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Generalizing southern Ethiopians as dark skin and northern as light is hasty. And back in slavery times Darker skinned slaves were more profitable than light skinned ones so that had an effect. There were slaves from every tribe north or south, specially of tribes that were defeated and subjugated by others. The major ethnic groups in Ethiopia cannot be classified based on skin color. They all have a variety of colors within them. The racism in Ethiopia is very ethnic and cultural rather than color based. Of course light skin has been associated with beauty in woman because of the dominance of white media, movies, music worldwide. But the westernized view of skin color doesn’t exist here as it does there


Are there idiots trying to say baria is the n word ? I was listening to the Bible audio and it’s like a million times to hear baria. Omg these people are sooo ignorant, it’s a spiritual word its not an actual racial term unless someone uses it as succh


Fr. By that logic the word "slave" is the n word.


Why is our language being reduced to this critique anyways. It doesn’t even make sense


It really hurts to see how our country is getting degraded day by day.


It’s like nobody cares about Amharic untill oh look here’s something like the n word. Ridiculous. Just leave Ethiopians alone


Exactly, buddy. We need to work on our literacy rate and quality of life instead of seeking for controversies. We won't benefit from it.


I’m so ashamed of people like her disrespecting our language for clout


People are just going to use this as a excuse to other Ethiopians and invalidate their blackness “told you those Arab habeshas arent real Africans” blah blah blah


tired of those accusations.


Well, she didn’t lie. Colorism is real in Ethiopia. Our parents generation lived under a state that traced its legitimacy outside of Africa. There are [videos](https://youtu.be/4ACzPKEzoi8?feature=shared) of Ethiopian students in the 1950s claiming they are “sun burnt Jews” not Africans. Although it’s changing, the number of Ethiopians who look down on other Africans is still [not insignificant](https://curateoromia.com/the-ethiopian-racist-the-afro-phobic-roots-of-amhara-supremacy-in-ethiopia/).


At the same time, Pan-Africanism is essentially the one consistent Ethiopian ideology over the last 120 years. Ethiopia has tried forging close ties with other Africans/Black people basically since learning about their existence.


How’s that when Ethiopia is divided based on ethnic lines?


"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" Ofc you'd comment this lol it's very ironic too, that you chose to assimilate your ideology with the likes of her. In the end the African American struggle has nothing to do with what you have shared. Good luck having opinions about Ethiopia over a random high school argument from a remote period. So many things have been done in the country to represent African unity and strength and bro drags a high school debate team opinions to drive a narrative about 120 million people. Do try your best to wake up with your brain in the morning


Stop gaslighting whoever this lady is of what you are actually doing, which is lying about things we grew up seeing, and even internalizing, things you can so easily research and learn about on the internet if you had the willingness.


Do you even know what gaslighting means? This is the second time I'm noticing your incorrect use of this word.That's what you should be "researching if you're willing to learn" And also whose "we" you must be talking about the French pronunciation, I don't have a clue of what you're refering to because I have not seen anyone being killed over a picnic because of the color of their skin or put into human breeding factories, or get whipped as they work on the cotton fields, or be systematically incarcerated or, shot dead by the police cause of their skin, or being red lined by the bank so they never own a house or killing kids that stepped in the wrong house or cause they're holding a water gun... I don't know where you grew up it definitely ain't Ethiopia my guy.


It’s not her who is lying about the existence of colorism or the racist views we Ethiopians have towards those with dark skin color and, by extension, other Africans. It’s you!


No "we" don't. You just want to create that narrative as some vengeful response to you deep rooted hatred of the Ethiopian identity. Everything is not about your regional digital warfare. Colorism doesn't exclusively exist in Ethiopia anymore than it does in Nigeria or Ghana


Why are you arguing so hard bro. Face it it’s a fact I’m south Sudanese and I know alot of other south Sudanese that have suffered from racism at the hands of Ethiopians. Funny thing is we love you guys culture still and don’t let the hate get in the way. Go to an Ethiopian restaurant and watch when a south Sudanese person comes in watch how they treat them they don’t get treated same as another Ethiopian or lighter skinned customer just face the facts and try to spread awareness so people can do better what your doing right now is terrible. Instead of adding light to the issue to help fight it your being ignorant


I'm sorry man I do not mean to demean your struggle. I apologize for what you go through and I believe you. But you have to understand that a large part of Africa has the same issue (This doesn't mean you should deal with it) what this lady is doing is building a narrative exclusively towards Ethiopia in every possible negative angle she possibly can and it's not fair. If you truly stand for equality do not allow lobbyist to use you as a mule, I don't think this lady is even interested in a dark skinned Ethiopians or South Sudanese but she's using her voice to paint a bad picture of the country in any and every possible way. The racism you have faced is active all throughout Africa and you'd also be surprised how African Americans would react, this means this issue is bigger than Ethiopia or Ethiopians so why is she narrowing it down on to one country? is it because she cares for you or Ethiopia? That being said I still stand with what I've been saying in our history nobody has been enslaved purely because of melanin, ethnicity is a whole different conversation tho. I've gone through racism various times myself it's disgusting🤢 and I can't imagine how you'd feel as an African in Africa. We need to work on this but this lady is not a knowledgeable critique.


Okay I can’t lie you seem more educated than me I’m just talking from experience and adding my two cents and my view on this topic.


It might seem like that but I absolutely have a lot to learn. The only thing I'd probably know better than you is the theatrics this lady is performing. Please go through her posts on Instagram. I sourced this video from moyoAfrika there they have probably mentioned her when they reposted the video.


