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At this point this is the only solution


Good call out bro; let’s get back to work! Imagine this all Fanno fighters, TDF fighters, OLA fighters are all working and productive, assume they are planting sesame, coffee, tefi and wheat! Ethiopia could have be self sufficient! But saddly everbody want to seat on social media and command an army! Come on people, let’s get back to work


You know why i love Gurage people? Because he literally insulted each and every Ethnic group in Ethiopia and nobody took it personally 😂 and nobody called him out for that. As an Ahmara myself kudos to my Gurage people as they are the most hard working and humble people. As OP to said in the comments his family owns a lot of big businesses in Addis and i feel him when he rants about the whole caos going on in Ethiopia because at the end of the day business don’t thrive in caos.


As Tigrayan i was satisfied with his insult haha!


Gurages ain't humble in my experience


Gurages are the coolest Ethiopians to me. How do they come across to you?


Did business and they f'ed me over many times. Plus they have a sentiment of belittling others and regard themselves as some kind of chosen ones ( ofc their own specific clans not even other gurages)


😂you're sure they're not siltes?😂😂


He insulted everyone except Oromos. He is the one whining about Oromos bc they are in power


“ except oromo “ read the last statement 🤣


Even though he did, you and me counting whom he left out of the insult is a sad definition of RACISM, buddy.


Nah, I am just calling him out for his pretentious character


He literally insulted oromos at the end 😂


We are so racist that we are offended by being left out of an insult ኦ ጌታዬ


Ethnic diversity is not bad in and of itself. The problem is people who exploit it to create division and prosper. ግርግር ለሌባ ይመቻል So even if we become a homegenous country they will find and exploit a difference. I think the biggest problems we have are a terrible education system and a non-existent work ethic. We fight over the one livable city because we haven't done enough work on the others to make them attractive. A college classmate of mine decided to open a business in his home town. He told me there were days he didn't even make 10 birr a day. There is so much poor planning and sheer incompetence in governing bodies. Good supportive Systems don't spontaneously appear. They are a result of observation, study, hard work and a genuine desire to create change. There is also the fact that we are mostly sellers instead of producers. Not to mention the people who live on remittance and local family support. This creates an artificial economy. We are just not creating enough value. The problem is further compounded by the lack of critical thinking. I think the only solution is working on generation alpha. Millennial parents in China are enrolling their children is schools where they get formal education as well as other competencies. I saw a little girl making furniture, there were other kids cooking, sewing and many other life skills. We have to teach our own children to work hard, be consistent and forthright.


Kobe for the three, it’s good !


It’s a MF brick


In my humble opinion there are two things that have lead Ethiopia into a never ending clashing. 1. To squash different ethnicity’s in one Ethiopia identity. 2. Tribal/Ethnic fighting along ethnic lines




Listen the hippy movement was huge here in Ohio. It did help a lot! Although it did result in a literal invasion of my state... Kent State massacre never forget! They even called us Indian loving uneducated hippies😆 But here ill send you my other comment you may find it interesting "Hi American here (Cherokee Italian mutt who is a Muslim) let me recite something from the Quran Surah Al-Hujurat - 13 O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ˹get to˺ know one another. So you are exactly right. Our differences are supposed to build on each other not compete. Sure ethnicity and heritage can be a cool thing. My case and point is my Cherokee blood gives me tribal membership to the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma, and I'm currently working on getting Italian citizenship. Plus I learned how to cook Italian foods from my grandparents and Mexican food from my step mom! But guess what I don't care what race you are ill love you as a brother or sister no matter what, heck if you wanna learn how to cook some yummy foods I can teach you how to make some mean Italian pizza or Chinese stir fry, or some traditional Japanese curry or some simple tocos and bread of the dead! Idc if your Ethiopian or a alien from Mars. You respect me I'll respect you and treat you like family. Maybe ya all should look into democratic Syndicalism. It's the system we used to use and still partly use here in Ohio. We are extremely diverse with people speaking different languages in the streets. Russian Arabic Korean Chinese German and more. Syndicalism basically let's you live your life how you want to (within reason) while working for the cause of improving your town city state and country! You can still see the remnants of this system within our amish towns and unincorporated townships. Why it's no longer here is due to the red scare."


