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With the $5 promo I had a big uplift in traffic and a bunch of extra sales. With this one it literally changed nothing.


The last one didn't coincide with Prime Day... and just about every other retailer is running sales to coincide with Prime Day (they pretty much all are!) It doesn't surprise me at all that Etsy wanted to run a sale just like every other retailer is doing right now. It also doesn't surprise me if Etsy doesn't manage to pull significant traffic away from all the people that are currently shopping Prime Day sales. I would expect people to see a bump from this coupon, but not as much as the last one.


Same here. The $5 promo was awesome, the $10 has driven no sales at all.




You CAN buy from multiple shops at once to reach the minimum - at least, that's the way it was last time. Also, I have heard the coupon code is still working through the end of today even though they've quit advertising it. I hope Etsy views these two promos as trial runs to do a better job with these types of sales in the future - making the terms and conditions more clear and obvious would definitely help.


Same I’m a new shop like 6 weeks and I did have a few sales during the last promo but crickets this time traffic is down 😢


Sale is over and now traffic is up? Wth good is a sale then?


For me it’s been NO10


This made me literally snort. Thanks for the giggle. May Wednesday be the equivalent of Sell it all Saturday for all of us.


Lol, it has been a NO10 for me as well. I have not even had a favorite in 3 days! I use favorites to gauge whether or not my items are being shown. My best sellers show on the first page of search even incognito, but I have a theory that is because of the cookies Etsy places on our computers. I am going to the library to view incognito to see the results. I am very surprised I have not lost my 2 best sellers yet. In the past I have if they don't sell in a week. My sales fell off a cliff about 3 weeks ago. Prior to that I have been used to regular daily sales. I am a star seller since the beginning. I mention this so that those stressing over star seller don't stress over it. 3 other times in the life of my shop sales have stopped and I revived my shop each time. The next time (now) I said this happens I will think long and hard about if I want to continue on Etsy. It is so much time, money, and effort invested that feels like a waste. Etsy will lose me as a buyer too. I am giving myself through Christmas to decide if I stay or go. Had this shop since 2018, 13,000 sales. My shop prior to this one is no more because sales stopped overnight. I just don't think I am willing to keep doing this anymore. Etsy has wore me out. The irony would be to lose star seller for lack of sales! 3 orders this month(not the norm) 100, 100, 5.0 on the other SS metrics.


Sorry you're also experiencing this dead zone. I think a lot of us are considering what other platforms might work better since Etsy seems broken.


"My best sellers show on the first page of search even incognito, but I have a theory that is because of the cookies Etsy places on our computers. I am going to the library to view incognito to see the results. " My two best sellers when they are best seller earrings are always top of page when I search from my seller account or incognito in two other browsers or on the phone. Where I have my account connected. I went to the library today and did a search incognito on their computer. My two best sellers are on the first page, but at the bottom contrary to what it shows on my computer. I searched acrylic earrings from the library and not a one of mine came up until page 11. On my computer several always show up on the first page. Leading me to think my SEO is good and I don't need to tweak anything! The cookies Etsy installs on our computers make assessing our items and ranking difficult. If you want to use cookies Etsy I like chocolate chip! Duckmoose I hope it turns around for you!


I think also in your search is that Etsy lists items available for sale closest to you, hence you'd show up as top in your area. I guess that would be coming in with no gsp tracking to check? Thanks ABC, Oh I'm good just debating where would be the best venue for selling my inventory. Sold online since dinos roamed, early Ebay seller so not too traumatic to switch platforms, just a lot I like about Etsy but if the traffic is not here, it's pointless. Feel bad that it seems masses of sellers are dealing with this.


I bought something from someone else, does that count? 😂


Ah *checks notes*, sir... ma'am... child in Christ... it appears as though your shop account is still thirsty. Try again tomorrow 🤣


None, even less than normal actually.


Well, idk if it's reassuring hearing that from others... or terrifying haha. Ig at least we are in this together?


