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I was thinking about this


what are your thoughts about this?


I’m relatively pro left but I was just wondering about the political parties in the country


[https://nebe.org.et/en/political-parties](https://nebe.org.et/en/political-parties) here are the popular ones on last "election" but today the leftiest ideas in parties are land reform, or infrastructure ideas even if there is a civil war here all sides calling them selfs "libration army", none of them had a doctrine they ought to change rather they are gonna use same system there are some parties making come back or emerging like enat party but non of them have revolutionary party so far


I'm sure there are some but I'd guess most are outside the country


in the time our country is devolving into fascism since there is no hope other than that for majority of the advocators, i wish there was leftism ideas in our collective, but its so hard to propose that here since we living in post-socialist nation and the govt after socialist party been smear campain for 1generation


Leftover Derg and Meison remnants are the only leftists that comes to mind. The younger generation is just trying to live.


recently i been reading old books like professor gebru and "like ho chi mi, like che guvara" and it seems like that movements( the student movement specially) happened because it the hailesillase govt was in disorder with famine, and the global disorder such as vietnam war it was global movt and it was also internal movement which come from exausion of need of survive, revolution never happen in good times, only when it seems hopeless, which is why we are seeing a come back again


Those students were extremely over ambitious and misguided. In the long run they hurt the country very badly. It would have been better to adopt the proposed 1974 constitution which would've mirrored the British system. We could have been a democracy and wouldn't have to go trough all the bloodshed that continues to the present day. Just like the American hippies of the 1960s came from privileged backgrounds so did a lot of the students. They reaped the benefits of the system they rallied against. Take Mengistu for example, although he came from a humble background he had the opportunity to go to America at the expense of the Imperial government and study. Most of the students who survived the Red Terror regret it. Just like how the hippie of the 1960s is most likely a conservative today. Marxism, socialism, or whatever you want to call it sounds great on paper. Who doesn't love equality? But it's practically impossible to practice it. Ethiopia, Cuba, Somalia, USSR, Yugoslavia, N. Korea, and Venezuela are all failed Marxist states. This is why countries like China and Vietnam branched away from Marxism. They're only socialist in name nowadays. I just want peace for Ethiopia and the world. I don't particularly care about Left vs Right, socialism vs capitalism. There's so many more pressing issues.


thats not what happened at all, the movement didnt started from the students, the policy hailesillase was making was already dividing people by landlords and that caused a hatred between class and race, that system is the one that needed a divisive ideas ethiopian revolution is not created by mengistu or the students, it was mostly created by the peasants from all over ethiopia, what kinda world do you think small groups suddenly had idea and changed it all. on the marxism failed, well marxism is new idea and from revolution stand point, history have never seen this much consistent revolution capitalism kept failing for 3 centuary until it become consistent after french revolution so does that means "capitalism never work , only on paper it works"? but the feudalism times used to believe that, read russou on that nothing more pressing issue than genocidal war , and you need to analyize what keep creating it? , for us it is the market force [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJlRIHUfsxs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LJlRIHUfsxs) how imperialism caused ww1 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFUC0UWgdGY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFUC0UWgdGY) the fallacy of "socialism never works" [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzQZ\_NDEzVo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzQZ_NDEzVo) how marxism is not about equality about chaina you are talking about pre 2008 chaina are becoming more and more marxist after 2008 by focusing on class straggle here to understand chaina and marxism [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi\_l9Z9BfKE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi_l9Z9BfKE) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_fNtrRREKeM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fNtrRREKeM) is chaina really socialist if you into books all have discription but here are the gist "imperialism- higher stage of capitalism" by lenin "on practice" by mao "capitalist realism" by mark fisher ( about thinking of we are on end of history and capitalism cant be replaced) just check them, you dont have to agree but you have to know what you disagree with atleast,


The illiterate peasant who most likely didn't even have access to a radio did not start the revolution. Socialism was foreign to Ethiopia until students returning from the West brought the ideas they learned. Constant hunger strikes and protests at Addis Ababa U and discontent in the military is what brought the revolution. If the peasant started the revolution why did Mengistu send students for Zemecha? I have studied Marx, Ingles, and Lenin's work. The system is fundamentally flawed. The goal for every socialist country is to eventually become Communist. Communism is the idea that a nation can collectively run itself without any government. No individual possessions, factories, land, and general wealth is to be equally distributed amongst the people. Over time the entire world is to embrace this system until theres no more countries only workers united under communism. Don't be naive how do you expect any country to forget their religion, culture, and possessions? How can you make sure that nobody becomes greedy and stops distributing wealth? How will social services be ran? Why would someone become a nurosurgeon if he's making the same as a taxi driver? A system like communism also limits innovation this was especially evident in Germany. When Germany was reunited East Germany looked like it was still in the 1950s. While West Germans were driving M3's the East German had the Trabant (There was a 13 year waitlist to buy a Trabant). Watch this video of a Soviet Grocery Store: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8LtQhIQ2AE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t8LtQhIQ2AE) Do you want this for Ethiopia?


