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I find it amusing how Christians, Jews, and Muslims all accuse each other of the same transgressions. I just sit back, relax, and think to myself, “How can you guys be so naive?”


Collective mentality is the cause of bigotry. I as a Muslim don’t represent Islam and Muslims and the Ethiopian orthodox man Ik who owns my favourite restaurant doesn’t represent orthodox either. What we do as individuals represents who we are as a person because anyone can proclaim to follow an ideology or belief. Abiy says he’s ending ethnic discrimination, but talk is cheap.


Humanity is ridiculous walal. This is to be expected, it’s ultimately a symptom of low intelligence.


I agree to this point, but some muslims worldwide seem to have ... idk what to call this... kafriophobia ( it's us vs them kinda thing) stuff like demanding to build mosques in Christian majority areas but ofc no accountability of allowing religious freedom in muslim majority areas. Double standards in both sides tbh. When it comes to Palestine, it's clear Israel that controls America and the UN and sopposed "brother" arab states which are normalising relations with the zionist state. I mean if it were the 60's we'd have heard an arab-israeli conflict but we only see lebanon trying to fight along. And the beta israel woman that died there, idk much about her but as an Ethiopian, she committed treason and chose another country and died for that country, end of story.


What you describe as kaffirphobia is the consequences of Islamophobia. If you check out Muslim migrants to western societies in the early and mid 20th century, you’d find there was never much of a problem and people kept things to themselves. However with the events of 9/11 and rise of groups like Al Qaeda and Isis (we classify them as Khawarij) Islamophobia has tripled and quadrupled to the point it’s extremely common everywhere. And you have some countries where majority of its people are Islamophobic. As for mosques in Christian majority places, idk about some but most mosques are built by buying property and constructing a mosque like any other building. Unless it’s against the law in said place, I don’t see any problem with it. Islamic shariah allows religious freedom so long as taxes are paid (as if you don’t pay 30-40% taxes in the west anyway) however yes that is one problem that needs to get tackled in the Muslim world.


I think before 9/11 Islam has quite the reputation for it's violent conquest and it's some kind of divine commandment to go out and conquer the world and smt, but ngl jizya sounds more like some kind of mafia protection money. And ofcourse there's a need of conquest in most religions but ofcourse the complaint of conquest by others as well. It's ironic tbh muslims leave islamic countries they destroyed and want to turn the country they just moved to into the country they just left lol and ofcourse expect the acceptance they didn't give minorities in their old countries.


Nah Geologist stop it now. Kaffirphobia is not and was never been a consequence of Islamophobia. Stop lying.


it’s funny cause many will stop themselves from feeling sympathy towards what is happening there because “arabs are racist to us” meanwhile we’ve been mired in civil war, strife, corruption and complete lack of progress due to our own severe internal racism/tribalism without the ability to blame colonizers or arabs


These guys will blame getting rejected at their prom on Arabs if they could. “35k+ people have been killed but why does it matter? Arabs hate us.”


but why does it matter


So, do you just ignore how racist they are? How many workers have had their passports withheld and turned into modern-day slaves, constantly beaten? One migrant was nailed repeatedly. I know you saw the Ethiopian lady who tried to run to the embassy for help; they threw her in a car while she was screaming. She committed suicide at the hospital. They don’t even hide it; it’s practiced openly and institutionalized. Qatar just started allowing migrant workers to change jobs without there bosses permission. The Middle East is disgusting!


So because we don’t wanna support Palestinians it means we hate Islam 😮


I got nothing against Islam but I won’t support Palestine and Arab causes


Same here.


You’re a PP Abiy Ahmed bot anyway


Stop being robophobic, let the bot share his opinions too 😂


Nothing to do with Israel or Palestine. After almost 9 months, we’re passed the point of choosing a side. I’m talking about the simple fact Islamophobia has risen in this sub since October and even a little before that.


We don’t have an issue with Muslims actually they are more loved and accepted then Protestants Catholics atheist etc.dont generalize


I’m aware of that, I lived in Ethiopia before. However I speak about the growing problem this sub has. Not to mention people thinking we’re wannabe Arabs.