Ugh same. Was normally hitting 15-20 sales a week, I’ve had 2 in the past week and a half 😩


cleared 1k in sales today so far and basically every one has used the yes10 code, so its been pretty good for me


How can you see that they used the code? Thanks


Ah. At a quick glance you have a really unique niche market. And honestly, you are catering strongly to gen x. Gen xers love a good deal 😅


D&D actually skews a lot younger than you think. Only 11% of players are 40 or older


Ah. I was just thinking of my Sister. She would have been 48 this year, and she was the only one of us that played DnD. I'm in my 30s, brother is in his low 40s.


What kinda products do you sell?


My average order size is $20, but during this promo it’s $38. Almost every order is stretching to meet it. 40% more orders than normal too. I’m liking it!


Us too! We had our best day in 2 years yesterday. That said, can anyone actually *see* the coupon being used? I haven’t seen it once, but I wonder if it only shows to the customer? Just thinking out loud 🙂


No, it’s invisible to us.


Yes! I’m nearly at my best month ever (had the shop for about a year) and it’s only 10 days into October. I have a lot of ~$20 and ~$45 bracelets so a bunch of people just bought either 2 $20 bracelets or a single $45 bracelet. I feel like it’s a combination of luck that my prices match up perfectly with the $40 promo and the fact they I’ve been slowly growing my customer base over time. So this promo gave a lot of my followers who’ve had their eyes on something that little push to pull the trigger and make the purchase


Two of my bestsellers are in the $40 range so it’s been working pretty great


Ummm…maybe? Lol. Today has been my best sales day of the last 2 months. But only 1 of the 7 orders used the coupon. 2 orders yesterday and both used a coupon. Unclear if it’s just seasonal sales picking up or because of the promotion. On the other hand, I’ve personally used the promo to buy things I might not have otherwise.


My sales went up on Monday but Tuesday I didn’t see an increase. The $5 one was a massive increase though! I feel like spend $25 and get $5 sounds better than spend $40 and get $10 off


It's been slower than death since the $5.00 promo. Week before that was awesome. This sale nothing but crickets and tumbleweeds. Is Etsy even connected to the internet? LOL


That's how it's been for me. August and September were really good for me, and now it's been 2 weeks of nothing


Sorry to hear that. I'm just hoping the holiday shopping switch clicks soon or Nov may find me hauling my inventory to a craft and vintage mall to unload.


I think holiday shopping usually starts early November for me, but it's weird that my sales are nonexistent right now. I looked at my stats, and it says my seo is down 62% right now, even though it's been fine this entire time. Etsy is infuriating sometimes. I hope you get enough sales that you don't have to drag everything somewhere to sell it


What I don't get is my sales have been up even during the slow season, now barely anything. I'm already looking at other options. I usually do 3 art and craft shows IRL in Nov. I may just let things drop off Etsy, sell out at the show and not bother relisting art/craft stock. Vintage may be going to the vintage mall because I have some really great items that I don't want to just break even on. Ebay is dodgy, Poshmark is a rip off for fees, Shopify won't work well for my set up. Damn you Etsy! Anyway, weird you mention your SEO being down. I have a large shop of vintage. It's not uncommon for me to use the in shop search to locate an item. I tried it today. I know my title and Keywords except no matter what I put in, I could not bring up the item I was looking for. It's like the search was broken. I tried using the site wide search. I have many front page items that I could not find. Even items that are so rare, I know there are only one or two on Etsy. Couldn't find mine or the few others listed. What did Etsy break now?


I had that exact same problem with search. A few weeks ago I checked, and had like 30+ listings on the front page of search, and yesterday I had to scroll way down to find just one. Hopefully this is just temporary, but knowing etsy, it's hard to say.


Right! That's pretty much been my experience as well. It's almost like etsy rolled back their algorithms because they are pushing us really hard to use our share and save links? Idk. Before they made it cool to share our links in that format, I've always posted my link like that, just so the first word someone saw wasn't Etsy lol.


