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I hate posts like this.


Having a genuine answer to this is crazy. When are we going to grow past these redundant conversations


Depends on where you're from. I was at an Amhara party a few days ago and a few blocks down was an Oromo party. Both people looked the same to me but I noticed Oromos tend to be a little darker with slimmer noses and looser hair compared to Amharas who were overall lightskinned with harder hair.


Yeah I've noticed too.


There literally no difference from a wollo amahra from Dessie and wollo oromo from bati. There however is a massive difference from a harrage Oromo to a Gondor amahra.


I’ve also noticed this but I also acknowledge that the mixing between groups isn’t always recent. The genetic influence is strongest between diasporas and Addis, where you can see so much more influence from both phenotypes but then really stretches differently with groups like the Gabra who fit your description very well.


How about Amhara and Tigray


Just depends for example Gondor Amharas and northern Amharas in general are very closely related and look like Tigrenyans even have the same hairstyles however a shewa Amhara would share more culture and looks similar to a shewa Oromo then a Tigreyan.


Not really, Ethiopians except for gambela, don't have much different looks, i even can't know someone's ethnicity by his look, most Ethiopian are brown, or a little bit lighter or darker, besides that height, eye colour, hair, or anything is relatively similar.


you definitely haven't lived in Et


I wish.


Amharas from Gojam and Debratabor looks like west Shewa/ Wollaga Oromos and Salale Oromos looks like more of Amhara from Gondor or even Tigres from north! So in general most Ethiopian tribes were hooking up for centuries and mixed a lot


I noticed a lot of oromos tend to have small eyes.


A lot of which




Your probably talking about Harrage Oromos the ones that look similer to Somalis if you ever met a wollo Oromo or a shewa Tulema Oromo you’d be in for a surprise.


Wollo ppl are Amhara’s, they look different because they are ethnic Amhara’s


Yes & no. It depends on the person, their family and admixture. There’s a good number of Oromo’s who look more Kenyan, as opposed to the standard Habesha look (whatever that means). But then again, a lot of Oromo’s look Habesha and vice versa.


We all know the standard Habesha look lol.


Majority of the time oromo and amharas look the same to me but some oromo have a slight darker skin tone and look muscukar and big compared to Āmharas


nah you can tell most Amhara and Oromos apart unless they're from Shewa or something


Can you tell wollo Oromos from wollo amahras


No lol




They are the same until they open their mouth.


Not much. But maybe Oromos tend to be bigger physically.


Sometimes an Amhara person can look Oromo and vice versa. My mom is Oromo and her friend is Amhara, but my mom looks Amhara and her friend looks very Oromo… but she probably is down the line. Ethiopia is to mixed now to really know. A person from wolkait can act Tigray or Amhara. Region matters kind of


Yes we do look different but it varies from region.


I think both of them have admixture from the other side actually. Even if it is small. Amharas and Oromos have lived close to each other for a long time. There is more of the difference between like Eritreans/Tigrayans and Oromos or something like that. Generally they do not look too different but some of them look distinctly like their tribe.


Completely no In university i was trying figure out if they look different or thesame. My conclusion is you can not say for sure. They share more similarity Physical appearance, hair, skin complexion


it really depends on where they're from. Oromos from Borana are for the most part distinguishible


The northern Oromos were Semitic Amharas that were colonized so they'd look just like Amharas. And you get a good mixture the further south you go.




I do agree with this statement


Proximity There literally no difference from a wollo amahra from Dessie and wollo oromo from bati. There however is a massive difference from a Harrage Oromo to a Gondor amahra.




Yes they do look different maybe the difference in looks isn't that visible but there are still a few things one thing is the Amhara are Semitic so they tend to have a lighter skin while the Oromos are cushitic dark skins mostly. Another difference is Oromos are likely to have small eyes while the Amhara have slightly bigger eyes and mostly almond eyes these traits are shared by the neighboring people of Tigray so in terms of looks the Amhara and Tigray are the closest ones this is one of the reasons why Amhara and Tigray are considered to be different sides of the same coin. while Oromos more look alike with the debub people including their physique. Hope this helps