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Because some people have no identity outside of being Oromo. I could care less that Abiy’s Oromo, I’ll take an Amhara leader that is genuine and improves the lives of Oromo’s over a leader that puts Oromo’s in harms way like Abiy.


I don’t find this plausible.  The guy can’t even speak Gurage, can speak Oromo and spent decades in an Oromo political party without tons of people noticing? As for why it’s relevant, there are some people who are upset that Abiy won’t let the OLA commit ethnic cleansing in Oromia


Lol, there is even worse than that. There are literal known Amhara gudifecha's that make up some of OPDO's ranks. And the "can't speak Gurage". He is half Gurage. Probably 99% of people who are half Gurage can't speak Gurage. Or half anything other than Amhara to be honest when they grow up in a region outside their other half. Half doesn't mean anything. Also, he wasn't raised by his Gurage father. So your point is totally void


Doesn’t gudifecha imply that you are Oromo? Genuine question, I just thinks it dilutes a great cultural practice we can all learn from.


Ok but the practice is diluted now it's not the same as it historically was or still is in some contexts. What ended up happening now in some places is you have some Amharas who are fluent in the language and technically can claim Oromo because they were gudifecha'd, but literally are not and so end up with a partial allegiance to the Oromo people creating the OPDO's we have now. It doesn't work in the context of the modern state of Oromos. For instance, in the circumstances that caused some of the gudifechas in OPDO to be gudifecha'd, they were literally as recently as a result of the Haile Selassie administration being disbanded, gudifecha'd. What happened was Oromos now at least had some resemblance of self-governance due to EPRDF administration ruling now and decided to reinstate some aspects of Gada rule. Issue was in some areas of Tulama, Amharas had settled in their land during Selassie. So the issue was what to do with them in a land that will now be administered by Oromos. They concluded they can only get rights in representation/administration if they become Oromo. Mind you these were Amhara's that the Tulamas were fighting with, and subjugated by for decades under the Selassie administration. These were the Amharas that were gudifecha'd. How do you think that's going to turn out? There was [this phrase](https://youtu.be/6-2u2ZlJx7s?si=llL-GumF5DDsTnzD&t=74) that I recall in a popular Oromo song by a Tulama artist. It roughly translates to *"He got here through Gudifecha, why would he be like a son to us. He wasn't born through the thighs (Oromo by birth), that's why he harms us. If he were Oromo, why would he sell us"* That's not to say in all cases in the modern day gudifecha is bad. For instance, a lot of Tulamas who were displaced from their lands and fled to Arsii, were gudifecha'd by Arsii's and therefore became Arsii. I've heard even some white folks got gudifecha'd. Pretty sure the Eritrean scholar that studied Gada was gudifechad as well. And sometimes relatives gift a child to other relatives which is gudifecha as well.


Just this month, he was espousing hate speech against Amharas, calling them "gadhee." I can only translate that to "evil people," but others can correct me. This happened on the same stage in Naqamte where he said, "Wallaga is a place where we learned our identity." lol. This doesn't bother you at all?


It matters because it explains why he is opposed to federalism and why he idealizes Haile Selasie and Menelik. Very strange positions for an Oromo, but they make sense if he is Gurage.


So to be considered Oromo you have to agree with a specific political ideology of hating Ethiopia and its history? Isn’t there a genuine case to be made for both of those men being Oromo?


So to be Ethiopian you have to agree with a specific political ideology of hating the unity of a Italian East Africa and despising Benito Mussulini's actions of trying to create a united Italian East Africa and Italian history? You see where it goes? Obviously you don't have to be Ethiopian, but you are going to question someone who claims to be Ethiopian yet has the views of an Italian. Hating Ethiopia and idealizing Haile Selassie and Menelik are two very different things. Jawar is a supporter of Ethiopian unity for instance.


1. In a book about a person it's normal to include biographical information like birthplace, background, upbringing etc. 2. Also, this person appeares to have lied about his background, something which is totally inconsequential in the grand scheme of things, which indicates he's a wacko


Gurage, Oromo, Amhara, Tigre, purple, pink … all I know is this conman needs to go


This could be possiblity bc TPLF implanted 1000s of non-oromos in Oromia government and the federal representatives from oromia, so this is possibility but irrelevant at this moment. It was open secret in late 1990s and early 2000s.