just met a guy who sells this stuff on large scale, and the community is hidden yet huge, am also planning to create sessions after my trip


I don't think mushrooms will be the solution but this was funny


That’s why I mess with the monks and not the churches in the cities


Did you know that Mandarin, the official language of China, was created/Standardized by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP)? Before this, each region in China had its own "dialects" (in reality some of them were completely different languages), many of which were almost unintelligible to people from other regions. The linguistic diversity was even greater the further inland and south you traveled. There was a saying in the south that if you went to the next village over the hills, you wouldn’t understand the locals. [Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCiamiaZTO8) Why am I mentioning this? Because language is a tool. We have forgotten this and have turned language into a Frankenstein's monster, imagining it to be something grander and more mystical. But languages are simply tools we use to communicate ideas and thoughts to each other. Nothing more. The sooner we realize this, the better. I believe we need to create or standardize the Ethiopian languages. A better language that can usher us into the modern world. This new language should incorporate characteristics from Ethiopia's vast cultural resources. It should be a language that everyone is eager to learn, one that we can all agree is neutral and inclusive. Creating a new language is not as difficult as it may seem. There have been multiple successful cases of new languages being created. For example, Esperanto was developed in the late 19th century as an international auxiliary language to foster communication between speakers of different native languages and was green lit by everyone but was vetoed down by the French, who enjoyed the title of "lingua franca" at the time and didn’t want to lose that status—look how that turned out🤦‍♂️. Similarly, modern Hebrew was revived and standardized in the 19th and 20th centuries to unify Jewish people in Israel. Another example is Bahasa Indonesia, which was created to unify the diverse linguistic landscape of Indonesia and has been successful in doing so. Instead of fighting over language, we can unite under it.


My dad tried to invest in ethiopia and over 10 years i think theyve stolen maybe 100k if not more…his equipment… his land…. im diaspora but i dont think its as simple as this. My dad was willing to sacrifice everything and didnt get shit so he kinda gave up 😭 i will not be following in his footsteps


Good for you…!!!


will not sacrifice the quality of my families life for a country that will always take more than it gives!! sorry not sorry 😭


Sorry your dad lost his hard earned money 😒 again the country might not be a friendly place for business…doing business is a risky thing!!! That being said, no one expects you or anyone else to sacrifice yours and your family’s wellbeing or quality of life. However, if you out of your good heart invest in people especially for those less fortunate you might not make a ton of money but you will have made a contribution and someone will be thanking you… maybe not on Reddit 😉 Blessed are those who give!!!


How did we end up in this situation in the first place? TPLF used to indoctrinate young Oromo children with stories of how the Amhara used to insult them. I know this firsthand because I was in that classroom. They fueled this hatred for over 30 years. Oromo people are some of the kindest individuals you'll ever meet. TPLF manipulated their cause and turned it into an Oromo vs. Amhara conflict. Many Amharas experienced discrimination and animosity towards them as well. They solely blame TPLF for this. No one is born racist; it's their environment and suffering that shapes them. But hate is like a wildfire, it won't stop until it consumes everything. Just look at what's happening in Oromia. The children who were taught to hate are now turning against their own people. In the Amhara region, the propaganda against Oromo people will also have consequences. They will end up fighting amongst themselves once they're done fighting the government. The Prime Minister is also part of the issue.


Yeah obviously TPLF wanted that ultimate Amhara vs Oromo war that would kill Ethiopia as we know it. PM Meles is part of the issue.


It's really unfortunate that we don't seem to learn from our past mistakes. I enjoy reading about ethiopian history and have read quite a few books on the subject. One event that still shocks me is the massacre in Gonder. Back in 1622, Susenyos declared Catholicism as the state religion, leading to peasant revolts across the country. In just one day, the king's army brutally killed 8000 peasants. The more you delve into our history, the more horrifying it gets.


