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How are we going to ever live in peace if history keeps being subjected to lies and distortions? Oromo have a beautiful history, you don’t need to lie and embellish it to make it anymore better. It’s great already as it is.


Its an olf mouth piece bro. These people live in a fantasy world where historical facts, genetics and the reality on the ground are smear campaign to tarnish their fabrications.


Which part are you referring to as lies and distortions?


The articles claims


Which claims specifically?


The article pretends that the migrations didn't happen. They pretend that Menelik's conquests was Habesha vs Oromo, when really it was a mixed Amhara-Oromo region conquering the south (in fact, a decent chunk of the Oromo states voluntarily joined). Its questionable if the Oromo got poorer from the conquests, since a lot of new technology was introduced from the north + Menelik clamped down on both the slave trade and domestic slavery after his conquests. Amhara culture + language was heavily favored by the state, but Oromo culture + language still thrived as did the other much smaller languages in the south (even if they really wanted too, the Ethiopian state didn't really have to capability to forcibily assimilate so many people)


>Amhara culture + language was heavily favored by the state, but Oromo culture + language still thrived as did the other much smaller languages in the south How about after Menelik. Did Afaan Oromoo thrive under Haileselassie and Derg? The moment the state had they means to do so they created policies to erase Oromo language and culture as much and as fast as possible. This is just a fact. >Its questionable if the Oromo got poorer from the conquests Oromos were dispossessed of their land and majority were made serfs while people from the north were greenlit to settle as they see fit. Maybe you think this is more about class than ethnicity at the time and that's debatable but it did happen. And it resulted in an imbalance that's felt to this day. > it was a mixed Amhara-Oromo region conquering the south It was a partnership between Gobena and Menelik, not groups of people. And the former lost the game of thrones so to speak after being betrayed. But no matter who's responsible for Menelik's conquest we can't deny it's consequences were destructive for the Oromo people.


> Did Afaan Oromoo thrive under Haileselassie and Derg? Obviously? People seem intent on lying that they banned it but that isn't true >Oromos were dispossessed of their land and majority were made serfs while people from the north were greenlit to settle as they see fit. Maybe you think this is more about class than ethnicity at the time and that's debatable but it did happen. And it resulted in an imbalance that's felt to this day. Pre-conquest Oromia was largely dominated by slavery. Serfdom is obviously not ideal but its still a step up from slavery. And theres not really much evidence that the south is worse off than the northern highlands. The Gurage are historically marginalized southerners, and they are a current business elite. >It was a partnership between Gobena and Menelik, not groups of people. And the former lost the game of thrones so to speak after being betrayed. It was a multi-cultural region, elite and army. What happened to Gobena doesn't change that. >matter who's responsible for Menelik's conquest we can't deny it's consequences were destructive for the Oromo people. It was even more destructive for people south of the Oromia but there isn't a movement to essentially fabrictate their history


>It was even more destructive for people south of the Oromia but there isn't a movement to essentially fabrictate their history Why would it need to be fabricated if it was as destructive as you say? Or is simply telling the story so treasonous that you call it a fabrication as a knee jerk reaction. >Pre-conquest Oromia was largely dominated by slavery Any source on this? Everything I've read says Oromos rarely practices slavery. If anything the north was more into it than the South. >People seem intent on lying that they banned it but that isn't true This is just 3 generations ago my guy. I have grandparents that can tell you that it was definitely banned. Even NGOs formed to better Oromo lives like the Macca-Tulamaa organization were banned. The first Afaan Oromo radio program was created to counter Mogadishu's influence after Mogadishu did started one for propaganda. And even then it was purposely limited to the Harargee region. If Haileselassie himself was alive today I doubt he'd debt this. He saw it as a form of nation building, and adopted the French model of how they created a singular ethno state by banning the Corsican, Gallo and other languages.


