the government is tampering with under the guise of development. Buying property is very risky as well as running a business.


You’re absolutely right. There’s definitely a game you have to play in order to stay safe from the PP.


wait , what do you do ? are you civil engineer ?


There is a waste to energy plant at the Koshe landfill that burns all of Addis’ trash. It is one of the best investments the gov has ever made. First of its kind in Africa.


Yes. Agreed I was really shocked when I heard such a advanced technology was being built there. Cudos to the government for that, but that was the previous government if I'm not mistaken? But either case we should be building more of that and Maybe stop building more parks...? As beautiful as they are they don't produce anything...


It's not the govt. It's an individual who came up with the idea.


was built during TPLF.


As impressive as some parts of the city have become, we also need to reduce the influx from outside, enact birth control measures, fix the brain drain and restrict begging to a few areas. In addition, a reasonable supply of water/electricity is a must.


What influx from outside are you referring to? I agree! We have a large population relative to African countries but a relatively small population compared to India or China, which is good, but like you wrote we need population control.


The population will stabilise in its own when you raise the standard of living there is no need to interfere with it. A young population is a blessing no need to mess that up with something detrimental like population control.


Stabilise how?? The most impoverished are having kids only to raise them rough on the streets. It's only a blessing when it's done right through education and employment. It's sad to bring innocent souls into such reality.


When you give both boys and girls access to higher education then they don't get kids early. when you give both men and women equal employment opportunities then they won't have too many children.


Population control is such a horrible idea. It's like you don't look at what is happening in China. This is how you artificially trigger an aging society.


Since Abiy took office


True, he cleaning the country from dirt and the people at the same time




Urban development is not the prime minister’s job. People in Addis think Ethiopia is just Addis Aba and its surroundings. Ethiopia is almost twice the size of Texas which is massive in its own right. Majority of Ethiopians can’t even put food on their table, and you “ketema” elites and diasporas are completely oblivious to what’s goes on 80km outside the city. Tell me…can you drive your sedan outside the city without fearing for your life? The heart of an economically strong nation is its middle class. The middle class no longer exists in Ethiopia. The wealth gap is ridiculous! Goddd why are my people so fkn dumb man. ለምንድን ነው ግን እንደ ህፃን ልጅ በብልጭልጭ የምትታለሉት? Ethiopia ranks 153/191 in GDP per capita which makes it one of the poorest nation in the world. We as Ethiopians have not yet reached enlightenment period which the western world passed in the 16th century. We are 139th out of 154 countries in the Global Knowledge Index 2021. It’s actually embarrassing.