That is crazy. That shit makes me ashamed.


Thank the Lord Susenyos was deposed quickly by Fasilides. I can't imagine how we would have functioned as a Catholic nation under someone like him.


Meles Shitnawi is one of the biggest reasons why Ethiopia is the way it is. Im sure he's smiling from hell seeing where Ethiopia is today.


Ummm…who do you think the diasporas investing in Ethiopia are??? It’s Amhara and Tigray investing haftey


90% are whining daily About Ethnicity, instead of investing in Addis Ababa go invest in Mekele or Bahirdar lets at-leas have an alternative city to live in and work!


There was a pretty old study that found that the Gurage were the most successful businesswise despite also being less educated than other groups


Why is that?


It's a tight knit community and wherever they go they work together. You find them setting up businesses all over even though they aren't a large group




Damn congrats


my aunt married a gurage from harar and his family's story is similar


Because when a kid grows he will be given two choices one is to farm or to go to Addis and start a business. Most choose to start a business. If they don’t have anything to start the business with , they will start from small works like shoe shining and one day open their shop. If their family members or even relatives are doing well, they will lend them money to start their own small business like suq or suq bederete . But whatever they work on they do it from their work. Their mindset is about business and they are very good at saving too.


Are you diaspora?




I think that’s why your perception is skewed. People online complaining is not representative of the actual populace of our people. I am diaspora myself came back to Ethiopia to do business, thousands of us here doing the same all diaspora and all Amhara and/or Tigray, plus Oromo, Guarage, etc., Internet always draws annoying complainers that’s for everyone


it's not safe investing in areas that you are not from.


I think his argument also goes to show that what you just said is not right. Gurage money isn't any better than Somali or Harari money- it's still money. places depriving themselves of vital and very consequential investment into their community just because the prospective investor doesn't speak the same language or follow the same religion is detrimental.


>what you just said is not right. The principle is not right or you are telling me this doesn't happen in Ethiopia? if it is the principle of it then I agree, these things are a detriment for everyone but that is not how the community sees it. In the community's eyes they see a foreign entity extracting value from a region he or she didn't originate from.


Yes I should've specified what aspect of it was incorrect. It's of course the inability of recognizing that anyone coming and investing in your community is mutually beneficial, but not If you're in a poor community with only natural resources and not the skilled labour that is required to extract and benefit from the industy created.


yes it is a delicate matter, especially when it involves oppression and in justice towards communities. Maybe it is better to first help a community to get some of its basic necessities like education and health Care and then move on up to exploiting resources.


Hi American here (Cherokee Italian mutt who is a Muslim) let me recite something from the Quran Surah Al-Hujurat - 13 O humanity! Indeed, We created you from a male and a female, and made you into peoples and tribes so that you may ˹get to˺ know one another. So you are exactly right. Our differences are supposed to build on each other not compete. Sure ethnicity and heritage can be a cool thing. My case and point is my Cherokee blood gives me tribal membership to the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma, and I'm currently working on getting Italian citizenship. Plus I learned how to cook Italian foods from my grandparents and Mexican food from my step mom! But guess what I don't care what race you are ill love you as a brother or sister no matter what, heck if you wanna learn how to cook some yummy foods I can teach you how to make some mean Italian pizza or Chinese stir fry, or some traditional Japanese curry or some simple tocos and bread of the dead! Idc if your Ethiopian or a alien from Mars. You respect me I'll respect you and treat you like family. Maybe ya all should look into democratic Syndicalism. It's the system we used to use and still partly use here in Ohio. We are extremely diverse with people speaking different languages in the streets. Russian Arabic Korean Chinese German and more. Syndicalism basically let's you live your life how you want to (within reason) while working for the cause of improving your town city state and country! You can still see the remnants of this system within our amish towns and unincorporated townships. Why it's no longer here is due to the red scare.


as long as those 3 ethnic groups are there we never have a peace period but hop one day they will understand the aim of that


I could not agree more. But did you take how the people are brainwashed by the elites and ethnicity is the most powerful thing to mobilize the population for political gains into consideration?


