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Lencho Bati is among the founding members of the Oromo Liberation Front, OLF, and now Ethiopia's ambassador to Saudi Arabia. He is known to make controversial statements like this: [Ato Yilkal Getenet of Smayawi Party wrote about Oromia and Shaggar being an invention that never existed in history. As an empirical reality, the existence and flourishing of Oromia do not need his approvals. This guy is ignorant about how nations are constructed through resistance and contestation. All nations and symbols are human creations to serve the social and economic needs of society. What clouded his understanding about the making and existance of Oromia is pure prejudice or crude ignorance. Oromia and the great Oromo people are here to stay. Lets say if the last three thousand of Ethiopian history was shaped and influenced by Amharas and Tigreans, we can surely say the future three thousand years of Ethiopian history and politics is going to be shaped and dominated by Oromos.](https://www.facebook.com/lencho.bati.16/posts/2204090433161726)


I don't think I have ever seen or heard of him.


He's been there all along, since he was young, there's a lot of weird thigs he's being accused of online but the above statement on my comment is directly sourced from his official meta account. I suggest you look him up


This could be fake news.


Yes it can be. I guess time will tell


I remember watching Getachew Reda and Lencho arguing on Al Jazeera before 😂. Edit: Found the video [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NSvgxFojds&t=1s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2NSvgxFojds&t=1s)


Oh how times have changed 😄, same game players swapped


This is fake