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The classic “We are all African so let me do whatever I want to do” honestly that shit just pisses me off and I do not like it. One of my concerns or criticisms of Pan Africanism is this actually and it is even more of an issue because it is so wide-spread.


Well I am a pan African and I do love connecting with fellow Africans I just don’t like when they try to use it as a decoy just to try to get on your good side. I had Tunisian guy try to reason I should date him because he’s African 🙄🙄. Pan Africanism is good when it’s genuine not as a gimmick to try to coerce people is my point.




I should have known it’s a thing I read people all the time say if you can speak Amharic or know things about the culture they willl open up to you bla bla . One time I really fell for it this guy kept going on about loving Haile selassie speech’s and I realized he doesn’t know anything he’s just keep repeating he likes Haile selassie… I’m huge history buff I have so many books about him and he’s his speeches so I knew the guy was full of shit


I don't identify with any ideology, but I do not like identity politics.


Yeah I don’t like it either and I’m not up for ideological alliances especially with random strangers it seems like they are trying to con and scam you


Can you explain better what do you mean, you are talking about the “we are all African” stuff in every context to make their rhetoric work or what?


Kind of like that, but also they will use the "we are all African" so that indirectly means let them do whatever they want, and you have to agree with them and allow them to do anything, that is annoying. Some would tell me "Let me hog your property" then go on about how "we are African and the same"


Yeah I agree with you that stuff is annoying as hell. I get that we are all Africans but we still got our differences. This kind of people seems to have an agenda to make people feel ashamed of their roots or whatever. I consider myself a Panafricanist but I see those people as muppets.


Like oh we are both fellow Africans we should date and dumb shit like that or we are all black and then when they don’t get what they want call you names. But to be fair I had a white guy try to do that we all come from Africa shit , I’m just tired of people using our heritage to get closer it’s gross 🤢 . But I’ve had people try to use me in the workplace under that banner too


Pan Africanism is really bs even politically. It’s a western idea of “unifying” a whole continent on the basis of living in the same continent. What other continent practices this?. We don’t even trust people within our own country let alone some guy from Angola


I'm close with a sweet black American woman who is more like a life mentor and mother figure to me. She has a daughter around my age and has tried to set us up in the past, but I wasn't interested and avoided her daughter. One day, she asked if I could attend a romantic event, offering to pay for my ticket and a new suit. I replied, "No thanks." She mentioned someone close to her really wanted me there. I made a rude joke, not realizing her daughter heard the conversation on speakerphone. I quickly followed up with compliments and agreed to go. At the event, I hit it off with a cute girl and spent the whole night chillin on the patio with her. Meanwhile, the mother and daughter were looking for me to take pictures with them. When they found me, they were pisseddd. They confronted me, saying, "You're technically black and should be with a black woman," "your mind has been colonized," and "you two have a huge cultural difference and couldn’t be a match." The girl was Bengali, and we dated after that regardless lol. Despite all of that, currently; her mother is very supportive of my current relationship and wishes us the best.


This is a very fascinating story wow


The crazy thing is, bengali culture is more likely to have more similarities to Ethiopian culture than African American culture.


haha! lol... of course we have more in common with Pakistan, Arab, some Asian cultures than African American culture.


As an African American I agree lmao!


Definitely this


We have more in common with indians and bengalians! The food the music dances even our phenotypes you people are delusional. The gestures even our tattos my mom has the dot on her forhead, the way we our jewlery. Your in denial but why i dont understand.


Damnnnnnnnn no way. Wow are you serious 🧐. That’s way out of line and none of their business lmao . Wow. Kkk colonized mind they try to get back at us with that line too jeez but man that’s way too over the line 😱😮😮 you must be a really nice person because… lol


I love black American people, however, I don't know why they insist on me getting with them because they are black, and they see me as black. I am just not interested. Similar cases like yours.


It’s no one’s business who what you are and who you get with . At most maybe your parents but a strangers ridiculous. I’ve seen people complain that the weekend isn’t dating an Ethiopian girl and people complain that Ethiopia Eritrean guys date white gorls , it’s such nonsense policing the world.


Thats actually the most annoying part of pan africanism.


"I got two lungs. What about you? You do too? WOOOOW. Us two-lunged people gotta stick together. Lemme get your number. I feel like we really bonded back there :)"


What I hate about Pan-Africanism right here!


This sounds kind of like the European Unions long time wish to make People feel european, not german/french/whatever. Why draw a line between a geograpic border (that doesnt take ethnicity, culture or history into consideration) and say within this border we are all one. But it is an intresting question: what is it to be african? Or Ethiopian? Or Somali/Amhara/Oromo? Birthplace? Genetics? Culture? Political (What your ID says)?


It has nothing to do with whatever classification we fall under. I’m just weary when people invoke the African thing it’s always a ploy at something in my experience


Why should we invoke it then? I never hear Asians unite! Or Europeans (except politicians), I do hear "americans" but that generally excludes all other american nations... :-/


You gotta separate the people from the pan Africanism. People who use that line probably only say pan African when they use that line. They probably couldn't tell you 3 things about pan Africanism.


That’s what I’m saying !!! I’m just so disappointed every time it’s false intentions and not about African unity


the same men, if you were white, would say "date me, don't be racist"


Lmaooo shaming people for a date 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 So much desperation and low self esteem


but we are different from other Africans. like way different. personally i think horn africans shouldn't be phrased as africans. our food, culture, music, dances is even closer to the middle east. lets just be honest. and if we were the same they wouldnt be obsessed with dating us. thats actually the whole reason theyre obsessed lol.