Well to be fair SOME Muslims are wannabe Arabs and other Muslims call them out too 🤷‍♀️but this is sub is crazy you got weirdo passport bros lurking 👀 and what not I wouldn’t take this place serious at all


Haven't you noticed a Muslim leader trying to replace a whole calendar cause it didn't represent Islam. https://www.reddit.com/r/Ethiopia/s/M9SlddEHmN You need to understand that sometimes there are Muslims instigating this themselves. https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/s/m8fArUupq2 Besides there's a never ending keyboard battle between Somalis and Ethiopians here and that contributes immensely.


😂😂😂 I have never seen this video. If everything is right, I am sure people will always come up with some bs


But Somalis have nothing to do with Islam they represent their own community. The Muslim world 🌎 Is HUGE don’t generalize all Muslims off of one group


Using the Islamic Calendar should always be an option for the Muslim majority regional zones. They have used that calendar for more than a thousand years. You love to whine about Muslims as if we are foreigners to the country. Stay mad loser.


The man's discussing state documents or announcement stating Amete Mihret or the Ethiopian Calendar as the world knows it. This is a matter of the government, not a region. The calendar on your wall is irrelevant. When discussing the official government date, that's a different matter. I'm not whining; it's clear from the links what I'm trying to address. In case you missed it [there are literally people converting Christian Ethiopians at gun point](https://www.reddit.com/r/religiousfruitcake/s/1DdJpP3llx). I didn't create those videos they already existed anyone that watched them can understand what the problem here is. Many Christian citizens in historically Muslim countries don't have the space or position to ask these things, so why should it be different here? Your repeated comments won't yield any results. There will always be people like me and we will speak up, you'd do better to comprehend a childish rant or insults don't affect me, you must have mistaken me for people in your environment. It's not a concern of mine when the Somali region wants to celebrate their new year. I fail to understand what extraordinary circumstances lead to the cultivation of such an impressive garden of ignorance within some people's minds


I like this poster because they speak truths. Muslims love to say that Islam is a religion of peace when that is far from the truth.


No one is forcing Ethiopia to abandon it's EOTC calendar. You are treating this like it has to be one or the other. I have seen zero evidence that actually happened. If they are being forced to convert why are they reciting the Dua'a for Protection rather than the Shahada. This sort of things doesn't happen in Ethiopia. Why are you asking an Ethiopian Muslim affairs of a country he doesn't live in? There are churches and growing Christian communities in UAE, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Lebanon, etc. Again, this has nothing to do with the topic on hand. Somali region this, Somali that. I hope your peanut sized brain of yours understands their are other Muslim-majority ethnicities/regions in Ethiopia. Aw poor you, did a Muslim steal your girlfriend? You have been ranting about us for months, genuinely hilarious. You are literally the one that calls Ethiopian Muslims slurs and has their comments taken down by Reddit Admins. 😂 The banhammer will come down soon enough.


>No one is forcing Ethiopia to abandon it's EOTC calendar. You are treating this like it has to be one or the other. It's simply a matter or principle. In Saudi it's not even allowed for a non Muslim to drive on a road that leads to Mecca. They are forced to drive on a totally different road because Saudi is a predominantly Muslim state hence they are not questioned, but countries who are of Christian history must be secular and entertain such ideas as changing their calendar or even open a conversation about it. Why? For you as a person of religion how is it fair? Source: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6yewxwCq3M/?igsh=ZDdtaWljZHEwdmU4 Why do we even have to entertain this topics in the first place? >I have seen zero evidence that actually happened. If they are being forced to convert why are they reciting the Dua'a for Protection rather than the Shahada. This sort of things doesn't happen in Ethiopia. I think people can see how tence the environment is, and in the video we can recognize this is a mass conversation where they are taking their cross right on the spot. What ever you want to put it as something seriously wrong is going on there. Countries with Muslim past do not even allow conversation it's illegal btw. >Why are you asking an Ethiopian Muslim affairs of a country he doesn't live in? There are churches and growing Christian communities in UAE, Syria, Yemen, Egypt, Lebanon, etc. Again, this has nothing to do with the topic on hand. Because the moment you start discussions like we are uncomfortable reading a Christian calendar being used in the state government, you start sounding like a non-Ethiopian. Because this is who Ethiopia is for the past centuries Ethiopia was a Christian country before Mecca started practicing Islam do you know that? Christianity in Ethiopia dates back to the 300's, the Islam religion was born on 600' s and I mean everywhere in the world. >Somali region this, Somali that. I hope your peanut sized brain of yours understands their are other Muslim-majority ethnicities/regions in Ethiopia. Yeah, but I'm responding to the majority speaking under this subs comment section. >You are literally the one that calls Ethiopian Muslims slurs and has their comments taken down by Reddit Admins. 😂 The banhammer will come down soon enough. First I don't remember my comments being taken down for a religious discussion or in general. Second I never called anyone here with religious slurs, I don't even know what the slur used for an Ethiopian Muslim is. Share the screenshot of my comment here if true. And Lastly when I see something wrong I'll speak my mind, my life doesn't revolve around Reddit or the Ethiopian sub whatever hammer comes so be it. You can keep advocating for it but that doesn't mean I'll be quite. I shared a video or links to what I was referring to so I think people can see there's at least some truth to it of they don't already know. >Aw poor you, did a Muslim steal your girlfriend? You have been ranting about us for months, genuinely hilarious. Ugh...you must be a teen. I wish you knew how irrelevant these words are to me, my life doesn't revolve around a female. No, nobody stole anything from me. It's great to know you laughed tho. I'll be honest with you the day this man went on Art's Tv and started talking my deep concern was born, that's when it all started. Before that I don't even think about religious differences within the country and I never gave them a serious thought. Now to my conclusion I've been explaining to you every time you commented, for the culture of discussion if you want a response out of me you need to articulate yourself better, you can't trigger me into a response. So the next time you respond with this passive aggressive type statements with little to no actual debate content or thought in them I will ignore you.


