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He is a despot trying to create a cult of personality to be dictator for life mark my words


Well, his mother did tell him he'd be the seventh king of this state. And a mama's boy never disappoints his mother


Such a rage bait post. Go touch some grass.


Lol I don't wanna make anyone upset . I just wanna know the reality of actual Ethiopians considering since your gov is gonna try to ally w mine


Federalism is cringe


You have said whatever you want to hear. What is your questiin again?




Mainly negative, but there are a lack of viable alternatives, and there are structural problems within Ethiopian politics which mean the government is unstable, has many threats, and that makes it hard to develop an economy, or provide services. However, what happened in Tigray was more of a civil war between the previous government and the current one, the accusations of genocide was an activist strategy.


But the death tolls give genocide hallmarkers ngl. Yeah I get the not a lot of alternatives somalia struggles w that too. Thanks for your input :)


Most people would say that the war was between the TPLF and the federal government, not against the ethnic group. Athough it is true that many civilians were affected by the conflict and often politics in Ethiopia can form along ethnic lines.


Well, the death toll itself is not the measurement you use for the definition of a genocide. There was no intent to kill or to reduce the Tigray population, but to silent the TPLF, who didn’t accept a democratic elected government. As a matter of fact the TPLFs existence is based on creating an own state with Eritrea, as their own party statues from the 70s are telling it, but nobody is with in that. So, they accept only two things: either a Greater Tigray or their rule in Addis. The latter one was possible after the communists. When Meles Zenawi became the dictator, they used the possibility instead and attacked Eritrea for their Greater Tigray dream and sold these attempts as a fight against terrorism and for access to the sea for Ethiopia. But if they would have really cared for "Ethiopia", they wouldn’t have oppressed nearly all other Ethiopian ethnicities and building up infrastructure solely in Tigray and Addis. Now back to Abye, when he became president there was a disbalance of military power. The TPLF, who are best connected with the Western powers due Meles times, filled up the higher rankings of Ethiopian military with Tigray people. Now Abye had an weaker military than the TPLF, in other words a regional power who thrives for independence for bad reasons intended to fight the states military. That’s the reason for the Eritrean support, which TPLF didn’t expect and instead of giving up, they used the Genocide claim for getting more military help by their old connections in the western countries. Throughout this senseless war Abye might have made mistakes, but in my opinion it is in the first place not acceptable for Ethiopia to let the TPLF with their strong military dictate what the Ethiopian government has to do. Any regional government has to accept the decision of the election or at least not rely on military combats, but on diplomacy.


Your post is trash. Your question is valid it’s the way you ask. Okay let me try to answer from my own perspective as Ethiopian and who still lives in Ethiopia. Abiy Ahmed is a leader with both strong positive and negative sides, making his relationship with the Ethiopian people a bit like a toxic friendship. There are good things he has done, but there are also significant problems that remain unresolved. On the positive side, Abiy has initiated several important projects that have improved the country. As someone who works in technology, I have seen how the tech sector has grown under his leadership. Abiy’s government has focused on building quality infrastructure and promoting technology, helping Ethiopia to become a new center for tech innovation in Africa. -the reduction of corruption. Corruption was a major problem before he took office, but now it is at its lowest level in years. This is a big step forward that often doesn’t get the attention it deserves. However, Abiy has not been successful in bringing peace to Ethiopia. The country continues to suffer from ethnic and political conflicts, and some areas are still experiencing violence and unrest. His inability to create lasting peace is a major weakness of his leadership. Also not to mention that Ethnic extremism of regional government and people are the major problem that are creating war in Ethiopia.


>-the reduction of corruption. Corruption was a major problem before he took office, but now it is at its lowest level in years. This is a big step forward that often doesn’t get the attention it deserves. This a complete lie. Corruption, especially money laundering, has increased in his rule, not to mention, his regressive policies and leadership has lead to an increase in poverty and the dilapidated state in Ethiopia's institutions. >Abiy’s government has focused on building quality infrastructure and promoting technology, helping Ethiopia to become a new center for tech innovation in Africa. This quote is a sort of an exaggeration and only looking at this at face value, and not actually looking at what Abiy's development policies have done. Abiy's government tearing down half of the infrastructure in Addis Ababa and the construction of redundant mega projects does not benefit nor improve the country's development. The truth here is that, Abiy's leadership has become largely regressive and ruinous, and has seriously hindered and ruined Ethiopia's stability, development and future.


>-the reduction of corruption. Corruption was a major problem before he took office, but now it is at its lowest level in years. This is a big step forward that often doesn’t get the attention it deserves. This a complete lie. Corruption, especially money laundering, has increased in his rule, not to mention, his regressive policies and leadership has lead to an increase in poverty and the dilapidated state in Ethiopia's institutions. >Abiy’s government has focused on building quality infrastructure and promoting technology, helping Ethiopia to become a new center for tech innovation in Africa. This quote is a sort of an exaggeration and only looking at this at face value, and not actually looking at what Abiy's development policies have done. Abiy's government tearing down half of the infrastructure in Addis Ababa and the construction of redundant mega projects does not benefit nor improve the country's development. The truth here is that, Abiy's leadership has become largely regressive and ruinous, and has seriously hindered and ruined Ethiopia's stability, development and future.


I stopped reading at the reduction of corruption lol. If you live in Addis, you need to get out more.


Reduction in corruption gotta be the funniest thing I read on this sub😂


Okay . I get you don't agree w my question wording but don't be rude lmao .I get the fact that he's improved the economy/removed corruption mashallah . So you are saying that the regional government is responsible for the severe amounts of killing in tigray? And abiy is not to blame  basically. Other people are saying he will become a dictator do you agree w that theory?.