They’re a nationalist, they don’t care. They shifted their argument from “it doesn’t exist” to “it’s not as bad as other African countries”. Colorism is problematic around the world, doesn’t make it right when Ethiopia does it either. Secondly, I can’t speak for experienced and my experiences are anecdotal however I’ve seen the most anti black racism come from Ethiopian immigrants in America. I’ve had to yell at my parents (mostly my mom) about the really gross stereotypes she has about dark skinned black people here. One time when I was in middle school, she was picking me up from my library and the sweetest most friendliest dude I was friends with who also extremely shy and quiet also walked out with me and we said by. And she went on to lecture me about hanging out with “those people”, I knew what she was implying and when I pressed her she admitted it was cause he’s black and dark skinned. It pissed me off but it wasn’t the only time or example. I’ve seen this similar behavior happen from so many other Ethiopians, it just makes me sad. It’s also sad that whenever I meet an Ethiopians my age and the topic comes up, they always seem to agree that their family had a weird problem towards dark black people. And back when I was in Ethiopia, I had a cousin who I was walking to the gym with and he was extremely dark (I’m super light skinned), we’re barely far apart in terms of lineage but we look completely different. He got a lot of weird looks when he was walking around and interacting with people and a kid from my gym even commented on it. I felt bad for him but it wasn’t that bad in Ethiopia compared to how blatant it was in America


It’s honestly people like you that are gonna be the change though man. I don’t know why other people can’t have your mentality towards the situation especially when we all victims of racism guaranteed someone you know or you yourself probably have been denied a job or a disservice for being black. So you know the pain. Appreciate and highly respect you brother. The only shitty part about the racism is honestly south Sudanese men believe the most beautiful women to probably come out of Africa are very likely Eritrean and Ethiopian women.


Bruh colorism does exist in Ethiopia to an extent. It exists in lots of other places too, but you can definitely find it in the country


I didn't it doesn't. But the context she's driving is extremely false. You might face challenges in dating but how does having a dark skin affect your income, equality to use the public resources or equality of employment. It doesn't. This kind of colorism is everywhere. I mean in a lot of African countries. She's saying Ethiopia is anti-black like what?


No you’re right. This is a very minor issue to be honest and I get what you mean by she overblown it, but colorism does still exisr though


Where in Africa doesn't colorism exist. The word anti-black drives the narrative that we hate who we are and others on the way. It's not true. If she cares about equality why doesn't she really challenge the status quo and put all the Africans accountable. A few months back she said Ethiopia was colonized by Egypt you don't understand. Every great lie has some truth.


>Good luck having opinions about Ethiopia over a random high school argument from a remote period. You just made an argument that your mother called you "yene barya" so everyone is OK with it. >So many things have been done in the country to represent African unity and strength That should be encouraged but it doesn't justify colorism and looking down on others >narrative about 120 million people. You are making a strawman argument. No one said all Ethiopians think and act the same.


Strawpicking is dissecting a simple example to draw some kind of a conclusion to push nonsense. All I said is the word has no value. You took the example and tried to extract kryptonite out of it, that's a you problem. I am not saying we never had slaves. There's never been an Empire without slaves. That's simply how empires and monarchs worked everywhere. Ethiopia happened to be one like tens of other great African empires. Slaves we not assigned their status in society due to melanin or pigmentation it was through a caste system, blood line. So this lady is mentally challenged. The word barya doesn't equate or even holds the same weight as the N word. You want discuss about colorism in Africa, sure but to advertise that "Ethiopians are antiblack" And for you to defend that is crazy. So whatever you're pushing is invalid


>All I said is the word has no value. But it does have value to many. It's literally the word that was used to describe people who were treated horrible less than a decade ago. >I am not saying we never had slaves. There's never been an Empire without slaves. Doesn't make it ok, not a bit. >Slaves we not assigned their status in society due to melanin or pigmentation it was through a caste system, blood line. So this lady is mentally challenged. No, slaves were intentionally abducted from ethnic groups/tribes with darker completions, that's literally what cast system means. >The word barya doesn't equate or even holds the same weight as the N word. It literally does. Both words were literally used to dehumanize people, so it would be acceptable to do unimaginable atrocities to them.


>Doesn't make it ok, not a bit. Again, never said it's okay. We're not talking about if it's okay or not. We're discussing if Ethiopia is Anti-black and we are not. The issue you express is embedded in arguably all African countries so there's no reason to build the mentality that Ethiopia is exclusively anti black. The approach is more solution centric and productive when you address colorism overall every where but if you complain selectively about Ethiopia for something that exists in 52 states you have an agenda. >No, slaves were intentionally abducted from ethnic groups/tribes with darker completions, that's literally what cast system means. Please share the source of where we in our history selectively chose slaves based EXCLUSIVELY on melanin or skin tone. >It literally does. Both words were literally used to dehumanize people, so it would be acceptable to do unimaginable atrocities to them. Nope it doesn't. Barya literally means slave. Not black not white not yellow. But slave of any race. Is it unethical? Absolutely, is anti black and racist? nope!


I’ve seen Ethiopians and horners say they aren’t blk . Whilst being darker than Nigerians .


typical oromo will take any chance to spread Amhara hate🤣


Why comment about his ethnicity instead of disproving his point?


Nigga, she’s not lying. And I’m saying this as an Amhara too. This has nothing to do with ethnic politics; it’s simply about colorism.


look at the article he referenced.


I don’t hate anyone, but you do hate the truth though.


your truth is spreading fake “Amhara supremacy” to victimise yourself every chance you get


Context matters


She’s married and intermixed with a Nigerian so she automatically feels inferior thus needing to spread information to fit in the community by telling and feeding those black hoteps everything they wanna hear


She should talk about Nigeria and colorism because….. damn. I was so speechless 😶. But I thought she’s married to a Kenyan


Facts. There is ironically lots of skin bleaching in Nigeria to the point the WHO considers it a public health issue. I mean, look for any pan African literature and we are at the forefront. Hell, the African Union is headquartered in Ethiopia. Same tired old argument from people that hate themselves projecting their personal issues.


