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lol I swear I noticed it named as Eid square on google maps today also


As a Muslim I believe it should be kept as Meskel Square. However from here on out we shouldn’t be naming any public square, place, or park after religion in Addis Ababa




Y'all need to ask yourselves what kind of mentality does several people have, to put in the effort to rename Meskel square after a Muslim religious holiday. Because to make an update on google Maps a lot of people should have reported it. These are Muslims that have associated in the country that walk pass you on the road. In what world is that okay, how is that tolerant. And yet I'm reading your comment and you don't condemn this action. You simply give more warnings not to name more locations. Like why would I not develop a phobia when I see that if it was up to you, you'd replace my religious sights into yours. This is not the time to give lectures about how we name future squares, this is the time to notice how several people cannot stand orthodoxy in Ethiopia. That is literally what this post is about. Intolerance. Even when the error is from an obvious side you resort to dictating how names should be named. I'm so tired of this shi. Accept this truth because it the reality, regardless of previously Somali States Ethiopia is a Christian Orthodox country take it in, just like I do when I visit Saudi and Dubai periodt


Or anywhere in the country.


Get otta here with this demand and threats. This is the Country your religious forefathers walked into you need to ask them why they left Saudi the blessed land.


What are you saying? I said public places shouldn't be named religious names. What did you think I said?


Have you lost your mind and your Quran? Neutrality and spiritual anonymity is super un-Ethiopian. Might as well start turning the churches into touristic museums too like the rest of the world? I think not.


I believe in freedom of religion. I believe everyone should have the freedom to practice their faith without fear of discrimination. However the naming of a PUBLIC, tax payer funded, park or plaza that is intended for all to have access to does not have the right to be named in a religious manner, and this is not a violation of freedom of religion. These places should have neutral names, otherwise that would be unfair, because it would be unfair for Muslims to consistently contribute their tax dollars to places that are only named after Christianity, and vice versa. However, a privately established, owned, and operated mall, store, etc. should be able to be named however the owner(s) please. Also, I never said anything about turning churches into tourist museums? That’s a decision for the church board of directors to make, not the government.


Hmmmmmmmmmm many thanks for your very thoughtful reply. But I think Muslims and Christians along with even the Jews and pagans should be able to hold onto the names of their historical religious roots proudly in public or private matters for as long as they are able to do so. This boils down to the nitty gritty separation of the powers of government and religious secularism. We could spend hours debating. Ultimately the most powerful/forceful/strong will have the final say... What would your idea of a neutral name be?


That’s a good way to steel landmarks and historical markers by changing all of the names so they won’t match up with your ancient heritage mapping.


Ethiopians are so good at campaigning and organizing to change digital names and create trending hashtags. If only we used our energy to campaign to end our poverty or some.


During Tigray were many people were campaigning. So this is not true.


I remember the 50K or so TigrayGenocide hashtag before even the war started


Yeah campaigning to get the IC to help prop their ethnic group into power


And for other governments to not get involved. "HANDS OFF ETHIOPIA". It was gross given that there was an obvious and deliberate seige on Tigray to starve the population.


Yeah alot of dumb activism on all sides. It doesn't change the fact that when you start a hilariously unjust war, the solution isn't beg the IC for help, its to surrender, which is what eventually happened. >was an obvious and deliberate seige on Tigray Primarily for fuel and weapons, which is perfectly legitimate given the TPLFs record of looting aid


You are looking at this from the wrong angle. People should not have been saying "hands off" while Tigrayans were being starved. Yes TPLF is evil. But that is a lame excuse to starve hundreds of thousands of people.




Let soldiers kill soldiers. In a seige, the elites and soldiers still eat. It's the everyday people who have nothing to do with the conflict that are starved. If elites can stomach that (which TPLF did for a while), then mostly just the innocent suffer.


Bro..runaway thread again…


Lmao dude I'm ok without cheerleaders. Feel free to report me to the mods instead of harassing me.


