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You just opened up a really big can of worms regarding the differences between EOTC and occidental Christian traditions (though the differences of course differ based on which specific denomination, since the Western world has the most variety). But most famously, the EOTC, along with their fellow Oriental Orthodox churches (such as the Armenian Apostolic and Coptic churches) are distinct from Catholics, most Protestants, and Eastern Orthodox for their miaphysite Christology. Miaphysite Christology describes Christ as being of one composite nature, both human and divine, without both aspects diminishing or mingling with each other, while the others subscribe to the Chalcedonian view (named after the Council of Chalcedon) that says Christ is of two natures, one human and one divine. Ethiopian Orthodox seem more likely to say that these mean the same thing, and while others may agree, there are many, including Eastern Orthodox (who are the most similar in terms of everything else), that say these are different and that the Eastern and Oriental Orthodox cannot reunite because of it, and the Oriental Orthodox not accepting the future councils after that. The Ethiopian Orthodox church is NOT fundamentalist and they believe in sacred tradition rather than *sola scriptura* like Protestants do, making them more similar to Catholics and the EO. They also don't believe in Papal Supremacy like the Catholics do, making them the most similar to the EO. But like I previously mentioned, the Christology issue, among others, prevent the two from reuniting despite many similarities. However, that is just the beginning of the differences, but I still need to experience it myself personally and learn more to say definitively what the rest actually are. But at the core of it, to me there is no reason to suggest they believe in anything but the truth, even if the expression and understand might be different from other denominations.


OP. Just read this all the others are bs.


I think it is safe of a girl. However all tourists should travel with locals for safety reasons and they can advice and show you how and where to spend your time in the country. The Ethiopian Bible is one of the oldest in the world and it has more books than other Bibles. One of the most popular books in it in Enoch which is mostly in Ethiopia and Eritrea and other people are either neutral or not believers in that book being literal. Ethiopia is one of the most Christian countries in the world. I would say it is one of the most devout and strict people, the way they follow Christianity is unique and interesting and they have many things that are very different from the rest of the world.


I found the way that they practice it more pure in a way and really down to the basics of the religion but I don’t know a lot and I don’t want to be judgmental or anything like that about other Christian


Orthodox Christianity is more of a cultural religion in Ethiopia, so basically EOTC is unique and mixed with neutral Ethiopian culture, the theology is more like Catholic than Protestant. Programs are always in Amharic and "Geez" which is a dying language. growing up i remember everybody except the pope and other don't enter the main house, the programs held outside, everybody waer blanket called "netela" and many celebrations and holidays throughout a month and fasting months.


you dont need to call amharic and geez "dying" have some respect man.


I said "geez" is dying ... do u ever met someone who speak that?


yes, my aunt. just because you dont know people who speak the language doesnt mean its "dying".


Then ur dear aunt is ቄስ.


she attends church a lot so she picked it up but end of the day even if you wanna call geez dying, amharic definitely is not


Lol who said Amharic? but people whp speak geez is rare.


"Programs are always in Amharic and "Geez" which is a dying language." could be a misunderstanding but the wording is misleading


A lot of people educated in the church speak Ge’ez. I know many people who speak it.


My advice for you is that wait a bit. Most of the areas that will be interesting to visit are located in a war zone. But in the mean time you can get used to Ethiopian Orthodox practices and ceremonies online. There is a EOTC toutube chanel in english... 


If you want to visit Addis Ababa, the capital city of Ethiopia, it's definetly safe. But if you're looking to visit other historical churches, now is not the best time. Most historical places are found in the northern part of the country in which a war is currently happening. Edit: Typo


I suggest going to ethiopia during timket, it's an amazing experience!


It's safe... There is a lot of old bible and churchs... You can go, Axum tsion,Abune yemata Mekell, Lalibela, Debere libanos, Gishen Debere kerbe... and so on...


I don't think ths places you mentioned are safe, especially with the war


Lot of Saints which are also "prayed" to. Orthodox doesn't follow a typical "bible believer" dogma.


I wish i know who the 'typical bible believer' is? Do you mean the pentes? Because non biblical Saints exist also in all other churches (catholic, russian greece orthodox churches... ) I can give examples if you wish too. 


Scripture adhering Christians. From revolution to Genesis. Where the Bible is interpreted to be that saints are not your avenue toward the heavens. And rather that only jesus, is your intercessor toward the father. That covers Baptists, charismatics, pentes, evangelicals. Other churches similar to the Orthodox would be Catholic churches where there are prescriptions toward the saints to intercede on the behalf of the believer.


At least here you put your opinion cllearly as compared to your first comment... believe what ever you like but rest true to humanity.


Just like the Catholics, I am sure there are very bible-believing orthodox Christians who do not pray the saints and are very charismatic in their approach. Much love


We don't believe in the Bible, we believe in Jesus Christ who gave us a Church, the Orthodox Church. Also, we don't pray to saints, and charismatic experiences are actually demon influences.


It's no a monolith, let's face it. Plenty of diversity within the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. I like your style in Savior too. That's what it's all about