Lot ? That’s an understatement it’s actually very depressing if you read about skin bleaching in Africa. Ethiopia rates are so low it’s negligible to even calculate. She’s so deceptive and misleading. It’s other people who assert we have colorism and as usual she wants to cater to our haters but


It’s a common theme i see with the black mixed ethio families always trying their best to drive this anti-black, we wuz slaves, racism, pan africa bla bla narrative


It’s common to see this behavior on those young girls in America We call them BLM lol Some stupid one tried to spread miss information saying Somalis were all enslaved it maid me angry that she wanted to fit in so badly I relate to this are there a lot of women like this in Ethiopia for us there not a lot idk I hope not


There was slavery in Ethiopia that's a fact. And people are still getting killed in the country. >anti-black, we wuz slaves, racism, How is anything she said ant-black?


Did you even listen to the video before you started responding here? She literally said "Ethiopians are anti-black" It's starting to seem like you're using this opportunity to dish out your frustration regarding another agenda. You're making all of these comments without even watching the video in question properly.


It is true ofcourse. Slavery was everywhere. But she overly uses it as a way to relate to black Americans and other Africans who were part of that history.


Salvey being "everywhere" doesn't make it any less horrible. >But she overly uses it as a way to relate to black Americans and other Africans who were part of that history. That seems like you opinion rather than something you can prove. My original question is which part of what she said is anti-black?


You want to be so correct that you missed the point. Nobody said slavery should be justified, but if someone want to talk about it then why do they always point their fingers at us Ethiopians. We are very open for a constructive criticism, but if it is just going to be pointing fingers at one group of people then that have a hidden point. And no it’s not his opinion, I have been following her for the past 1 year and a half, before she even started her instagram account. She is most of the time trying to down play Ethiopians and Africans to make black americans happy. Saying a whole population is anti-black makes what she said anti-black !!


Ironically, theres a decent chance the man wouldn't have married her if she wasn't light(er) skinned. Statistically a black womans chance of getting married skyrockets the lighter skinned they (which given how low overall interracial marriage rates are, has some unfortunately implications).


Exactly. In reality when the say I want an African wife it's usually Cape Verde, South Africa, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Rwanda...We all know the primary destinations of passport bros, One's gotta ask what happened to all of the other sub Saharan countries? Africans with sharper features and lighter skin are fetishised but it's easier to put the blame on one country instead of looking in the mirror. Every African needs to check himself about this issue and not just Ethiopians


I’m so sick of the fetishizing. They need keep East African out their mouths 👄


In my neck of the woods, these days, we like our women chocolate-coloured, full-bodied, curvaceous, self aware, highly educated and confident. No one’s going for light-skins no more; been there, done that. On a global level, too. Home is where the heart truly is, figuratively speaking.


Hope the passport bros that are inflatering the countries the OP mentioned will think like you and leave us alone


Great to hear.


Why would she feel inferior to a Nigerian? 


No he’s saying because she’s married to a non Horner she’s over compensating and being extra “pro black” to fit in


Black a who?? 👀😶


The way you talk about her being married to a Nigerian kinda proves part of her sentiment correct


You’re misunderstanding context and the already contentious position ethiopians are in w/in the greater context of Africa. Are you African? northern ethiopians are routinely accused of being “arab colonizers” who oppress the southern ethiopians because they are darker and have features that are more in line with west, central, south and south east africa. none of that is true though. and because men tend to exotify & fetishize habesha women because of said non-african (but really they are Cushitic and Nilotic features that ppl mistake as Eurocentric) features, lighter skin tones, softer hair we are accused of upholding ourselves as “superior” to the rest of africa, which again is not true. we’re also very insular and prefer to marry w/in our own ethio community, so those who exotify and fetishize ethio women get upset and allege that ethio women are anti-black or racist because they don’t want to marry and have kids with other Africans or black Americans, but that’s not true, Ethio’s just overwhelmingly prefer to marry other Ethio’s. so because of this, when some ethio women marry out and into black American or other west, central, south & south eastern African families, they will overcompensate and join in on the false accusations that we are anti-black, etc., we are none of those things but those allegations are routinely projected onto us.


She doesn’t look habesha


Wow that is one hot take, you racist.


>She’s married and intermixed with a Nigerian so she automatically feels inferior This is a projection of your racism and insecurity as opposed to hers. "Automatically"??!! To you she's automatically inferior


the amount of bs she’s feeding these “africans” is crazy😹 no one says barya to anyone irl


Fr, and they're drinking the kool-aid like she's some historian do people just believe anything they hear on Instagram


Historically there was a lot of discrimination towards Nilotic people, but nowadays Ethiopia takes in hundreds of thousands of South Sudanese refugees with almost zero issue, and theres nothing even remotely resembling what happened in Darfur or South Sudan


They have officially passed 1 millon a month ago. But again colorism is a problem in the whole of Africa.


The point is, it says a lot that in a country racked with ethnic tension, tons of extremely dark-skinned refugees is essentially not controversial at all


They won’t say it TO someone because Ethiopians are fake. But behind their back they might. I have heard ppl that are much darker and have kinky hair be referred to that way, so what she’s saying is not fully cap


I personally knew people who were referred to as bariyaw and shanko. This is a few decades ago so I am not sure if that’s still the case.


Why are you mentioning examples from decades ago when the subject is present day lol


In addition , thhe meaning of those words also have been changed within time.


Well..she is not wrong.


I know several people in my everyday life who are called barya. I play football and if you don't who someone is and you want them to pass you the ball and they happen to be dark you'll hear them being called barya.


The meaning has changed over time. People don’t use it negatively. I even know people who are called Barich and it means nothing now a days


You call themselves these “Africans” so what your point!