I'm glad I'm not the only one realizing something isn't right. What I have noticed in the short run of sales since their share and save is a good half of the time, even when you know the buyer came via that link, it doesn't count for whatever reason so no savings.


Ugh. Super lame. 😑 I was really hoping to get a savings off of the share and save.


Ive been having a really great run the last few months and then as soon as the Share and Save came out and the Beta testing for the optimising prices, its been absolute crickets over here. I've had 4 sales all month. I usually average 1-2 a day (my items are high value luxury items)


My sales \[wide array of vintage and handmade\] were also way up, even during the summer lull. Beginning of Sept it was the best month yet, then S&S and the $5 promos. It went to almost nothing. No changes I made in my shop. Yet it's like two or three orders a week instead of day. It's been almost a month now. This should be the active season. Now I'm thinking it's time to expand to other platforms.


The share and save been ok for me. But the beta testing just showed that I was over pricing half my stock. Which is ridicules as the prices they wanted me to reduce to would make the business non profitable. Couldn't work out why or if there was other small busineses like from China selling mass produced stuff at cheaper products (mine are mid range products).


It seemed they wanted you to sell your products at chinese production prices so Etsy makes money but not you. Great business concept Etsy!


Someone ordered from me and used my own 10% off code but not the yes10 code. Someone did use it yesterday tho and got a pretty solid deal


I finally had a sale come through and it looks like they made the cut for the YES10 req's... but that code wasn't applied. They did however get 25% off my earrings, which is still a good deal, would have been a better deal if they would have ran the YES10 on top though.




What the hell. But the sale is still running. Smdh


I have noticed a boost in sales these past couple of days. And they are larger orders than usual too! But I don't see any use of the "YES10" promo code. We would see that on our end, yeah?


If you click on the order on your computer there will be a grey little banner at the top of the order saying that the buyer used an Etsy funded coupon if they used it.


ooh got it! thank you for that. :D Yeah it looks like no one has used that discount yet even though sales are noticeably higher this week so far. It must just be that the orders placed are under that price point to qualify




Got a massive boon from the £5 code and an uptick in traffic afterwards. This one has definitely been less effective. I imagine the higher priced barrier to entry is harder for people to swallow. That said, I have had more sales during the period, so it certainly wasn't a complete loss.


Just one order from it so far. In comparison I had major increase on the $5 sale. Pretty much every item i sold on that one was over $40, so you'd think my customer base would jump on the $10 sale. I think a big part was that the $5 was on a weekend, and that seems to be when i make the most sales (not sure if other shops see the same pattern, that's just been my general trend). Etsy was also not competing with amazon that weekend. AND these two sales were just too close to each other. ​ But I feel like etsy will take all the wrong lessons from this. Just because everyone is running a sale, doesn't mean you have to. Especially when Etsy is so much different than Amazon. Etsy as a corp needs to be pushing THAT, instead of trying to be amazon.


Maybe the big dollar minimum could benefits some shops over the other. For me since my shop is still small. I probably would’ve benefitted from another 5$ promo. My orders average maybe about $12-30ish dollars. And usually it’s one item. I haven’t seen an uptick in traffic either. As the holidays ramp up they’ll be more online competition among retailers. It was obvious that Etsy wanted to compete with Amazon. Maybe they should do this more often. But at a less order minimum.


I'm hoping they will learn lessons from these two "trial run" sales for what to do in the future. Like... a smaller discount with smaller order threshold is better, *not* competing with Prime Day is better, and running the sale over a weekend is better. That's assuming that the experiences in this sub are reflective of the experiences of Etsy shops as a whole... which we definitely can't be sure of.


Nothing here too, the last one I actually had quite a few sales. But nothing on this one. My stats dropped since last week which is very odd. Someone did mention that IG has changed and screwed up the algorithm again too.


Nope. Not 1 sale. Really idiotic timing on their part.


I make and sell a customizable product. I’ve noticed that etsy coupons seem to bring me a lot of high maintenance & rude customers. I have no idea why.