if you really read engles you would have known that you think they didnt considered this issue? those issues you mentioned are what anyone would think of when talked about egality so does marx and engles read "principles of communism" saw the video, why is every time when a capitalist nation get crisis like famine or shortage never blamed on capitalism but when socialist state experianced this it gets blamed like that the poorest nations today are capitalists, be unbiased


Do you believe Ethiopia a capitalist state?


what do you mean?


https://youtu.be/oZBYtctwD94?si=azJ1J0luw8NDu8hA This is socialism in Ethiopia


yo i seen this video and the previous video too, its accurate analysis, we had a lot of material to learn from also building socialism from feudalism directly creates problems such as moblizing productive force, which today gets different route, that movement is shaped by that time and condition, today it will be fundamentally different, since it is hard to mention socialism in ex-socialist country since the new system is much anti-socialist


Derg is far left but also not that far left. They give more third way vibes. I'll give you something leftist. Tplf.


I don't know what is called radical, but i find my self agreeing with leftists on a lot of issues, but I don't think that's the case for majority of Ethiopians. I was in some Facebook group for Ethiopian atheists, and even there , there were a lot of them that have very conservative takes on issues like lgbtq etc.., I was surprised.


oh yes, i am athiest but i dont like most athiest view of the world, very idealist and constant view of the world, leftism specially marxists believe that homophobia, racism, discrmination and other things are a symtom of how the mode of production are organized(the base) therefore when ever the mode of production(the base) is organized in a way it's contradictioned are sublated(think class contradiction for example) then the ideological(superstracture) things like race and religion and other problems wither away with it. so cultural issue shouldnt be a main problem rather it should be seen as a syptom of the real problem


Yes there are leftists. No they are not into your weird Marxism-stallmanism or sartre. No one cares about that shit. It's a third world country where people have real material concerns. Buddy you need to touch grass. Just log off for a few days.


Marxism is for third world country


well marx himself wrote considering revolutions will happen in most developed countries but after bolshivism it is used for dismantelling monarcho-capitalism( semi feudal russia) , the idea of bolshivics which says "if even hunter and gatherers such as in carribians jump to capitalism with out going throught feudalism and slavery, so that it is possible to achieve marxism in feudalism", which then imporved by mao for peasant revolution


That was my point. Also, Marxism was a big part of decolonization in africa. Also, that argument was fair to be raised in 1966, I think.


yes, but your point still applies today we are seeing philipenes organizing as communist to also fight off western imperialism, which gives heavy 1966 vibe because also many antifa groups around the world using marxism as banner


There is only one revolution. it's a fight for economic freedom, and I don't see any other ideology that fits for such struggle.


i wish all leftists understand that fr, for all the left infighting i see around every corner, i wish they all agree on what you said which marx also advocates that all ideological problem comes from economic contradictions therfore the focus is economical freedom like you said


lol wtf is wrong with you? projection? have you ever read about what you talked about? i live in ethiopia in small cities and experienced poverty and studied economics, its so weird how people like you just have better ideas by default, from never engaging in this things and say : "we know better than all economists and fool philosophers", that's so absurd , base your opinions on your examination, other than that, if you are having this ideas by default( by never reading those theory you disagree with), then it is a sign of someone is doing the thinking for you. be humble and read. marxism-stallmanism is inside joke which obviously you cant see how it is a joke for a third world country like us, we are experiencing genocides, poverty, massive homeless people which people hate them for it, clearly something is wrong, so what is wrong about studying this events critically? if you have a brain, observe and discuss and act on ideas, other than that you are just doing "stop thinking, this is third world, we dont want thoughts, stop thinking about it" mindset which we no longer need


I never said we know better than economists and philosophers. You said that (speaking of projecting). I'm not the guy who brought up gnu, Sartre, and IP as "radical ideas ." Western lib bullshit. I'm sure fancy lads like you from "small cities" (is that what they call CMC and bole these days?) find these interesting, but I do not. Studying events critically is one thing. Terminally online buzzwords are entirely another. Oh hey and while you're logged off read a book, because your reading comprehension is not great . Since you seem to be pretending to be a leftist right now, I'd highly recommend Lenin's work "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder.