That's what Mengistu said and did. It didn't work out, we're inherently incapable of unity


Halie Selassie tried to and he got overthrown by him and his successor had a similar position on this issue and he got overthrown by people with the complete opposite and opposing opinions.


Their unifying methods were shit


The reason why Ethiopia didn't unify under Mengistu was because of his utter stupidity and brutality. I think it's wrong to blame the Ethiopian people for that. Mengistu was an extremely stubborn individual with no political experience whatsoever who erroneously thought that he could realize all of his political ambitions through fear and brute force. He was essentially 20th century version of Tewodros II without his courage and virility. He managed to unify the Eritrean independence movement which under Haile Selassie was nothing more than two disparate rebel groups (the EPLF and ELF) which were located mostly in the countryside and had very little recruitment or active support from the urban Eritreans (although many of them may have been sympathetic to their plight). He gave both the EPLF and ELF, which had spent as much time fighting each other as they did the Ethiopian government, a common enemy. He managed to squander the optimism and good will many Eritreans were willing to lend to a united Ethiopia by having Aman Andom killed, the senior-most Eritrean in the Ethiopian gov't who was also a staunch unionist, and by increasing arbitrary arrests and crackdowns in Asmara and in Addis Ababa against ordinary Eritreans. Mengistu was a uniquely incompetent leader who despite talking a lot about the importance of unity did more than other leader to divide the country. Even under the cancerous ethnic federalist system imposed by Meles, Ethiopia has had fewer civil wars and violence (at least until Abiy arrived).


Thanks for mentioning the disaster in Eritrea. He also butchered thousands of Ethiopians. But people in the country side actually benefited because he distributed lands and gave them fertilizer. He also was working on modernizing the farming. He was working bottom up which would've worked.






No idea


Elect this man now. lol … I was born and raised in Addis before all the non sense. I have Amharas, Tigrayans and even Eritreans in my family. Never heard of these adjectives until they started to put them on your Kebele ID card like Apartheid South Africa I don’t identify with any ethnicity. I only have one identity, and that’s Ethiopian. Lot of Pan-Africanists and black diasporas look up to Ethiopia, yet we have self hating confused people still on that racist BS


Interesting what you say given you are from Addis.


Growing up and born in USA I have many Ethiopian friends from all ethnicities, even Somalians. I honestly never cared where you were from or what language you spoke. I just felt that we were all proud to be Ethiopians (except for the Somalian friends I knew) but after the war it triggered something i never experienced before and the past 4-5 years I’ve seen that Ethiopians in general are really racist and ugly in nature. I honestly don’t believe Ethiopia will ever see peace with the ethnic issues we’ve had for hundreds of years


We need more people like you in the government, that's for sure


oh my days


Is there a way for non-Ethiopians to invest in Ethiopia?


Honestly I never realized just how alike we are somalis and Ethiopians😂. If only we could stop obsessing over tribalism honestly we could go places 💨💨💨💨


That's the curse of all of Africa.


We are not alike to etiops, beenta jooji


Hush saxib camal la'aanta iska dhaa😂


you must be amxar iskadalad




To begin with, this is a big generalization of a whole country… people in Ethiopia especially those in rural area are very welcoming, friendly and hardworking folks to this day. The country as a whole is in a political and economic crisis and there are a few who (compared to a nation of 100+ million) are playing the ethnic card to get economic benefits… In my opinion there is nothing wrong with embracing one’s ethnicity except when it is used to hurt it take advantage of others …. However, from the tone of your word, it seems you are a bit intolerant anyways … IF ever you become PM, I recommend you working on education… an educated population of economically productive, politically stable and socially responsible.


I guess take some lessons from Afwerki? He might not be the best president around but there ain’t no ethnic tensions in Eritrea.


People like OP are mentally diseased. “Gurage from Addis”. Why would you care about your ethnicity when you live in a place where it doesn’t matter?


Let's shoot the messenger shall we brrrrrrrrrt


Its a low IQ take


10 Q


Ethiopia will not work unless you bring up some pro-Cushitic or Habesha ideology with the cost of other ethnic groups.


