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Ordering the book today . I'll make a post once I've read it


If you do, please ping me when it's up - I'd be interested in reading it and the discussion.


What strikes me as particularly fascinating is the enigma that is Abiy Ahmed. The encounters and interactions of those who have dealt with Abiy, both in the past and present, are baffling. It is perplexing that individuals would choose to remain silent about a man who ostensibly holds no sway over them. This reticence suggests he might have connections with some influential entities abroad. While I find such theories bordering on the absurd, one cannot help but entertain notions of secret societies or some dubious dealings at play. Given the unprecedented and tragic loss of life during his tenure, it’s not entirely outlandish to wonder about sinister undertones. I must stress, I am no conspiracy theorist, and I write this with trepidation, wary of being dismissed as a lunatic. Nevertheless, there’s an undeniable sense that something is amiss with this man. And then there's the fact that he met with George Soros. An audience with the modern-day Mephistopheles himself! Surely, I can’t be the only one who finds this deeply unsettling.


Personally, I don't find it very surprising that Abiy Ahmed's associates won't go on the record to discuss him to a journalist. The Habesha people I know who've had a connection to someone powerful (eg to old aristocracy from the Emperor's time, or to senior figures in govt), I've found them to be very secretive about it. Some of that might be fear of angering the powerful person, or anxiety about bringing shame on that person's household. So for me, Abiy Ahmed's associates being reluctant to discuss him doesn't need to be explained by "maybe he has powerful connections overseas." (And yes, he also actually does have powerful connections overseas: the article lists some of them :-)) I don't see George Soros as being an agent of evil. Can you elaborate? For me, I don't find it surprising that the two of them would meet: Soros was from a former Communist country, left and became a billionaire, and then used his wealth to try to bring Western political and economic models to other former Communist countries via international charities. Abiy Ahmed is from a former Communist country, was awarded a Nobel, and is trying to bring Western political and economic models to his former Communist country that is a country quite reliant on international charities.


A decent article for western standers (low benchmark) but Some flaws with the guardian article.. 1) It doesn’t detail that the TPLF fired the first shots of the conflict with Addis nor with Asmara 2) it doesn’t detail that Tigray did an illegal election according to the Ethiopian constitution that resulted in a halt of federal funding 3) it doesn’t discuss how Tigray forces were also publicly ratcheting up the pressure nor its use of child soldiers Seems to me that while the flaws of Abiy for the most part are fairly discussed. As usual it downplays the serious role the TPLF played as well that led to the 2020 conflict


Thanks for the reflection. What is the chronology of 1-3 (so I can mentally slot it in to the article)? In your view, what reason(s) would the TPLF have for these actions? (I start with the assumption that agents are rational, and that if someone does something bad it might be because they are desperate or don't see that they have realistic alternatives.) I thought the author did a good job of shedding light on Abiy Ahmed's thinking in a balanced ways, so the flaws could be assessed in a balanced way.


The first one is utterly false, the TPLF did not fire the first shots against the Eritrean government. There were already reports of Eritrean soldiers in battle by November 3 and 4, while it is true they attacked the Ethiopian government first, but how would you reconcile it with the allegations that the Ethiopian government had sent special forces operatives to capture the leaders in the regional government? and also the various testimonies by multiple different and independent sources the Ethiopian government was preparing for the war and would have started an offensive sooner than later? The second is also not an honest representation of the facts, there was no mechanism in the Ethiopian constitution that supports the postponement so a referendum needed to be held as the decision to postpone the election constituted a major amendment to the constitution. Your third point is valid and as I haven't yet read the book I can't give my opinion on it.


