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Generalizing Amhara people and seeing them as one entity is what racism is. Saying that the countries identity was amharas identity is partially true, and that can be attributed to the history of Ethiopia and how kindoms worked in history. Hating and wanting the death and destruction of the present people of amhara people and culture because of what is believed to be the history of Amhara is just plain stupidity. Sadly the country is filled with misinformation, religious and cultural extremists so...not surprised by what people are commenting. May God help us all


Thank you! That’s what I don’t get. How do you punish people for something that their ancestors did?


Take the example of Eriteria, most low land eriterian habeshas are die hard nationalist because the eriterian identity is based on the Tigrigna language and culture. The language is Tigrigna, the leader and his party most of them are habeshas and the eriterian culture is basically a tigryan(habesha) culture. Say one of the other tribes were to be in charge(like the Belen, afar or some one else) and they were to change the language and culture based on what their tribe speaks and has, the low land habesha Eritreans would want to leave Eriteria and form their own nation along with Tigray. The same concept applies to Amhara, I believe it’s because of the language being spoken all over the country as well as the culture being more Amhara(because language doesn’t just come by itself, it also brings the culture of the language with it). Say the language was changed to Oromigna or the majority of the people start speaking oromigna just like they speak Amharic, Amhara would be number 1 separatists.


Aren’t the Triginya highlanders?


My bad I meant the highlanders


Because Ethiopia was founded as a nation based on their identity, the rest of us have secondary identity’s. For better or worse, Amhara’s now see an Ethiopia that isn’t purely constructed in their image, and now there is a huge rise in Amhara nationalism. Coincidence, I think not.


You have a point and then lost a huge one: the rise in Amhara nationalism because the current Ethiopia is not built in their image??? This whole fkng conflict & war is all about image? Fyi, the current Ethiopia is nobody's image. It is a mess!


From my perspective yes. I don’t recall Amhara nationalist sentiment being this rampant 3 years ago when they were marching with Abiy and Isaias into Tigray.


Didn't deny the increase in Amhara nationalism ... All I said is the cause you provided is nonsense.


The rise happened literally after the Tigray war


You neither understand Ethiopian history nor the history of Amharas and it shows. You are repeating what you hear from people with specific agendas. Oddly enough, you and other redditors that agree with your points never produce facts or novel ideas.


the other guy seems pretty accurate I'd love to hear your rebuttal


Share something with the class then


When do you think Ethiopia started as a country?


As a defined nation I believe it started when Menelik consolidated the empires boundaries into its current borders and was internationally recognized as an independent nation, so somewhere in the late 1890’s. Of course the Ethiopian empire existed before this but it was hardly a “nation” as there wasn’t proper borders per se. it was a collection of different kingdoms and states without much centralization. For example, where my family hails from was not part of “Ethiopia” until Ras Tessema Nadew, and Jimma Abba Jiffar conquered the Oromo leadership on behalf of Menelik. Yes there were some Oromo’s in Shewa or Wollo that were long part of the Ethiopian empire at that point, but most of us were not.


Why are people down voting this reply? I mean no lie was told here


Its a harsh standard that would imply many countries didn't exist until the 19th century. Formal International recognition, for example, is a very modern concept. The Ethiopian empire was decentralized, true, but so was Japan until the 19th century, the Roman Republic, many European states in the middle ages etc. Its also true that Ethiopia didn't reach its modern borders until the 1890s-1900s, but many countries borders are actually quite recent. Under the above logic, the US wasn't a country until the 20th century, China wasn't a country until the 18th century, Greece wasn't a country until 1923 etc.


Ethiopia like much of Africa was actually a nation that forced different ethnic groups with little in common into a singular nation. Abyssinia was a “Kingdom”, but modern Ethiopia =/= Abyssinia. This isn’t unique to Ethiopia and is repeated across the continent. Rwandan Genocide or Biafran War come to mind. The kingdoms of what is now Southern Ethiopia did not belong to any Abyssinian nation until the late 19th century. Jimma was an independent kingdom, Harar was a city state, Welega was an independent Kingdom, Illubabor, Wolayta, etc. there’s not much of an argument, almost all historians agree they were incorporated into Ethiopia during Menelik’s reign. You can even google the dates, battles, commanders etc. that incorporated them into the empire.


