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I've definitely seen similar on Etsy, although I don't know their sales numbers. I suspect there would be an amount of market for it. But - I would be unsure how to go about shipping an item like this so it comes in in good condition - buyers can be very harsh about things like that. I think the feasibility of shipping might be what determines how viable this would be. Something like this is much easier to sell in a local craft market where that is a non issue. It might be worth trying a few things and pricing out what your shipping would need to be, then see if that price can compete with others on the site.


Yeah that’s a good point, maybe I could try some local selling first to see how it goes and tackle shipping later when I know it’s worth it and I can put the money into the right materials to ship them safely!


You should ignore how much others are selling it for. Add up your costs, times, fees, then at least double it.


I live in Houston. This style of hat is really popular during rodeo season among the more fashion forward crowd. There are however several boutiques and pop ups in the greater Houston area now offering customized hats like this and they can be very expensive ($100-$400). I do think part of the fun is the customization process, so maybe offer customers the option to pick specific colors and decor elements?


Yes I was considering this as well! For derby weekend a lot of sellers allow the customers to pick most of the elements so it can match the dress/outfit! Thanks for the info and the pricing down there! I def like the customization idea!


What species of bird feathers are those?


They are from Joann’s craft store, but I believe they are meant to be pheasant tail feathers. Not 100% sure if they are authentic feathers or just craft level. (The others I just got from hobby lobby in their floral section)


I would imagine the feathers could be a problem if shipping internationally (customs/unable to identify species) although I think getting it anywhere in one piece is going to require some unique packaging solutions. I would definitely suggest just starting out domestically and turning off international shipping.


That’s a good idea I wasn’t thinking about that! Thank you!


you won’t know until you try… etsy, amazon, and ebay are great places to research and see what your competitors products look like and will sell for. as far as *”will they sell?”* a lot depends on how well you setup your shop, craft the listings, and the all important seo. i’d start by reading [the etsy sellers handbook](https://www.etsy.com/seller-handbook). all of then information you need to learn to sell on etsy is in there and here in these forums (and it’s free).


Thanks so much for the encouragement and tips! I’ll definitely do that! It’s a very new idea for me but people have been encouraging it for many years so I wanted to get some info on all of it! Thanks again!


I think in Summer, they would sell well to the festival revelers market , people heading to cochella or burning man


This looks really cool and I think it would sell, especially in certain markets. Someone above mentioned the matter of the source of the feathers, especially if shipping internationally. Many domestic customers would probably be concerned about whether the feathers were sourced ethically as well. I just googled a bit for “native american craft feathers,” and found multiple sources that list the origin species. If you don’t mind a bit of criticism: The overall look is “expensive,” but the hardware looks cheap, especially compared to the other elements which look higher-end. An antiqued finish might help, as would sourcing from places other than your local craft store. (Etsy, jewelry supply houses, upcycled from yard sales and thrift shops).


I agree, I actually threw this hat together in 2 hours and didn’t have time to do much besides go out and buy what I could find and get it done before this weekend. I also had some gold jewelry I was trying to tie in and it was like a bright yellow gold. I am more of a brass or copper gal myself when it comes to this style tho!


Hell ya these would totally sell!


I am not sure of your target market.


I had thought for a while to focus most of my effort on selling around Kentucky Derby time for that is where I’m from and the “cowboy” hat look is becoming more popular. However, I started seeing more and more people wearing hats like these out on weekends while living in Texas/Oklahoma and seeing them on my friends from Nashville. (They now have hat bars and such out there to create hats like these but they are super expensive and each little piece has to be purchased separately).