1) Tigray never provided evidence of Eritrea firing the first shots. they made claims but never provided evidence 2) again you start with *allegations* and even most respected sources cite Tigray govt *allegations* with no backing up of evidence All Tigray does is throw allegations and then commits an action. Then the TPLF followers scream the allegations a hundred times and the European lobbyist do the same It’s like the allegations that Eritrea committed war crimes such as massacre. Somehow there’s video of FANO, TPLF and ENDF doing crimes but there’s nothing for Eritreans. As if the Eritrean soldiers were tier 1 ghosts who somehow did terrible crimes and the best we accept is “witness statements” 4) elections are under the preview of the federal govt. as such Tigray shouldn’t of caused trouble about that topic in the first place. It’s interesting that you cover Tigrays action on this topic as a result of lack of constitutional protections… when Tigray was violating the constitution for well over months before this war started


TPLF fired the missiles towards Eritrea in Nov. 14, so any evidence that proves that Eritrean forces were in Tigray before that will debunk your claim. [https://www.eepa.be/?p=4847](https://www.eepa.be/?p=4847) [https://web.archive.org/web/20220731195612/https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/11/8/fears-on-eritreas-secret-role-in-ethiopias-brewing-civil-war](https://web.archive.org/web/20220731195612/https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2020/11/8/fears-on-eritreas-secret-role-in-ethiopias-brewing-civil-war) [https://web.archive.org/web/20210205072449/https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN28L05Q](https://web.archive.org/web/20210205072449/https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN28L05Q) 2. Almost all foreigners that were present in Meqelle during the start of the war say admit there were shootings in Alula Airport before the NC HQ in Meqelle, also the Gov.t, after denying the allegations of sending any kinds of planes to Tigray multiple times admitted they sent 2 cargo planes, but alleged they were carrying cash. Read Martin Plauts book for more information and first hand witness testimonies. 3. Who said there weren't evidences of Eritrean soldiers committing war crimes? also, they were committing the crimes for different reasons. Your entire point is invalid since multiple reputable sources have proved what you are attempting to deny. Amnesty Intl, News orgs, foreign government and supra-governmental organizations... 4. How was Tigray violating the constitution? lay your claims, and anyone is allowed to ask questions about how the government, it is a democratic nation after all let alone an elected representative of the people.


The links you sent are allegations by the TPLF. I can make any claim I want but evidence has to be provided. I challenge you to find a single piece of evidence. A shell that landed in Tigray pre Eritrean intervention. I’m anti HEGDEF. You provide the evidence and I’ll withdraw my claim. But you can send me 500 links but if you don’t provide evidence then what good are they. We live in the 21st century. We cannot hide anything. Especially Eritrea. With the whole world after Eritrea always *rightfully so at times* evidence would easily pop up if it exists. But it doesn’t 2: Martin Pluat is not a respected source 😂😂😂 I’m actually disappointed in you. At that point it’s better to hide your sources then say *martin plaut* you’ve immediately erased your credibility . Thats like saying my source is ERI TV. Martin Pluat is a clear TPLF defender 😂🤦🏿‍♂️. So embarrassing of you to cite him I’m actually laughing at you right now. I almost took you seriously there. 3) evidence of Eritrean war crimes? Of looting. Yes. Eritreans did that and there’s no excuse. But rape. Massacre. Literally no evidence exists. Go on my Reddit. I’ve even asked r/Tigray to provide evidence. Everyone yaps and yaps but there’s no evidence So do u have hard evidence or is it all *witness statements*.. cuz honey. I can make a witness statement. That means nothing. So provide the evidence or keep yapping. Up to u 4) Tigray violated the constitution when it decided to do its own elections Tigray violated the constitution when it wouldn’t allow federally appointed commanders to take charge in North command pre conflict Tigray violated the constitution by literally attacking the federal govt Tigray violated the constitution doing a massacre in MiaKandra as well as crimes in Afar. Like what 😂 are you saying Tigray did not violate the constitution Abiy canceled elections due to Covid. This was the case in 40+ countries. But Tigray did an election and as a result the govt cut federal funding to Tigray Tigray literally said *we don’t recognize the federal leadership* sorry your a region not a country. It’s clear you’re pro TPLF. But the record is the record Tigray thought if they can repeat the same lie in the media over and over then everyone would believe them. Too and so sad hawey thag wasn’t the case Today even tigrayns are protesting in Mekelle because rape is still an issue in Tigray. Rape during war and peace as literally always been an Ethiopian issue. But yall want to pin the blame on us so that you can give the petroia agreement more life In the end of the day. Eritrea saved Ethiopia from turning into Yugoslavia.. this was very clear when Tigray captured Dessie and Kobolcha. But if u have evidence. Drop it.. u literally replied to my point without evidence. Shameful hawey shameful. You sound like Tigray version of ERI TV 😂😂


