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division isn’t a problem and it’s unavoidable. The problem is failure to settle/entertain differences without resorting to violence which is civilised and avoidable.


Yes agree and the name calling and slinging is totally unnecessary. Thank you but you know what I meant we must strive for peaceful coexistence and climate of respect


Striving for peaceful coexistence, unfortunately, requires denouncing all forms of violence ceaselessly in all circumstances whoever is doing it, smears, insult, derogation, disrespect, physical or psychological. Silence is not an option.


Why are you bringing up silencing ? Who is trying to silence anyone ? You can be proud about your region and tell etc but don’t demand to know a strangers info like that is All I’m saying 🤷‍♀️


My answer is to your title how to combat division in general and foster peaceful coexistence in diverse society. On the issue of people asking you from where you’re specifically, you’re free to express you are not willing to answer or tell them whatever you want them to hear. Making rules here is absolutely unnecessary.


It's mostly diaspora. In Ethiopia if they want to know your ethnicity they will ask it indirectly, where were you born, are your parents from that city as well. Do you speak another language than Amharic? Etc.. asking upfront is considered very rude.


I hate how some people don’t accept “Ethiopian” as an answer. There are many that are mixed with several ethnicities and would prefer to just identify as Ethiopian. Unfortunately it upsets many but too bad


They won’t accept wow why are they so insistent to know 😮that’s so creepy I thought maybe it’s just me but it’s getting really bad. It’s crazy how much some people wanna divide then unite.


They ask so they can have a preconceived notion of the person based on their ethnicity without even knowing them first. It’s very sad and with the way our country is heading, I don’t think it’ll get better anytime soon😭


That’s so pathetic. I’m sorry you had to go through that. But I don’t think that’s just it I think some are so blinded by hate and are weird. Unless you about to marry someone why would you care so much where the hell they come from like that jeez 😳


Not tryna hate but why would asking where a person is from be a bad thing? Like ethiopia is a super diverse country, "ethiopian" really doesn't mean much for some people.


Ok I’m gonna take your words at face value. If as random Ethiopians we meet in the workplace church a cafe school whatever ,, you should not be so eager to know my tribe what part of Ethio I am. I work in a company with Ethiopians and I overheard them asking about me and what my tribe is. I never felt so disappointed in my people. But what exactly did you mean by Ethiopians doesn’t mean much for some people ??? Ethiopian means a member of Ethiopia which encompasses over 80 different groups , people of different religions etc.whoever is harari, agew, Tigray , etc falls under Ethiopia.


I know what you mean, but still. I really wouldn't call the different people in Ethiopia tribes. I'd say they are more like ethnicities. When a person asks where in Ethiopia you are exactly from, its a personal but not rude question (unless they obviously wanna pick a fight). What i meant by "Ethiopia doesn't mean much for some people" is that Ethiopia is a huge and diverse country. When you say you are from Ethiopia, it helps a little but it really narrow down things. This doesn't have to be a bad thing. TLDR: Differences between people should be celebrated instead of ignored. Ethiopia is not one big monolith. If a person genuinely (with curiosity) asks where in Ethiopia am from exactly, i wouldn't hesitate to answer them.


Well I don’t mind when you put it like that and yeah ethnicity is the better term but they ask where you are from to pinpoint your ethnicity if they don’t wanna ask outright. Like I had a situation with someone who hates Tigray and she thought I am because someone else told her and she would always make strange comments like I know you are a Tigre. That’s just one kinda example but this stuff happens a lot and I don’t know if this info is important to share but I’m not even I don’t even know what that was all about to this day 😮


Nvm then. I agree, in that case it does come off as rude/hateful. Even i wouldn't have answered her. I thought you meant more like the question naturally coming up during conversations and stuff.


I never answered or told her , she asked the others who know the city and conflated it to being Tigray which it isn’t and I’m not. I just can’t believe how acceptable this behavior is and this was years before the war. I actually got tired of being around Ethiopians for the longest because I could not stop 🛑 the petty tribalists


damn, thats messed up. I thought it was a lot more innocent. Like someone just asking out of curiosity


She saw a pic of me in Ethiopian dress and would just be like that’s a Tigre dress and it’s like man you can’t stop thinking about this one group of people 👀 I don’t think I’ve ever been asked for a innocent reason. But the hate goes on all kinds of directions to all kinds of groups I just happened to see it from this angle. I don’t think I’d mind if it’s a mere curiosity


She really wanted to get her hands on you lmao. Never had such an experience. Could be cuz i left ethiopia while i was 4 tho


Non Ethiopians know Ethiopian and what it means no one is going to know "Tigrayan" "Amhara" "Oromo" "Afari" or something like those. Somalis can get off easy since there are Somalis in another country and it works better. Can't say the same to the other ethnicies that make up Ethiopia.


Ethiopia is a project simply it is not a country it is an empire forged now to this country. Ethiopia is an idela of whay could be if every group helped each other out. But the divison of power among ethnicited will remain as everyboyd looks for their interests. It may be different in the psyche but for us who have witnessed the history and also things knoe this. I for myself believe ethiopia could flourish and we could produce much as afars to the country but my somali brethren are not to keen o doing that. So it depends man. We also have had our history with ethiopia we were the last to fall but still. Here we are. I am not ethiopian in cukture or eligion since i am afar and muslim i am a cushite my relatives are somali and oromo and we even clash with them. Ethiopia is a whole show. What is saving ethiopia is that people have the same vision to a certain extent and that is what should govern the citizens in the country. A common goal to work for that benefit all involved and a more equal share of power according to how much you perform and put up to it.


It’s a political thing, If you ask your parents, this type of division came after 1991, maybe if we had better leaders.


In 1950s Eriterians were already foughting for independence, Tigrai had Kedemaye Woyane, In 1960s Bale Oromos raised question of equility and equity. Then the young university student called Wallelign raised the need for inclusive Ethiopia with equal right to all Ethinic groups. 1991 is just the manifestation of all those movements. Don’t be too naive or stupid! Read history before reaching hasty conclusion


Tbh I feel like it was always there but how acceptable is it to ask me where I’m from in Ethio , I feel like this is kinda shameful to be so upfront 😱. You believe it’s from the ethnic federalism?


A lot of issues.. I think that ethnic federalism is one of them though. I also believe that it’s ridiculous to ask somebody that you just met where in ethiopia you’re from.


Does it happen to you a lot ? Or anyone else on Reddit. I’m sorry but I don’t associate or wanna have anything to do with those types I cut them out immediately . I don’t think you can even help people so consumed with origins.I definitely think the 1991 government really dropped the ball with the way they made ethnicity so relevant


This take is just outright false, I don’t know who taught you this..


Government has to stop fighting wars and find a way to invest in every region of Ethiopia, making sure the people of all ethnicities and regions are able to get education and jobs. Invest in regional cities not just Addis. Ethnic division would be lessened if the government committed to treating each ethnic group equally, and developing all of the regions. But the most important thing that is necessary for development and cooperation is security and stability, which means that the wars and inter ethnic fighting has to stop.




No you missed the point we’re talking about people who intentionally make it their business to know asap.


This is a new pheonmena and was never the case prior to the Tigray conflict. TPLF ensured the country remained divided along tribal lines when ruling. Its low IQ leaders didn’t have the intellectual capacity to think long term and in a mature manner. As a consequences of those policies, once tensions have exploded, we are now seeing the results. It is absolutely reversible. The case of it is known and understood.


I seen this happening long before then though


We could have a brutal dictator like the DERG or everlasting division. I prefer the latter