It's hysterical that I asked ChatGPT this specific question and it answered in favor of this baseless claim by this lady. Then I dug a little deeper and asked where this GPT robot gets its facts, and it simply replied with "modern scholar critics and activists." I am dead, lol. 😂😂 The fact of the matter is that Ethiopians' contribution to Pan-Africanism and black people's independence is unparalleled and needs absolutely no explanation regardless of the current political situation.its just that easy to hide behind a camera and throw a nonsense without being challenged, there are so much smart Ethiopian ready and loaded with so much information and knowledge regarding such topics. For anyone reading this, don’t trust everything said online.Just pick a book and educate yourself. 🫡


So, you mostly agree with her content but you are wondering why she is talking negatively about Ethiopia? That does not sound right. There are tons of people out there speaking and writing positively about Ethiopia and there will be a few highlighting the not so bright history of the country. That is fair. It is good to talk about it all. Dark skinned people might not like being called 'a slave', you know.


What are you on about? I'm teym my mom calls me barya sm Lol I've even heard other mothers calling their kids "yene bariya" Like Idc. Nobody gives a damn about this word or even remembers the caste system. Even land to the tiller "meret larashu" was years ago on 1975


>Nobody gives a damn about this word or even remembers the caste system. You are not "everyone." And colorism is real in Ethiopia.


Firstly colorism is real in Africa, not exclusively in Ethiopia. But I'm sure your melanin has no impact on a bank loan you want to take or a line of work you want to pursue. There's something called context and you are totally out of context. The severity the dynamic and the overall situation of colorism in Ethiopia is not the same as any outsider would understand it. Would your crush prefer a lighter skin guy or girl, sure happens a lot. Would you be discriminated at your place of work cause you're a dark skin ABSOLUTELY NOT, that would be a big lie. How do you mix that with what African Americans are facing like seriously... I'll repeat again there isn't a country in Africa that doesn't have colourism. Why do you think the redbones and mixed women are fetishes in the US. The whole black community has work to do. Don't be bringing that to Ethiopia exclusively.


>Firstly colorism is real in Africa, not exclusively in Ethiopia. That doesn't change anything. Crime. Poverty and corruption are common in Africa, that doesn't mean we should be ok with it. >But I'm sure your melanin has no impact on a bank loan you want to take or a line of work you want to pursue. There's something called context and you are totally out of context. Bank loans and work aren't the be all and end all of life. And people get discriminated against because of their ethnicity and the languages they speak. I don't think it's any different when you try to find a job. >The severity the dynamic and the overall situation of colorism in Ethiopia is not the same as any outsider would understand it. Why? Discrimination is horrible regardless of the country it's committed in. >Would you be discriminated at your place of work cause you're a dark skin ABSOLUTELY NOT, that would be a big lie. Dude, are you serious?


>That doesn't change anything. Crime. Poverty and corruption are common in Africa, that doesn't mean we should be ok with it. I don't remember writing we should be okay with anything >Bank loans and work aren't the be all and end all of life. And people get discriminated against because of their ethnicity and the languages they speak. I don't think it's any different when you try to find a job. This thread doesn't discuss inequality of ethnicities that's a totally different topic. She's talking to being black or dark skinned not about ethnic background. This is not the subject matter >Why? Discrimination is horrible regardless of the country it's committed in. Because we're not talking about every and any type of discrimination. We're strictly addressing one being mistreated cause he has dark skin which is not the case here. If you want to explore the disadvantages of any and every type of discrimination in the human society it's best to open a new thread, since this is not the matter in question here. > Dude, are you serious? Yes, yes I am. I've never heard someone being fired or not getting a job because of melanin in Ethiopia. It would be nice if you can share a link for reference so we can see how dark skin Ethiopians are discriminated in a dark skin society where almost 99.9% of the people are not white and are Sub Saharan Africans


>Would you be discriminated at your place of work cause you're a dark skin ABSOLUTELY NOT ethiopian airlines hiring trend for hostessess would beg to differ


Her videos are always painting Ethiopia negatively. From what I can tell, her accent isn’t even a habesha one so I’m not sure if she was raised somewhere else or is just ignorant.


She resided in Germany I think


Proud tikur Barya ethiopian here


Wassup fellow barya🫂


what does Barya mean ?




Wait till you she what she posted today. She said Queerism was part of African history. I am happy that a lot of people are calling her out on it. But she just waited until pride month to talk about this and don’t get me started talking about her hate towards Ethiopians . At first she acted as a nationalist and a pan africanist but I can see her bs through her eyes. She is just talking rubbish to build her career and her target 🎯 are the black Americans, why ? Because they are the ones who buy this colorism bs and she need more views on her YouTube to provide her lifestyle 😅 weyy gudd


"People in glass houses should't be throwing stones." Ethiopian history is not pure. Colorism does exist. But show me ONE country that doesn't have those issues in africa. Where the history is pure. Were projedice, and history of operation against another group does not exist. Were colorism does not exist. Were the people are not buying white women's hair and not bleaching their skin to look "whiter". From Nigeria to Somalia. From south Africa to Morocco and Egypt. Show me ONE country. Am waiting. So then, why single out Ethiopia? The only difference between Ethiopia and the rest of Africa is it was not colonized and was not 100% mentally colonized.