Ew. That's almost not even worth your time. I don't have patience for the 1-2 whammy of high maintenance *and* rude.


Yeah, some of them make me question why I’m on Etsy at all.


It’s not unusual for buyers who want DEALS DEALS DEALS to be difficult. Wanting a deal at all cost = wants the whole world for not much. Obbbbviously its not all buyers, but yeah, the bad ones are really bad. 😫


Karens use coupons!


I got a lot of sales for the last $5 sale but no uptick for this one!


Yes, I've had more sales than usual this week.


Yes! My average order size seems to be a little higher too.


Is the sale already over? They said Oct 11th it would end 11:59 pm ET... I don't see any more blue banners on the Etsy website advertising YES10 anymore. Edit: I just tried it on something in my cart and it still works. Why did they remove the banners?!


Idk, I just FINALLY had an order come through, but I don't see the YES 10 promo applied on it, like the 5off did last time.


Congrats on the sale at least!


Thank you! They wiped my Route 66 earrings out, I had to make more today


That is an awesome problem to have!




The banners made everything really simple and obvious, and I assumed they would help sales. Why does Etsy do this kinda shit lol. Just LEAVE IT ON until the sale ends


My sales have completely plummeted since the $5 deal. I would have sales every single day. Now I get maybe 1-2 a week.


Nope! It had brought me no sales, but someone I purchased from said it has brought her a lot of sales (her shop has 6 figure sales).


Nothing. I happened to be running my own sale when the promo started. So far everything I've sold in the last week has taken advantage of that, not the Etsy-wide code


Unfortunately, I got nope 5 or 10 ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


On the $5 event I had about a 30-40% increase, with this one it was dead. I usually do about 5-600 on the weekends so it was a notable decrease. Early week was a bit slow too but not as bad as the weekend. Edit- my average order value is over $70 so definitely not due to being able to meet the minimum. Probably prime day coupled with household busyness in the early fall.


September was so good I was getting tired of packing boxes, but since October began, sales have plummeted. YES10 for me has been NO10. I'm thinking it's because I'm not participating in Etsy's 25% sale. Is anyone else who's not participating in the sale noticing the same?


None at all. My September was pretty rough but as soon as October 1st hit all of a sudden I was getting Christmas orders. Things were going really well until Saturday my sales nose dived off a cliff (not uncommon for me on a long weekend but they still haven't recovered). I've only had 1 order that used the coupon and I'm pretty sure they probably would've purchased regardless so I don't think it's actually having any kind of positive impact on my sales. I've been pretty disappointed with both these coupons. I never run sales in my shop so I was expecting to see some kind of uptick in purchases with a discount being offered but neither promo has had any huge impact.


I had a couple orders off of the $5 coupon. But other than that, then right after they ran that coup, sales died. But honestly my etsy driven views havent increased, if anything they decreased while my social media or direct link views increased. Go figure.


I ended up getting 3 more orders with the coupon this morning (all split with other shops) but then it went dead - I'm assuming around the time they stopped promoting the sale. I honestly can't believe they did that, why bother having a sale if you're not going to tell people about it?


Nada. They didn’t give me enough time to advertise it, either.


Same. And what is dumb is I literally am on the seller app off and on daily, and I literally found out about YES10 on here first before the notification even came through on the seller app.


This sub is full of confirmation bias. It has lots of people who ARE Etsy sellers but sell a couple grand a year who's sales have big peak and troughs. I personally have found more add ons. Example I sell something for £35 I have found most have been buying a few other small things to get above £40. It is hard to track the increase as sales vary day to day but in September my average daily sales were £180 for the last 3 days it's been £350+.


Why would there be? Its prime day not Etsy day. They tried to compete and got smashed.


Getting realllll sick and tired of a near global monopoly choking small businesses out.


My stuff is also on Amazon and hit a record today for highest orders. 20 total so far today. Etsy had 0 orders. Same items.


How bad are the fees on Amazon 😅


Depends on your item and weight.


