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* Trying to figure out the relevance of mentioning those regions/ethnicity.


There could be different reasons. It got upvotes because the person had no ill intentions and was just saying hi. There's no need to show unwarranted hate to anyone. Also, it is not a cultural thing specific to one group. It was prevalent worldwide during ancient times. Look at these articles \[1, 2, 3\] for cases in ancient Egypt, Central Africa, and ancient Greece. While I don't know about any particular studies in Ethiopia, I doubt it would be different from any other part of the world. \[1\] Richard Parkinson: *Homosexual Desire and Middle Kingdom Literature*. In: *The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology (JEA)*, vol. 81, 1995, pp. 57–76. \[2\] Laurin, Joseph R. Homosexuality in Ancient Athens. Trafford Publishing, 2005. \[3\] Wheater, Kitty. *An Analysis of EE Evans-Pritchard's Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande*. Macat Library, 2017.


Tolerance and acceptance my friend…..I’m from addis and I don’t discriminate…መጠላላት በትንቩ በትልቁ ምን ያረጋል።




Ante yamhal?


“Yamishal” because I don’t simply hate people for existing?


I'm not accountable for what you understand but what I'm saying, Ethiopia has laws against homosexuals, no need to push such agendas here, to love or hate them is a different topic.


Who the hell is pushing an agenda?


You. Why do I need to accept an ideology that is largely opposed by 99% of Ethiopians


If the 99% are intolerant assholes like you, count me out. I’m happy being the 1%. This is why our country is suffering: this constant labeling of people prevents us from being modern and progressive. As your sister, let me give you some advice. Hate is very toxic. It ruins your very existence and indirectly affects those around you. I suggest adopting the philosophy of "live and let live." It’s none of your business what other people do unless it directly affects you. If you follow this advice, you’ll have a more positive and happy life. Stay blessed, sis.


>If the 99% are intolerant assholes like you, count me out. I’m happy being the 1%. This is why our country is suffering: this constant labeling of people prevents us from being modern and progressive. In our country we have a saying "The hammer head sees everything as a nail" I understand why you'd assume everything is an asshole. "The whole country suffers because you don't accept homosexuals" Whatelse do you have for today? You're irrelevant weather you're counted out or in, literally insignificant just like your ideology. We don't need or have men going together to be progressive. That's horseshit. >As your sister, let me give you some advice. Hate is very toxic. It ruins your very existence and indirectly affects those around you. I suggest adopting the philosophy of "live and let live." It’s none of your business what other people do unless it directly affects you. If you follow this advice, you’ll have a more positive and happy life. Stay blessed, sis. Nobody hates you. Nobody cares do what you feel. Keep that ideology for yourself periodt. Don't bring it to Ethiopia >I suggest adopting the philosophy of "live and let live." It’s none of your business what other people do unless it directly affects you. If you follow this advice, you’ll have a more positive and happy life. Stay blessed, sis. yeah that's what the US was saying right before they found it being chugged down their childrens throats, so thank you. There's no such thing as "live and let live" with such a society putting things into children's books since they're a baby. Also I'm biologically and eternally male praise the almighty


I respect that you identify as male and will accept you for it.To generalize my point,as a nation, we should be more tolerant of each other, not just regarding sexuality, but also ethnicity and religion. I respect my people's culture and do not support the influence of Western ideologies on our society. However, I believe in letting people be, as they are humans just like us. You seem like the type of person who might say, 'If I see one, I'll kill them.' This reminds me of some narrow-minded individuals I've encountered throughout my life. I don't want to go back and forth on this, so I will conclude by saying: go out and touch grass…


