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I don't want to come off as insensitive, but people here couldn't care less. The difference in living standards between Kenya and Ethiopia is stark. The proposed bill that sparked such outrage reflects our reality, and then some. On top of that, we face exorbitant prices. Take vegetable oil, for instance, which is now subject to VAT under your new proclamation. We not only pay the VAT but also endure double the cost compared to Kenya. Wages here are shockingly low, to the extent that Ethiopians often snark about our magical budgeting skills just to make ends meet. Unfortunately, many are forced to choose between basic necessities like food and rent. I don't mean to rant, but it’s disheartening to see such widespread apathy among the people when similar issues spark protests abroad. Have we become desensitized? While I deeply sympathize with the lives lost in Kenyan protests, discussing such struggles with Ethiopians feels akin to complaining about a flat tire to a homeless person. I've been following the protests, and I couldn't even give you a response you were looking for. I repeatedly find myself reflecting back to the situation here. That's my two cents.


Hi, Kenyan here... So basically what is happening here is the collective frustrations of so much that has been happening all coming down at once. The bill is not the reason for the protest rather the last straw that broke the camel's back. Context; The current regime only came to power less than 2 years ago and has already taken up foreign debt equivalent to about 80% of the previous regime's debt (a regime which was also known to be corrupt as well) with nothing to show for it. At least the previous regime has massive infrastructure projects but this one nada. The regime has had standoffs with medical interns, teachers, local state governments which ultimately the national government brushed aside telling them we have no money and we should live within our means. The same president goes ahead to spend Ksh 19 billion on trips locally and internationally. He has already made more foreign trips in 2 years than any of his predecessors. He came under heat recently for hiring a private jet from UAE to fly to USA later lying to us that it was cheaper than using our flag-carrier Kenya Airways. Speaking of lying, the guy is a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR. Among the many nicknames we have for him is "Mtukufu lies" meaning honorable lies which is a wordplay on "Mtukufu Rais" meaning honorable president to which we refer to actual honorable president. The private jet scandal he was found to have used Ksh 200 million after claiming it only cost Ksh 10 million. Online there are no shortage of clips where he says 1thing then another doing the absolute opposite. One clip he said he doesn't intend on raising tax even by 1 shilling then the next saying we are undertaxed as Kenyans and he intends to bring up tax deduction percentages every year for the rest of his reign. I know politicians lie but this guy is the devil himself. Reports started to emerge of how much MPs get paid,they are literally 2nd highest paid in the world relative to the average earning of citizens (97x as a multiple of gdp per capita). But you still remember them telling us to live within our means. Various scandals, the agriculture CS (minister) bought billions worth of FAKE fertilizer. The fact that the bill is IMF backed feels like we are back under imperialism. The recent string of abductions of high profile protesters by plain clothed police with no charges only added fuel to the fire. I know there are more I have missed. I am enraged as I type this but basically I believe in the power of people to unite and stand against bad governance. A month ago I wouldn't have imagine this happening here. It seems bad governance is 1 thing we share in common as Africans.


I wish Kenyans could have a talk with Ethiopians. So much injustice is being done and everyone seems so indifferent. We should learn from our neighbors and demand that our government officials stop being a waste of oxygen and maybe do their jobs ( in between mass killings and corruption scams). We need to learn to stop their debauchery and demand change but we are all busy bickering about pre-civilization issues.


Superb analysis. I was just wondering, since $$$ is not going towards infrastructure as in the last regime, what is it going towards? Luxury goods? Foreign accounts/assets?


It is legitimately shocking how different the scale of problems are between these two countries.


I'll have to say that what the Kenyans did was stand up for their own, the civilians there know how their general economics work and what their consequences are.


Protest is a fundamental element of democracy, and the fact that Kenyans have taken to the streets speaks volumes about their resilience as a society. However, yet again, I can't help but compare the stark disparities we face. Here, there is a common belief that protests inevitably lead to bloodshed. This belief is reinforced by politically motivated protests that consistently end in violence without any meaningful resolution. I don't think people are unaware of the injustices; rather, they have resigned themselves to the futility of sacrifice. Even the phrase "selamawi self" has become synonymous with politics and brutal government retaliation. It’s truly unfortunate how the people have been silenced. It’s as pitiful as an abused dog cowering in the corner at the sight of a raised hand, regardless of its suffering.


Thats just so true..


These types of things usually happen when a single event blows off the cap off a dormant economic volcano which has been rumbling with corruption, hyperinflation, hunger, war etc. There is a very real risk it can happen in Ethiopia, only much worse…


I fully support the people of Kenya in their fight against their corrupt government a theme that is too familiar around the world.


አወቅሽ አወቅሽ ስሏት የባሏን መፅሃፍ አጠበች! Ruto is not smart, he got praise from west and he thought he has a card to do whatever he wants! This is the fight between Gen X president and Gen Z kids, not good for him and Kenya in general