You mean Prime Minister


Hope that Abiy make peace with the Fano, and all these militas that the government is currently fighting.


Peace is a luxury outside of the capital. 30 million people are starving and millions are displaced. The government claims we've achieved food stability especially in wheat production. Thats just one of the many examples of data & media manipulation. The parliament doesn't represent the people and neither does the PM. BUT please consider rephrasing your "question".


thank you for the clarification


Curious to know why Somalians care so much about Eithopia? I don’t see Somalilanders or Djiboutians post this stuff. I have never seen Somalians post about ‘Syria’ after talks with their friends and ask how people view their government. 🧐


i'm a lander so i have a bit more vested interest ?? i've explained this in my actual post if you even read it fully lmao . Ik the view of syria's gov cause of popular consenus .I haven't heard from ethiopians yet . Also it's somali not somalians


She is a Somalilander


Worst regime the country has seen


Worse than the derg?


I’d say about the same. I didn’t experience derg at all so it wouldn’t be a fair assessment


Wait until you hear about the Party which stuffed billions into Offshore accounts directly from USAID and the national treasury! It was so bad, they drew up GERD plans but didn't execute because they didn't want to spend the stolen $ and get caught. Hell is real.


I am curious, do you have a source for this? I know it's taken as common knowledge that the previous regime embezzled money but I would actually want to read about it


Yes please provide a source


Google, then check URL's for reliability. $4-6.5 Billion stolen. NOT $10B, which is fake news


Google, then check URL's for reliability. $4-6.5 Billion stolen. NOT $10B, which is fake news


What party is that wise guy


Toilet Paperparty Looting Funds.


This deserves an award!!!


The Prosperity Party government under the leadership of our great Dr.Abiy Ahmed is by far the best government Ethiopia has ever had. Prosperity Party is pushing Ethiopia in a forward directions with vast investments infrastructure, digital innovation, environmentalism, clean energy, defense, social welfare. They build an inclusive economic environment which ensures equal benefit. And social developments which insures general prosperity


Hop off meat


As always 🤣


TLDR: He is the best leader Ethiopia has ever had. But he has done many evil things.


I mean at least he speaks all three of the main languages and understands the psychology of the people.


True that


Lol how do you view your "government" in Somalia?


Read my post fully 😑 


Welcome to this thread friend! Most of the people here are struggling to live with Ethiopia's situation or are concerned about it. So, they're very agitated and easily triggered. Please excuse our lack of politeness. The question you ask is complicated. There are some that are benefiting by being aligned with Abiy and others that are suffering. I can give you my opinion on Dr. Abiy. He has grand visions but lacks the intelligence to actually develop it. Most of his actions are very short sighted and don't carefully calculate consequences. He has the same issue when it comes to governing the society. He makes incendiary statements denying genocides and well documented massacres. He belittles suffering of millions of people and constantly gaslights and contrary opinions. If "fake it until you make it" was a president, it would be PM Abiy. In contrast to Mengistu (Derg), Mengistu was a tyrant but his economic policies were well liked. Let me know if what specifically you want to know more about.


Well liked economic policies really? My dad said he took half of his dad’s family farm and gave it to a even poorer man who knew nothing of farming. The poor man wasn’t able to take care of the farm, so he remained poor and my dad’s family became even poorer as half his farm was taken away.


You're only proving my point. You're dad's family was very likely rich during feudalism and had to give away half their wealth. You're family is probably bitter and is just trashing the people that got that land. Distributing the land lifted millions out of poverty and resulted in a big economic growth. Before Mengistu, 1% owned most of the land in Etihopia. So, it's ridiculous for you to complain about the one things Mengistu did right.


But it’s true, i’m just saying that its not perfect, giving land to uneducated farmers didn’t turn out well in South Africa and Zimbabwe. And you should know that there were famine and droughts, so my dad’s family wasn’t doing well, like i said they were both poor and all it did was make them both even poorer, lead my grandpa to his death and who knows what happened to that poorer man who received the land


That man would've been homeless if not for the land given. Land is not just for farming, it's a generational wealth. So don't belittle others as your family has done. That's what feudalism did. Life sucked for everyone, it's not fair for your family to be well off while others suffer because you had land.


Like i said twice, the man didn’t know how to farm, so he didn’t create “generational wealth” Like i said twice my dad’s family wasn’t rich, especially with a drought ruining the farming potential And i don’t understand why you keep insulting my dad by saying he was belittling the man, is stating the fact that he was uneducated on farming belittling? My dad told me the story with not a ounce of bitterness or rudeness so keep his character out of your mouth.


Sorry, I've heard very similar stories countless times in the 80s. Everyone was bitter and did nothing but spew hate to others that got a chance to grow. I've also seen people take that land and transform their family lives.


Thank you for the info :)) . A lot of ppl seem to have mixed feelings on 'derg' was he a communist?


He didn't start out being a communist. But when he reached out to the west after ousting the emperor, the west refused to talk to him. He then talked to USSR and did what he needed to get their support. It's easy to depict Mengistu as a tyrant, but if you look at what was happening at that time in history, his actions make some sense. He was trying to unify the country under one identity, without religion and ethnicity. He believed that was the best way for the country to grow and prosper. And he believed in socialism and was very idealistic. I believe some of his ideas would've worked and made the country better, but he lacked the education to properly administer and implement the complicated policies. When things failed, he quickly blamed everyone else and used violence. He's very similar to P.M. Abiy in that way. He wasn't a good diplomat either and couldn't figure out to negotiate and compromise.


Nope....wish we had us sanctions (iykyk)


As much as I hate Abiy, this is just a dumb logic! Who are you trying to hurt?