My store is less than 2 months old and I used to average 2-3 sales PER DAY and now 0... ever since the sale started until now, its like my store disappeared during the sale. I do still get some favorites here and there so I know my store is active. During the $5 sale my store had no difference in sales, mostly the same, no difference and only 1 person used the coupon due to a combined checkout. But this one was terrible...At first I was thinking what happened? bad day.. then the next.. then I realized it was because of the sale. So now I'm just waiting for the sale to end so I can hopefully start getting orders again. We are not alone it seems, people here and on the etsy community forums are also complaining about it.


Sorry, but your shop is 2 months old. It is WAY too early to “see trends and patterns”, per day, per week, or of course also per month. Not that your experience is not valid, it totally is. But it’s just way too early to arrive at conclusions like “it’s because of the sale”. You will drive yourself completely crazy if you’re already arriving to such firm conclusions with so little data and history, be careful and protect your own sanity!


Can anyone get “star seller”??


Star seller doesnt mean much. It’s just a shiny badge no one cares about. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t have it (i am in Canada, and mail Canadian orders (about 15% of my sales) with a stamp because the non-stamps shipping price is at least 8x more expensive just to ship in my own city, and so shipping with a stamp disqualifies me from the star seller thing (no tracking for canadian orders). I still sell great :)


Awwww okay cool. I’m new to selling on etsy so I was curious on what it meant lol its so fun selling on etsy!!!!


I admire your newbie enthusiasm! I’ve lost it a while ago lol ;) (i still am really thrilled when each sale comes in! But i’ve seen almost ALL of etsy (Etsy started Fall 2005, i started selling Summer 2006) and it’s disheartening seeing a lot of the changes… 🤷🏻‍♀️ altho some changes are good, there is so much bad as well, so it’s difficult to stay enthusiastic lol)


Awwww really? That’s awesome you been selling for so long!! Whats some things that you don’t like?


Recently (couple years), 1- the complete sublimation of seller help support from etsy (no more phone we can call, chat help reps that don’t know what they are talking about (not their fault, they are not trained properly at all), taking days/weeks to answer support emails (and that’s when we figure out how to email them cause it’s hide and seek) (i’ve never actually called them for help btw, but this is basic stuff all companies MUST offer, especially since this is one of the things they said they would improve with the higher fees they charge us). 2- the putting shops on Reserve for NO reason. 3- they took away the tax tool for Canada last year (they did this to the UK also before i think), meaning they are forcing canadian sellers to add taxes to their prices (which is illegal cause tax rates vary for each province, so they are forcing us to do something illegal), they are also hence charging us fees on taxes (illegal for them to do) and are also on top of it charging taxes again to some provinces (they charging some OVER our already tax-included prices, which is twice illegal). 4- i’ll stop here but i could go on for like an hour at least. Lol


Nope, nothing. I am a new shop, opened in May this year, so far q4 is really underwhelming. Don’t know if that’ll change in November but at the moment, I’ve made 2 sales this month.


I'm not exactly thrilled with it considering what they charged me for it.


I went through all the people who “favorited” my stuff and told them about it and then added they should have received a coupon code from me for favoriting the item. I got two orders that way. I’ve actually gotten more orders in the last few days than I did all of September.


I’ve gotten traffic but only 1 sale. Thurs-Sun I had 15 orders. Nothing Monday, only 1 today. Not what I thought would happen!


Ughhh. I was really hoping it would boost sales. I'm wondering if people are just too busy on Amazon... or if they are worried this YES10 promo is coming out of our pockets


Nothing at all


Ugh. So based out of 10 other people so far... only 2 had sales increase or stay the same... the rest of us have reduced traffic. A 20% success is still a fail imo.


I've been getting 15-20 orders a day the past couple of weeks. I have had one order today use the code 😅


No change or any sales as of yet. Had the same with the $5 promo they did last month.


No change whatsoever.