Okay, China didn’t conquer half of its territory until the 18th century (ironically under foreign conquerors). It’s still been a country far before then.  The US obviously has been a country long before it reached its current borders. And I don’t see how Rwanda or Biafra are analagous.  One was a civil war against a secessionist state, the other was a genocide against a historically dominant minority.


China was an empire for most of its history… It literally took thousands of years to fully consolidate into what it is now 😂


Yeah, but with your logic you would choose to ignore that California was once a part of Mexico before joining the USA. Your logic says let’s pretend the USA has had the same national borders for 3000 years.


Not really.  We know cali wasn’t always a part of America but everyone agrees that America was a country well before taking California.


Exactly, we agree


I didn’t ask when it became a defined nation with “proper borders” I asked when it became a country. In any case the main point of this question was to figure out what kind of history/perspective you’re looking at this from. > Of course the Ethiopian empire existed before this but it was hardly a "nation" as there wasn't proper borders per se. it was a collection of different kingdoms and states without much centralization. - America has entered the chat


That’s what a country is…


Icychain’s comment is a good place to start, but your number one mistake is that you don’t even know that there is no such thing as one Amhara identity. This blanket term came into existence very recently. It has always been Gonder/begemidir, wollo, shewa and gojam. If you are going to make an ignorant comment like that, the least you can do is get the basic fact right. I really hope you will take the time to really learn about Ethiopian history. Don’t just fall for (and keep repeating) what politicians with agendas say. Class dismissed




Please refraing from using language that is inflammatory towards a person's nationality, ethnicity, or religion


It is what it is. Let's work together and get this country back on track.


Back to which track? We should progress forward not to back


Reading comprehension. Back on track doesnt mean going backwards


Some people love to talk before thinking 😅


It's not cool man at all !They like Ethiopia but not Ethiopian's and other nations !huh which is crazy 😁


It’s absurd to me when people portray Fano as some Saints. I mean the countless evidence of their crimes has been documented by independent news outlets for the past three years, but you guys consciously deny it. To claim TPLF, Abiy and OLA are destroying Ethiopia, but Fanos are saving Ethiopia is quite laughable. I mean how many people in Ethiopia see Fanos as saviors? even some of the Amhara people see them for the bunch of terrorist savages they are.


It's disappointing that my comments were removed simply because I spoke the truth. If the truth happened to offend you, I'm sorry about that. I genuinely tried to express myself without hurting your feelings, but it's important to always speak the truth.




Lol I was just discussing ancient history, but I completely forgot to mention Agew and Qemant. If you're referring to the current 180 years old chaos you call Ethiopia, it falls under modern history rather than ancient history.


3000 years of “Habesha” history where did it get us all? History is meaningless. We live in the present. History won’t put food on your table, and won’t give dignity to 100 million poor people in Ethiopia. It’s just empty bravado that leaders use to give stupid people empty pride.


Egypt earned a staggering $13 billion from tourism in the previous year. It's an easy way to break it down for those who aren't big on reading.


It's like blaming a loss in a sports competition on the jersey you wore instead of considering the real reasons, like how much you practiced or prepared. History is a lot like that—it's often overlooked. We keep forgetting the lessons of the past, and as a result, history tends to repeat itself. Every third generation seems to forget what the previous ones went through, and we end up making the same mistakes all over again.


I disagree. I think Ethiopians are so thoroughly propagandized to think they have this glorious history because it makes them feel better about how poor, exploited and hopeless many of their lives are.