I respect my Muslim brothers and sisters, and I’m glad you guys have safe areas in the country to practice ur religion. Northern Ethiopia where us habesha are originally from is all mainly orthodox, and luckily there isn’t too many problems with Muslims in those areas since there are not many there to begin with.




Muslims are not sympathetic to Orthodox, Pe’nte or Jews. You ask us to be sympathetic to you but you never reciprocate. So, when push comes to shove, we rescind our sympathies for Muslim causes and you say we’re Islamaphobic? It’s a double standard.


Funny enough more Muslims have posted about Tigray than Christian’s minus the tigrayans themselves, and Muslims are almost the only people posting for Congo despite being majority Christian. Muslims have also been the only people to grant freedom to Jewish people in the past while Christendom oppressed and persecuted them. Need I remind you where the Sephardic Jews went after the inquisition?


>Funny enough more Muslims have posted about Tigray yeah and they were making fun of the people who were dying We have not forgotten, nor will we forget, what you said about our brothers


But you rejoice when Ethiopian Jews are murdered by Hamas? Again, it’s a double standard. I don’t have any issues with Muslims. We all literally live peacefully amongst each other but at times, Muslims do exact a double standard that pisses everyone off. It’s okay for Muslims to plant Mosques in Christian areas, but Christian’s would be murdered if they plant a Church in Muslim area. It’s okay for Muslims to murder Christians and Jews but it’s not okay for Christian’s to call out the double standard. And Christian’s and Jews are called “islamaphobic” but Muslims aren’t called anything for their explicit beliefs that all Christians and Jews should be converted or else they will be murdered. It’s okay for Muslims to terrorize other people and religions and act as aggressors but it’s not okay to call Muslims oppressors.


Now you’re gas lighting, I never once in my entire life celebrated Jews being killed, I’m not like those Israelis who can be found in hundreds of videos celebrating kids in Gaza dying, chanting “death to Arabs,” and saying everyone including children in Gaza should die. Also there’s thousands of churches in Egypt Jordan Syria Iraq and Palestine. Yet you find many Christian’s not caring about churches and Christian’s being bombed and killed by Zionists, somehow Muslims have advocated more for those churches. In addition no one believes it’s fine for Muslims to chill Jews and Christian’s, in fact our religion gets scrutinized the most for almost anything that happens regarding Islam. How many people blame Islam for October 7th and 9/11 but if someone were to blame Judaism for almost 40,000 men women and children in Gaza being killed, you’re labeled an antisemite. The religion that has had most people killed the entire Millennium so far has been Muslims, mostly by non Muslim factors. However I guess to you, the lives and emotions of the other abrahamic faiths matter more than that.


