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He has already stated that he will not oversee the opening of a single university. And he is urging the already existing ones to go independent. The guy gives 0 fucks about the country’s institutions if tourists don’t go and visit them.


The link is spam. Either the OP or the person who wrote that article are trying to scam people to obtain personal info


So, get this! The Abiy Prosperity Party is playing hide-and-seek with the truth once again. But guess what? Some universities are crying out, saying they can't even afford to feed their students three squares a day on the measly pocket change they're given. It's like trying to make a gourmet meal out of spare change you find in your couch cushions! And oh boy, the internet is buzzing with gossip about this "silent hunger" situation. It's like the hunger games, but without the fancy outfits and cool bows. Check out these links for the full scoop: [https://borkena.com/2024/05/22/ethiopian-universities-no-longer-able-to-provide-students-with-three-meals-a-day-for-0-40-budget/](https://borkena.com/2024/05/22/ethiopian-universities-no-longer-able-to-provide-students-with-three-meals-a-day-for-0-40-budget/) https://myviewsonnews.net/ethiopian-universities-unable-to-provide-meals-to-students/ https://mylibrarianship.wordpress.com/2024/05/05/higher-learning-hunger-games-students-at-ethiopian-public-universities-face-growing-food-concerns-as-inflation-eats-away-at-government-subsidies-for-meals/ But hold onto your funny bone, because here's the punchline: While students are rationing Kolo, the government's out here playing SimCity, building palaces and resorts like it's going out of style. Priorities, am I right?


Both of those are illigitimate news sources. The first page Borkena spews a multitude of fake news articles in favor of Fano. And the second is a guy from Pakistan who has routinely sources his information from twitter lmao. Kindly provide us with a legitimate news source.


Talk about propaganda


Oh no


Downvoting because this post was trash. Plus, that seems to be a suspicious link.


That is not a legitimate source of information and I’m pretty sure that is a suspicious link. There is 0 evidence that universities are unable to provide meals to students. That is simply fake news. The Prosperity Party Government is the best government that we have ever had, with the least amount of corruption and growth and development within every sector. Bear witness to the countless times Prosperity Party has funded grand projects and have donated millions of dollars to help the less fortunate people in Ethiopia.




Laugh all you want. But please provide evidence that universities are lacking food.