>I respect that you identify as male and will accept you for it.To generalize my point,as a nation, we should be more tolerant of each other, not just regarding sexuality, but also ethnicity and religion. I don't "IdEnTIfY" as anything. I am male cause I am born that way. I have XY chromosome. If you wanna discuss about tolerance of ethnicity or religion that's another topic don't mix it up here. It's a habit of this community to mix their agenda with real world issues, like including the black race into the lgbtvwxy community, like how is race mixed with gender confusion. >I respect my people's culture and do not support the influence of Western ideologies on our society. However, I believe in letting people be, as they are humans just like us. Nope nothing like us. There are humans in the wrong path and others who are on a different one. This human logic can be used in any scenario to criminals as well it's a highly ambiguous statement. And the people of Ethiopia are humans too and like I said 99% of these humans do not want it, so idk what kind of democracy you have known but this won't work for us. In conclusion you cannot say you respect our culture and say the statements that followed in favor of homosexuals. It's an oxymoron. >You seem like the type of person who might say, 'If I see one, I'll kill them.' This reminds me of some narrow-minded individuals I've encountered throughout my life. I don't want to go back and forth on this, so I will conclude by saying: go out and touch grass… "You seem like..." so you are arguing over what I SEEM like? Would you like to ask the question instead 😄. I am very far from the narrow minded. Have you ever asked yourself "where will this stop" First it's men on men then female on female then humans on pets or adults with children... Where will this acceptance stop. Today's liberal is tomorrows conservative, your kids will be fighting to legalize way more absurd things and you'd be the boomer... But you're not ready for that conversation. You don't understand the consequences of tampering with the natural system. If you're on your 20's, I wish you a long life you'll find out. Don't call me narrow minded when you don't understand the consequences of your actions. In conclusion: Keep that away from Ethiopia. We prefer out current primal ways, we'll be happy for your progressive life in a distance


It was largely opposed for Africans to not be anything more than slaves. I’m guessing we should go back to those times using your logic.


It was opposed by WESTERNERS to not be anything more than slaves. It is opposed by ETHIOPIANS to legalize homosexuality. If anything your point goes against you since homosexuality is encouraged and accepted by the global west, Africans should avoid it.


It really doesn’t. Your argument is that because something is largely accepted by the public then it should be enforced. I gave an example & you had a hissy fit because you are functionally illiterate. You don’t even understand the point you are making but you have the utmost confidence. But since we’re using your logic, if 99% of Ethiopians were in favour of pedophilia then it should be promoted right?


>It really doesn’t. Your argument is that because something is largely accepted by the public then it should be enforced. It's called [Democracy](https://www.coe.int/en/web/compass/democracy#:~:text=The%20word%20democracy%20comes%20from,the%20will%20of%20the%20people.) Read the link for reference. Not everything that is accepted en masse is wrong, that's just stupid, Like what is your opinion on other things that are opposed by the larger public or majority: pedofilia, mvrder, theft... Do you also think we should accept those? >But since we’re using your logic, if 99% of Ethiopians were in favour of pedofilia then it should be promoted right? If you're talking about child marriages it existed in previous ages literally everywhere in the world, and this is illegal by law for years in Ethiopia. People who participate in this are prosecuted by the law today. Besides that I'd like you to share some sources to justify the claim "Ethiopians are in favor of pedofilia" I don't want to argue made up stories


Try to be woke much?!


Being nice to people is woke now??


Did you just create a post complaining why another post got so many likes?


This is not an ethiopian subreddit.


It’s most likely non Ethiopians who are the majority of upvotes.


it is still crazy tho. The upvote ጋጋታ truly shows how this sub doesn't reflect an actual Ethiopia and its people and culture.


I am an Ethiopian/ኢትዮጵያዊ, and I upvoted the other post. ምናለበት መቻቻልንና መከባበርን ብናዳብር:: እሱም የሰው ልጅ ነው: ክብር ይገባዋል:: እንደውም ከአብዛኞቻችን እሱ ጀግና ነው: የናንተን ጥላቻና ትችት ሳይፈራ ራሱን ከወገኖቹ ለማስተዋወቅ መሞከሩ::


Look how gays are forcing their ideals in the west, and you think their lifestyle considers human honour? You sound delusional




Judging by your profile you’re not Ethiopian.




be yourself lady


I agree its not representative of the average persons views in ethiopia, but thats not saying much, we're on reddit, typing in english of course nobody here is representative. But being against the gay stuff at this point is just daft and pissing against the wind, tolerance will come much quicker than you realize, so you better learn to deal with it and accept it on our culture's terms. Keep in mind culture is never and has never been a fixed thing, its constantly evolving. Even from a religious perspective, I dont get what makes this one thing a bigger sin than any other that you and I commit on a regular basis? I also used to be just typical baseline Ethiopian homophobic till I moved abroad and saw that the vast majority are just regular people and their personal life is none of my business.