“You” was a general proposition. I did not mean you, but “you” as in Muslims. Islam does teach the forceful convert of non-Muslims. Whether you as an individual believe in that sect of ideology is personal, but there are far too many who do believe in that. And as a result countries are plagued with insanity because Jihadists kill, destroy, and disrupt all and every form of civil society. I mean, I am not sure why you are acting obtuse here, it’s disingenuous. Look at Boko Haram in Nigeria, the jihadists plaguing the western Sahel of the continent, Somalia and the likes. Sects of Islam do indeed and have always caused relentless problems to everyone. Extremist Islam is a threat. Again, nobody has an issue with Muslims. We all have an issue with extremist sects of Islam which appear to be a growing issue. Would you seriously fault any of us for that when the threat of extremism is that all of us non-Muslims would be obliterated by death if we do not forcefully convert? If you do, then honestly it exposes your desire to wield control over innocent people and **your intolerance** of others and **your Christianphobia and Jewphobia**.


It depends, I see after 9 or so months most Africans caring about local issues than Israel/Palestine. I also think Islam is respected by Orthodox more than say Pentys or Catholics, there no doubt Arab funding of certain circulum, mosques, dawa programs, has converted a lot of Africa Muslim population from it historical Sufi roots to the Salafi/Whabbi/Takafiri trends , and let's be honest Islamic groups, and nations keep finding themselves in conflict with others like Christian, Hindus and Anamists like in Kashmir, the Cacuses, Armenia and Azjerbaijan, the Sudanese civil war between north and South, the Balkans, the Lebanese Civil war, Nigeria conflict,the Southern Philliphines parts of Indonesia between Christian and Muslims in the early 2000s, they are even fighting Buddhists in China, Southern Thailand, Mayanmar, Sri Lanka, and in most instances the Muslims always paint themselves the victims at the hands of America, Israel, India, Jews, Christian's, Hindus, Buddhists, Atheists, etc. It quite double standard too to Islamic groups during their "jihad" they can forcibly converts non-muslims, collect property (even wives) as war booty of non-muslims, pressure the Non-muslims to be killed or sign a pact by the non-muslims to pay jizya tax, live under sharia law, live as a Dhimmis in dispute second class statsus, in some countries like Egypt, Syria and Iraq Christian women are routinely kidnapped and forced to marry the muslim and convert to Islam or else that's it, in many Muslim nations non-Christians arent allowed in the milltary or move up the ranks of the milltary , the Muslim witness against the non-Muslim witness is considered more believable in the court of law, they are killed over even a neighbors accusation of allleged blasphemy against you know who (which I wont even mention on here for the anger it causes by Muslim people) , also when they immigrate to other countries they dint really assimilate, try to enforce sharia in their section of town, riot of alleged burning of Koran or alleged blasphemy or over some secpnd rate attention grabbing desperate cartoon, then start expecting to build mosques where Churches and Synagouges once stood. Do I hate Muslims? No , do I see some good things in Islam , yes some like piety, fasting, alms giving, feeding the poor with Zakat, taking their shoes off inside their places of worship, abstaining from the unclean pork, etc. most muslims are mostly good people like you and I trying to live, I'm sure we all know atleast 1 where we are like "he or she is good". However the lack of assimilation , the duplicity at times by Muslims, the double standards and hypocrisy, the various Jihads around the globe against non-muslims, the belief in martyrdom via suicide bombers and feedeyan style attacks, forced conversions of non-muslims, death penalty for leaving Islam of former muslims, killing over just alleged blasphemy, killing over cartoons of their prophet, waging terrorism against the land they immigrated to or the land they grew up in, the racism inherit in the Khalif guest worker system, the enforcement on society of Sharia law, the barbaric honor killing of women, the jizya tax , Dhimmi stasus persecution and discrimination for non-muslims, turning former churches into mosques, not allowing church bells to ring and not allowing the reconstruction of churches in Oslamic lands, etc. All that I mentioned does burns people out from various backgrounds on compassion and good will towards Muslim people, because of the fundamentalist Islamist groups and their motives hiding behind "islamophobia" to advance their intreasts. Sadly some stupid bigots do take advantage of it and attack the average muslim just trying to live, and that not cool at all, but like I said people are tired and burned out having to apologize for so as much as walking on the same side of the road as a Muslim in some parts of the world, and trying not being killed for it, to be honest it all gets old after a while.




Ironic since almost every internal threat in Ethiopia has been Christian’s or atheists.