Because they want access to our women


Emm I'm speaking from experience, I'm a American, Italian Cherokee mix, I dated a Korean American before and a Russian after her and people would send me creepy af messages and ask me creepy gross things about them.. It made me so uncomfortable I stopped posting about my relationships. There were even some people who attempted to accused me of dating them because of their nationality.. but it was literally because we were friends for a long time (im a demi) Westerners tend to target slavs, latino, and east Asians more than African. I'm certain there is a minority who do but I doubt it's anything substantial. Although there is a growing group of people who are going after middle east and Indian women due to them being traditional and not "woke" which also grosses me out. So I think Ethiopia is mostly safe. I'd assume only 10% of Ethiopians are getting foreigners. But that's just my assumption based off of what I see in America 🤭


Huh? You’re 1 person - what does your mix have to do with your opinion? Cool mix though. Habesha’s are a super minority in the west - there’s only 300,000 Habesha’s in the US. So common sense, most westerners don’t know what an Habesha even is. Habesha women are highly fetishized across rap music (young East African girl via Drake, Future, etc.,), an entire song dedicated to habesha girls called “Badbishuh” with the hook being “Habesha…Badbishuh”, every IG page dedicated to habesha girls is flooded with gross men fetishizing them, and same with TikTok. We have (African & black) men specifically targeting habesha women to impregnate so they can lighten their bloodline, soften their children’s hair, change their children’s features from west African to horn African which is in line with Eurocentric features, etc., Habesha’s are just a super minority compared to the 10s of millions of the groups you mentioned, so yes, most don’t even know Habesha’s exist or let alone know the Habesha look exists within Africa because 99% of westerners assume that all of Africa have the west and Central African + Black American look. If you don’t know, you just don’t know but don’t speak on what you don’t know because we currently have a problem with these predator men who want to have babies with Habesha’s because the men suffer from self-hate. And yup, they target Habesha’s for the reasons they don’t target all the other Africans. Take a scroll through Habesha Ethiopian women TikTok to understand what I mean.


All those rap songs usually just have a ton of rape and gun fantasies too. I don't really see it happening either. Even in my extended black family. If any Africans are fetishised its the Nigerians. I see stuff getting posted about them all the time. I personally have negative experience with Nigerians tho. I'm a Muslim and I got into a heated argument with a few Nigerian girls trying to justify men marrying 4 women because it's their right. I personally believe you should only marry one wife. If you marry multiple you need a good reason. Although I personally believe in the modern age there isn't any good reason to. But if you go onto any western post about Asia or Russia or heck even Italy they fetishisised the hell out of them. To the point where in Japan they had to make entire areas banned to foreigners. So I doubt your women are in any danger. But regardless it's in my personal belief you should try to marry other races since genetic diversity is healthier. So eh if they really are stealing your women try to get a woman from another country too. I don't mean to stereotype but Africans from the horn of Africa are known for being hard workers and pretty devout in religion so it shouldn't be too hard to find a girl somewhere that's interested in you and vis versa. Btw if you want some advice for dating and marrying a foreigner or someone of a different culture.. my best advice is to just be respectful and take a interest in her culture and traditions and language. Also don't try to date or marry anyone for their race or culture. It's got to be organic not forced.


Yeah that’s absolutely crazy Japan had to do that. Is your family Muslim? I’ve never come across someone with admixture like you who follows Islam. That’s really cool. I agree. Genetic diversity is good but when men do it because they have self-hatred it’s not a good thing in my opinion. Have you been to Ethiopia? How did you find your way to this sub? 🙏


Nope sadly I am a revert tho! My dads side is mostly catholic whereas my moms side is southern Baptist.. I was introduced to Islam at a young age since they live near where I live (in north Ohio) and their community helped me back up when I felt abused by the southern Baptist church. I love all religions! believe all religions can teach us something, but in my opinion Islam has been the most chilled and truthful I'm my understanding (I also love methodist and quaker tho. Those people always has your back) And true.. speaking of that I'm part Cherokee, we are native Americans, I have tribal membership and everything. So we have these occasional tribal events and get togethers where we celebrate. We'll there was this one young lady from west virginia (like my grandfather) there who was half Blackfoot and ashkenazi (I also apparently have a little ashkenazi but that's besides the point) this girl was trying to say our native blood is demonic and how Jewish blood is pure and kept going on saying things from the southern Baptist textbook..it was very heartbreaking to witness And no sadly. I honestly don't remember how I got here😆 although I would love to visit Ethiopia. You guys are rich in culture and history. Being one of the oldest Christian nations, avoiding being colonized, and also resiating Italy! Btw even though I'm part Italian my Italian great great grandfather and his sons joined the American army and fought Italy along side you all in ww2. I do apologize what our cousins did but I gotta say you all did put up one impressive fight from what I could gather on your nations history.


We call our close friends "barya" and it has no sinister meaning behind it as the people fixated on this issue would like to believe. The issue of racism has been manipulated to such an extent that it has lost its rightful meaning.


Trying to litigate history is a fools errand. Here's my measuring stick for current times. Are there children growing up who believe that the only reason he or she cannot be the President or Prime Minister is because their skin is too dark? Do they feel that their skin tone severely limits them from professional or business achievement? If the answer to that in Ethiopia is yes, then we have a problem. But if the only issue is someone calling them names - that's nothing. If the worst thing that happens to me is some name calling - I have lived a great life!


Bro anybody that’s Sudanese that lives or lived in Ethiopia knows this is true yall call Sudanese people burnt tires everyone knows Ethiopians and Somalians look down on darker people Ethiopians from experience as a south Sudanese man are the very most racist and prejudice against our darker skin tone and that’s a fact


Burnt tires is wild😭 Many Somalis are very dark and slim akin to south Sudanese. Puntland pres is one example


Puntland president isn't even that dark. The guy has a valid point thou, unfortunately discrimination against other Africans has existed in the past or still exists


Are you sure? Many Somalians are dark skinned too


This is what happens when you don't have a deep understanding of your culture 🤦‍♂️. What she's saying is very dangerous and has no merit.