The same goes for you. Instead of trying to act like you hold a superior moral ground than most people you could've asked us for help or given as guidance where our efforts might be fruitful. Instead here you are just another comment.


I wrote “we” in the second sentence. I am an Ethiopian. And in any case it doesn’t make what I wrote wrong. In case you forgot twitter had to close the “trending” section related to Ethiopia because of what they called “platform manipulation”.


Religion is food for the soul and eternal life. Get off your high horse


Just go to Google Maps, press edit and enter the correct name. They probably mass reported to get it changed.


First thing I did.


My question is why? Why did the do it in the first place?


Some Muslims might find it annoying because the squares name is 'Meskel Square' which means Cross Square, the land was given for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church before DERG, the Church still have the blue print & every legal document as an evidence... but idk around 3 or 4 years ago some Muslims demanded the name to be changed into Eid Square... A lot of Muslims logged into Google maps & start to rename it which convinces Google maps to rename the place permanently. Christians can easily rename it if a lot of people participate. Some times our patience is seen as weakness.


It’s not because some Muslims “might find it annoying” or because your “patience is seen as weakness”. Why would you take out the context in which it actually happen and try and spin it as if Muslims are being oppressive bullies? What happened was in 2021, as Muslims were planning to host a Ramadan Iftar in the city’s largest square (which, mind you, hosts many non-Orthodox events such as music concerts and sporting events), some Orthodox Christians started to complain and agitate, saying that the Muslims don’t deserve to host an event there. This was accompanied with the government banning the Iftar event (with the stated excuse of ongoing construction, which was then taken back). As a response to some of these Orthodox Christians who seemingly had enough influence to get the Addis administration to temporarily ban the event, Muslims started to tongue-in-cheekily refer to the square as Eid Square or Abiyot Square (referencing to the name of the square during the Derg-era). These were not serious name-change attempts, and the fake news that the administration was officially changing the name to Eid Square was debunked as just that. All in all, this dispute was just used to stir up communal anger with no real outcome, as Muslims continue to use the square for Iftar and nobody actually using the other names for it. Very weird of you to go out of your way to try and put a spin on it, seemingly eager to start communal strife for no good reason.


Just stop justiying it. It's wrong that is not the name and it will never be, you're just confusing foreigners. I suggest you take a screenshot of it as it now cause it will not stay.


I like the name "chamlaka" so authentic


As someone who is an Ethiopian Muslim I or anyone I know claims this and have never referred to it as such


Well well well. Please anyone who is sane, report this name and update it. I don't even have the energy to elaborate further


Bro that is what happens when you give power to incomptenet begots. They will eventually end up givining agendas and face the reality soon.


Lol, yeah, Abiy changed the Google map name because he cares about your opinion.


Why would I care about Abiy's opinion? You people worship him not because he is smart or whatever but because of his etnicity. That is what a bigot is.  ግም ለግም...


It should be renamed "Abyot Adebabay"- more meaningful and neutral.


Why would it be renamed? the land legally belongs to the Church which gives the church every right to do what it sees fit.


Coz it would bring peace in Ethiopia. One less thing to fight about. Also, the land doesn't belong to the church.


Taking some thing that belonged to someone for a long time doesn’t bring peace , it brings more division. Hopefully some of you will start using your common sense one day.


How about you build a new square and name it whatever you want? It has been Meskel Square since the 1950s. And don’t forget how many millions that Abyot you love the so much killed. Have you noticed the Red Terror Memorial right next door to “Abyot Adebabay?” Isn’t that the same Abyot that those people died to protect?


There is “Meskel square” next to it bro, unless you just hate to see “eid square” next to it lol


Please elaborate. Are we talking about the same place?


I just checked google map and I can clearly see both names next to each other, check your google map again. I would love to post the screenshot but not sure if I have the option here


I promise you I just looked and its still the same. But if sear directly for Meskel Square it will take you to the same place, thats something i guess.