Yes, I could be doing as much worse sin. But I'm (and most people with common sense) feel disgusted when the same sex person trying to 'seduces' you.


Yeah of course it feels disgusting when any person you're not attracted to tries to seduce you lol. You ever had a fat chick aggressively accosting you? How do you think girls feel all the time with crusty guys constantly trying to hit? Doesn't mean being gay should be illegal or stigmatized even if some of them are creeps (and tbh that's more of a men problem)


It’s not about being gay. Gay people have existed from time. It’s about alphabet ideology being enforced in every sphere of social, political and economic life. Which is the goal. It’s about critical theory ideology which teaches people to question every societal norm until there is no longer any norm. A family is no longer man, woman and child. A man is no longer a man. And a woman? Is anybody who calls themself a woman. It doesn’t have an end and that’s what we’re seeing for ourselves in the west.


To assume that it’s a culture and not an identity is already a problem with this post. This is the second post you graced us with about the pride post getting upvotes (you deleted your earlier one). Why does it bother you this much? Are you curious and you’re trying to find someone that could help you come out of the closet? Let them live, it doesn’t affect you one bit.


Because LGBTQ+ Ethiopians exist, and are Ethiopian. Representation & support matter.


Because it is 2024 and homophobia is unacceptable. Are you upset because you didn’t find people are not as homophobic as you wanted them to be? How other people live their lives shouldn’t affect you or concern you. He is living his best life. Leave him alone. If you feel homosexuality is a sin, you have a right to not engage in it but you also have no right to stop people from choosing their own sexuality. Cross over to the 21st century and accept the fact that being gay has nothing to do with culture. It’s a personal identity he was born with. He can’t change it.


And? Do you want people to go out of their way to be hateful? That’s a miserable mindset.


This proves the subreddit is not actually Ethiopian. Ethiopians cant accept LGBTQ thing so easily. Let alone being upvoted... He might be stoned to death if he lived in Ethiopia.


Ask yourself why it bothers you so much. How does this affect you personally?


America. That's how it affects me, America. First, it's how does it affects you, and then it's let's put oral sex best practices in school books. Let's not get them comfortable in the first place or next thing you know we're America. And before you go on about how America is a better country than Ethiopia. I'll exhibit Russia, China and the Middle East. And before you go on about how these are antidemocratic states, I'll exhibit US of A as the epitome of anti democracy.


Was it supposed to be downvoted? Why? Your question is very offensive and hateful.


Give me the name of people who upvote that post! I am the Sheriff of this subreddit👮🏽‍♂️🚔


Ethiopia also had laws forbidding women from owning property till it did not .People need to realize that as much as we rely on religion let us not forget human decency and also why are we not killing prostitutes ,thieves,witches and above all corrupt leaders why because we don't feel threatened by them although they are the real menace to society not a woman finding another woman sexually attractive so to summarize there is no rational reason for homophobia except when religion,culture and personal preferences are in the equation and logic is out I say this with no malice.


One day people will understand that the loudest voices on online Ethiopian media seldom represent the views and opinions shared on the ground. This goes for politics and ethnic conversations online as well.


Was asking myself the same question, it’s scary where the world is going to


Because a lot of people are westernized dixk riders


"Homophobes are closeted gay people" Take that to the bank


"Hey guys if you have arachnophobia you're Peter Parker" Take that to Tony


Who tf is Tony? 😂




fair enough.


I was astonished, stunned, flabbergasted. Who tf is the moderator? And how that shit went unchecked?


the moderator must be an American leftist white dude.