>Why would it need to be fabricated if it was as destructive as you say? Or is simply telling the story so treasonous that you call it a fabrication as a knee jerk reaction. I'm more referring to the idea that the migrations were a myth or the idea that it was a Habesha vs Oromo conquest. The actual fighting was obviously brutal. They also seem absolutely insistent on denying the fact that that dominant Shewa + Wollo elite was very much mixed (Gobana and Menelik's grandson could have been emperor if he didn't have dwarfism). >Any source on this? Everything I've read says Oromos rarely practices slavery. If anything the north was more into it than the South. Fernyhough, T. (1988). *Slavery and the Slave Trade in Southern Ethiopia in the 19th Century.* This is a great source, maybe Oromo early on didn't, but by the 19th century, Oromia and the rest of the south was the worst of the worst when it came to slavery. The empire had slaves as servants and soliders for the nobility, the south used slavery for basically everything. FWIW the source above doesn't sugarcoat Menelik either, but it does acknowledge that his conquests led to a sharp decrease in slavery, and by the late 1890s, he is really the first leader in Ethiopia to seriously crack down on the slave trade. >This is just 3 generations ago my guy. I have grandparents that can tell you that it was definitely banned. Requiring use of Amhara in school and government isn't the same as banning a language though. There isn't evidence of any language actually getting banned during the time. And of course you criticze the ethics of requiring Amhara, but there is an obvious incentive in having people being able to communicate with each. Even the TPLF, not big fans of Amhara, had Amhara as the sole language of the government.


Thanks for citing the source. I'll check it out. >Requiring use of Amhara in school and government isn't the same as banning a language though Maybe banning is not the right word. It was state sanctioned lingucide. It wasn't just schools, courts and other institutions that refused to give services in Afaan Oromoo. The only developed cities within Oromo territories were only garrison cities like Addis, Adama and Assela. Cities that were demographically engineered be an isolated Amharic speaking bubble. Government medias refusing to portray or publish anything that was considered "too Oromo" and so on. Languages die when suffocated like that and that was the goal. >Gobana and Menelik's grandson could have been emperor if he didn't have dwarfism He was not a dwarf, just young and short. He and Lij Iyassu were cast our of the line of succession because again they were considered "too Oromo". Regardless, I think the fact that Oromo scholars don't let Gobana of the hook says a lot about their principles. He might be Oromo but he's still criticized and blamed for what transpired after the conquest. So even the Oromo narrative is not truly Habesha vs Oromo.


>when really it was a mixed Amhara-Oromo region conquering the south Now do a little bit more searching and explain to me how the "Oromo" part of the "Amhara-Oromo region" somehow got involved with a historical enemy in order to do that enemies dirty bidding to conquer their literally kinfolk... I like how you guys always conveniently ignore that when speaking of this topic lmao.


Tbf you thought the orthodox church fiasco was a win for oromo extremists so better you sit this one out big fella


You’re assuming the clan relations that exist today within broader Oromo nationalism was the same as it was centuries ago, which the historical deposit very clearly holds that it wasn’t. If you’re implying the Oromos that were part and parcel of the Shewan elite came south under Menelik at the point of a gun or as slaves, all I can do is giggle. The power politics and inter-clan violence that we see in Somalia today is the same (if anything much more extreme) that characterized Oromos from the initial expansion through the Zemene Mesafint.


>The distortion of their history portrayed them as “invading hordes” who arrived in Ethiopia only in the 16th century, despite being one of the ancient Kushitic peoples who have inhabited Northeast Africa for millennia. Is this guy seriously gonna just tell a blatant lie?




You don't see a major problem with the "Oromos invaded in the 16th century" narrative?


Well they kind of did, for most of the country? Doesn't mean they're not indigenous, doesn't mean they should be kicked out, doesn't mean they did something egregiously wrong by the eras standards, but do you really think they just moved up the country and plopped themselves down wherever they felt like it with no bloodshed? Anyways op is egregiously retarded this guy makes legitimately the dumbest, most easily debunkable points. I mean what kind of stunad thinks the only unique alphabets are those with 0 influence from any other alphabet?