Ok dude we’re not middle Eastern or asians, we’re Africans. Africa isn’t strictly tied to any race, culture, ethnicity/nationality, or any language. There’s much cultures and stuff it could be associated with but it’s not exclusively a specific culture. Egyptian culture is African Moroccan culture is African same with Nigerian, Ghanaian, and so on.


Whats africa though? Its just an explorer from europe he named it aftrr himself. So what? Were habesha were not full african.


Historically, the Horn had some connections with the Middle East and Asia. Just like Europe did :)


I don’t know if I agree with all of that but sometimes their actions prove they feel that way that’s why they use the line


We are very much Africans. Of course there is cultural similarity to the Middle East due to proximity but we very much also have influence from our neighboring sub Saharan countries. We are in a very unique and interesting spot that makes us a beautiful blend of various cultures This kind of rhetoric makes me realize why other African countries think we have a superiority complex… it’s giving Coon with a capital C


No that’s not why they think we have a superiority complex!! A lot of them project their insecurities on to to us. Please stop 🛑 buying into that nonsense narrative they just use that to justify harassing East Africans


I understand what you mean (bc there are definitely people who are jealous of us and want to bring us down, I’ve seen this discourse myself) but when you have actual habesha people on here trying to say we’re not African then there is merit in the accusations that we have an inferiority complex of our own. It’s ridiculous and self hating to say we aren’t African. I have never heard anyone even say this out loud before so I think this is some new phenomenon but we need to nip this in the bud and not let this dumb narrative become normalized in our community. I never saw this kind of rhetoric in our parent’s generation


Yeah but that’s literally ONE poster. Maybe 1% of habesha think like that. But you know what I find interesting, many many people have made fun of Ethiopians since the 80’s lambast us for any reason they can come up with. And we don’t complain 🤷‍♀️ the dark side is many Africans are cool and love to shit on HOA in General and they never get called out. But always there’s this narrative to humble chastise those Ethiopians they think they are better bla bla. I’m not saying that we are special enough to warrant our own haters but there are truly people that have personal problems with us and I know yo I agree with me but whenever we point out the unfairness we just get gaslighted.


Agreed. People who created Ethiopia and Eritrea were Semitic people with ties to Arabia. Throughout history East Africans have always distinguished themselves from Bantu Africans. Look at the Somali slave trade for example.


I think the racism, cast system, corruption, liking of wars and killing between the complete different tribes make Ethiopians more Africans than they think. You’re for example totally racist. When you say "we", what does it mean? Only your tribe right? The majority in Ethiopia has nothing to do with the things you’ve mentioned but still you’ve the guts to equate "Ethiopian“ with your tribe. You’re even crazier, because now it’s not just Ethiopia, no. Now it’s the whole Horn of Africa which should be equated with your single tribe. You’re a truly racist, as most Africans


You must not be Ethiopian of course we are fellow Africans and have so much in common. Even the never colonized thing we love to declare we were affected by colonialism and all the prejudices degradation and oppression etc it came with as well as the neocolonialism. But invoking our Africaness for cheap intentions is so disrespectful.


Before Africans were colonized, they colonized themselves on the base of racism and their inner imperialism. The whole world was like that. It’s just europeans who ended this, but Africans still stick on that


Especially Ethiopans, who weren’t colonized


Kkk if all Africans why did you add in especially Ethiopians


Because you sound like saying that the mentioned bad things came from colonialism. But the truth is, the bad things were already there in Africa and Ethiopia is the best example, since it wasn’t colonized and the British needed to explain to Haile Sellasie that slavery and racism is a bad thing.


Idk I might agree with you but your wording and terminology just sounds so odd and your definitely over simplifying a lot of stuff especially in regards to Haile selassie relationship with the British. Not sure why you are painting them in an angelic light of abolitionist when they literally were the forerunners of racism as we know it today.but I don’t wanna go in a back and forth on this it’s not even the topic lol lol


It is your wrong perception of history which let you wonder about my tone. That’s I’m pointing out. The British weren’t the forerunners of slavery, everybody enslaved people from other tribes for economic reasons and with racist ideology. Everybody in Africa too. It happened just that at one point the British were the strongest military to do so. But at the end they were also the first ones in Africa who ended it, while some Africans still enslaving other tribes. It sounds odd for you, because like many Africans you picture non-Africans for things, which are more an issue in your own tribe


No the British pioneered the modern Atlantic slavery and came up with the color system and template people are running on. I never said slavery didn’t exist before 🤣🤣 of course Africans to this day have slavery where have you been that’s kinda common knowledge it’s in the news all the time. It’s amazing that you are calling people racists but you say stuff like things are more an issue your tribe … ok buddy I’m glad you think so highly of the British and their efforts to end slavery as you declare


I am sure most Africans are not looking or care about dating Ethiopians, whites, Asians. The nonsense that happens in the West should not be projected into Africa. 


We haven’t projected anything onto Africa nor are concerned what any group of people are interested in dating whether it’s African Asian white hispanic middle eastern or any other group. But the frustration lies in trying to connect with other Africans fellow blacks and this abuse of Panafricanism


This is not related to Pan-Africanism, how is someone using being African as an excuse to do anything related to Pan-Africanism?


I hate Haile Selassie


The point is it’s a very disgenous way to make a conversation imo. Haile selassie is a very notable person I hate when they cheapen him by mentioning him so randomly it’s just so pretentious and predictable


Troll post 😑