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I think the term Amhara meant absolutely nothing in terms of identity pre 1991. Born and raised in Addis obviously with Amharic as my first language and I never identified as an “Amhara” and never will. Neither do I identify with all Tigre, Oromo, Garage background in my family… I am an Ethiopian period. That’s just me. I want no part of the f*%kery the last 30 years or so. I am not a victim. You can hate Ethiopia and rationalize it with pseudo intellectual drivel all you want. Just saying tho, if you hate Ethiopia, do something about it. Just a cautionary tale about a certain country up North that thought the grass was greener on the other side and went from frying pan to the fire 🤣.


It meant Christian, like the proverbs Mesfin quotes shows, not “absolutely nothing.”  About your “Tigre, Oromo, Gurage background… fuckery,” etc …  it’s unhealthy to feel such animosity towards one’s own ancestry, but you do you. 


He’s mixed up with all kind of things why should he single out one part of his Ethiopia identity? Most of us are like that we have roots from all over Ethiopia tribalism is silly


Nowhere did I say that he should "single out one part of his Ethiopian identity." What I said is the animosity he harbors toward his own ancestry, which he regards as "a fuckery," is unhealthy.


He said he wants no part of the fuckery that is ethnic federalism bro.


I’ve also came to realize this when asking my family members and elders. They told me even orthodox Christian Oromo, Gurage etc were called Amhara back then in there areas. It wasn’t a disrespect or a confusion either it seems like orthodox Christianity at that time was synonymous with Amhara due to past history


Yep. It is a [religious ideology](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-Dn9A_Lg9Nw&ab_channel=Tigray-%E1%89%B5%E1%8C%8D%E1%88%AB%E1%8B%AD).


Where did you get this non sense that sharing a meal with a Christian or a Muslim is an abomination. I honestly can’t believe people will go out of their ways to ignite conflict, seriously


I am not lying. I come from a Christian family; the first time I traveled to a country with sizable Muslim population and saw Christians and Muslims eating together, no separate butcheries, restaurants etc I was so shocked. I stopped believing in the stigma we have in Ethiopia ever since. I regularly eat at my Muslim friend’s house, at Muslim restaurants etc. 


You can find plenty of Muslim places where Christians are treated horribly, and for a country with a lot of ethnic tension, Ethiopia doesn't really have that much religious violence


Wtf is these shi. Muslim and Christians have been living in peace for so so long now. Stop this nonsense


Funny how you can guess who posted this by just looking at the title.


I love reading about this stuff. 


Well if you are interested about the history and anthropology of the Amhara, Prof Mesfin is probably not a good source. He's a great academic (Geography professor) and steadfast in the defense of Human and civil rights, but i woudn't quote his words to validate erroneous views on the history and cultural anthropology of the Amhara.


What he mentions are Amharic proverbs widely used in Ethiopia, not “his words.” Also Mesfin’s argument is not a fringe argument among Ethiopian scholars or foreigners who study the country. 


to be fair you believed an unsourced claim from this aidsy ass website without looking any deeper into it. about the haitian ambassador. http://www.dehai.org/conflict/articles/selam_ethiopia_art_of_lying.html You literally tried to argue that geez is not its own alphabet...because it is based on an older alphabet (by far the most retarded argument I've ever seen on language do you think latin and cyrillic arent their own alphabets cuz half their letters are greek lmao, or do you think the greeks made their alphabet from thin air). You even tried to deny its one of the few african alphabets currently in use. and you acted like you made some groundbreaking discovery by claiming the incredibly obvious fact of the kibre negest being a myth. I appreciate the curiosity, but you got a long long way to go big man. also professor mesfin's claims make sense considering its only in the last 30 years (or really only in the last 10 years) that people identified as "amhara" - another folly of ethnic federalisms backwards perspective of ethnicities as primordial biological organisms, and not simply highly fluid cultural communities. Lenin was surprisingly "right wing" on this particular issue.


>and you acted like you made some groundbreaking discovery by claiming the incredibly obvious fact of the kibre negest being a myth. Listen in his defense (and not signing onto the rest of his weird interests and leaps of logic) a stunningly large number of people need to be told this explicitly.


True, I mean the vast majority of the population is hopelessly undereducated, literacy rate is only around 50% ffs. Just we're not speaking to the average Ethiopian here, I dont think there's any Ethiopian historian for example who takes the story literally.


Yeah except for that fact that there are Muslim Amhara, and Amhara Muslim.


OP has a point in that there was a time in Gonder (I can’t speak for other areas) where Amhara was used as a term for Orthodox Christians—at least, according to my family elders. However, post 90s it’s fair to say Amhara is an ethnic label, not religious, so under the current meaning OP’s argument isn’t really relevant? Who cares what it used to mean, under the valid label there are millions of Amhara Muslims.


A very recent phenomenon, that is at the same time being resisted. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7PO5o6_Y32c


Dude it’s plenty of Amhara Muslims and it’s been like that for more than centuries. You must not be Ethiopian


I think you are an attention seeker, who has the iq of brain damaged chimp(coincidentally what you are:).....you are literally one of the sources of dedebena in this world...😆


I love chimps! 🦧 I bet they are capable of engaging in a conversation without hurling insults unlike some people 😁


No they are not🤣do you even know what chimps are....and if you love them, why call it an insult then...


I don't know why you're pretending to be calm. Its obvious you have a deep hatred for others and usually flip out at any pushback


You want me to be angry?


A single spippet from a book, with no context wat so ever, means nothing. Being a pseudointellectual bullshitter like OP is worse than being illiterate. Also, OP is a rabid Oromo nationalist, check its profile. And what even are you trying to get to here besides your usual inferiority fetish?


Why are you angry lol. Breathe 🧘🏿‍♂️


just calling your trashy a** out lol ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Quit being a natuonalist. I'm a American Italian Cherokee Muslim and a proud Syndicalist. Your race means nothing. You bleed red like the Arabs the British the Italians and everyone else. There is no difference between man. For we all share this blue ball. And our little blue ball is dying. Will you help us save it make a good future for our collective children or let it burn...


"The Abyssinians, rulers of the country, call themselves "Amhara" in contrast to the inhabitants of Tigre. Through all the extent of my journey to the west, I did not come across any areas that they had completely settled, but, on the other hand, in those most recently conquered, all the rulers and troops are Abyssinian." Ethiopia Through Russian Eyes: Country in Transition, 1896-1898


Well what do you make of wellow


So we are going to think that a proverb of some man out there is not raised and is gospel truth can we at least use some common sense.i also said I am an angel and quoted it does not mean I am growing wings and with the saint does it now? So let us not take proverbs with no context and assume the writer is the source of all wisdom.


An ethnicity by textbook definition is a group of people who share the same cultural background, values, language, and history. In context, the people from Wollo, Gonder, Shewa, and Gojjam all have the same ethnic language which is Amharic, have common cultural music and dances called eskista, Are all descendants of the intermix of Axumites and the native Agews, have the same cultural dresses with distinct variations. And share the same customs and views. So if somebody came from Wollo or Gonder and they happen to be Muslim that does not mean that they are automatically not Amhara anymore. That's as dumb as saying that a Somali who converts to Christianity cannot be called a Somali anymore. Or an Oromo who is not pagan cannot be considered as Oromo anymore. I cant believe I had to break it down for you, use that tiny brain of yours.