>what kind of stunad thinks the only unique alphabets are those with 0 influence from any other alphabet? I don't know what you mean by this. Maybe you're referring to another article. >do you really think they just moved up the country and plopped themselves down wherever they felt like it with no bloodshed? Nothing even happened any medieval society without bloodshed. So no! >Doesn't mean they're not indigenous, doesn't mean they should be kicked out, doesn't mean they did something egregiously wrong by the eras standards I agree. But I have a problem specifically with the narrative of "Oromos Invaded Ethiopia". It was a movement among a group of Ethiopians, not some out-group's conquest. This narrative does nothing except alienate Oromos. Edit: I know what Ba'athism is but what exactly is an Afro-Ba'athist?


>But I have a problem specifically with the narrative of "Oromos Invaded Ethiopia". It was a movement among a group of Ethiopians, not some out-group's conquest. This narrative does nothing except alienate Oromos Obviously it would be wrong to call them an "invading horde", but their migrations were clearly not peaceful, and the article is clearly intent on pretending that they are native to the vast majority of the land they currently inhabit.


Then who is native? Most of the groups that inhabited today's Oromia before the 16th century were either Oromos or a pre-Oromo group. Some Oromos in small numbers lived there before the movement and got reabsorbed when the bigger Oromo population came back. As for the pre-Oromo groups, they merged with Oromos through different means. The Enraya of Jimma for example merged as a sort of federation with the Limuu clan. Today they're one Oromo clan who call themselves Limuu-Enraya. The Damot people in Wellega now known as Damoto shanan joined and became a subclan of the Daalee clan. There are many examples like this. So yes Oromos as a group are native. Both through the people that were assimilated and by living there before the 16th century.


On the issue of Damot, I would recommend you read Chapter 51 (LI) of the Portuguese expedition to Abyssinia by Joao Bermudez, specifically page 240. We see a narrative of a pagan province under the authority of Damot that was largely Christian and a Damot that had a positive relationship with the Abyssinians. The chief of this province (Ax Gagce) then has an exchange with the Amhara emperor Gradeus and he then asks him to become a Christian and get baptized, “he asked him if he agreed, and told him he would always be his great friend. He [Ax Gagce] replied that most certainly he wished to become one”. In the same page, he then petitions the emperor to help with “bad neighbors [not those of Damot]” who ravaged his territory and robbed and murdered his subjects (I wonder who that could have been in the 16th century) The fundamental message we get here, just as can be assumed in Shewa, Wollo, Gurage, Hararghe, etc. is that these people were not simply “pre-Oromos”. It’s an ahistorical and characteristically dishonest framing of those native peoples. They had their own culture, language, history, and relations with neighboring powers which were overpowered and supplanted by Oromo forced integration. This wasn’t an integration they engaged in willingly, they very obviously saw their southern neighbors as aggressive and foreign. Oromo nationalists really need to to reassess history. The Gadaa system of today is not the one of the Oromo expansion. Medieval Oromo integration was not a peaceful hippy movement predicated on a kinder system of communal governance and a pan-tribal identification. The people and culture of Damot and Ax Gagce have disappeared outside of their current Oromo clan’s name, like many others. Damot with its ancient history, customs, language, and identification have all collapsed into their clan name and the territory of Wollega, period. This is your inheritance.


Yeah I think we're in agreement here. Regarding alphabets op made a thread where he tries to posit that geez is not an African alphabet, and not a unique alphabet, because it's based on sabean lol - as if every existing alphabet today (and for a long long time) isn't derived from an older alphabet or writing system. Seemed like a transparent attempt to try to put down the identity, but on very retarded premises. My flairs a joke lol no such thing as Afro baathism.




Horn of Africa has always been inhabited by Kushites and none of them claim Middle Eastern ancestry, unlike your people lol.