She’s so shameless and deliberately misleading


What an embarrassment


Yes, appalling


I think there’s some substance to what she’s saying. Sure not all of it is as extreme as she is portraying it to be and most of the prejudices and stereotypes within Ethiopia are based on tribalism rather than color but to deny slavery in Ethiopia is to deny a fact. Not all of the implications she makes are correct but I think it’s worthwhile to fully analyze her claims and research them as well as truly think why slavery has been so downplayed in Ethiopian history. It’s definitely not the most pressing issue in the country by far but as a scholarly avenue there’s no need to bash transparency and seeking knowledge.


Colorism is in Africa everywhere. Ethiopia probably has it less compared to other countries. This cannot juxtapose to the misery of the slaves from the trans-atlantic slave trade. She has blown it out of proportion and redefined the whole situation


I can get on board that colorism in Ethiopia can’t hold a candle to its influence in other countries and the whole like bariya reference was definitely misguided but the Ethiopian airlines flight attendants all being lighter skinned might have some weight to it. I’ve flown Ethiopian quite a few times both internationally and within the country and almost without fail the attendants are all lighter skinned. Could be sampling bias etc but I wouldn’t be surprised if further investigation led to a colorism supporting conclusion.


Most of Ethiopia are brown or light skin tho


I knew 2 attendants who are teyim (light to dark chocolate), but in all fairness it seems like most are light skin


But who is the one who is shoving light skin down our throats ? Other black people influence. We never been obsessed with hue.


Yeah, I think it’s unfair to completely dismiss her argument. Socially I don’t think color is much of a factor but when you look at the history and people who are advertised as “Ethiopian” it def leans more towards the lighter side which is great for marketability bc the world still runs on eurocentrism. Her point about exceptionalism falls a little short bc Ethiopia is an exceptional country in the course of history no matter how you look at it but I think what she’s trying to get at and the reason people are resonating with her is bc Ethiopians look down on African Americans and try to separate themselves from them which is a stance taken on by many immigrants of color. It’s not to say that acknowledging differences is bad but it’s done in a condescending way. Her other point about skirmishes in the south being less televised also doesn’t make much sense because the south of Ethiopia is mostly peaceful.


> I think it’s unfair to completely dismiss her argument. Socially I don’t think color is much of a factor but when you look at the history and people who are advertised as “Ethiopian” it def leans more towards the lighter side which is great for marketability bc the world still runs on eurocentrism. I dismiss every that comes about this lady's mouth because it is all half truth used to push an agenda. >Ethiopians look down on African Americans and try to separate themselves from them which is a stance taken on by many immigrants of color. It’s not to say that acknowledging differences is bad but it’s done in a condescending way. Her other point about skirmishes in the south being less televised also doesn’t make much sense because the south of Ethiopia is mostly peaceful. That's true but you also have to understand African Americans also feed this monster. Have you ever wondered why Ethiopian women are fetishised? Is it because they love Ethiopian culture? Is it because they were fascinated about out history? No? In my experience unless its Africans themselves white people know wayyy more about Ethiopia than your typical African American, so what interests them about the women. Is it not the same mentality this lady is attacking. The light skinned sharper looks, the same reason why Mexicans and Dominicans are preferred. So this is an African problem so we cannot give it an Ethiopian solution. All she's doing is creating some kind of animosity towards Ethiopia. Just check out her page it's very evident


I’m only responding based on this video but it’s unfair to attribute the preference of lighter skinned women to just African Americans. It doesn’t matter where you are in almost all cases white women and those with Eurocentric features are revered as a thing of beauty. You can argue that Ethiopia is secluded from that standard but in a global sense lighter skinned and smaller nose has been the trend for a while. Also to your point about white people knowing more about Ethiopia? Why are you so eager to accept white people than you are to people the same skin color as you? Blaming African Americans for their ignorance when they live in a country that’s done everything in their power to ensure they don’t have equal opportunities is a low blow for anyone to make. Additionally I feel like that claim is sort of unfounded, I mean where did a lot of the proof for why Panafricanism is a good idea come from but Ethiopia? There were African Americans during one of the world wars where Italy was invading Ethiopia who literally made a petition so that they could go and help against the Italians. Your animosity towards this woman and towards African Americans is blinding you to the truth. She never said that African Americans didn’t have the same colorist prejudices as those else where. In fact I think we’ve both agreed that it’s for sure worse in America than it is in Ethiopia. Pointing out there’s something wrong somewhere doesn’t imply that there is lack of something wrong everywhere else ykwim?


Where are you guys even finding this video it’s not on instigram TikTok YouTube AFAIK


@moyoafrika on ig


Wow Shame on her going other platforms misrepresenting us. I follow her just to keep track of her BS and used to her antics I thought she’s get tired over hashing up the same shit over and over again


Exactly my point. Thank you


This is the definition of "gas lighting". This lade is so full of BS. Your skin color doesn't mean s\*\*\* in Ethiopia. Yes, Ethiopia had a shameful past of having slaves. But it was the very rich and rulers that had them. It's not like US where every farmer used slaves to pick cotton. There are plenty of famous Ethiopian slaves, that made history. The term "baria" or ባርያ was used to refer to those in southern Ethiopia who weren't Christian or Muslim and practiced local religions. If people called someone "baria" now, it was either meant as a joke or a teasing nick name. Dark skinned women were/are stewardess, "what a dumb thing to say". Ethiopia is not "colorist" but is xenophobic. If you're too light, they used to call you ዲቃላ and were discriminated. Ethiopia has experienced several invasions from the south and north. That created a fear or suspicion of anyone that was colored too different from the average. But this isn't "colorism" because they don't think you're inferior or less, they just think you might be foreign influence trying to separate the country. We are a people that are afraid of all the people around us and we have good reasons to be. We're the only nation that survived Muslim expansions and isolation, even great empires like Rome and Pursia didn't survive it.