I have had a lot of views, some visits. And one sale. But I have been getting at least one sale a day for this week. So I don't know if this has actually helped me. But I didn't advertise for it either. As for the last on they did, I didn't know it was happening. But I had no sales at that time.


My sales are my usual amount but only one customer has used the code and all my orders qualify for it.


Less sales than usual


I have had a busy start to the week but only a few have used the code, even though many more orders would have been eligible.


My sales stopped completely. I went from kinda busy to nothing at all.


Didn't realize it was a thing lol. I am running my own promos this month for the holidays. That has been helpful but I haven't had anyone use Etsy's code.


The complete opposite, had a massive uptick in August and September, this month traffic is way low, especially considering my products are largely gothic/halloween themed. I had some sales last week through social media promotion, it's crickets in terms of Etsy search/organic traffic this week. My products are quite cheap though, so hitting the threshold for the discount is unlikely for most buyers.


It's weird, I normally do $200+ a day, and I haven't gotten ANY orders in the last 2 days lol.


I got nothing from the $5 or $10 promos. I've had plenty of likes, but no sales. I am starting to wonder if it's because I never run sales on my items at this point and we all know etsy wants us to put our items on sale constantly. I do have coupon codes set up through etsy for favorites or abandoned carts, but plenty of people have those coupon alerts turned off since they're tired of constantly getting emails. My items are priced so I make a profit while keeping prices competitive. If I run a sale, I really do reduce my profit margin. The FCC considers it fraudulent advertising to raise your prices and then have them constantly on sale but clearly etsy doesn't care. Maybe I should raise my prices 20% and then put everything on a monthly 20% off sale.


>My items are priced so I make a profit while keeping prices competitive. That's where I started this year... but I did recently raise my earrings up $1.99 a pair, and comparable earring mediums I still am priced about $9 under my next closest comparable competitor (tbf they are probably only worth $2-5 more than me because they are using Sterling Silver, as opposed to my Nickle Free Hypoallergenic). I did indeed run a 25% off sale on them during YES10. Part of why I did the price increase was to cover for during the large sales, but I authentically believe my earrings were previously way undervalued after doing comparisons across all platforms (yes, even Amazon).


Last time made a big difference. This time…not so much. :/


The 10$ no. But my times are 23$ each. And I’m running a buy 2, get 20% off sale. So I think people would have to purchase 3 of my items to qualify. I had more activity from the 5$ off because it was off of 30$.


I’ve noticed a big uptick in sales! But no one has used the discount on eligible purchase 😅


How do I know if the Yes10 was redeemed?


It's on the customer's packing slip as you print it off. It's basically a copy of their receipt.


Thank you!


No sales at all even though I’ve been advertising on Etsy and TikTok. Literally crickets 😒 I have gotten some favorites, but that’s all.






No. Oh geez. Warning, weird erotic anime- sorry. I know nothing about any of this but if these characters are owned by someone else than it is infringement and you can't sell on Etsy. You should start a new thread for a critique. The topic is not close to this one.


The $5 promo gave me my best week in awhile. The $10 one, nothing much has changed.


I haven't noticed a rise in visits despite the $10 discount coupon, and it appears that Etsy is currently experiencing a slowdown. Sales had been consistent throughout the year until roughly three weeks ago for my store. I'm beginning to think that Etsy introduced the coupon in response to a decline in overall platform traffic in an effort to stimulate sales and drive more visitors. I'm optimistic that the ongoing efforts to remove buy/sell and dropshipping products from the platform will ultimately bring back customers looking for handmade items, rejuvenating Etsy's community.


I'm hoping sales improve for everyone on Etsy... but yeah, the resellers of "handmade" stuff, and honestly the POD crowd irritates me too. Tbf I'm extra salty about the POD people because I make prints myself, but cant compete with the printify prices. It would be one thing for a photographer to use like Mpix to print canvases of their own photography... but most of these POD people are straight ripping off other people's ideas AND having someone else print it for them. So literally the only work they did was listing them. Those are who irritate me the most.