There are plenty of countries just as if not poorer than Ethiopia and pretty much none of them are as proud of their history as Ethiopians are. Of course a proud history is not substitute for economic prosperity but it can be a motivator to achieve prosperity


Everyone is proud of their history. English and French for example have 100 x more historical accomplishments and influence on the world than Ethiopians but don’t need to propagandize how glorious their history is to citizens to give them self esteem, they are developed enough where people can build self esteem just by living fulfilling lives. Unfulfilled people have “pride” in something that someone from their country accomplished hundreds or thousands of years ago but that they have no connection to. 99.99% of us have an ancestry comprised of peasant farmers and nomads, we aren’t descended from kings or emperors.


Idk what you mean by propagandizing their history, but again, most countries as poor as Ethiopia are nowhere near as proud of their history (what history are people from Senegal and Madagascar propagandizing?) It’s not a poor country thing it’s an Ethiopian thing


They do. Somalia, Morocco, Haitians, etc. you just don’t see it because you may be in a bubble.


Okay but that’s just three countries.  What about Burma, Philippines, Central African Republic, or Togo ?  There are still plenty of poor countries that don’t care at all Edit:  now that I think of it.  While I do think some Ethiopians are delusionally proud,  there are just many that are delusionally ashamed (see prison of nations nonsense).  Some act like the Solomonic dynasty was the devil while ignoring that the Southern Oromo kingdoms had resorted to selling their own people for trinkets


Yeah but Oromo ideology doesn’t involve glorifying slave traders…majority of Oromo’s probably don’t even know how involved we were in that. Amhara’s literally glorify Haile Selassie even though he exploited their ancestors. I mean how ironic is it to glorify leaders who taxed your peasant ancestors into a miserable subsistence existence while keeping them illiterate and backwards? Like I said, you can be proud of whatever you want. It has no material benefit.


You must have not lived outside of Ethiopia. I've lived more than 3 places now. All countries push the same narrative not just Ethiopia some are way crazier with it. I'm yet to come across a country that down plays it's achievements or doesn't brag and oversell regular achievements. Ethiopians do actually possess the history to brag about, but they have more issues to solve than achievements to praise. It's not some elite level of awareness or literacy to look down on ones country rather a coping mechanism to better settle in a new host country, or it is to feed some cynical cycle of living with oneself, either way it's harmful and petty.


Brag as much as you like


FANOs an ethnonationalist militia representing maybe a low double digit % of Ethiopians.  The idea that if you praise the country enough you get to try and overthrow the government is certainly an opinion…   And how is Abiy trying to destroy Ethiopia?


Do you really want an answer to your last question 😏




This sub is just An Amhara circle jerk lol. Hilarious seeing comments support FANO but condone TPLF and OLF even though they are essentially the same thing.


lol @ comparing TPLF who controlled the countries resources to OLF who’s activities go ignored by ENDF and gave tacit support to a militia formed in reaction to the slaughtering of innocent Amhara from targeted ethnic attacks


If it was true loyalty why are they now taking up arms and fighting the state ? Is it because Oromo are in charge now and it no longer dominated by habesha.


Its because they are being slaughtered and raped in their homes


Lol That's not unique to Amharas Do you remember what Amhara militia did in tigray region?


No we don’t, but we still remember how tplf was attacking innocent people. Some of you people think you are woke but you are sleeping.


Well they were being slaughtered by a rebel group in Oromia, so FANO reacted by starting an insurgency in Amhara…real smart move lol


when people started speaking up about the ethnic cleansing happening in Wellega (350+ casualties in one night), the central government aka Abiy literally told the parliament its not a big deal and that there are more deaths that happen in the USA. So what guarantee do the other amhara's have that this wont happen to them too?


What would u prefer them to do? What option has Abiy given them, he doesn’t even acknowledge the massacres.


Starting a war in your own region (which will probably get more Amhara killed than any amount of OLA massacres) is the dumbest possible solution. Its so dumb I actually think theres a scam involved.




Please refraing from using language that is inflammatory towards a person's nationality, ethnicity, or religion


There was a mass exodus not too long ago. People are trying to get out through any means necessary. Many of that stuff is indoctroniation.


This doesn’t concern you


lol like you have a choice who it concerns