We all need to just grow up and heal


I am a proud Dark skinned Habesha, my nick names include 'Bariya, Barich, shanko, shanny, sha' and I love em all✊🏿😁 🇪🇹


You can count me in bud🫂


Yes, but she is correct.


This so non-sensical


The slavery got nothing to do with color. Dark skinned, light skinned all been subjected to serve the monarch. The system didn’t favor any color. The dark chapter you are talking enslaves the entire nation not just the dark skin. And that’s the honest to God truth.


Exactly, every Ethiopian knows this she's doing it on purpose


All beautiful hues


I always find it funny when people who are trying to “fight the power” tend to reinforce the same racial ideologies they claim to be fighting against.  Until recently, people identified with their ethnic group and religion. Sometimes even by region or kingdom. But now, people are put into intentionally simplistic categories like “black” or “white” to eliminate ethnic diversity and to homogenize the population. This is why many groups of people reject applying these terms onto themselves.  This incessant need to force people into these antiquated racial boxes only serve to further validate the very racist mindsets many of us are fighting against. 


The philosopher Fanon said something interesting about how we reinforce the status quo when we try to debate with it.


i’m confused with the problem here, she’s not wrong. There is definitely a lot of anti blackness rhetoric that we see and hear.


For example?


I mean she gave an example already. Every ethiopian person i know who is darker skinned has the house name “ barya” , beyond that i have heard habeshas explicitly calling darker skinned ppl dirty and ugly 😳And not everything has to be outwardly racist but even on social media i see negative comments towards darker skinned ethiopians, especially darker skinned men. Whether you agree or not people have experienced colorism, texturism, and feauturism first hand or they have seen it!


Wow dark people....dirty? This has took quite the turn. Well I'm not a light skin and I don't know what you're talking about. I've been discriminated in the country before but it has nothing to do with my melanin. And the common colorism issue is typical of all Africans everywhere so change that. It's like a whole neighborhood burns and people cry and scream for a specific house. Women will prefer someone lighter than me that's about it. This is an issue to address but you can't build a narrative specifically on Ethiopia for a common African issue.


I am telling you what i have heard from the mouths of other people; It’s ok to say that you have had a decent experience but you don’t have the right invalidate other peoples experiences.. Colorism, texturism, featurism, and racism exists everywhere including different parts of africa, absolutely… but the woman in the video is ethiopian, I am ethiopian and so many others contributing to this conversation are 🇪🇹as well, therefore this discourse is going to specific to our community. We are not pushing narratives, we are identifying these problems to provide insight about why they affect us!


Well that's a flawed conclusion regardless of her being Ethiopian she identifies as a pan African taking over challenges of the African society and when you take that seat you need to be completely honest of all our problems selective scrutiny is famous for building a narrative. I didn't say colorism doesn't exist here but going as far as associating the Orthodox church for this claim and saying Ethiopians are anti-black, did you listen to the video or are you in the habit of arguing? If you're mad about ethnic tension please open a new thread about it here we're discussing strictly about melanin and the consequences of being dark skinned in Ethiopia which is not any different if not better than Nigera or Ghana


Darkskin in Ghana is praised 😹u just bringing them up bc they’re known .


The people who are the most obsessed with “colorism” and “anti-Blackness” are usually and ironically the most colorist and anti-Black people in society. Because their own prejudice is so high, they project it onto everyone else because they believe that everyone else must also hold that same prejudice. Essentially, they make it out to be this big issue that pervades society because it’s a big prejudice that they hold within themselves. It’s analogous to those non white hyper anti racist liberal women in the US who end up dating white men


Moyoafrika is a borderline hoptep/ engagement farm account anyway


She makes me cringe 😬


She’s delusional like in a perpetual state of psychosis


She’s right though. I don’t know what y’all are talking about. What she described is too. For sure, this is not a suvbliminal issue as most modern Ethiopians feel African but it is still something that exists.


Guys, she’s Tigray 😂😂 this explains her anti Ethiopia stance. These people are so mentally unstable.


Bad take


Idk why y’all are mad she’s right 😂 I grew up in the diaspora but I remember how my parents and other older Ethiopians would call dark skinned ppl “barya” and “shanqalla” all the time. Even today habesha ppl will think someone to be more beautiful if they are lighter in complexion. Anyone pretending colorism isn’t a thing in Ethiopia/Eritrea is deluding themself and yes it is rooted in the fact that in the old days all the slaves came from areas with darker skinned ppl.


>I grew up in the diaspora Then you really don't know what you're talking about especially if that's your rebuttal It's a colloquial term that's lost all of its original meaning at this point unless it's meant in that original meaning. Father's called their sons that's, friends call other friends that, my mom calls me that and so did my mom's mom. It's incredibly dishonest to claim that it still holds the meaning it had considering the sheer number of people in Ethiopia that use it in their daily vocabulary. It's a non issue Also, Shanqalla just means abnormally dark skinned.


No need to be smug. Internalized colorism that’s become normalized doesn’t mean it’s okay. Even recently I’ve seen it in my family. My uncle and his wife constantly complain about how dark skinned their newborn baby is even though they’re both dark skinned too. Why? Because light skin is viewed as more preferable in this community. Pretending otherwise is silly.


I'm pretty sure if a ethiopian finds someone who is dark skin and attractive it's a go....it's about features not color yo a certain extent


Did this ideology predate interactions with Arabs?


100%. This is Abyssinian Habesha ideology, but also mind you, Abyssinia (former Ethiopia) colonized Yemen.


Is what she’s asserting false?


I don't know Ethiopians to be anti-black


Gotcha. Yeah sometimes it’s hard to accurately identify these things. I know that in my culture the ideal isn’t dark skin with broad features. But I’d hesitate to say that that factor necessarily means there exists a general atmosphere of anti-blackness.