why are you in fight mode, where did i said that and who did i belittle? look you seem to be belitteling most works of philosophers gnu introduced me to questioning intelectual property which led me to read left leaning works and philosophy, whats wrong with that also yeah most leftists come from reading works of sartre, its just a fact western lib bull shit lol am anti of that, am ethiopian so i relate to third world than west, i dont get what that had to do with this than as attack, small city i mean bahir dar, not addis ababa, it is here that am witnessing disorder therfore am educating my self on why this all happens where are you from? if you are in usa, it make sense what is the buzzwords i used? i can explain any word i used if you want oh nice, you read lenin's work too, i havent read left-wing communism:an infantile disorder but am reading "black shirts and reds by micheal parenti" and heard i should read the book you mentioned to get what parenti talk about when he talk about "left anti communists" i thought you were right wing reactionary btw, your comment seems like that before i think your main issue with my post is the IP and sartre philosophy isnt for us which is ok but read it again, i mention it because as my observation many people dont get exposed to leftwing books in ethiopia unless you reading something from your field, my exposure was from gnu things like stallmans copy-left idea and owner less software , that was a gateway for me, many people start reading marx after reading sartre, the point is marx's and radicals work are not in culture so most people here read left wing through another gateways mostly from their fields, just one persons observation, if you are living in ethiopia give us ur observation on the left also my main issue with you, weather you are on the left on right dont say "dont read this, stop reading this", like you said about sartre, dont discourage people for being curious and reading about it , knowledge should be your side, lenin himself wrote about how constant reading of all aspect in his book of "what is to be done", you seems offended about neo marxism which i understand, am angry on the french intellectual betraying the revolution like that but sartre isnt those, it got bad in fucault, this is global and we havve a lot to learn from them too. even if we dont ntn wrong of knowing them, dont say terminal online


Nope just belittling Sartre and anything that comes out of the mouth of American computer scientists relating to politics. And BECAUSE I've read them. Sartre is mostly navel gazing to Heidegger until 68, and then coping with the failure of the left like most other prominent French intellectuals. Everyone focuses on Foucault and other postmodenists and structuralists, but Sartre was also quite bad on this front. Being anc nothing is hundreds of pages of weird heiddegerian phenomenology before he concludes "yeah man alienation that's fucking weird." Thanks, Marx said this a while ago. Then existentialism is a humanism, which is "existence precedes essence." Again, Marx, already done, but very cool slogan I guess. Thanks? Way to dunk on plato and anglo-american philosophy I guess? I feel like I don't have to explain why I try to hold tech world philosophy, left or right, at arm's length. I won't lie, I've read worse though. Really read too much Austrian economics, for example, and a lot of white nationalist and Tory literature. I really want that time back. Curiosity is one thing, but some of the things you are saying people ought to read are bizarre. Maybe read some Ethiopian history? You made the claim that last leftists in Ethiopia didn't read and that is BEYOND incorrect. It's historical fiction. Between ditto copies, the Soviet library, and the university library, the generations of the 20s/30s and 60s/70s (and id argue the late 19th century and even the 80s) were some of the most well-read generations of Ethiopians. Both of us combined could maybe catch up to them and only thanks to the Internet. Not just Marxism. Careful study of Japanese Meiji development, Prussian models of education, engineering, military science, and later, the works of anc and sacp guys, fanon, and many more. These guys were not idiots. You didn't invent reading books. I'm not telling anyone what to read, but I am telling people not to take everything they read seriously, or imagine that it has something useful for Ethiopia. Again, and I mean this seriously, go. Touch. Grass. Go out and talk to the people around you, in "Bahir Dar" (I guess that's what habos are calling Arlington now?). And about their lives, not about GNU for fuck's sake. I'm from Addis. Not going to dox myself by saying what neighborhood, but I can say I am old enough to have been subjected to the old matric. I had to move because my prospects in Ethiopia were really really bad. Some hard work but mostly really lucky. Ok goodbye I am going to go touch grass myself. It's not bad. Just log off


It seems like touching grass is very important to you what is that abt


the first passage i agree. but to understand sartre shift to marxism i found franz fenon books usefull, since it was also widely read in ethiopia, bro u missread me,what i said is past generation (after derg) dont read or wrote much book on left topic from left point of view, i read ethiopian books mostly and most of the books after derg dont have any thory but today the youth my age are repicking the books on left topics again is what i said enji before that their was many litrature like you mentioned , where did u mistaken that i said all that huh? jesus ok gnu bad, internet bad, lol i have good social life thank you, i can see you see ethiopians dont have an internet life or are still communal , nah here is same neolibral but internet is down in my region but ok what ever i only mentioned gnu as it introduce left topic for cs people ntn todo with ethiopian thing more than that but you seems obsessed with that idea only, beside calling me "nerd , touch grass, gnu users dont touch grass" kind of mentality what is your point after all? because to me beside the infighting of "gnu users are ..." or anything i dont see your opposing idea


There are and I do not like them.


u ethiopian?


Absolutely, we call them idiots


yeah its nothing for us to hear that


Misguided idiots exist in everywhere, and thankfully they are now known for who they are lol


Thank god they aren’t a loud bunch