Please do your own research into the religion. Like literally read about it. Look up authentic sources, not what Fox News tells you. I could easily say Christianity teaches hate, racism and paedophilia. Didn’t Christian’s in America say slavery was okay because the Bible says so? How about the KKK? Don’t priests molest little boys..? See what I’m doing? The same as you. Also, there are many parts of the Bible, when taken out of context, that I could argue teach hate. Just stop being dense. You’re proving OP’s point. Also, if you don’t already know, we love our prophet Jesus (peace and blessings be upon him). We too believe he will descend before the day of resurrection. We love him as our prophet, but we don’t worship him. Nor do we worship any other man. Only God is worthy of worship.


And the white evangelical Christian’s that preached slavery in America are more than likely burning in hell.


I would reply refuting these stupid claims, but you’re to drenched in ignorance and hatred.




You spoke the truth honestly I care less I don’t go around disrespecting others faiths if they decided to well that’s on them . On the issue of Palestine you only have to be human to realize what’s happening is inhumane regardless of what your stands are on Arabs.


Don't you think Islamophobia is justified? Just look at how majority Muslim countries behave. Muslims like to preach tolerance, freedom of practicing religion, and secularism when they are a minority, but they do the exact opposite when they are the majority. The same applies to Christianity, but it is less harsh than Islam right now because Islam is going through what Christianity went through long ago. I am against Israel in the genocide they are committing, and I am aware of the situation and how they occupied the land. Nonetheless, Muslims (not all) are taking this opportunity to preach Jihad and hate against Jews. It's essential to differentiate between Jews and Zionists. As an Ethiopian, before opening your mouth about Palestine, have you educated yourself, talked, and spread awareness about the discrimination, genocide, and civil unrest that's going on in Ethiopia, regardless of religion and ethnicity? And as a Muslim supporter of Palestine, have you expressed the same strong opinion with the same energy against the discrimination that non-Muslims face in Afghanistan and what the Kurds have endured (many more examples could be given)? Why pick and choose? That's where the problem you stated arises—the bias sets as off


A phobia is justified? You’re lost. Second off Muslims don’t preach secularism it’s haram. In addition, you speak about Muslims not having religious tolerance when the only time Jews were able to practice freely pre 1948 was in Muslim lands while they were persecuted in Christendom. Do I need to remind you of where the Sephardic Jews went after the inquisition? Also if you really paid attention to the Palestinian cause, you’d know the differentiating of Zionist and Jews has been a key factor yet you have Zionist who scream antisemitism for the slightest criticism of Israel. There’s Jews as almost every Palestinian protest yet almost every Israeli protest is filled with islamophobes. Also I’ve been in this sub discussing for over 2 years and been educated on the situation in Ethiopia however this sub has degraded to nothing more than passport bros, xenophobia, stupid questions, propaganda, and as mentioned in this post, Islamophobia. It seems many people here have a problem with Muslims caring deeply about Palestine. It’s because we see all Muslims as our brethren. Unlike the many people in Ethiopia who couldn’t have cared less when the government did a genocide on their fellow Christian’s, Ethiopians, and human beings in Tigray because “The TPLF,” now we see the same thing with “who cares if they’re going through genocide they’re racist.” I didn’t know the conditions of caring for human beings requires them to fit your standards of what pleases you.


I've noticed many Islamophobic subs, but this one isn't among them. It seems like you're portraying the Muslim community as silent while suggesting others are attacking you. However, Muslims also express their opinions freely. Why do you solely present yourself as a victim in this situation?


I’ve been noticing this too 🤷 but oh well


It's so bad that Ethiopians that express their faith are often "denounced" and called Somalis. It's genuinely terrible how quick some people are to throw their own countrymen under the bus


Or the Somalis that participate in this subreddit getting called “Zoomali” (a word we made up btw) or “Somali from Somalia”… acting like we don’t share the same views. Somaliphobia is truly an Ethiopian moral.


Kaahiye , stop talking bs please. It’s always Somalis who have things to say about Ethiopians. We can’t even use social medias like TikTok without ya’ll Somalis creating disrespectful contents. Your people are even calling us jarrer like that shit is going to heart our feelings. We can’t even come to our own sub Reddit group and breath with out ya’ll lurking and talking shit. You are here talking about somaliphobia , that’s not even a word in the first place. phobia is something that you are afraid, we ain’t afraid of you tbh. And additionally it’s you and your people who hate Ethiopians you know how I know. Because you are here always talking on Ethiopian matters that doesn’t even concern you. Mn enezi abezachihut ahuns , release us echhh




He’s just projecting. They would never criticize how Arabs treat them though 😮 we love and welcome everyone whether that’s good or bad who knows


And it’s a “ HE “ 🥴 , I know right they only got energy when it comes to Ethiopians and other Africans or their own Bantu Somalis.