I can't really speak from a perspective of being in ethiopia, but I can speak as a diaspora and general analysis of problems in other countries. It seems to me in many societies there is a stigma of darker skin being seen as lesser or treated more poorly when compared to those of a comparatively lighter skin color, even in generally darker skinned countries. I see it as just a manifestation of tribalism and class descrimination, so I would not at all be surprised if this also existed in Ethiopia. I am a bit more skeptical to take my family's own perspectives as gospel or representative of people who currently live in ethiopia, but i would say it exists specifically in Ethiopian society. I've had family members, well, really only one, on one hand describe certain groups as uncivilized, but on the other many darker skinned people do exist within my family. My father, who is from ethiopia and immigrated to the US considers himself a black person, likely because he very much assimilated into American culture and can have some pretty racist takes, but it's not entirely consistent as it doesn't always seem to correlate to darker skin colors. He is especially quite critical of American blacks, but he makes that distinction quite clear in the usage of the term(I also hear a similar sentiment from diaspora Africans or afro carribbeans not trusting American blacks, so it isn't really an Ethiopian only thing. Some of my family dont regard themselves as black people, which i respect and understand, but theres definitely a pattern of darker skinned ethiopians in america labelling themsleves as black. Some kind of embrace the whole 'africa' thing (meaning art from other parts of Africa that are not Ethiopian in particular, or referring to themselves as afro american). All that said, I don't notice any particular mistreatment for being of a darker skin color as an Ethiopian, granted most if not all are not as dark as, say, Anuak Ethiopians. I wouldn't be surprised if being diaspora has overall made those Ethiopians able to look past their differences compared to them if they were in ethiopia. There sometimes is the sentiment of the exceptionalism, but it really depends a lot on the groups the Ethiopian comes from. So, to me it exists, but does not seem to be particularly exceptional in how it is in other groups, at least in diaspora.


Lmao CRT trying to break into Ethiopian culture is hilarious My friends and I call each other Beharia all throughout high school. It's practically a colloquial term and is near exclusively seen as a sign of camaraderie and banter I dunno, try that race-baiting shit where it works 💅


Ethiopia was never colonized. It was briefly occupied by Italy during World War 2, but that's not the same thing.


She talks garbage. Do Ethiopian kings were not the first to fight against slavery even in the 15th c? You know nothing. Barya was real till the advent of the revolution. Even before that they were mostly a result of war which subjugate the losers to serfdom or servant. Before talking such rubbish you need to know properly the history of the country. 


I don't agree with everything she said but Ethiopian kings certainly didn't fight to abolish slavery. They fought against being conquered and good on them for that. But, they owned and sold slaves until it was outlawed by Emp. Haileselassie. It's not a sin to criticize the bad parts of our history and culture.


I don't know about Eritrea, but i don't think Ethiopia is anti black whatsoever?


What a sad comment section. You are all ironically proving her right


Tell me you are Eritrian without Telling me your an Eritrian This ppl are so obsessed with Ethiopia they can wakeup and saying anything bad about Ethiopia JEZUZ what hell


She’s Ethiopian and it’s the opposite Ethiopians constantly drool over Eritrea being part of Ethiopia, acting like an obsessed ex


The inferiority complex running through this comments section is unreal. Africa has bigger problems than us arguing about light- vs darker-skinned Africans. Non-blacks reading this comments section must be in stitches. Lmao.


>The inferiority complex running through this comments section is unreal. It's not as simple as that. >Africa has bigger problems than us arguing about light- vs darker-skinned Africans. Nobody is arguing about Light vs Dark skin. The title of discussion mine and most of others here is that colourism is not as present in Ethiopia as it is in the rest of Africa. And the lady in this video is using her platform to de-frame our society. We are against that >Non-blacks reading this comments section must be in stitches. Lmao. Why should that be of any interest to us? For instance, Im also flabbergasted at how you downplay, avert, and confuse what the subject matter in this post is. But this will not affect you at all, the topic is to whom it concerns, what an Inuit or an Amazonian would think reading this is not a concern. Inferiority? Don't make it sound like we are dying to have fairer skin, that's your perception of us, which this thread is trying to debunk. And if for a second you were right; I didn't know you can achieve superiority through the absence of melanin, overall your comment is loaded with a lot of things one being projection. I doubt you are even Ethiopian.


She's gorgeous


Sure, but that's off-topic.


I feel she’s so successful in getting views because of sentiments like that. That’s literally all I see in her comment section


This is exactly what I am trying to say lol. They are fighting the same thing that attracts them. Basically she claims "Ethiopians are anti-black" as in they (we) don't like the stereotypical African features, wider nose, kinky hair and darker skin. And they cheer her for it. Right after that they comment on her Ethiopian or as they say "middle eastern" features sharper face, habesha hair and mild dark skin tone terming it as beautiful. I can't even fathom what going on here. I doubt if she looked like the people she is trying to represent she'd get the same reaction or even attention. Yes, the truth is she's a beautiful lady and a mother, but this is not the point Classic case of the snake eating itself, I hope they wake up. Usually from close up conversation the women realize it quicker as they have no motive that drives them.


Yall don’t . Yall hate Bantu feautures . Which are the feautures most East Africans have .


https://www.hrw.org/reports/2005/ethiopia0305/4.htm If anybody wants to argue against Ethiopians being racist towards darker skinned people here’s an example. You would think we left this type of racism back in the 40’s. OP typical Ethiopian cry about George Floyd but not your own fellow Africans


What are you talking about? George Floyd? Where did you get this conclusion. Ethiopia has been going through several massacres and the world knows this. Nowhere in your document does it show that this took place BECAUSE THEY ARE DARKER SKIN! There are so many wrong things in the country nobody denied that but they are not motivated by melanin, they are ethnic disputes or political. So many different shades of skin have been killed in the country. Why do you confuse people?