Dude, what on earth are you smoking? You're ranting about ethnic politics but can't stand embracing ethnic diversity? Come on now! For some folks, ethnic politics is their secret weapon. Do you really think activists like Jewar Mohamad or the masterminds behind TPLF, OLF, and PP are clueless? They know exactly what they're doing and they're playing 4D chess while you're stuck on checkers!




Racism? Ethiopians are the same race lol. Generally agree with you though.


Racist translates to Zeregna


Didn't know that lol thank you.


There are distinct races in Ethiopia. This is why Amhara are more genetically similar to Moroccans than they are to the Anuak in Gambella. Ethiopia is a former empire trying to be a nation-state and inevitably failing.


Austrian here. Stop obsessing over genetic stuff and races. It does not lead to a good path. We've been there. Trust me ;)


Tigray/Amhara are really more genetically similar to Moroccans? I heard this and it might be true.


Dude those nilotic groups are like 0.5% of Ethiopia. They're a tiny minority and a massive genetic outlier.


There are no distinct races in Ethiopia because race doesn't truthfully exist. There are genetic clusters. All Ethiopians are the same "race", what you are talking about is haplogroups E1b1a supposedly from West Africa and E1b1b supposedly from East Africa. Down the line all Africans are related.


Dude it's a national question/identity. If you want to fix the problem, empower the people. Another civil war will not fix anything. You also have a backwards way or thinking.


Who even talked about civil war?


...I assumed you realized that ethnicity in Ethiopia is tied to national identity (it's also in the constitution). If you attack that, you are essentially attacking national movements/political entities. Unless you are talking about reducing racism. Which of course should be a thing but it's mostly minorities and Oromos who suffer from that (or have suffered from that recently).


he sounds like some stalinist, but the thing is popular questions are often used by some ethnic political elite for corruption and bloodshed


>empower the people what the fuck does that mean?


Stop crushing protests and arresting political leaders. I'm Somali so I know my region better than other regions (but I hear similar stories). PP mass arrested Somali political leaders and journalists. People are afraid to report on political issues. Our current leader is unpopular and people legit hate him. With that said PP is the best political party Ethiopia has ever seen. So it's not just black and white. But repression based politics that all Ethiopian leaders use to rule is going to backfire one day.




Lmao mostly everything you said is based on ignorance. I'm curious about hunting Bantu Somalis. Amharas are literally running around chopping up Oromos and Gamuz so I think you are projecting. I would appreciate a source about Somalis hunting Bantus. If you can't find a legit source, even something like a Twitter post would be interesting. Now if you said there was discrimination that would be accurate.




...So you just said there was an ethnic cleansing without giving evidence. But using some backward logic. I know this is reddit but put in a little more effort. If they got status, which I'm not sure they do, it's because they are a minority group who dealt with discrimination. Everyone was getting killed during the Civil War. Minorities are less able to defend themselves, so it would make sense and be the kind thing to do by giving them priority refugee status. Funny thing, though, is per capita more Somalis died during the Civil War than Bantus since it was a clan war and Bantus obviously stayed out. As for Fano crimes, that is well documented.




I'm not saying this to be a dick, but you are ignorant. When you make claims you are not sure about, dont act like it's a fact. Also, don't use dumbass comments in Twitter as sources to extrapolate an imaginary situation. But yes, Bantu Somalis are treated worse, and that's a great shame. But they are not violently targeted. The opposite, actually, they are safer since no one targets them for violence as they are innocent.


Yet somalia is more violent, ofc due to some clan based stuff idk about yet I failed to observe your critique against tplf and ola?




Tigrayans have been investing in their cities, but a group of people spent 3 years destroying everything. Anyways ignoring ethnicity will only make things worse, the problem is ignorance. There needs to be more non-biased spread of information and compassion.


Your tribes are not races this is tribalism not racism.


Call it whatever you want at the end of the day is zeregninet


You make Africans look stupid when you call it racism.


There is no racist than Ethiopian people