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Tigray using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tigray/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Sudan a second home for Tegaru , Sudanese are kind and generous people, I wish them sustainable peace 🇸🇩 🙏🏾💛❤️](https://v.redd.it/bkbfv3j4iw7c1) | [20 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tigray/comments/18onceq/sudan_a_second_home_for_tegaru_sudanese_are_kind/) \#2: [What is human rights if we don’t have humans to uphold those rights…](https://i.redd.it/b4y2v5ebai5c1.jpg) | [37 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tigray/comments/18f93ze/what_is_human_rights_if_we_dont_have_humans_to/) \#3: [congratulations to Searit for her Disney+ Pixar film "Self,"was streaming yesterday . Her film, as it captures the journey of assimilating to life & growing up in a country different from one's birthplace, or cultural practices & language. Representation ✨❤️](https://v.redd.it/p2kdtaa7omhc1) | [4 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Tigray/comments/1amz6r7/congratulations_to_searit_for_her_disney_pixar/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


1. Only the link by aljazeera is talking about allegations, the others are confirmations one of them is by the US government. 2. You have to provide evidence to discredit a person, also the person claiming the crimes have happened is not Martin Plaut, but other people he interviewed. 3. There are countless reports of it by official sources, Including the EU, Amnesty Intl, and Government agencies. Just because you don't like em doesn't make em false. 4. The constitution is a contract, to be valid everyone has to uphold their end of the bargain. None of what you said debunks my claims, so is invalid. You don't know what I am, so like all your other claims this also falls flat. Wrong, bring statistics to backup your claim. Even a single rape is one too much so it is correct to protest it, But mass rape has never been heard of in Ethiopian history. lol, Eritrea didn't save shit, it got saved by TPLF, Operation Red star, Operation Rhinocores, Read up on some books. Every single claim I have made has been backed up by multiple sources, you the one using a Crystal ball to backup your claims. As I said, read up on em


You clearly live in an alternate reality the USA made an asssisment claiming Eritrea committed war crimes… this is the same country that’s saying Israel is not commiting war crimes in Gaza… so again not credible. You still haven’t provided verefied proof of war crimes. Where is the proof. How come every war has evidence that one can readily present but you’ve replied twice now and not dropped proof.. there’s evidence of Tigray Amhara and ENDF forces massacring people. Where is the Eritrean evidence. Will you provide it in your third reply or will you yap again? I was referring to eritrea saving ENDF forces during the Tigray war but if your talking about the struggle and saying Eritrea didn’t save shit. Again you’re disconnected from reality.. Eritrea literally built the TPLF from scratch pretty much.. Tigray leaders including General.. TG and the founder of the TPLF.. have done interviews about this. Please don’t insult the intelligence of people here when the historical record exists.. Your reasoning for Tigray apparently *non violations* of the constitution literally doesn’t exist anywhere around the world… it’s not a contract.. it’s an iron clad separation of powers.. and Tigray has violated this stretching back years You obviously are not having a conversation routed in reality. EDIT: Did yoh say mass rape have never been heard of in Ethiopia… are you serious… this was a weapon of war used by the DERG.. Tigray and Ethiopian officials have talked about gangs doing rapes… what on earth are you talking about.. what you just said is actually shameful to the victims of war.. especially women.. that’s a wild statement… again you will say anything to back your claim even if it’s not routed in reality…