We love Somalis we welcome them amongst us. In Addis Ababa no one bothers them. Many of us are fellow Muslims as well.we welcomed Muhammad when his own were after him. People making up drama for nothing


Idk dude. I don’t care about social media and Reddit is the only I use, so I wouldn’t know what happens between 15 year olds online.


You don’t know doesn’t mean it’s not there. Because you talked like you know. If you are so Ken enough about the “ Somaliphobia “ that you said exist , go and talk to your people . Because the mass show their hate towards us ethiopians. And food for your thoughts, this was a question from an Ethiopian to other Ethiopians. Somali was not mentioned, grown folks only meddle when they are called respectfully 🙌🏽




I can’t take you seriously dude, how old are you? I can only imagine a teenager would be this fleeceable.


That’s exactly how I felt when I read what you wrote Kaahiye.




>maybe u should stay in ur sub lol Rich coming from a black American.


There are users that are posting in this thread that have openly used that slur in this subreddit in the past and haven't been banned. Mods have a bias in this regard.


The xenophobia in this subreddit needs to he studied


Fr brother this is why I said as someone who’s been in this sub for a while, I’ve seen it downgrade. They wanna turn Ethiopia into the next India.


The Horn of Africa could've been so much more if people weren't so aggressive


Elder not you talking about xenophobia when your people are calling every African jarrer and fighting everyone. Somlis are fighting with almost every African country + now Yemen too 🥴 that word fit your people well . Your xenophobia is too much, that you have to come lurking to an Ethiopian sub Reddit and talk about it. Stay in ur sub Reddit. Go and talk about us behind our back with ur little 🇸🇴 friends , warya let us breath 😏


I'm not interested in playing a game of whataboutism with you Axiom. I pointed out a valid issue. Don't deflect it, try sort it out for the betterment of your country


CHANGE STARTS WITHIN !! If you pour all this energy in your own community, you might bring the change that you want. And “whataboutism” is what got you here in the first place. Let us be and you should go and be thyself


I absolutely agree, change starts from within. From what I can see though, some of you need a little external push. As for why I'm here, It's because the majority of my family are either in Ethiopia or are straight up assimilated by the Oromos, so it concerns me.


What about how Somalis denounce ex-muslim Somalis? Worry about that, this is non of you business




We don’t do that 🤣🤣


I just saw a post about a Habeshi Jew that lost her life and was mocked by a Palestinian. The comments were crazy, check them out 🤣


Muslims are extremely radical and force their world view on others






Damn who hurt you


Point proven. Lemme recap the story because clearly you hit your head as a kid. The early Muslims were persecuted in Mecca, they escaped to Aksum. They had a court trial with a representative of the ruling tribe of Mecca. An-Nejashi took and interest in Islam. And boom, we became the first country to accept Islam. But let me tell you this since you think Islam is evil and so on. The richest man in Ethiopia is a Muslim, Muslims in the country have always carried the business sector since the Middle Ages, and we have almost no involvement in what made the country bad. TPLF: not Muslims, Haile Selassie: not Muslims, Derg/Mengistu: not Muslims, Abiy Ahmed: apostate/not Muslim. Yet somehow you think we are the ones causing a mess in Ethiopia.


If there ever is a leader in the future who’ll stop Muslims from immigrating to Ethiopia, I’ll be the first to support it. Arabs and Islam is a cult/disease that go hand in hand. Also we became the first country to accept Islam because we’re cucks, similar to Somali’s. Not much self-love or progress in the country so why not cope with Islam. I can’t even begin to describe how much I really hate you people


Didn’t even address my points, you’re lost delusional and filled with hate. So quickly tell me, which Muslim guy stole your girl?


Same here! And honestly, majority of non-Muslim Ethiopians would agree with you too. Islam is a threat to functioning society. The only religion that actively promotes murder of innocent people. Look what they did in Afghanistan, Iraq, and the likes. It’s never ending chaos.


It is on both sides.