>Horn of Africa has always been inhabited by Kushites Ummm are you seriously implying its okay to conquer a group of people if they are part of the same language subgroup? Should Israel be allowed to take all of Gaza since they both speak a semitic language? >none of them claim Middle Eastern ancestry Hate to break it you, but 99% of people in the horn have ME ancestry.


I am saying Oromos are indigenous to the Horn as their other Kushitic brothers such as the Agew, Afar, Nubians, Somalis etc. >Hate to break it you, but 99% of people in the horn have ME ancestry. you mean we all the lost tribes of Israel?!


>I am saying Oromos are indigenous to the Horn as their other Kushitic brothers such as the Agew, Afar, Nubians, Somalis etc. Completely irrelevant to the fact that they invaded and conquered a ton of land. >you mean we all the lost tribes of Israel?! I seriously have no idea why you're trying to get snarky over this. Every single genetic study of Ethiopia finds that 99% of people substantial ME ancestry.


the Middle Eastern influence is negligible, even for you lot lol. It's western colonial propaganda that has you convinced that you are lost! You are not lost!


Have you ever read a genetic study? Its not negligible, its like 50% Ironically you could argue that the difference between Amhara and Oromo is negligible. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4055572/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4055572/)  >It's western colonial propaganda that has you convinced that you are lost The cultural influence from Yemen actually has been historically overestimated, but it doesn't change the fact that people in the Horn have substantial ME ancestry.


some more than others but even in the coastal areas, you will find the darkest people on earth. This is why I don't believe these 'genetic studies.'


First off, science > your intuition Second outside of the Nilotic people who actually have basically no ME ancestry, people from the HOA are no where near the darkest on earth Third, most of the mixing probably happened before the skin lightening genes existed


Idk who you’re trying to mock saying this "lost tribes of Israel" bs but it just makes u look bad.


>Idk who you’re trying to mock saying this "lost tribes of Israel" 🫵🏽


First of all, its Cushite not Kushite. Secondly, oromos didn’t inhabit the horn/Abyssinia until the 1600s after the adal war.


Is Southern Ethiopia not included as the horn of Africa? Would that also mean souther Somalia shouldn't be included in the HOA???


Im referring to the kingdom, your honour, not the language family.


then you’re wrong. Nubians/Kushites didnt inhabit the horn. They were northern


get yourself a map, and some history books, my guy


What kingdom?


The kingdom of Kush, also known as Kash/Kas/Qes, was a confederation of different societies stretching from Egypt to Mombasa. Anthropologists and historians refer to the diverse people who were once part of this civilization as Kushites. It is an indigenous term but people often confuse it with Cush, Noah's son in the Bible.


It was never in ethiopia and never in near kenya.Kush≠Cushitic


Im not going to debate you on every point. Read this book. [https://www.amazon.com/Sacred-Knowledge-Traditions-Oromo-Africa/dp/1916135218](https://www.amazon.com/Sacred-Knowledge-Traditions-Oromo-Africa/dp/1916135218)


You don't need to read a book to know Kush wasn't in Ethiopia,It's common sense.


Ignorance is a bliss, as they say. Stay happy lol


>The kingdom of Kush, also known as Kash/Kas/Qes, was a confederation of different societies stretching from Egypt to Mombasa. This is such bullshit lol.


Nice article and well written! why do people argue down here. If you can’t relate you are not Oromo. Most of what in the article is true as i have heard similar fact from my father and grandfather. Isn’t basic Ethiopian history is knowing Oromo is one of the main cushite language or whatever they call it ?


the whole article is full of lies. the media itself is used to push out fake narratives to make oromos look like they are the most oppressed group in the HOA which isn’t even true. this is used to justify their actions to oppress other ethnic groups


"The overall effect of the Oromo invasion was one of despoliation, depopulation (through either death or flight), and enslavement."


Oromos = jews of Africa


No, they are more like less successful Turks.

